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File: 14 KB, 500x500, IQOS_03bql1-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13721716 No.13721716 [Reply] [Original]

This is such a retarded fucking scam, holy shit.
Does anyone actually use this garbage?

>> No.13721732


What is it mister anon salesman?

>> No.13721734

That's a fancy looking dildo

>> No.13721737

>vape pen
>food & cooking

>> No.13721739

what am I even looking at

>> No.13721786
File: 42 KB, 510x510, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even worse than vape pen. Its pretty popular around Yurop in recent years, dunno if it's big in America. Kinda started fading away tho, since people mostly used it cos you could act like a cunt and smoke it in bars/restaurants/nalls/etc. It made by the big tobacco companies and they sell you the ""cigarettes"" you put inside so they are still making money from the dying tobacco market.
Anyway, the way it works, you insert this tiny cigarette inside of it, it heats it somehow, but doesnt burn it and you just smoke it like a normal cigarette. You still get the nicotine hit, but it tastes like asshole. The only real plus I found is that it basically leaves no smoking smell wherever you are, but aside for that it's pure garbage. It costs the same as a vape pen and you still need to buy those special cigarettes that coast the same as a regular pack

>> No.13721840

Smoke doesnt have a taste though
If it leaves no odor then thats amazing though

>> No.13721859

Incredibly wrong

>> No.13721882

Sounds like a giant hassle. I also want to wonder why tobaccos companies don't try to adapt. Well I guess they sorta are with this but I mean with vapes. Wouldn't an official "Marlboro Red" ejuice sell pretty well?

>> No.13721901

so it vapes cigarettes?
thats dumb

>> No.13721904

Still off topic

>> No.13721921

It is
People were talking about alcohol and tobacco on this board for years, you SEETHING newfag wannabe janny

>> No.13721922 [DELETED] 

It's an electronic cigarette made by Philip Morris, the international tobacco giant. It supposedly is more like real cigarette than vaping since it actually burns a tiny bits of tobacco pushed in from the cartridge instead of vaporizing tobacco juice. Philip Morris claims it's less danger to health than traditional cigarettes, but there is very little scientific evidence to support this notion of decreased harm.

>> No.13721940

Guess who owns Juul (Philip Morris).

JTI (Benson & Hedges) has extensive e-cigarette product lineup overseas (especially Japan), but hasn't introduced them to the U.S. because of the legal and regulatory uncertainties around tobacco vaping i.e. they won't launch vapes here until FDA clarifies the rules and their lawyers are absolutely sure this won't open them up to another multi-billion dollar class action lawsuit.

>> No.13722019

That IQOS thingy is also made by Philip Morris, they even have Marlboro cigarettes for it

>> No.13722074

Should have known. What exactly needs to be clarified for them?

>> No.13722129
File: 415 KB, 750x450, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's called a "dry herb vape" and your supposed to put weed in in you dongus.

>> No.13722309
File: 146 KB, 188x580, ff2plus_jetblack[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it heats it somehow, but doesnt burn it and you just smoke it like a normal cigarette
So, it's a vaporizer. They have similar ones "for tobacco use only." Only they don't suck ass because you can use whatever weed you want in them just like a combustion pipe.

>> No.13722312


>> No.13722315

I would but I'm not in Junior High school

>> No.13723449

Shut the fuck up, braindead zoomer

>> No.13725015


>> No.13725138

You're so fucking retarded

>> No.13725159
File: 30 KB, 107x288, 1578500954848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inhaling smoke
>inhaling vaporized oils

>> No.13725950


>> No.13725983

edibles and tincture are the future

>> No.13726046

I like how you can't buy cherry tobacco because it might entice kids to smoke but the government has no problem with cancerous watermelon iSyrup.

>> No.13726287

You've been living in a cave the last year, haven't you?


>> No.13726290


>> No.13726292

Fuck. I'm running out of cynical political observations to sound clever with.

>> No.13726309

I'm not from wherever that is but it's good that they're at least consistent
sorry but if I can't get tasty yum yum smokes then neither should you be able to get kool aid yum yum vaparinos

>> No.13726345

>cancerous watermelon iSyrup.
Also, there's no evidence of this. There's been some acute responses to bad additives (popcorn lung once to diacetyl, the EVALI outbreak due to use of Vitamin E Acetate, "Honey Cut", used to thin out THC oil and hide that it's well below normal strength), but the most common ingredients (Propylene Glycol [a common vaporized medicine carrier fluid], Vegetable Glycerin) are generally bioneutral.

>> No.13726466
File: 69 KB, 220x220, 1572476924169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoke doesnt have a taste though

>> No.13728445

It doesn't

>> No.13728536

It definitely leaves a smell and it smells like ass

>> No.13728579

It isn't consistent. They want to levy a higher tax rate on nicotine vapes than is on cigarettes. The two bills banning all flavor vapes whatsover, menthol cigarettes, and a sin tax on all nicotine in any form just passed in the House this week. It is doubtful it will pass in this form in the Senate, but you never know. It is a bunch of bad legislation that only aims to raise tax burdens on regular people and encourage smoking over smoking cessation. Contrary to science. Contrary to the growing popular notion that regular Americans pay too much and the rich pay too little into the system.

>> No.13728585

Also note the the Congressman who introduced the bills (backed by Bloomberg, btw) literally stated that the increase in taxes on smoking cessation products will be used to fund Medicare for the boomers.

>> No.13728593

The majority of whom are all hopped up on prescription opiates. How's that for consistency?

>> No.13728602

I'm convinced people smoke because of the element of fire.

Vapers are just tards with not enough balls for going into a shisha bar or getting some dank ass we'd

>> No.13729098

I tried it cause I got one for free.
It made my throat dry and the tobacco sticks are as expensive as the normal cigarettes. Maybe it's not as cancerous but I prefer to vape e-liquids

>> No.13729133

is this one or two autists? it's consistent because they are trying to keep children from getting hooked on addictive (((wares))) from people tricking them into thinking it's candy's older edgy brother. no one asked you about taxation.

>> No.13729185

The Japanese. It puts out less smoke than a normal cig. Actual vaping in japan they aren’t allowed to add nicotine so this is the bridge they have. You can smoke in most bars in japan so it doesn’t matter. But this is the “fancy” gadget
-t. American fresh out of Okinawa

>> No.13729190

seems like the whole point is to get users to try and smoke the little ciggs that you buy for it, then eventually switch to normal ciggs when the device breaks.

>> No.13729489

Looks like a flip phone, a tampon, and half a cigarette.

>> No.13729924

Next they're going to start "saving" the children from caffeine, alcohol, and sugar by taxing the shit out of them. You're wrong. It is ALL about taxation. These very same people want to legalize marijuana. THC vaping, not nicotine vaping is what was killing kids, and they are PUSHING for that. You see a consistent agenda about the children here? I don't. I see a consistent agenda about making money despite public health.

>> No.13730781

This. In Oklahoma they keep advertising "smoke free Oklahoma" but it's only towards tobacco. Nothing about marijuana that was legalized for "medical" use and is easy as hell to get.

>> No.13731354

Fucking junkies

>> No.13731357

Daves not here man

>> No.13731418

De la soul reference??

>> No.13731562

Bro, why are you on the food board if you dont have a sense of taste

>> No.13731566
File: 113 KB, 1500x1500, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoke doesnt have a taste though
Have you never had barbecue?
Or even just bacon?

>> No.13731597 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1616x587, rprt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported 12 hours ago due to being off-topic. Thread still up. Mods, do your FUCKING. JOB.

>> No.13732782

Well they just raised the age in which people can buy nicotine products in my state in america from 18 to 21which is pretty bollocks, but it has no effect on me, and I live in one of the major tobacco producing states.

>> No.13732829

are you really this retarded? really!?

>> No.13732863

smoke has a very bold flavor at least that's what the package says

>> No.13733152

it does have a pretty repulsive smell as you smoke it, but yeah, it doesn't linger. it's gone in about 10 minutes

>> No.13733178

what is it and why is it on my foodboard

>> No.13733752

I do. It's nice.

>> No.13733806

Why does 4chan hate weed but not tobacco?

>> No.13733810

banning a product is a very strange way to increase tax revenue. stopping people from becoming addicted to (((products))) is an obvious public health agenda since addiction is the second most prevalent mental health issue. "Consistent... huh??" the word you should be contesting obstinately is "children whaaaat?" because that was actually misused. young adults getting suckered into a lifetime of addiction by candy flavoring. prohibiting candy flavors in all tobacco products is consistent. it may be healthier to vape than smoke but if you have to vape nicotine of menthol flavored gel and it stops X% of other young people from getting hooked then it is unfortunate for you that the government gets to make that call.

>> No.13733815

4chan hates everything

>> No.13734769

>old enough to vote
>old enough to sign up for the military and go to war
>told you're an adult
>but apparently can't make you're own decisions about nicotine
We live in a strange world. On one hand we're told we have these freedoms and responsibilities, then on the other we're still being nannied. They should raise the voting age back to 21 if young people can be so easily influenced. Oh wait, that's what they want.

>> No.13734789

They're also allowed to get weed in states that legalized it.

>> No.13734805

>putting garbage in your bodies

>> No.13734820

>getting suckered into a lifetime of addiction by candy flavoring
Like alcohol? That comes in many candy flavors, too. What about sugar? The most addictive drug, and the cause of the childhood obesity and lifelong adult obesity epidemic. They give subsidies to that and oftentimes give it away to kids for free. Guess the government gets to make that call, too. Nicotine vaping is not tobacco. Deadly THC cut with vitamin E acetate is not nicotine vaping. Taxes won't deter young adults. Bans won't deter youths, but will intice them. I think a nicotine tax on non-tobacco products is to recapture tax revenue from former-smoker adults. The products have yet to harm anyone after 20-some years. In fact, hundreds of thousands of deaths are prevented by smokers switching to vaping. At odds with the public health, a moral panic was manufactured because the state coffers were running dry. Tobacco use was a huge source of revenue. But they're doing it for the children. Such a noble cause!

>> No.13734851

>old enough to sign up for lifelong, untenable government-backed student loan debt
>can't drink, smoke, vape
>this is freedom

>> No.13735147

>Taxes won't deter young adults.
>Bans won't deter youths, but will intice them.
I'm sure to you that it feels cathartic to write these out but they're both incorrect. making flavors of a product unavailable is not going to revive the speakeasy.
>to recapture tax revenue from former-smoker adults
that's conceivably true but irrelevant to any point I've made at any point during our exchange. getting rid of grape soda tobacco extract isn't a taxation policy. if you want to arch your back and say every prospective sin tax item should be dealt with equally that's fine but again it is irrelevant to my point of consistent treatment between flavored smokes and vapes.

there are a lot of products and substances in the united states and abroad and the government restricts the commercial trade of for various reasons.
>this is freedom
truly free enterprise doesn't exist in the World today and arguably never has

>> No.13735732

The kids angle is window dressing to pass a tax.

>> No.13737546


>> No.13737726

Agreed. Smokers were profitable. Fat people are a net loss. I bet an obesity tax is coming someday. It already exists in the realm of private insurance via wellness checks.

>> No.13737924
File: 988 KB, 500x180, 15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother and my closest fren smoke this shit, pretending they are trying to quit smoking. damn shit tastes like 3 weeks old sweaty socks were put into fire. probably the most retarded and stupid thin Ive ever seen in my life.

>> No.13738129

Retard. Kids don't confuse vape pens with candy. Kids use vape pens because they want to larp as adults.

>> No.13738137

You literally should not be allowed to vote unless you own property. Make it like 1776 again.

>> No.13738172

Sounds like a good way to get the billionaires to get whoever they want into the White House and give themselves tax cuts and whatever laws that benefit them. Not small time landlords, but people who can own entire blocks if they so desired.
Suggesting that is the death of democracy.

>> No.13738297

democracy sucks anyway loser

>> No.13738343

>Thinking that sleazy politicians want the voting age at 21 and not 16 so that they can influence legions of literally still-in-school morons to vote for more gibsmedats
You are a simpleton

>> No.13738537

These are popular in Japan because vape juice is illegal for some reason

>> No.13739096

I actually meant that they want to keep at 18 for that reason. Keeping it low because barely oit of high school students can vote. 16 though, damn. Some of the kids back in high school got feisty when Obama was elected. I can only imagine what it'd be like if they could have voted too.

>> No.13739822

Go away, viral marketer.

>> No.13740207

Or, you know, because it gives the same fake stress relief cigarettes do without all the downsides.

>> No.13740227

nicotine isn't insanely addictive if it tastes like gummi bears? holy based -- sign me up!

>> No.13740293

Oh, it's still addictive (though not to the same degree, since cigs have additives that boost the felt effects and addictive properties), but that's really not even close to the worst of the problems cigs cause.

>> No.13740296

In Massachusetts 16 year olds can vote

>> No.13740340

Internet says cigarette vaporizer.

>> No.13740774

I do.
Why the fuck do you think it's a scam?
It's a substitute for cigarettes, and it does that.

Imo it tastes ok, especially the bronze and teak flavour.
On a side note, it really smells like a fart, imagine a fart withouts shit in it.
But the smell last less than 10 minutes in closed rooms