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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 504x345, 20090424fakeegg03-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13752661 No.13752661 [Reply] [Original]

There's a new egg in town.

>> No.13752680

Eggs are literally one of the cheapest foods available. Seems like the cost of producing a fake one would be more than just getting a regular fucking egg.

>> No.13752743


>> No.13752897

They sophisticated it, guys like you wouldn't even know.

>> No.13752940

what the fuck is wrong with china, there's probably fucking fake air being breathed

>> No.13752963
File: 192 KB, 1000x1080, three-quail-eggs-vector-1871467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try out quail eggs at a Brasilian chuchura, you can thank me later.

>> No.13752973

I think I got the spelling wrong

>> No.13753045

Boiled quail eggs go with basically everything.
I personally use them in salads or with cold cuts.

>> No.13753051

Why wouldn't they just take a picture of 3 eggs instead of photoshop one egg 3 timse?

>> No.13753162

It looks like a drawing, not a photograph of an actual egg.

>> No.13754086

Video is from 2009, morons.

>> No.13754130

Got me on that one, that's a question that I dont have an answer to. I gotta reseach that one.

>> No.13754138


>> No.13754150

Heck yeah, the only place I ever see them is in Brasilian restaurants, I never see quail eggs in markets. I think people here in America are freaked out over them.

>> No.13754155

they sell quail eggs at every grocery store where I live they are kept with the salmon roe

>> No.13754156

What can I do with canned quail eggs? Considering adding them to my pantry.

>> No.13754164

Where is that? I suspect not in the US, east coast.

>> No.13754166

ewwwwww, not canned get them at a Brasilian joint.

>> No.13754189

oregon you can get Quail eggs on craislist for like .25 cents too

>> No.13754202

Oregon, that's cool. I've never been there myself but buying eggs on craigslist seems pretty dodgy.

>> No.13754207

They have quail eggs at my local asian mart, Masshole here.

>> No.13754217

Really anything from craigslist these days is sketchy and dodgy and who knows what else.

>> No.13754221

All the quail and quail eggs i buy from craigslist are fine

>> No.13754225

Next time I'm in NYC I'll check around, but then I could just go to a Brasilian restaurant, of course I'd need a cute girl with me. That's the thing, get a cute girl that speaks Portuguese and you get the best stuff in Brasilian places.

>> No.13754276

A thing that I've found over time is to ask at an embassy or consulate or just Brasilian friends. It never hurts to ask. I've found some really cool things just by asking at embassies and consulates, they like when people ask, you can informed.

>> No.13754295

The Brasilian Portuguese vernacular helps too.

>> No.13754396

Farmers are advertising on Craigslist. It's not like you're doing back alley deals behind an abortion clinic.

>> No.13755809

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.13755850

Fuck off...I loved those dishes growing up. Go live in Vancouver you fucking banana pos.

>> No.13756103

Fuck the Chinese, seriously. What a disgusting, offputting culture centered around greed, cheating, selfishness and materialism.

>> No.13756110

Just eat them

>> No.13756123

We never should have given it back to China.

>> No.13756317

its amazing, reading that just goes to show how having your time be paid almost nothing will make you find alternatives. if these people had proper minimum wage laws in china, they wouldn't resort to spending so much fucking time making fake eggs

>> No.13756327

>I loved eating literal trash growing up