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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13725313 No.13725313 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a worse cereal than Lucky Charms?

>> No.13725319
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>> No.13725326

Captain Crunch, I don't know who wants bloody gums first thing in the morning.

>> No.13725336

Lucky Charms is pretty based. Careful, OP...you're walking on thin ice here.

>> No.13725338

Captain Crunch is delicious, what do you mean bloody gums?

>> No.13725343

Pretty sure you just have gingivitis

>> No.13725344

It tears up the roof of your mouth along with your gums

>> No.13725363

Maybe if you're bitchmade.
Do even floss?

>> No.13725384

You suck at anatomy

>> No.13725393

You're the one with the bleeding gums here, bitchboy.

>> No.13725401
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My daughter was ridiculously excited about this, and actually started crying after she tasted it. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, because I was both heartbroken to see her so sad and disappointed to see her be such a complete fucking retard.

>> No.13725402

Why are you suddenly bringing up Fortnite dances? What does that have to do with cereal?

>> No.13725405

All cereal is shite

>> No.13725409

I don't see why that would taste bad, just looks like Froot Loops with marshmallows.

>> No.13725413

I couldn't taste anything except sweet. I don't know what she was expecting.

>> No.13725419
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>> No.13725422

>t. gumlet

>> No.13725423

Do you not have teeth?

>> No.13725426

you have to go back
>doo doo doo doo doo doo

>> No.13725465

Hi, bitchboy. I'm anon. You obviously don't know the difference between gums and roof of mouth. Please, show us all how stupid you are by responding. You'll do it because i made you do it.

>> No.13725477

Nowhere did I imply that gums are on the roof of the mouth, but please, continue to prove how much of a whiny little bitch you are.

>> No.13725488

Looks like we've got a tough one here, folks.

>> No.13725489

see? do it again.

>> No.13725491

samefagging this hard

>> No.13725492

Bleed more.

>> No.13725498

Show us your tattoos.

>> No.13725505

there you go. cry it all out.

>> No.13725519

This tasted like ass twenty years ago I can only imagine it now

>> No.13725552

I liked it when I was a babby influenced by Saturday morning cartoon advertising and whined enough to convince my mum to buy them for me.

>> No.13725779
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It feels like chewing on gravel and tastes like cardboard

>> No.13725867

>Cookie Crisp
>Chocolate Lucky Charms
>Cap'n Crunch

>> No.13726515

It's alright, gives me the shits though for some reason

>> No.13726516

yes the worst cereal is either oreo cereal or ur mom cereal

>> No.13726521

Alpha-bits,if they still make that shit.

>> No.13726525


you must put sugar, human fecies, and your mom in the cereal and it will be delicious ; )

>> No.13726526
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Nothing can top this unholy abomination

>> No.13726668

Anyway, it was basically Lucky Charms without the disgusting styrofoam marshmallows and not bad at all.

>> No.13726805

Bait, Captain Crunch is S tier, just chew it properly.

>> No.13726838
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>> No.13726843

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.13726847

I'm not sure why Lucky Charms' marshmallows are so popular. They do not taste like real marshmallows at all.

>> No.13726850


>> No.13726856

>sell your daughters soul to memes before she's conscious
disgusting. kill yourself.

>> No.13728188

These are delicious.

>> No.13728201
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These fucking suck

>> No.13728203

Probably not really possible to avoid unless you deny your child the opportunity for social acclimation. Criticising others' parenting is a waste of time, btw. Back seat parenting advice is not in short supply, and few parents will have not heard anything you have to say as well as the exact opposite. Fact is that most people fuck up raising their children in some ways, and even those who don't do not have worthwhile advice to give because they're not expert parents. They have only mastered raising the children they happened to have.

>> No.13728209

>"Honey" smacks
>tastes like coffee or some shit
I never understood it.

>> No.13728211

Honey smacks are amazing, shut your mouth

>> No.13728239
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>toasted (burnt) taste overpowers the "honey"
>feels like there's wheat husks in it too

>> No.13729782

Tastes like coffee or some shit

>> No.13729784

They look like a nice pussy

>> No.13729824

Brown? I agree.

>> No.13729871

they're good if you let them soak before you start eating to soften them, same with most of the best cereals like captain crunch, frosted flakes, cinnamon toast crunch and coco puffs.

>> No.13729881

That doesn't fix the main problem with them, which is the flavor.

>> No.13730469

I'd like to be present when your parents let you taste molasses for the first time.
I'll be in charge of the spit-up rag and everything.

>> No.13731229


>> No.13731546


Mother fucker you crossed the line today. Take that shit back now

>> No.13732092

They used to be muchbetter before they cut back on the amount of "honey" coating the cereal. Now they instantly turn to mush and don't have much flavor.
No. when soggy they are horrible.

>> No.13732159

Literal subhuman retard

>> No.13732166

Fuck you

>> No.13732516

I used to think Cinnamon Toast Crunch was delicious but now it disgusts me. There are a number of sugary cereals that I still think are good but I feel like absolutely drenching your cereal in so much sugar is not a good idea.

>> No.13732521

I like sugar smacks and there's nothing you can do to stop me from violently fucking this box

>> No.13732526

Okay, but I get to suck you afterwards.

>> No.13732530

I will be the one doing the sucking

>> No.13732549

I've been morbidly curious about this one. I'm sure it's disgusting but is it really sour? For some reason it's hard for me to wrap my head around sour cereal. Does it make the milk sour too?

>> No.13732889

80s kid here. I liked all cereal. If I had to pick, Cheerios was the least favorite. Had to dump half pound of sugar on them. I always sperged on the Ghostbusters cereal with the bad ass hologram box.

>> No.13734424

No, ME!

>> No.13734544


>> No.13734574


>> No.13735166

Sorry, my wife's daughter. I didn't have sex with her.

>> No.13735497

>hits pipe

>> No.13735509

Raisen bran

>> No.13735629
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Reisen Bran

>> No.13735635

This. Fucking this.

>> No.13735711

Words can't describe the disappointment when I first tried these. I was in 9th grade and some kid recommended them, the name sounded good. Life was depressing, lonely, and stressful. It was an extra cold winter that year. I got stomach ulcers before Christmas break. Then you top it off with fucking Grape Nuts for breakfast every morning. I forget how long it took to finish that box off, but it was too long.

>> No.13735726

are you 12?

>> No.13735739
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Ironically enough they actually made a regular Grape Nuts cereal, that actually tastes pretty good, but I don't think they sell it anymore because I haven't seen it in stores in a very long time. I think regular Grape Nuts is for those weirdos that are like "I MUST CONSUME NOTHING BUT FIBER, FOR HEALTH REASONS"

>> No.13735874

Go fuck your self

>> No.13736694

>only children like food to taste good

>> No.13736724

Some cereals are better if you let them soak a bit first. Like Grape-Nuts, which is gravel if you eat it right away, but after soaking for a bit it's pretty good.

>> No.13736782

actually RETARD that is incorrect

>> No.13736785

I haven't had these in years but I remember enjoying them while also thinking they tasted weird.

>> No.13736788
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>*immediately turns soggy*

>> No.13736791

From what I read yea it's sour

>> No.13736793

The mascot is terrible too, what happened to the old chef? Now it's these weird things with tongues that eat each other or something? What the fuck is that?

>> No.13736800

>implying it isn’t fucking delicious
It might not be good for you but it tastes amazing, with or without milk. Eat a bag of dicks. You two are as bad as the Cap’n Crunch fag.

>> No.13736809

This is FUCKING trash

>> No.13736813

No, it is awful and gives me a headache. Captain Crunch is good but CTC is not.

>> No.13736824

>gives me a headache

what the fuck?

>> No.13736832

Too much sugar gives me a headache.

>> No.13736833

I used to heat it in the microwave with raisins. Maybe I should try it again now that I'm older and can't take a shit regularly anymore

>> No.13736840
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>> No.13736848


>> No.13736858

That makes your body and your genetics trash, not the cereal. Get fucked, nerd.

>> No.13736863

Those have the *best* mouthfeel of all the cereals.

>> No.13736864

Eating cereal is for children. Most of them are just a bunch of refined sugar with flour. Stop eating like shit.

>> No.13736866

No, fuck you, buddy. Your cereal is sahit.

>> No.13737128

Lol imagine actually calling someone a nerd. IMAGINE being so lame that nerd is the most offensive word you can think of. IMAGINE

>> No.13737135

you sonuvabitch

>> No.13737141
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I fuckin love this shit, but only as dry handfuls. I swear this cereal was designed to completely disintegrate on contact with milk

>> No.13737146

I agree. The only cereal I ever really eat is Weet-Bix which are like bricks of dried wheat, and on
rare occassions I eat cheerios. Even then, I almost never have cereal. Mostly just toast with vegemite or peanut butter.

>> No.13737149

Now THIS is a good cinnamon cereal.

>> No.13737159
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>> No.13737166

or a VB longneck

>> No.13737209

Says the toothless retard

>> No.13738141
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Based. Eating cereal by itself is the best way to eat it. I don't know why anyone would dump a drink into their food and think that's normal or anything but a "dude weed lmao" idea.

>> No.13738782

Are you fucking retarded or something?
Crazy post numbers though, I’m kinda amazed.
Anyway, have you ever heard of oatmeal? Grits? The idea of putting a “drink” into food for breakfast is because most farmers milk the cows (and subsequently deliver the milk) in the morning, so it got incorporated into breakfast (similar to eggs).

>> No.13738916

Is this jelly and hot dog? Does that actually work?

>> No.13739520

They were good when they were in the silver bags

>> No.13739575

I saved them so I could have some place to store my milk.

>> No.13740256

this is literal heaven only downside is you have approximately 45 seconds to enjoy it before it turns into disgusting rainbow slop

>> No.13740269
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let's be real

>> No.13740345
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We getting real? Real, real son.

>> No.13740422

I have mixed opinions on this, they're kind of good at first and then you realize you have to eat an entire bowl of them and they taste awful when soggy. They might be a good cereal for mixing with other cereals but I haven't had them in a long time.

>> No.13740436


>> No.13740441

Not good. It's like fruit loops with some citric or malic acid added. Dry, there is a little sourness, but pretty disappointing overall.

>> No.13740469

>not just eating them raw and tearing the fuck out of the roof of your mouth

>> No.13740530

holy based cinammon toast crunch literally pleb filtering

>> No.13740542
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Why the fuck would you ever buy plain rice krispies unless you wanted to make marshamllow rice krispies with them

Vanilla rice krispies are good though

>> No.13740563

They're good if you don't want to punch yourself in the face with a blast of sugar in the morning. Rice is fairly healthy.

>> No.13740644

I just put sugar on them

>> No.13740698


>> No.13741112
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>> No.13741118

Thank you for reminding me that this exists. Not sure why my mom stopped buying it.

>> No.13741337
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they need to bring these back

>> No.13741605

As a kid I voted to increase the marshmallow count and as an adult i don't buy it because of that increased count but think it would have been good as it orginally was

>> No.13741607

its really the cure for the common breakfast in some ways

>> No.13741622

What was it?

>> No.13741637

it was kinda like pop tarts in cereal form. I know they have a pop tarts cereal now, but its not the same

>> No.13741638

Sweetened corn cereal, some with artificially flavored fruity centers.

>> No.13741761

Cinnamon Toast Crunch sucks.

>> No.13741774
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Froot loops taste like shit. There is absolutely no "froot" taste just cardboard and sugar.

>> No.13741786

It tastes like froot, it just doesn't taste like fruit as you were expecting.

>> No.13741790

>dont turn into soggy mush after a few minutes
>crunchy as hell
>good snack to munch on if youre out of milk
>dat iconic mascot that hasnt had a redesign in literal ages
Nah m8 froot loops are fuckin based

>> No.13741791
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but they ARE loops so...

>> No.13741912
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>sits on your shelf for 4 years before being thrown out

>> No.13741922

Im getting bored just looking at this

>> No.13743487


>> No.13743816

I had some sour patch kids cereal once, it was horrifying.

>> No.13743826

*hits pipe*

>> No.13743844

>nonono you can't just eat a cereal that isn't 99% pure sugar nooooo

>> No.13743878

Weet-Bix is so bad that you can see on the box that they actually had to pour syrup on it to make it look more appetizing.

>> No.13743996

I do this all the time. I'll also eat them with a glass of milk to drink. I know it sounds insane but I agree that the second they're in a bowl of milk and allowed more than 10 seconds to sit there it turns to cinnamon flavored mush.

>> No.13744003
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They changed the recipe on this thing a while back and they went from tasting decent to complete shit. I guess I'm not the only one who agrees because the first result for a box of honey combs has a label that says "back to original flavor" so I guess enough people bitched.

>> No.13744047

I never liked these. And the ME WANT HONEYCOMB! guy is annoying so it amuses me that he is completely gone from the box.

>> No.13744072

>nonono you can't just have honey with your breakfast
Actually I use no adds other than milk and it's one of the few breakfast cereals I can stand. But I rarely eat it because it's still just junk food like the rest of them.

>> No.13744073

bix nood

>> No.13744091 [DELETED] 
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Best cereal coming through

>> No.13744096

What the heck is that bag?

>> No.13744098

that's not honey bunches of oats

>> No.13744112


>> No.13744116 [DELETED] 

It's cheap and it's got tons in it, its for poor families and college students

>> No.13744181

I loved these.

>> No.13744235

Fool of a Took.

>> No.13744731

is there a name for when companies name their shit fake words that sound exactly like real words? besides judaism

>> No.13744975
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A bad cereal for bad dudes...

>> No.13745066

bitch the bottom layer of the cereal dissolving into the milk and making it sugary sweet was one of the best parts of eating it

>> No.13745868


>> No.13745924

What else would you call the act of doing shit like "oh it's not Cheese, it's Cheeze!" to fool idiots into thinking there's cheese in your product?

>> No.13745930

Who cares?

>> No.13746058
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Can confirm. It is the worst cereal I've ever had. Worse than "healthy" whole grain and fiber cereal. It is slightly sour. I didn't even put it in milk I just trashed it after the dry test. That's why it was $1.50.

>> No.13746070

What the fuck, it's only $1.50? I need to get some of this. Do they still sell it?

>> No.13746074

It was on clearance at a 99 cent store. Can you imagine the type of product that needs to go on CLEARANCE at a 99 cent store??

>> No.13746078

It was at a 99 cent store and it cost $1.50? Now I'm mad.

>> No.13746086

Well technically it was a Dollar Tree. Not sure if they're chain stores but yeah that's their gimmick--everything is $1. SoCal btw

>> No.13746097

What's the deal with these? There's no grapes. There's no nuts.

>> No.13746110

As with many great emblems in history, there are two versions of the story. One says that Mr. Post believed glucose, which he called “grape sugar,” formed during the baking process. This, combined with the nutty flavor of the cereal, is said to have inspired its name. Another explanation claims that the cereal got its name from its resemblance to grape seeds, or grape “nuts.”

Wherever the name came from, it doesn’t change the fact that Grape-Nuts is packed full of goodness. Made with wholesome ingredients and fortified with vitamins and minerals, a half-cup serving of Grape-Nuts Original cereal is an excellent source of fiber and provides 100% of your daily recommended whole grain*.

* Nutritionists recommend eating 3 or more servings of whole grain foods per day (about 16g whole grain per serving, or at least 48g per day).

>> No.13746111
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>> No.13746170

Have you never had a proper bowl of oatmeal before?

>> No.13746186

What the fuck is oatmeal?

>> No.13746217

The meal of the oat plant's seed.

>> No.13746328

Oh, I love swallowing seed.

>> No.13746444

It needs the non sugar pieces to balance it out. It sounds weird but it does. Theres a balance. Just like personally, double stuf oreo is almost too much filling, the triple stuf is waaay too much.

>> No.13746470
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Those were my favorite as a kid. Bought a box a few months ago, still good, but I felt like an absolute manchild when I brought it to the counter, ngl.

>> No.13746838


>> No.13746842

Lol no, u

>> No.13747435

I had Christmas Crunch this past holiday season for the first time in 20 years or so. Disgustingly saccharine. No idea how I used to enjoy it.

>> No.13747445

>leprechaun's wrath

>> No.13747542
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Can't believe this bullshit wasn't posted.
When I tried to diet for the first time I tried eating this garbage.
It was extremely hard forcing this flavorless cardboard down.
Specifically this red box is the worst one with no sugar at all.
Fuck this cereal and if you really do eat this shit regularly you are sick in the mind.

>> No.13747572

gotta say, i think this is the only cereal i had that taste better without milk

>> No.13747578
File: 71 KB, 502x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is awful now

it doesn't taste anything like cookies

>> No.13747582

I mean, yes it's clearly a dull and healthy adult snack, but it isn't trying to make you think it's anything else

>> No.13748269

CooooOOOOOOoooookie crisp!

>> No.13748518

It's time to just sit down and admit to yourself that your palate has been totally destroyed by the excesses of mass manufactured food. Once you're acclimated to too much salt and sugar you simply can't taste anything real.

>> No.13748608

more so than there are better cereals

>> No.13749261

What the hell are you trying to say?

>> No.13749292
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>brainlet spotted
He's saying there are more cereals that are worse than lucky charms than better cereals

>> No.13749310

Well he said it wrong then.

>> No.13749337
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they took the marshmallows away when they brought this shit back but let the koreans have the og version :(

>> No.13749345

Oh man, the marshmallows were awful. I didn't know about this. That makes them so much better.

>> No.13749357

Except that they didn't take away the marshmallows you trogg. They put then in the mega stuffed oreo cereal.

>> No.13749384
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I will never understand the appeal of cornflakes, its literally just soggy schlop in a bowl.

>> No.13749765
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Not actually a bad cereal but since we're discussing cereal in this thread, I tried this today and found it to be delicious. It tasted really familiar but I haven't had whatever cereal it's supposed to be a knockoff of in a long time so I can't for the life of me remember what it is. Anyone have any idea?

Whatever the case I have had a great experience with Cascadian Farms cereals. Just goes to show that you don't have to go with some big brand name like Post or Kellogg to get something tasty.

>> No.13750795


>> No.13750837
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This is now a thread about the best cereals of all time

>> No.13750858

as a kid I was sad to learn kix wasn't delicious
haven't had it in 20 years but I even liked wheaties as a kid so I dunno what it was

>> No.13750886

Jeez this is the gayest shit I've ever read on 4ch please quit it

>> No.13750892

Lmao imagine having your tastebuds so btfod for so long that carbohydrates don't invoke a pleasure response, lmao

>> No.13751209

By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed.

>> No.13751237
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mmm, burnt sugar

>> No.13751244

This and Honey Smacks are part of an unholy trinity of awful shit. I don't know what the third one is.

>> No.13751281

I'd say Kix but they're more aggressively boring than bad

>> No.13751290

I actually like Kix, they're only slightly sugary so they're the right mix of being a sugary cereal but not being so sugary that I feel like I am eating candy for breakfast.

>> No.13751559

My tactic with cereals that do this is to have one bowl of milk and one of cereal. I just dip the cereal into the milk and take my bite, then I clean up the pieces floating in the milk and move on to the next spoonfull.