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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13749388 No.13749388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>staff starts recognising you and saying "the usual?"

>> No.13749402

this is already in the catalog, go fuck yourself

>> No.13749405
File: 54 KB, 489x395, 1569372050178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a place regularly for lunch
>staff starts trying to have conversations with you
>go to another place so you can just order and not have to interact with someone

>> No.13749406

Wagie here, I do this.

>> No.13749420
File: 24 KB, 471x388, 1582174562185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing in line at fast food place
>the same people come to eat lunch on their break every week
>notice the same trouble makers
>see some guy try and exert himself over the wagies at mcdonalds because he himself is a wagie somewhere else
>have to watch people expecting top tier service from mcdonalds cause delays every time I want to order

>> No.13749446

All the liqour stores on my side of town know me and all the clerks will chat me up when I come in to buy my 2 handles of Taaka vodka for the week. It's comfy actually.

>> No.13749468
File: 178 KB, 500x283, 7831D1BB-FC17-41EE-B5E5-4DF4E684BBF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work at sweetgreen.

If I notice you order the same fucking custom salad every fucking shift I work for the past year, of course I’m going to remember you and your order. For some customers I automatically reach for the ingredients without even asking first. And they always seem happy about it.

This is good customer service. Plus most normal people would rather be in and out of the restaurant as fast as possible to savor the rest of their 30 minute lunch break, so having employees remember their order and prepare it quickly without them having to recite every last ingredient each day is a good thing. You’d have to be extremely autistic to be shy about strangers recognizing you and offering friendly, helpful interactions, unless of course this is McDonald’s and your order is a large Big Mac Meal with a Large chocolate shake and two apple pies on the side. In that case, lose weight fatty.

>> No.13749470

Same here. I don't even feel embarrassed buying my 2 handles/week and they are cool about it. We good naturedly banter a bit and such. Pretty comfy.

>> No.13749475

Didn’t mean to reply to that anon, btw

>> No.13749478

This and variations thereof get posted twice a month

>> No.13749490

What a blessing it is not be an autistic retard like >>13749405

>> No.13749535
File: 345 KB, 1014x1035, GutsCrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only restaurant i go to is a family business run by cool malaysians
>the two dudes are easy to talk to even for me
>the mother is really nice
>the daughter is gorgeous i'm in love with her bros i love her smell and mannerisms and eyes bros i think about her all day long i jack off thinking about fucking her

she has a boyfriend of course

>> No.13749546

You Will get cirrhosis, have your enzymes checked

>> No.13749629

Being a genuine alcoholic makes caring kind of hard unless you're DTing.
Doc already told me my liver is in trouble. That was half a year ago. I'm fully aware i'm killing myself.

>> No.13749631

>I jack off thinking about her everyday and sniff her
Dude nice

>> No.13749636

Kill the boyfriend. Be her shoulder to cry on. Marry her asap and put a dozen babies in her belly. Thank me later.

>> No.13749644

if i had any advice, it would be to kill yourself

>> No.13749673

The man capable of giving me feels on a food board.

>> No.13749796
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>be fat ugly
>be going to the same mcdonalds for years
>cute girl starts working there
>have short conversations with her a lot
>at different times tells me when her shift ends, that she likes coffee, what bands are playing
>pull up to drive through one day
>can I take your order?
>yeah can I get a large size number 1 with a coke no ice?
>feel my pockets start to become moist
>no, you can't.
>spaghetti wells out of my pockets
>uh, I uh...
>I'm just kidding hehe, $6.52, pull on up
>it's her, she greets me by name
>spaghetti is literally falling out of my pockets in clumps
>hand her credit card wordlessly with a tense smile
>I was just kidding anon, I'm sorry
>i-it's ok
>never go to that mcdonald's again

>> No.13749802
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>be regular
>normal waitress goes out of her way to be physically affectionate, calls me by name, and always puts hearts on the receipt whenever i go there with a woman
>never does this with anyone else, or when it's just me alone
I don't get it.

>> No.13749807

Jesus dude.

>> No.13749813

>no you can't
Fuck dude

>> No.13749818

I don't believe you. I don't want to.

>> No.13749830
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why are we like this bros

>> No.13749839

What the fuck are you even supposed to say in that situation

>> No.13749857

If you're Chad/she likes you, something along the lines of
>well, damn. When do you get off? We can go get something else instead.

>> No.13749867

>says she likes coffee and tells you what concerts she is interested in seeing while also letting you know when she is available
Shoot up the store.

>> No.13749991

>go to Rite-Aid daily to buy 12 pack of beer
>know every employee by name
>start seeing them all over town
>ask manager for a job
>"awesome, you would be perfect, take this paper and fill out the form online"
>am stupid
>answer honestly about smoking weed erryday
>manager starts to ignore me and blames computer
>new employees
>new cute girls always flirt and start a conversation while there is a line
>fat sperg comes over to try to act cool by knowing me in front of her
>"still working on your fantasy role playing game there, buddy?"
>seen more employees come and go than actual employees
>stupid wagies never put cold beer on rack
>they get mad when i ask them to get the beer out the back cause i can see it
>do it myself
>no one says anything

>> No.13749999

Can't handle the bants. Kek.

>> No.13750006

This happened to me when I was attending night college (i dropped out eventually due to depression). I went to Schlotskys every night

>> No.13750028

>be white
>go to jap restaurant for take out
>walk in
>everyone sitting on the ground
>elbow to elbow, no room at all
>some guy making sushi screams at me
>waiter bows to me
>"uhhh, i called in... i mean i placed an order... for curry noodles?"
>she nods in excitement
>"follow me"
>shift my feet behind her, while compressing myself as much as possible
>takes me to kitchen door
>tells me to stand in doorway
>block like 6 waiters trying to get food out
>nobody is making eye contact with me or speaking english, just shouting as they shift by me
>finally 6 and a 1/2 foot white guy comes out of the bathroom
>he looks at me with one wide eye blocking the tiny door
>look at him helplessly and confused
>"im the manager, can I help you?"
>"yes! Please! I have a pickup order"
>"oh okay, one second"
>talks jap with some tiny waitress
>she comes over, takes my money, and hands me the bag thats been sitting next to the cash register for 10 minutes
>looks at me in silence
>i hunch over and say "okay, haha... thanks?"
>was best noodles ive ever had
>never go back

>> No.13750034
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>> No.13750061
File: 1.42 MB, 1208x1061, 1487019511584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fat as shit
>always ordered two lunch specials worth of food whenever I went to this donut place with a grill/fryer in the back
>wasn't treated as a regular because it was run by spics and if you didnt know their language you werent worth socializing with despite how often I would visit
>ween off fried food and soda and start exercising and eating less
>frequent another jap/thai fusion place
>they know my face by the 5th visit
>would always ask where I've been if I miss a week or two
>automatically knows to replace white rice with brown and sometimes give me diet soda for free
It's a comforting thing when people who don't even know your name know more about your tastes and care about you than people who do

>> No.13750095

>go to dominoes
>its busy
>my full name is on top of the screen
>says ready for pickup
>phone goes off
>weeb friend set this as his ringer for his contact like 4 years ago
>press silence button through my pants
>everyone giggles
>guy sitting at table looks at me, hiding his smile with his hand and shaking his head
>feel face about to explode from blood
>get pizza
>never go back
>never respond to call

>> No.13750136

that's not even bad lad

>> No.13750150

>Work at coffee shop years ago
>rude ass autistic shit fuck comes in daily
>can't fuck with his drink, can't be explicitly rude
>just interrupt him with his yesterdays order or smile broadly and ask if he wants the usual
>too autistic to correct me
Hope you enjoyed decaf, cunt. It's impolite to scream at people for asking how your day going.

>> No.13750158

Why did you let your friend change a ringtone on your phone that you could've fixed at any time

>> No.13750165
File: 554 KB, 1053x797, seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its impolite to ask if you don't actually care
otherwise just say "hello, what would you like?"

>> No.13750173

>It's a comforting thing when people who don't even know your name know more about your tastes and care about you than people who do
disagree. stop injecting yourself into my life, just let me pay and leave in silence

>> No.13750194

he did it in highschool, never bothered to change it cause he never called me, and we never hung out, only texted me to play LoL for like two weeks

>> No.13750218

If it’s not fast food, don’t worry. It’s fun to have rapport with an establishment.

>> No.13750321

>go to greek place a couple times a week for lunch
>they're all shady as fuck and and don't ever talk to me
>I've been there so many times all I have to do is walk in and hand them the money without saying a word
It's pretty comfy.

>> No.13750330

>go to thai restaurant once a week on a day i get off early
>cute waitress always there
>very friendly, has an obvious crush on me
>calls me honey and darling. drew a smiley face on my check
>too autistic to say anything
>too autistic to even really care
I kind of wish I was ugly so people would leave me alone.

>> No.13750352

Broooooooo :(

>> No.13750385

>go to same mcd's after work every day
>always order 2 mcdoubles and large drink
>sometimes don't use drive-thru because a bunch of minivans and Karens ordering custom dinners for her kids from 3 different dads
>use kiosk so don't have to speak with retarded teenagers
>ask for cup of drink while I wait from tiny short cute girl
>have to do this twice in a week
>in drive-thru as usual
>cutie taking payment, comments that I always order the same thing
>start getting nervous how she know ?
>asks if I'm a very shy guy
>trying to NOPE out of there just say "no not really"
>cutie does evil flirty smile, gives card back and comments "oh really, you just seem..."
>interrupt her "Why is flag half way down"
>she gets confused and says doesn't know, tells me to wait because she's going to ask.
>hear her asking someone and sperg the fuck out and move onto next window
>take my food and take alternate route so I don't have to look at her window again
>never see her working there again
>good riddance nosy bitch
>now comfy being ignored again
Seriously I don't want to conversate with those stupid kids I just want them all replaced with robots. I'm comfortable i my misery don't try to "help"or be friendly it's perfunctory.

>> No.13750392

If I was born about ten years later I would be exactly like this. I'm thankful I was born before the internet and was forced to have social interaction with other people. My condolences to you all.

>> No.13750407

She's helping you out fool. sorta showing herself as competition to your dates making you seem more desirable

>> No.13750409

She wants a better tip.

>> No.13750424
File: 18 KB, 240x280, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw worked fast food for years
>highlight of my day was fucking with spergs like this guy

>> No.13750455

>>start getting nervous how she know ?
>>asks if I'm a very shy guy
>>trying to NOPE out of there just say "no not really"
>>cutie does evil flirty smile, gives card back and comments "oh really, you just seem..."
>>interrupt her "Why is flag half way down"
Fuck I haven't laughed this hard at anything in a while. The fucking flag out of nowhere was the end.

>> No.13750466

How would you fuck with spergs like me ? I'm just tired from work, and don't eat anything all day. I just want to relax with my meal and audiobook / podcast, rather than rage at the fact I'm stuck in traffic and a while from home. Why would you want to fuck with me ? I order the same simple thing to make it easier for everyone I don't understand you.

>> No.13750488

I knew why the flags were down. I'm just fat and ugly like the other anon so I know she was probably just trying to mess with me or something. That's why I just took off as soon as I saw the opportunity.

>> No.13750542

>hate people knowing who I am
>have dropped from obese weight to a little under the average weight for a young person in my state
>now that I have a more unnoticeable body I'm beginning to consider buying many different kinds of clothes, face makeup, colored contacts, and wigs so I can go out looking like a different person every day
Is there actually a flaw in my plan?

>> No.13750605

dangerously based

>> No.13750607

Some guy was doing that to me, and the old mexican manager lady saw him and gave him a shoulder slap and goes "NO DO THAT. DON'T YOU SEE? DON'T YOU SEE?"
They never did it again. Bless that lady.

>> No.13751041

t. always makes the same order

It's not the staff or the frequency you go there. Why not try something new?

>> No.13751051

It is pretty weird that they can't spot a person who wants to be treated indifferently. It can't be that hard to observe when a person avoids eye contact and smalltalk. Their entire living revolves around social skills, but they lack basic empathy 100% of the time.

>> No.13751094

This happens to me, but there's only the on liquor store that stocks the kind of liquor that I like (it's a specific cheap vodka). I go in once a day usually.
Normally it's just a "hey boss, how's it going", but lately they've been asking way to many uncomfortable questions.
It got to the point where I've started alternating with my gf to go in, and she got really uncomfortable when they just pulled the usual off the shelf without her asking.

>> No.13751102

Give those cunts hell

>> No.13751110

ITT: /r9k/

>> No.13751117

how do you have gf those are for normalfags

>> No.13751152

>How would you fuck with spergs like me ?
He just did

>> No.13751165

See what

>> No.13751177
File: 71 KB, 1280x718, pokemon-anime-scorbunny-1200127-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDonald's worker says "welcome back"
>thanks you for your repeat business

>> No.13751191

Take the tingtingpill, anon.

>> No.13751228

That he looked like he was about to go Columbine on the restaurant if anyone tried to socialize with him.

>> No.13751275

Your voice, how do you plan to change that every single day?

>> No.13751288
File: 56 KB, 1080x807, EOgeKLbXkAAJbEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 7.5 inches and cum like a stallion, dickhead

>> No.13751298

>staff recognizes you
>calm down because this can only be a good thing
"welcome back"
>they put in my order without missing a beat
>they already have half of the order done by the time I'm finished paying
>I get my food before the 3 people ahead of me because they are just so used to making my food
>I'm out of the door and back to my apartment to watch anime, food as hot and fresh as possible

why do people complain about this
it's embarrassing that you eat fast food often?
embarrassing to who?
if you wanted to avoid embarrassing actions you'd stop posting on 4chan entirely, so surely that cannot be it.

>> No.13751350

>clerk stops asking me for my name
>my name still shows up on my tickets
time to stop going there i guess

>> No.13751371

>clerk begins punching in my order the moment they see me walk through the door
true story. i fucking hate living

>> No.13751374

>cute cashier asks for your number
>never go back to that store again
that was a close one

>> No.13751390

This except she's half Salvadoran, half Peruvian.

>> No.13751427


>> No.13751431
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this happened to me at the chick-fil-a next to work a few days ago. i walked up to the counter and some trainee was there, but before i could even say hi one of the supervisors came over, silently put my order in and walked away, which left the trainee really confused.

>> No.13751445

I stop going to olaces that recognize or even places that don't try to treat me as another customer, there's this one one time I regulat buying the same thing at a shop and the clerk made an rude comment saying 'wow that's really your favorite huh?', I was offended because I was minding my own business and never really socially interacted with them. Another one is at the local 7/11 where the clerks try to be friendly ny asking personal questions, I stopped going to the branch near because the two literal faggots I encountered creeped me out like asking where I work or where I live they were like 'yeah you're a regular here right? you live nearby, what do you do, where do you work?).

>> No.13751460

I also stopped going to a shop when the clerk made a comment about me ordering fast and clear while the boomer and zoomers kept customizing their orders, she's ugly though and older than me so I thought it kind of unnecessary, I stopped going there for a while.

>> No.13751462

I always go to mcd when quarterpounders or 20 piece nuggets are on sale and didn't realize the counter twink was hitting on me till recently. It started with him saying how amazing the burgers are he can make, that I'm getting more muscular and how he likes that. Just recently he asked me if I have a gf and that I seem to be more of a shy guy. He also punches in whatever is on sale. I'm actually diagnosed with aspergers, reading between lined is too hard most of the time, but he has been more and more direct about his flirting attempts. Pretty irritating retroactively.

>> No.13751464

as a clerk, I love making my customers feel uncomfortable.
>you know, we have other things on our menu

>woah, you actually like this shit?

>> No.13751487

I stop going to shops where the manager is visibly being a bitch to her cashiers but try to be nice to me, fake ass bitch. Sometimes cashiers assumes I would do somethingso they warn me in advance even though I won't do it, very offensive.

>> No.13751541

You mean retrospectively. Also you should fuck his boipussy.

>> No.13751553

>go to the same food places regularly
>everyone acting indifferent
>noone ever recognizes me
i wish i could have a fun conversation or chit chat with a clerk, why are you all so cold

>> No.13751588

My bad, I'm an ESL and gonna try to remember that for next time. I thought about it, but at the same time I can't flirt at all and would just embarass myself. He's is genuinely cute and I like his attitude tho. Not sure if I'm gay either.

>> No.13751648

>Not sure if I'm gay either.
There's only one way to find out, Anon.

>> No.13751741


>> No.13751779

So? Are you going to date her fucking boyfriend or what? Go in for the kill boy. Be the BVLL for once.

>> No.13751781

>at the local grocery store
>"You again, wow that's a lot of alcohol. Are you having a party?"

>> No.13751784

Thank you. Things like that make me feel less invisible on my bad days.

>> No.13751797

This is the kind of guy who then complains on image boards about being single

>> No.13751952

Why do you eat McDonald's if you're fat and unhappy about it?

>> No.13751961

>I was offended because I-
-smell and have a small pee pee.

>> No.13751992

Kinda feel this way about the Neoghborhood Walmart I live next to. I go there at least 4 times a week.

>> No.13752223

I don't get it.

I don't care if they know or recognize me, there are other employees that recognize me and don't try to enage me. Two mcDoubles doesn't take to long. I go there to get hamburgers not friends or conversations.

I'm not unhappy because I'm fat, and I'm not fat from two mcdoubles. I'm fat because of sedentary life and because I eat enough food for 3 people when I get home and snack mindlessly. Why I don't change ? Because as I said, I'm used to and comfortable with my misery, I'm finally at peace with it.

>> No.13752237

I got this at a liquor store. That's how I realised I was an alcoholic.

>> No.13752325
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>be alky
>buy the same stuff every time i go to grocery store
>i'm always sweating like crazy and my hands shake uncontrollably
>middle aged cashiers don't even look me in the eyes anymore
>every six months there are three new employees, usually students my age
>before i grew out my beard, hair and got the shakes, qts would try to talk to me
>noticed now most of the qts mishandle my cans of beer on purpose while regular cashiers handle them with care
>if i wake up too late and store is closed, have to go to liquor store
>paki clerk always asks me where i've been and if i'm okay
>i'm only in my early 20's

>> No.13752343

>I'm not unhappy because I'm fat
>I don't change my dietary habits because I'm comfortable with my misery
You make it sound like the former is directly responsible for the latter.
Are you sure being overweight isn't a big factor in your overall unhapiness?

>> No.13752358

>pull up to mcdonalds
>order mozzarella dippers
>no, you cant
>uh, I uh...
>sorry sir we are all out of mozza dippers
>oh uh... uhm...I.. uh.. just a double cheeseburger then
>pull up to next window
>no qt
>fat hairy man hands me cheeseburger
>go to that mcdonalds again
suck it up anon

>> No.13752369

I found that CBD oil. took my shakes away.
T alky

>> No.13752370

I'm just a good looking NEET and I have a charming personality.

>> No.13752422
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Straight up, same- but I only ever buy liquor.
>I can't hold a job because I get so shakey/sweaty as fuck
>I just buy cheap vodka every day and watch movies.
>Barely keep my bills paid off of savings and an occasional side gig or two where I am allowed to drink.
>My knife skills have gone to shit because of the shakes.
>Hate talking to cashiers.
I was sober for a while after dialysis, but eventually broke.
>I decided to try and quit for financial reasons, and I was falling in with the wrong crowd of 30-ish year old alchies that found me charming.
>had myself a seizure.
>yesterday I was going through DTs so fucking bad, I spent all day just shaking and vomiting CONSTANTLY.
>Just trying to keep water down I filled four kitchen aid bowls full of bile.
>got my benzo script renewed after calling my doctor
>finally feel ok-ish
>doing a comfy detox in my house and looking at jobs
The boredom is going to kill me, but I'm going to try to stick with it
And my dumb ass just turned 23.
Turn back before it's too late, boys.

>> No.13752425

I guess I could change how high or low I speak.
Maybe do accents?

>> No.13752451
File: 39 KB, 309x221, 1582978397708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this problem with liqour store too
There was this one chick everyday with a changing co worker she used to go
"Oh you again, vodka?"
Then shed say "ennnnjjooy" in a sarcastic voice every fucking time.

>> No.13752461

No one ever says hi to me when i buy my weekly 2 handles


>> No.13752502

R*dditor spotted

>> No.13752641

That’s cute, definitely fuck him
>tfw no cashier twink

>> No.13752668

>not flawed

>> No.13752689

I probably wouldn't make any of the disguises drag.
I'm not fucking Bugs Bunny.
Why is that immediately where your mind went?

>> No.13752694
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Hello neighbor

>> No.13752717
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>face makeup
Don't get mad because I clocked you.

>> No.13752749

I have a lot of freckles- that's the main reason for getting a little bit of makeup to conceal my identity, could vary my race/age just a little, and I think I could change my face with contouring too.
I did theater in high school.
I'm not talking about fucking sparkly eye shadow and false eyelashes, I'm talking about really subtle shit like filling in my eyebrows if I put on a black wig. Or adding a scar.

>> No.13752796

No, I've always been overweight and it never hindered me. For a short while I was "normal" and I hated it. I'm generally a loner and my unhappiness comes from the fact that I'm interdependent with humans and can't just dissappear into the middle of nowhere (have medical issues). I stay fat on purpose, it facilitates things for me since the majority of people find me disgusting and avoid interacting with me.

>> No.13752803

I didn't know that was a reddit thing, I've just seen many memes about it. But I've been on 4chan since before the Cracky Chan days.

>> No.13752834
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>staff starts recognising you and remembers your special orders
>bring more frens and coworkers to restaurant close to Christmas holidays
>staff gives your party extra free food and drinks
>get chocolates as Christmas gift
I have no idea why they liked me so much. I just complimented the food a few times.

>> No.13752846

There are people who don't like that feeling?

>> No.13752878

>regular customer
>compliments food
>brings friends/family (additional customers)
You're any restaurant's dream, so they'll always keep you happy

>> No.13752951
File: 52 KB, 136x199, 1580161474734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try, thanks.
t. alky
>just turned 23
Yeah, i know that feel, thankfully i still didn't get to where you got. Fifth month now i'm thinking of quitting every day (after about six years), did it for two weeks by suffering an entire week of
>constant sweating
>even if i fell asleep, constant nightmares.
Got bored and hit the bottle again and it's back to Parkinson city.
>stopped seeing friends and family because i'm embarrassed
>can't fucking eat soup with a spoon
>can't eat anything with a fork
>can't drink out of a cup or a glass with one hand
I do wonder if anyone knows i've been drinking for about a quarter of my life.
Hope it works out for you mate.

>> No.13752954
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 5859b173711f64423aa5e050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You're any restaurant's dream"
It's a comfy restaurant.

>> No.13752978

If this happens to me will make a complaint to the manager.

>> No.13753020

>t. karen

>> No.13753086

I go to a local Tex-mex restaurant every single Tuesday since they do a good Taco tuesday deal. There are 3 girls there that recognize me everytime, call me by my name, and border line flirt with me. I know they do that though because they want me to do the survey and give them a positive review. You get a free taco for doing surveys

>> No.13753098

They have plenty of empathy. They treat you like that because your behavior is incorrect, normal humans form bonds relatively easily, and they are trying to get you tolearn this.

>> No.13753103
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>> No.13753119

As someone who has worked in such a soul sucking position as waiting tables I can tell you that I just turned my brain off when interacting with people. I would speak words at them and idly jot down what they ordered. When I started I tried to be genuinely receptive of people but I realized that not giving a shit gets me better tips and for whatever reason people like me more.

>> No.13753134

Gold. Pure gold.

>> No.13753144
File: 59 KB, 700x689, 1546805772740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not disgusting anon
Also God loves you very very much
Me too btw

>> No.13753232

This warmed my heart and made me kek; thanks for sharing, anon.