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13754177 No.13754177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do flyovers douse all their food in sugar sauce?

>> No.13754190

Imagine actually not living on the west or east coast.

Life would be suffering

>> No.13754191

You haven’t seen how bad flyover condiment aisles have gotten

>> No.13754193

I dunno but avoid all Kraft brand products on principle

>> No.13754195
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>> No.13754199

I live on the west coast and think this word is pretty insufferable

>> No.13754266

Yeah but imagine how much worse it would be if you lived in like 40 other states lmao

>> No.13754270

the thought of this is making me salivate uncontrollably. what the fuck does it actually taste like, though? i'm imagining it as kind of salty, almost like a gose, and going really well with actual bbq...

>> No.13754279

cause you metropolitans feed them garbage maybe?

>> No.13754283

It’s BBQ sauce with beer for flavoring, you crack the tab and pour it over your steak. You thought it was bbq sauce flavored beer? Are you americans...

>> No.13754501

When you were little, did you imagine you would be a shitty spam poster on 4 chan?

>> No.13754608

Because it tastes good. Cope, fag.

>> No.13754723

t. fatass

>> No.13754728

how do i get a flyover gf?

>> No.13754729

Flyovers are allergic to fresh ingredients so they have to smother everything in diabeterrhea for it to be edible.

>> No.13754761

Buy a lifted F-150 and knock her up so that her parents force her to marry you

>> No.13754770

sign me up if the wedding is going to look anything like this

>> No.13754873

Most normie Americans are literally addicted to sugar

>> No.13754884


>> No.13754992

Hey now, making fun of BBQ sauce is racist against black people

>> No.13755073

That word is the most useless one in the dictionary.

>> No.13755151

Umm, because it's America?
Where food only sells IF it is slathered in either sugar or hot sauce.

>> No.13755163

I'm a big-city coastie myself and I hate you "flyovers bad" niggers with an unbelievable passion. Everything you say is a depressing "b-but what about the exotic food?" copepost secretly weeping about having to live around thousands and thousands of the world's worst subhumans.

>> No.13755180

Also, American beer tastes like swill water.
I've been to the US 5 times over the last 20 years and have drank the crap that they have on tap, between CA, NV, TX, LA, AL, WV, SC, NC, DE, MA, NY and NH.
It is the same light beer, that has no real taste and in fact tastes like the bar owner waters it down to increase their profit margin.
Absolute swill.....

>> No.13755185

Sure thing, retard. Name five brands of American beer you drank.

>> No.13755222

Stop ordering light beer you tremendous faggot.

>> No.13755229
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Then stop ordering the cheapest light beer on tap. You wouldn't do it in your (((home country))), then why do it here?