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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 185 KB, 371x413, sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13736197 No.13736197 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really the best?
> First, the ingredients. You'll need a 28-ounce can of whole, peeled tomatoes; one peeled, halved onion; and 5 tablespoons of butter. (Yes, 5 whole tablespoons of butter.) You'll also want a pinch or two of salt.
>Put everything together in a single pot and set it to simmer over medium heat on the stove for 45 minutes, uncovered. Give it the occasional stir.
> And that's it. After the 45 minutes is up, toss out the onion halves, and pour the sauce over your favorite pasta. Easy.
> Hazan died in 2013. Her husband and translator (she wrote in Italian), Victor Hazan, explained how the sauce came to be in an interview with Epicurious in 2016: "Marcella was a genius when it came to taste. She had an immediate understanding about how flavor affects a dish. She asked herself, 'Why chop an onion? Why saute? I'm going to put the onion, tomato, and butter together and forget about it.' "

>> No.13736214

sounds good, just goes to show that there's no reason not to eat tasty food at home

>> No.13736245

I've made this sauce literally a hundred times and it's very good. The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking is highly recommended. My favorite cookbook.

>> No.13736250 [DELETED] 

Of course there’s a jew involved and then it’s the (((world’s best sauce))).

When will you ever learn?

>> No.13736261

Nobody has time for this shit. Just buy a jar of sauce like a normal human. And the jar sauce tastes way better too

>> No.13736269

>American considering himself a human being

Fucking kek

>> No.13736277

>5 tablespoons of butter
what did he mean by this

>> No.13736284

>write tasty
>read healthy

>> No.13736286

>esl nigger eating the bait
every fucking time

>> No.13736287

you're not going to be eating the whole thing of sauce at once, are you anon?

>> No.13736296

ah shit ah fuck I played myself

shut up don't judge me

>> No.13736312

if marcella hazan said it, it is true. i will try this one day.

>> No.13736344

what kind of onion, am I stupid for not knowing which automatically?

>> No.13736351

Italian Onion.

>> No.13736364

I'm not telling you, and yes

>> No.13736382

It doesn't matter. All onions are interchangeable.

>> No.13736391


>> No.13736395

Interchangeable Italian onion (I'm not telling you)

>> No.13736399

not the dashing Shallot.

>> No.13736403

I don't believe it's the best sauce in the world

>> No.13736426

Thinking about doing this tomorrow with some chicken parm and ‘sketti. Too much work for a weekday meal?

>> No.13736430

There's no other herbs or spices in it? It's just tomatoes, onion, butter, and salt?

>> No.13736439

yeah what is this retarded shit? I thought italians know how to season properly.

>> No.13736443

trying this now

>> No.13736445

Post pics

>> No.13736466
File: 3.00 MB, 3072x4096, 15832126107285400322213923335337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now we wait :)

>> No.13736471

>that onion
Anon, I....

>> No.13736475

Baste. Is that an Italian onion?

>> No.13736478

I would at least add jn some sprigs of fresh basil
>hailed as the world's best
By whom? By what metrics? Best tasting period? Or best as a foundational tomato sauce? I hate these clickbait bullshit headlines. "Best in the world" is a meaningless statement on its own

>> No.13736490

>Not crushing the tomatoes with your hand
>Not using a sauce pan


>> No.13736495

That is a sauce pan.
Your supposed to let the tomatoes dissolve on their own so no flavor is lost

>> No.13736496

Could it be made with less better without being much much less tasty? I've done a side-by-side of two batches of minestrone. They were exactly the same except one used all the oil called for in the recipe and the other only used 2g cooking spray for the initial onion and garlic step. The batch with oil was better, but they were both pretty good. Unless you're serving the OP tomato sauce to guests or otherwise trying to impress, I bet you could cut the oil and still get a very good result.

>> No.13736499

one of the differentiating points of the recipe
yellow onion i think
theyre cooking apart in the pot now

>> No.13736502

Simple flavors, don't need to blast your tongue with too much stuff, oregano is for pizza sauce.

>> No.13736518

green onion it is then

>> No.13736523

Can I use Ramps?

>> No.13736547
File: 2.46 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20200302_214009175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooking brew acquired

>> No.13736578

It’s pretty good, but its method of cheating is butter and onion. If you make this five times, you will forever be able to detect this exact recipe. You can also cheat in many different directions with (for example) fresh tomatoes, shallots, green onions, orange/red peppers, poblano peppers, chipotles, carrots, heavy cream, grated parmesan/gouda/manchego, and so on.

I would encourage people to think of this recipe as a successful cheat code from a can or two of tomatoes, but to realize there are many other cheat codes out there.

>> No.13736604

Why toss out the onions?

>> No.13736623

>putting butter in Marinara

Can we just not be shamelessly fat for just one goddamned minute?
Just one?

>> No.13736628

>5 butters
Do Americans really?

>> No.13736635

why are you here

>> No.13736646

If those fuckers cook all the way through, you've got yourself a delicious side right there

>> No.13736697

Im gonna try this

>> No.13736717
File: 3.56 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20200302_222421269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flavor reminiscent of tomato soup
I think this would be much better with fresh tomates

>> No.13736731

Why butter instead of olive oil?

>> No.13736732

Fresh tomatoes aren't as concentrated in flavor, most chefs recommend canned for a reason and it's not the convenience

>> No.13736733

>No garlic
>No olive oil
>No oregano
>No basil
>No tomato paste
This sounds like fucking trash. Who wants to eat butter-flavored tomato sauce with a hint of onion?
Imagine being too lazy to make a proper sauce. It's easy as fuck to make a good pasta sauce, it requires literally as much effort as this does but it's 10x better.

>> No.13736736

What happened to the onision

>> No.13736738

That's why you cook them to evaporate the water and concentrate the flavor. Canned tomatoes are recommended because fresh tomatoes that are out of season and not ripened properly barely taste like anything, while canned tomatoes can actually have more flavor from being picked while in season and ripe then immediately canned.

>> No.13736754

this had kind of a tinny flavor honestly
maybe San marzano would have been better?

>> No.13736766

This. Fresh tomatoes, cooked down and concentrated, are subject to external factors like freshness, in season-ness, and ripeness. If you’re some faggot Bon Appetite writer, why not just shill hard as fuck for canned tomatoes? It requires no thought, no judgement, no skill, and it’s repeatable but mediocre. The real secret is to leverage the best of what is fresh at this very moment, wherever you are. The canned tomatoes will absorb and be infused with this freshness.

>> No.13736778

I'd use the Cento San Marzano tomatoes in the standard 28 ounce can. There may be better but you can find those anywhere.

>> No.13737045

>canned tomatoes
I'd sooner drink bleach.

>> No.13737063

>toss out the onion halves
Instead of this retarded shit and 5 tablespoons of butter add soffritto + garlic and let it simmer for an hour.

>> No.13737073
File: 947 KB, 1048x713, Marie's Tomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she used Contadina. Also, where are the dried erbs and wilted basil?

>> No.13737173

Contadina would be about the worst most pleb choice imaginable.

>> No.13737216

For me it’s ragu traditional

>> No.13737353


>> No.13737361

not really, because I'm confident in contadinas sodium content

>> No.13737364

What’s the back story on Marie?

>> No.13737369

You know this lesbian is potentially one of /ck/s greatest trolls?

>> No.13737371

2.5oz or butter to 28oz of canned tomatoes, less than 10% isn't THAT bad

>> No.13737460

>pasta sauce is 10% butter
>not THAT bad
I guess.

>> No.13737688

Its an american thing. You wouldnt understand it.

>> No.13737926

This has to be extremely bland. Adding butter to shit isn't magically going to make it taste interesting.

>> No.13737931

Fucking kek

>> No.13737954

It's a fine recipe but not really the best. It's really simple and could definitely use some herbs and extra preparation. I have no idea why Hazan is worshipped, she never worked in a restaurant and she only cooked in the US with US ingredients at a time when US produce was limited.

>> No.13737961

she said a halved onion, retard. you wouldn't half a green onion, you would chop it

>> No.13738044

Just made it. It's good but there really is too low a ceiling for how good a tomato sauce can get on its own.

>> No.13738060

She's a teacher and she made an intentionally bad video so her students could watch it and point out mistakes like the way she seasons by surface area instead of taste or quantity

>> No.13738062

>no garlic
There’s nothing wrong with a simple tomato reduction, but it needs garlic

>> No.13738072

Shame its 2020 and people know eating wheat is toxic.

>> No.13738074

Not even. Get your sauce simmered, butterfly and bread your chicken and let it sit for a while, then get water boiling for pasta. Pre-heat your parm pan, drop your pasta in, and sautee your chicken until just cooked. Ladle on sauce, add cheese, and broil in the oven as the pasta finishes, then pull it after you've drained your pasta and serve immediately. If the pasta takes 45 minutes, there's zero reason you can't use that time to prep the rest. Can even whip up a simple dressed salad on the side, or roast veggies while your sauce cooks too.

>> No.13738125
File: 833 KB, 167x167, whatno994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best pasta sauce
>no garlic

>> No.13738139

>(Yes, 5 whole tablespoons of butter.)
that really isn't a lot

>> No.13738140

>And the jar sauce tastes way better too
I feel so sorry for you holy hell.

>> No.13738156

Who the fuck measures butter in tablespoons
Like what, you just gonna get a tablespoon and gouge out a perfectly level mound of butter from your butter block? You guys are nuts.

>> No.13738168

After they are done in the sauce, stick them under the broiler for a while to get some color.

>> No.13738181

>Oh no, it went 1½ grams over, it's ruined

>> No.13738193

I think this is more of a base that you can tweak and change as you see fit. Drown it in garlic if you want.

>> No.13738196

For those who tried it, is it sweet pasta? I am curious about this recipe but I'd puke of it's a sweet tasting pasta sauce.

>> No.13738203

>puke from sweet sauce
what's broken in your body?

>> No.13738230

I'm a flip. My mom however, makes Italian style spaghetti, usually filled with lots of herbs. Comparing it to the abomination that is the spaghetti of Jolibee has made me have a knee jerk reaction to any pasta sauce approaching the sweetness of ketchup.

Also, I am generally not a fan of sweet food, as I'm more of a dark chocolate kind of guy. Anything caramel related is an exception though.

>> No.13738235

>Marcella Hazan was an Italian-born cooking writer whose books were published in English. Her cookbooks are credited with introducing the public in the United States and Britain to the techniques of traditional Italian cooking.
Issa authentico Eye-talian recipe, bellissimo!

>> No.13738262

so this is fancy sketti?

>> No.13738271

it;s funny that fat american pedos eat the same food as cultured elite italians

>> No.13738275

>dude no herbs or spices lmao just heat up a can of tomatoes
sounds like absolute bullshit

>> No.13738284

If she’s using the san marzano tomatoes they’re already seasoned in the can

>> No.13738316

white onion, retard

>> No.13738345

Why not red or yellow? Educate me senpai

>> No.13738357

red ones are sweeter and yellow onions are stronger in flavour than white ones.. Shallot in turn are stronger than yellow

>> No.13738368

>Shallot in turn are stronger than yellow
forget that i got confused, Shallots have a sweet and mild flavor

>> No.13738391

So what makes white the ideal in tomato sauce? It’s more balanced and in the middle of the other two?

>> No.13738395

In what way is it different than using olive oil?

>> No.13738397


Imagine being retarded

>> No.13738430

>bay leaf
fucking hell why is half of this thread acting like butter is some kind of ultimate secret for tomato sauce

>> No.13738433

>he fell for the seasonings meme

>> No.13738437

Tastes like nothing
>bay leaf
taste like nothing
Are you making a pizza or pasta?
Theres parmesan with specific tart flavor, not all cheese work

>> No.13738443

I would put some pepper and garlic in but that's about it
nah m8 your fucked

>> No.13738465
File: 219 KB, 510x395, koiWXLa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no meat

no thanks

>> No.13738487

Reddit Tier kek

>> No.13738502

Just mix some whey into glass of milk if you're worried about your protein intake.

>> No.13738596

Can you brown some ground beef before draining the fat and then adding the tomatoes, onion & butter?

>> No.13738670

>add meat to sauce

>> No.13738836

How the fuck is it sweet with no sugar added at all? It's just tomatoes and butter and you even throw away the onions.

>> No.13738851

>fat bad
You will raise weak children

>> No.13738878

>doesn't put parm in his gravy
objectively parsley+onion+garlic sauteed in olive oil plus tomato,wine,salt, and any additional seasonings is how you make sauce. i dont use oregano or basil but i do in meatballs which i put into the sauce

>> No.13738934

once you add meat its gravy

>> No.13738952


You literally add other shit once it's done, it's a base sauce you autist

>> No.13738954

>he fell for the "fat is bad" meme

Bruh if you're eating a whole ass 6 servings by yourself then you're already a fat fuck so idk what to tell you. Less than one tablespoon a serving is a totally fine and healthy amount of fats to have in a dish.

>> No.13738963

based utter fucking retard

>> No.13738971

>the flavor is in the fat!
ok boomer

>> No.13738973

>perfectly level mound of butter
*m*r*c*ns buy their butter in rock hard refrigerated sticks which are labelled on the wrapper with how much of the stick makes a tablespoon so they just slice off part of the stick. It's beyond retarded.

>> No.13738981

enjoy your grams of sodium for a cup or two of sauce

>> No.13738987

It is you absolute retard. Fat adds richness and depth. Just because fit told you you're a lanklet and not you have an eating disorder doesn't mean centuries of cooking is suddenly wrong.

>> No.13739025

People kept slaves and raped women as a matter of course for thousands of years. Just because something is traditional doesn’t mean it’s right. Fat as flavor is as outdated as your boomer politics.

>> No.13739046

That's what olive oil is for. Take the gear shifter out of turbo fat and learn to cook. Or are you one of those future coronary patients that says subscribes to the mantra
>Bacon is better with everything

>> No.13739065

Boomers are literally the ones who are terrified of fat. They were the ones pushing low fat diets filled with sugar that made the whole nation obese. This is an indisputable fact

>> No.13739076

These are both troll posts

>> No.13739078

Butter is good for you. The low-fat meme is bullshit.

>> No.13739081

>no pepper
>no garlic
>no oregano
>no basil
>discard onion after steeping in a can of tomatoes.
Sounds disgusting.

>> No.13739209

Why is this retarded

>> No.13739223

>'Why chop an onion? Why saute?
Cause that tastes different from just simmering half an onion?
Imagine how good PROPER tomato sauce would be, if you just relied on stupid amounts of butter to make it taste good + it ALREADY tastes good.
Without the butter her recipe would be garbage.

>> No.13739228

>without [necessary ingredient] this recipe would be garbage
Really makes you think!

>> No.13739233

You don't use 5 tablespoons of olive oil per can of tomatoes.

>> No.13739240

Yeah, it really does, don't try to burn your brain, retard.
I can make a tomato sauce that tastes good without so much butter, that it will kill you at age 30.
When you put that much butter in it, it really doesn't matter what else you do.
It's almost the same as just putting a whole bunch of MSG in it, yeah it tastes good, but that's not good cooking, that's just using unhealthy means of intensifying mediocre flavours.

>> No.13739246


Why not just boil steaks. Why not just boil everything and eat it like you live in an 1984 type movie where victory meat tastes like stool.

>> No.13739253

I came here to post this. You named every single ingredientit's missing. .

The tomatoe paste is a godsend and those onions need to cook with garlic for a very long time it sets the base of the sauce

>> No.13739262


1 Cast Iron Ceramic pot, small
2 Cups ground beef
3/4 Cup Onion fine dice
1/2 Cup Celery fine dice
1/2 Cup Carrot fine dice
1/2 tbsp oregano
1/2 tbsp basil
1/2 tsp garlic powder.
1 tsp rosemary
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp fresh ground 4 pepper blend
2 Cans Whole Tomato
1 Can Campbell's tomato soup. (It's fucking tomato paste, sugar, citric acid, salt, etc.)
1 Can Mushroom slices (Or fresh if you're priggish)

Over medium high heat brown ground beef in cast iron pot and reserve. Add butter and onion, working the fond off the pan into the onion.
Brown onion then add carrot and celery and mix. Sweat mixture unti soft. Blitz one can of tomato to sauce consistency and add to pot, bring to a
boil and reduce heat accordingly, cleaning bottom of the pot with spatula. Cut second can of tomato into bit sized pieces and add. add spices and vinegar.
stir and bring to a strong simmer and cook for about 45 minutes. Simmer until a thick sauce consistency with a sweet flavour developing in the tomato.
Add soup, mushroom and ground beef and stir until thoroughly mixed. Spatula darkening sauce from the sides of pot and mix in.
Cook for another 30 minutes.

>> No.13739300

Yeah, my point exactly.

>> No.13739316

There's a mistake in my slapdash recipe, you reduce heat after the onion browning for the sweat. Don't sweat on high heat.

>> No.13739318

I love corner cutting cooking recipes, but that's just throwing out flavour with the bathwater.

>> No.13739326

Look how much more work this is than the OP
get the fuck outta here

>> No.13739356

>slavery bad
>rape bad
>release slaves
>slaves rape women
How do we win?

>> No.13739369

>"Marcella was a genius when it came to taste.
>Why chop an onion? Why saute? I'm going to put the onion, tomato, and butter together and forget about it.'

A real genius

>> No.13739458

>1 Can Mushroom slices (Or fresh if you're priggish)
So preferring mushrooms that aren't limp and rubbery is self righteous?

Other than that looks alright, but would cook for much longer than 30mins, use fresh garlic, and add a bay leaf.

>> No.13739471

How is this recipe cheating? How do you cheat in a different direction? What the fuck is your definition of 'cheat'?

>> No.13739480

>Cast Iron
stopped reading there

>> No.13739538


Enamel, you dipshit, it's the only way to generate fond the entire time you're cooking. How fucking new at cooking are you? Read more, talk less, more youtube, less asshole.

>> No.13739547


>> No.13739626

Wow great advice boomer

>> No.13739638

>canned mushies
fucking dropped

>> No.13739654


The last batch I made was with fresh mushrooms and a can of fucking campbells soup. BECAUSE ITS FUCKING TOMATO PASTE. Idiot. You dumb gimps will always eat like shit because you don't know the chemistry behind cooking.

>> No.13739682

>fancy cooking
>uses shitty tomato soup for pasta sauce
You can’t make this shit up lmao, where do you live, Kentucky or something?

>> No.13739690

why can't you use stainless?

>> No.13739706

>no garlic

>> No.13739711

italians hate using garlic though, as its a poor pepo food

>> No.13739751

You're really that fucking stupid, aren't you. You can't read ingredients..

Watch this, you piece of shit

Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), High Fructose Corn Syrup, Wheat Flour, Water, Contains Less Than 2% Of: Salt, Potassium Chloride, Citric Acid, Natural Flavoring, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Monopotassium Phosphate, Celery Extract, Garlic Oil.

See that? Everything you want in a tomato sauce. Keep yapping. I know you need the attention and that's the only reason you're here. You don't even cook.

>> No.13739760

no we don't, you dumbass

>> No.13739763


Do Americans really?

>> No.13739776

Because the sides of the stainless steel don't get as hot as the thick iron and enamel coat. I've tried it for fucking 3 decades until I came to this recipe. It only generates fond because the sides of the pot are nearly as hot as the bottom.
I'm not lying. I'd show you a picture but I don't have one. It turns nearly brown on the sides, then you spatula it off into the sauce and that's pure sugar.

>> No.13739782

you can do that with stainless. even my slow cooker does that.

>> No.13739796


no, and no.. Slow cookers don't generate fond. That's the entire reason why you brown things using the malliard process. I just can't keep this shit up. You guys, cook your shitty food.

>> No.13739812

Damn and I thought my family was redneck for using cream of mushroom soup in tuna casserole, this is next level

>> No.13739826

Why not. If it's good olive oil then that's tasty as fuck

>> No.13739833

>1/2 tbsp oregano
>1/2 tbsp basil
Might as well skip on those considering all the pepper and vinegar, especially if they're dried

>> No.13739842

It'll forever be a mystery.

>> No.13739889

Parsley is a pretty strong flavor what are you talking about?

>> No.13739965

A stick of butter is 1/2 cup, which is 8 tablespoons. It's very simple to eyeball it and cut 5/8 off the stick off. This is gradeschool shit.

Holy fucking CRINGE. Stop posting.

>> No.13739973

you're retarded dude. the stuff on the sides of the pot is just dried out sauce (tomato paste). you can deglaze stainless. don't be such a twat

>> No.13739980

This is bait, don't respond to it.

>> No.13740001

And a gram of butter is a gram of butter
Its one 100th of 100g of butter.

>> No.13740009

>And the jar sauce tastes way better too
no, no it doesn't anon.

>> No.13740029
File: 55 KB, 800x600, twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would add some basil and pepper, in tomato sauce is a must imo

>> No.13740074

What does pasta have to do with pedophiles?

>> No.13740088

Not him, but the best red sauce is laboriously made over a stovetop for several hours, evaporating a ton of liquid and concentrating the sauce. But this cheatless method necessitates constant stirring, so as not to let the sugar-filled tomatoes at the bottom start burning.

Our lad Kenji has the best way to cheat a red sauce, though it still takes an assload of time:
>heat butter and/or olive oil in Dutch oven
>soften/caramelize your alliums
>bloom your aromatics
>add hand-crushed San Marzano tomatoes
>add in onion halves, basil leaves w/ stems, and big chunks of carrots
>stick Dutch oven in real oven b/c Maillard
>leave in, half-covered, for several hours
Leaving it unwatched in the oven is the cheat, obviously.

>> No.13740109
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>draining the fat

>> No.13740161

>4 and a half cups of tomatoes to a little more than half a stick of butter

>> No.13740168

you really poured your beer into that giant mason jar? also fuck pacifco its modelo time

>> No.13740180
File: 163 KB, 720x480, goodfellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13740240

Are american tomatoes so trash you need to blast them with the entire spice cabinet? Italians use either onion or garlic, not both and in much lower quantities than americans. Also, oregano is for pizza sauce.

>> No.13740253

If those are your only spices in your cabinet then I feel sorry for you. I guess you turd worlders just can't afford what we Americans can

>> No.13740258

Americans can't appreciate simple flavors, they must drown everything in spice.

>> No.13740285

I just a ton of paprika, cayenne, oregano, thyme, pepper, olive oil and sausage and a little bit of sugar and bakind powder to combat the sourness

>> No.13740294

concentrated tomato is generally sweet and not too acidic

>> No.13740297

I’d let her drain me, if you catch the drift

>> No.13740315 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1086x488, 9CF1FC1E-480B-4E6E-8ABE-589AB0196C94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the nigger mods always ban me if I say something about the Jews on this board?

You can insult Americans, niggers and other Europeans all day long but touch the kikes and you ban us?

Get fucked

>> No.13740326

>pizza sauce
implying there's a difference

>> No.13740329

kill yourself yurospook

>> No.13740337

> no garlic
Fuck off.

>> No.13740902

I read healthy the first time too lol
People don't eat tasty food at home now? Wtf

>> No.13741001

The jars of sauce are literally worse than heating through a can of tomatoes by itself.

>> No.13741058

when I'm short on time I'll infuse some oil with garlic and/or onion, chop up a handful of roma tomatoes, and cook them down with about a 1/4th jar of sauce + some herbs

I keep jarred sauces around for this but I can't do them plain it's just like tomatoes with sugar.

>> No.13741084

ah yes, the thing that gives food flavor. oh, do you mean you worry about your sodium levels? if you are, then you have other things to worry about too, like the amount of carbs in this sauce.

>> No.13741325

There is, pizza sauces use oregano.

>> No.13741329

Yeah, it's so terrible having tomatoes that don't taste like cardboard.

>> No.13741439

so what do you call pasta sauce with oregano? retard

>> No.13741443

Pasta with a sauce with oregano in it is "pasta with pizza sauce".

>> No.13741678

Whenever I see a dumb article I always check to see if a woman made it. It's always women or soy men.

>> No.13742550

How much does the Italian government pay you per post?