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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 397 KB, 489x606, joe rogan sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13744308 No.13744308 [Reply] [Original]

conquer your inner bitch.

>> No.13744319

>sour kraut

>> No.13744334

>Gouda - made in USA

>> No.13744336

joe rogan is mentally ill

>> No.13744346

Naw dawg, sounds nasty.

>> No.13744363
File: 619 KB, 939x1079, r6h76blfn0741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of diet should I be on to attain this aesthetic?

>> No.13744375


Whatever bert Crystal's eats should be good.

>> No.13744382

shame about the el yuca

>> No.13744386

>fried eggs from my yard
Why does he keep his eggs in his yard?

>> No.13744389

this joe rogan is the guy who hosted fear factor like 20 years ago right?

>> No.13744399
File: 995 KB, 2400x2400, 7f711c2f-c3d2-4990-8d52-9ccb281c8d2a_1.32479551d1120fde5a6c33c1e3f6eaf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uncrustables and tito's?

>> No.13744411

And he did some standup.

>> No.13744416

He's a nice guy, but he really isn't very intelligent.

>> No.13744418

He has an eggplant

>> No.13744419

This is disgusting. I'd rather eat like a bitch, thanks.

>> No.13744420

it's pretty much stand up yelling

>> No.13744424

I distinctly remember his arms being really obviously different lengths when he hosted FF but now I can't find any evidence of it

>> No.13744426

At least it was more fun than his podcasts are.

>> No.13744427


>> No.13744526

Yeah ditch the sauerkraut and replace the canned jalapenos with fresh ones and I'd actually eat it

>> No.13744538


>> No.13744549

>"fried" eggs
>sour kraut

This is the man who popularised JBP

>> No.13744607

>hot sauce
>sour kraut
Rogan's as much of a tastelet as he is a brainlet, who'd thunk

>> No.13744618

ambition beats intelligence every time. just look at your post compared to his podcast

>> No.13744625


>> No.13744859


>> No.13744868


>> No.13744883

Sour german man

>> No.13744892

The truth is that he owns a chicken. He planted the chicken in his yard and it sprouted garden-fresh eggs. Viola.

>> No.13744923

Greed is good. I know Oliver Stone was lampooning the idea, but the older I get the truer it rings.

>> No.13745050
File: 753 KB, 300x169, 1545674069144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck, i thought this was posted by some idiot mexican before i read the name

>> No.13745176

sliced jalenenos

>> No.13745185

>fried eggs from my yard

Is that why they look like such absolute shit? He just leaves them in his yard?

>> No.13745264

imagine his fucking shits after my god thats horrendous

>> No.13745418
File: 17 KB, 291x287, 1501401955312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyshit anon. I don't think I've ever laughed harder at any other post on this board, than I did at this.

>> No.13745427

Jamie pull up that monkey

>> No.13745442

>he didn't say vinegary

Thank god

>> No.13745448

Bullshit, he just puts on a dudebro act

>> No.13745494

Angry Germanman

>> No.13745531

What are you guys, homos?

>> No.13746373

This just looks so revolting and so inedible that it just has to be a troll. I’ve never seen fried eggs look more disgusting.

>> No.13746385

As someone who eats his eggs runny, like make a mess all over your face runny and considers a fried egg with a firm yolk to be dog food/trash; those eggs are hideously undercooked.

>> No.13746423

Rogan's food probably tastes fine but he really should work on his plating if he wants to put it on social media. At least put a sprig of parsley on there, goddamn.

>> No.13746430

How in the fuck do you eat this as a sandwich? Does he eat it open-faced?

>> No.13746449

Nah. Joe's just an idiot manlet trying to make up for his 5'3" body by eating the worst shit imaginable.

>> No.13746503

Did he just throw darts at a list of possible ingredients? How the fuck do you think this is a good combo of foods?

>> No.13746552
File: 185 KB, 1200x944, 1365541493833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like absolute shit

>> No.13746554

How you gonna eat SEVEN eggs?

>> No.13746556

i eat 6 a day

>> No.13746573

But thats one meal, so he eats 21 a day

>> No.13746581

No wonder he's roughly the size of a barge.

>> No.13746588

I can eat up to 9 per meal but i fart literal sulfur after. If I stuck some charcoal in my ass I could probably make gunpowder.

>> No.13746619

this looks like garbage

at least learn how to cook fucking eggs properly wtf

>> No.13746670
File: 481 KB, 1125x1926, 08FE488E-A434-490A-A452-77F394C930A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that post is like five years old. joe knows how to cook eggs right now.

>> No.13746684

That looks even trashier, frankly.

>> No.13746690

Seriously. Why do his eggs look so fucking terrible? They look like they’re rotten and ‘cooked’ on a plastic garbage lid left out in the sun.

>> No.13746732

>sour kraut
This fuckin guy

>> No.13746743
File: 1.95 MB, 1706x1040, d59sgtotut731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American Egg Board should file a restraining order against this guy.

>> No.13746753

How, HOW can anyone eat eggs like this??! Who is this fucking guy??!!!

>> No.13746755

I’m gonna throw up. For real.

>> No.13746762
File: 38 KB, 300x300, p-the-hitchhikers-guide-to-the-galaxy-sam-rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13747029

I'm not gay for Joe Oliviera Rogan, but this looks more or less appetising

>> No.13747042

You have to eat all the eggs

>> No.13747063
File: 48 KB, 1394x800, kHpsvvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those look like they were cooked by Kay

>> No.13747071

Pic unrelated? Because that looks like garbage.

>> No.13747076

I once took my old Polack grandma grocery shopping and on her list she put "sour kraut"

>> No.13747115

>'cooked' on a plastic garbage can left in the sun

That's entirely possible, the eggs are stored in his yard after all

>> No.13747155

There are way too many eggs

>> No.13747159

Ahah that's exactly what I thought the first time I listened to one of his podcast. He seems a bit dumb and don't have much culture. He probably have less culture than an average 12yo in Europe.

>> No.13747163

Egg yolks are a good dietary source of cysteine and thiamine, which helps when you're a recovering or chronic alcoholic. Problem is that cysteine has pretty low bioavailability when ingested orally, so you do have to eat a lot of eggs to see any benefit.

>> No.13747169

Why is he always acting as if he is about to ask the most profound question, and most of the time just come up with a dumb question to which the answer is obvious?

>> No.13747221

The guy is thick as a brick. When he had John Carmack on you could tell he had issues following what he was saying. I mean, few people can keep up with Carmack when he talks tech, but Joe seemed like had no idea what was going on even when the topic was other stuff like cars or martial arts.

>> No.13747241

you have to eat all the eggs.

>> No.13747272
File: 71 KB, 573x581, 1517636531939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joe rogan is a nice guy
your daughter has cancer? good let me show you this youtube video. hey jamie, pull up this video.


>> No.13747298

Because he cooks in a cast iron pan that he cooks alot of meat in
I know because my eggs also get the same black shit on em
Tastes fine
Also he obviously likes his eggs runny, aka the patrician way

>> No.13747344

>fried eggs from his yard

You know for a fact his chicken pecked him on his hand and fingers while taking the eggs.

>> No.13747747

It’s not any black shit. I didn’t even notice that. I’m just talking about how fucking unappealing way they look. They look less ‘cooked’ than they do they’ve gone through some sort of congealing process.

I love eggs and eat them about once a week, but not after this thread. Never seen eggs look more disgusting, and that’s even counting what the fucking gooks do with them.

>> No.13747767

Fried egg and cheese sandwiches are fuckin dope. I never liked Joe Rogan before, but after this thread I see him like a brother. Cheers! *clinks two egg sandwiches*

>> No.13747788

I don't really see anything wrong with them. The whites are cooked through. The yolks didn't break and they're more perky and upright than eggs at the grocery store. They look fresh. Having chickens is cool. He could probably pop the yolks and cook them longer if that offends you, but sounds pretty gay.

>> No.13747817

There’s something wrong with you if you think any of the shit he’s made that’s been posted ITT “looks good”. Seriously.

>> No.13747906
File: 293 KB, 512x512, fav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but he really isn't very intelligent.
joe rogan is intelligent in the way you think he is stupid and very stupid in the way you think he is a "nice guy"

socialism == stupid
DMT/Weed === Big brain

>> No.13747920

>Ezekiel bread
Worst fucking shit I have ever eaten. I won't even put the rest of the loaf on the curb because I don't hate homeless people that much.

>> No.13747933

Why? Because he is open to thoughts and ideas that are outside of your narrow materialist reductionist dogmatic view of reality? I would argue that the ability of an individual to ponder and discuss thoughts and ideas that are outside of the box is a sign of high intelligence, whereas blindly accepting and regurgitating information is a sign of low intelligence.

>> No.13747938 [DELETED] 
File: 2.79 MB, 3298x3298, artworks-iginal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally boomers watching my podcast

have fun faggots

**********************TRIGGER WARNING************************

**********************TRIGGER WARNING************************

the new memes are cumming from SAM TRIPOLIS TIN FOIL HAT:

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**********************TRIGGER WARNING************************

(ill give you a little hint the subject matter is a little deeper than epstein not killing himself)

(rogan wont talk shit about netflix or youtube because he is colluding with him and there is a reason he wont let Sam Tripoli on his show)

>> No.13747948
File: 14 KB, 406x124, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why? Because he is open to thoughts and ideas that are outside of your narrow materialist reductionist dogmatic view of reality?
funny because you think he's smart but then fall for the socialist trojan horse


>hurr durr the government is so corrupt so we better give the government more money so they can fix the government! bonus points we can give them all our guns

>> No.13747955
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, based but not based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lex friedman is actually bretty based but another retard socialist:


C++ daddy went on his show talking mad shit about bitcoin being used to do drugs and energy consumption... apparent C++ daddy wants drug addicst to be in jail... what a faggot no wonder his language is a mess

>> No.13747969

Why does he eat so many eggs? He must have the worst case of eggfarts in the history of humanity.

>> No.13747974


gonna read C++ the programming language right now unironically

>> No.13747986
File: 70 KB, 400x480, asdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur a faget.. snek is the better language anyway

have fun with your savings is cut in half next year as america and europe print the shit out of their currencies to defend from corona chan

meanwhile bitcoin is going up hahahahahhahahaha

also ++ sucks for ML.. have fun with your deprecated libtard socialist bootlicker tech

>> No.13748026
File: 40 KB, 1024x768, 332dcd28b4921fd88a0b7c00c9edf0162f4aa01e_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.13748041


>> No.13748044

joe rogan is reddit-tier. He might be ok but his followers are brainlet sissy-boys

>> No.13748177

Looks delicious

>> No.13748228

I thought that I liked runny eggs, but really all Joe Rogan does is slightly heat them up. The yolks don't even look warm.

>> No.13748232

eat a kettle ball

>> No.13748243

How can one man be so shit at cooking eggs

>> No.13748249

Joe Rogan is smart in the same way that ONE stoner friend who watches too much public television and reads too many "science" articles is smart. It's surface level stuff that has mixed with his drug-addled psychology such that it sounds deep and meaningful.

Please tell me this is pasta.

>> No.13748259

Seriously, he must be in a fucking frenzy every time he cooks eggs, just trying to get it done ASAP on maximum heat. The outsides are always blackened and the yolks look FOOKIN' RAW.

>> No.13748263

He's dumb because he can't come up with a single intelligent and meaningful original thought. He just regurgitates other peoples recycled opinions and makes surface level observations about society and treats them as if they were profound.

>> No.13748279

Looks like he cooks them very quickly, but prefers runny sunny-side-up. probably likes to cook them super fast on a really hot pan, so the bottom gets a lot of color, while the top is still relatively uncooked.

>> No.13748469

why does he like fucking elk so much? it’s pretty shite.

>> No.13748652

joe rogan has no cooking skills and eats like an 8 year old

>> No.13748661

>eating like a wolf
>a dozen terribly fried eggs
That is not what wolves eat.

>> No.13748684

Fuck Ezekiel bread, fucking horrible.

>> No.13749016

successful people do things quickly

>> No.13749136
File: 340 KB, 750x1000, The nature of Pickle Rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago on NPR I heard a piece by a guy who lived as Joe Rogan recommends for several weeks, maybe months, and by the time he came out the other side he said something along the lines of
>Joe Rogan is the male Gwyneth Paltrow
and it doesn't seem inaccurate.

>> No.13749149

I just don’t know how anyone can eat snot eggs like that. Even eating them raw makes more sense. There’s something wrong with this nigger.

>> No.13749153

Let's hear some of your original, intelligent thoughts

>> No.13749163

Imagine, if you will, a heated buttplug. People are always trying to find ways to keep warm, but the real killer is losing your central body heat. A heated buttplug avoids the issues of have to soak through layers of clothing or fat to bring your core body temperature back up. With some lube, they could be used by first responders to help treat people suffering from hypothermia.

>> No.13749316

>Imagine, if you will,
you already ripped off twilight zone, stopped reading there

>> No.13749348

way too many fucking eggs, but otherwise delicious.

>> No.13749662

>hes dumb because he cant come up with a single intelligent or meaningful original thought
>let's heat one of your intelligent or meaningful original thoughts
good job anon, you have proven your point wonderfully.

>> No.13750916

>every hobby in the world
>cannot take basic cooking class

>> No.13750938

He obviously didn't, but you certainly did.

>> No.13751798


>> No.13752005

>not wanting eggy jalaneno braps

>> No.13752015

>You have to eat all the eggs, anon.

>> No.13752076

Those eggs are nearly raw. Fuck that.

>> No.13752107

>muh protien