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File: 16 KB, 534x401, Pesticides & Cancer in Mexican Children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13747640 No.13747640 [Reply] [Original]

> Our Love of Avocado Is Destroying Mexico's Forests


Yes, there's a dark side to America's obsession with avocado. And it only seems to be getting darker.

According to the Associated Press, Central Mexico's pine forests are in peril as local farmers clear them to the ground in order to make room for more avocado trees as part of the south-of-the-border Gold Rush for our guacamole dollars. And we're more than happy to keep the money flowing, as evidenced by our penchant for corny T-shirts declaring it so.

>> No.13747645


So what's the problem with cutting down some stupid trees?, you might ask, especially if you're a particularly insensitive non-conservationist type who can't imagine a life without the healthy fats of our beloved alligator pears. There are further concerns associated with thinning these Michoacán forests; avocado trees use far more water than pine and fir trees, drinking up much of the water that would otherwise go to nearby streams and serve as a supply for the area's flora and fauna. The forests are home to an abundance of local wildlife, particularly monarch butterflies, many of whom migrate there in the winter.

That's not to mention all of the chemicals—pesticides, fertilizers, etc.—and pollution associated with farming and transporting all of these avos. Think big trucks crowding local roads, and even more wood needed—and thus more trees chopped down—in order to box up and ship the products after they're picked.

>> No.13747653

>all of the chemicals—pesticides, fertilizers, etc.—and pollution associated with farming and transporting all of these avos

Cancer and children' leukemia rates have spiked over 200% in some Mexican states since intense Avocado farming operations have begun.

>> No.13747701 [DELETED] 

Good. I hope all the little beaner bastards get cancer. Fuck 'em. Think of it as karma for invading our country. I hope all the Mexican cockroach-children die. They should be exterminated.

>> No.13747707

>They should be exterminated.

less people on earth = better for the environment?

>> No.13747713

nooooooo not the heckin brown boy

>> No.13747717

What percentage of Mexico's GDP/exports is avocados? If we all coordinated and didn't buy them for a week, would it cripple their economy? That'd be kinda funny.
mucho edgy lol

>> No.13747724

>Mexicans destroy the Mexican ecosystem to make money
>this is Americans' fault
So are we finally dropping the pleasantries and admitting that non-Whites aren't moral agents capable of free choice but rather automatons that blindly do whatever actual human beings tell them to do?

>> No.13747743

>>this is white people's fault

fixed for accuracy

>> No.13747825

Based. On my way to buy a box of ‘cados right now

>> No.13747859
File: 65 KB, 1180x709, page39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our Love of Avocado Is Destroying Mexico's Forests

Yeah, that's the problem...

>> No.13747877

America is destroying a whole lot more than just Mexican forests. On the list of reasons to destroy America, their consumption of foreign avocados ranks pretty damn low.

>> No.13747882

Don't you mean literally all tropical fruit (more significantly the species that require more water to fruit) that's grown in South America?
El Pulpo :)

>> No.13747887

this is by far the most serious issue that currently needs urgent attention that is going on in Mexico right now

no other current goings on in Mexico could come close to the pain that this issue is causing the inhabitants of Mexico


>> No.13748023

Mexico's environment is already destroyed by having so many Mexicans in it.

>> No.13748037

If we use simple logic, all food consumption cuts down forest because we need human space.

Unfortunately people breed mindlessly and give birth to five kids instantly unironically.

Unless someone here wants to sterilize themselves

>> No.13748047
File: 144 KB, 500x581, 8219326E-42F7-4CBD-8125-A17F5DE7367C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not America’s job to save Mexico from the Mexicans.

>> No.13748055

>Unless someone here wants to sterilize themselves
As if even 5% of the people here were going to have kids in the first place.

>> No.13748070

I have 3. Doing my part for the rest of you.

>> No.13748119

Gay assbabies don’t count

>> No.13748132

this might be difficult to understand for you, but not every man nuts all over another man’s shit before he shits it.

>> No.13748136

Not him, but I don't get it.

>> No.13748139

figures you wouldn’t, you fucking non-faggot...

>> No.13748142

Pretty sure the vegans in america also fucked over ecuador or bolivia by buying tons of quinoa too...
Maybe these countries should nationalize the production of this shit, if capitalism is able to destroy them that easily...

>> No.13748156

Give me ONE good reason we shouldn't annex mexico

>> No.13748166

>Our Avocado Obsession is Destroying Mexican Environment
Buy American avocados then.

>> No.13748167

Do we want MORE beaners in our country?

>> No.13748181

It'd be a net lose for america... I mean as horrible and shitty as the board is between mexico and america, it looks like fucking utopia compared to the shit that would be happening at a hypothetical "new america" and Columbia border... Or if we JUST too mexico, the new america and guatamala.
It'd be like asking china to take north korea... We dont want a bunch of ignorant, unhealthy, smelly, useless people who'll just leech off the social programs. Most mexicans would be well below the poverty line in america too, so on day 1 the GDP per capita or PPP of america would drop by like 30%...

>> No.13748590


lol @ thinking 'Merican attention seeking vegans actually give a shit about the environment. It's nothing more than virtue signaling.

>> No.13748597

But I only eat Australian grown avocados.

>> No.13748604
File: 32 KB, 600x566, Screen_Shot_2017-06-09_at_4.34.34_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more people's futures get destroyed in the name of capitalism, the more they will wake up to the true enemy of mankind.

>> No.13748712

I don't think you understand the concept of "blood diamonds" and why it's irresponsible to buy them.

>> No.13748726

>less people on earth = better for the environment?
was this a question? you can’t be that retarded can you?

>> No.13748731
File: 100 KB, 787x879, 5A82CC24-82B4-44C9-A894-4376797AF163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13748738


>> No.13748741

Why are white women so fucking cringe?

>> No.13748767
File: 81 KB, 720x480, snackoclock-137314-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont eat avocado anymore. It doesn't taste very good, has almost no culinary use aside from mexican cuisine. It's fucking useless.

I don't understand why coastal american white people cant just put a high quality cream cheese on toast and call it a fucking day.

>> No.13748769

Keking based
got anymore like this?

>> No.13748773


>> No.13748795

>Spics come illegally to the U.S.
>ruin the country by using our public services without paying taxes
>Eat a shit ton of avocados
>Destroy their homeland why destroying ours


>> No.13748802

It’s like something George Lucas would think up

>> No.13749397
File: 56 KB, 688x456, 1578027694967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more people's futures get destroyed in the name of capitalism, the more they will wake up to the true enemy of mankind.

>> No.13749537

Dude, Jorge, the grape picker, pays more taxes than your orange emperor. Why do you think he refuses to release the returns?

>> No.13749544

I'm gonna go buy a hundred avcodads justtkkfuckmxiicoo

>> No.13749548

believing this is why no one cares about what you say or think, because you’re stupid and believe stupid things if they align with what you want to believe is true.

>> No.13749702

>calories don't grow on trees
everyone will starve to death if these idiots gain power

>> No.13749762


>> No.13749808

Cope harder wigger, lol!

>> No.13749816

Thank god you will never vote...

>> No.13749828

1. This is their fault not ours
2. Avocado trees still produce oxygen too so who cares, there's tons of pines up in northern america

>> No.13749848

WTF I love avocados now. I will drive to the grocery store tomorrow and buy all of them

>> No.13749860

Why are Mexicans so fucking stupid? They’re the most racist people I’ve ever seen, even more than chinamen. Destroying their country for ‘Cados and drugs.

>> No.13749874

If you openly declare that you want people to be punched/harmed/killed, don't be surprised if people do it to you. Especially if you're an ugly obese disabled person with purple hair who can't defend herself.

>> No.13749885

I guarantee I've voted more often than you, Cletus. But by all means keep being a wigger, it's delicious!

>> No.13749899

Oh, I see what’s going on. You’re desperate for human interaction. Find it somewhere else, faggot. I’m done with your 9gag level faggotry.

>> No.13749901

Unionize and charge for your product accordingly.

>> No.13750211

forests waste more oxygen than they produce, they should be cut down.

>> No.13750216

>Muh illegals pay sales tax

>> No.13750217

>forests waste more oxygen than they produce, they should be cut down.
you could say exactly the same about mexicans in general.

>> No.13750376

Haha holy shit no one cares about this comparison when there's actual child slave labor being used to make shoes and electronics in China. Too desensitized.
This is Mexico's problem, not ours.

>> No.13750427

>This is what Americans actually believe

>> No.13750441

>nooooooooooooo wtf why are you dumb americans not buying mexican fruit
it's a lose lose with liberals

>> No.13750561

lol faggots

>> No.13750584


>> No.13750594

what about vertical farming

can't we subsidize that

it's a little more expensive but maybe we don't have to shit on all the ecosystems and poor people to enjoy things

>> No.13751312

It's not a "little more expensive" it's upwards of 800 times more expensive per meter of arable land just in startup costs. Then you've got to factor climate control, plumbing, and lighting costs; estimates put that vertical farming using nothing but solar energy for power would need a 20:1 ratio of solar panel coverage to arable land. Vertical farms are not quite meme-tier, but they're close.

>> No.13751316


>> No.13751638
File: 1.13 MB, 2060x1236, 1581527383844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avocado consumption.

Just one more hypocritical earth-destroying tactic of the vegans. (And the "plant based")

>> No.13751683

Time for those bigoted Mexican restaurants in USA to stop using avocado on 80% of their menu

>> No.13751692

Veganism is only unsustainable because of overpopulation. If there weren't 7-8 billion people, there wouldn't be any issue like this. So, stop having children

>> No.13751778

The people who work hard all day clearing forests, harvesting crops, and transporting them to market... I wonder if they are vegan.

>> No.13752645

Saw the documentary "Rotten" where they showed the state around growing avocados. They repeatedly showed how picky the avocados are when they grow, most favorably on the sides of a hill. Would it really be profitable to plow down gigantic forested areas of random quality to grow subpar avocados? (Which also need several years before they even mature to produce fruit).

>> No.13752676

>It takes a ton of more land, water and other resources to produce meat compared to greens
>"Veganism unsustainable"
You don't even believe it yourself.

>> No.13753663

Wtf sounds fake bro quit spreading disinfo

>> No.13753823

kinda wholesome desu

>> No.13754062

>white people like something
>other people destroy the environment to get it for white people because they’re amoral money seekers
>this is the wypipos fault!

>> No.13754264

>whites in control
>world is turned into an environmental catastrophe
>dude, us'n whites have been in control the entire time, but now that the shit hits the fan, it's the brown folks fault
You stormers are so cute, pucker up little bois!

>> No.13754613


Thanks for reminding me to buy more avocados. 1 avocado = 1 dead Mexican!

>> No.13755034

Current Year is quite possibly the only time in modern history where browns have had any real, measurable level of agency and everything is falling apart. If white people have done anything wrong it's treating them as equals (which would never happen were the roles to be reversed).

>> No.13755037

wtf I love avocado toast now

>> No.13755061

My Mexican family keeps buying avocados and they're not vegan uhuhuhuuhu

Also I'm actually Mexican and not a white man with a fetish for foreign people.

>> No.13755977

luckily theyre just mexicans and not the master race (blacks)

>> No.13757142

>white countries are the least harmful to the environment, apart from maybe some tribal island nations.
>Whites are destroying the planet

>> No.13757147


>> No.13757387

>2nd largest carbon dumper in the world
>it's the US with only 340 million faggots
Tbf, US is only @ 60% white, but still.

>> No.13757413

Oh no, a couple trees got chopped ... the humanity.

Europe after all became an uninhabitable hell-scape after pretty much all of its forests were chopped.

>> No.13757435

>world is turned into an environmental catastrophe
Should we just let populations be controlled by mass starvation, infanticide and continuous tribal warfare again instead?

>> No.13757456

Uh oh, looks like someone slept through history class.

>> No.13757548

Whites simply increased the level of destruction in their tribal warfare just like they've increased the level of destruction inflicted on the planet.

>> No.13757576

Post timestamped hand, palm facing up.

>> No.13757581

So they're not just yummy but you fuck up beaners every time you eat them? This is awesome.

>> No.13757591

>Mexicans clear their own landscape to farm
>This is Americans' fault somehow
Yeah sure, and it's Americans' fault that Indians shit on their own streets because they worship the toilet as a minor deity.

>> No.13757638

Are we sure it's not just Mexicans careless farming techniques destroying their own land?

>> No.13757786

If we lived in a world of nations I would suggest the Mexican government enforce laws restricting the amount of clearcutting and avocado farms allowed to avert this environmental disaster. But because we're a planet of corporations, nobody can do anything and the environment is fucked.

>> No.13757798

But my avocados are from California...

>> No.13757806

>replacing pine forests with avocado forests

>> No.13757858

Not falling for your fingerprint phishing scam, but thx anyway!

>> No.13757873

What happend to cause that dip at the turn of the last century?

>> No.13757972

Most land is marginal or desert of forest. You can havest meats from the biomes without destroying them. Its much more challenging to convert these to usable farm land. A strickly vegan population will do more environmental damage then an omnivore population.