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13731271 No.13731271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>western people:omg omg omg you can't just eat bats, rats, and other animals
>western people: hey shut up milk from the tit of a cow, and chicken periods taste great

Western society is such hypocrite.

>> No.13731285

shit and dirt are delicacies in some places, probably from where ever you live.
you're full of shit and you should kill yourself.

>> No.13731289

I don't care about eating bats. Seems weird to not at least shave it first, though.

>> No.13731291

There was a study that most restaurants in the west contain feces on all their foods. You likely are full of shit as well.

>> No.13731294

>mom!!! i finally know how to do it!!! i made a bait thread on 4channel!!! mom i want my candy!!!

>> No.13731296

milk and chicken are safe, eating bats caused the ebola outbreak a few years back
chinks are retarded, they honestly need communism just to keep their numbers down so they dont breed themselves to starvation every other generation

>> No.13731298

>gutter oil

>> No.13731303

child birth laws have nothing to do with communism

>> No.13731390

its not a myth bozo, its 100% true

>> No.13731399

bullshit, you only have some webm from some poor region in china. The city dwellers are not that subhuman.

>> No.13731402

holy shit it's an actual CCP shill

>> No.13731407

Stop acting like you're so high and mighty. Shows like Nightmare Kitchen have shown that US and Europe restaurants are a disease ridden disaster.

>> No.13731410

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13731416

>child birth laws have nothing to do with communism
It very much does. Communism is the belief that people shouldn't be trusted to make choices and individuals and need the government to direct their behavior for the communal good

>> No.13731422

Could you go back into sending all worlds into darkness rather than detecting the Chinese ansem?

>> No.13731426

Haha very funny, Jim, but I live in Russia and my family is doing just fine.
Wrong again retard. The birth law was put in place because the population was booming beyond what production could supply. It would have ended with many chinese children starving to death.

>> No.13731430

No, that's authoritarianism. Communism is about the manner in which wealth is distributed.

>> No.13731437

>The birth law was put in place because the population was booming beyond what production could supply
only because bureaucrats are bad at directing economies

>> No.13731438

Communism is inherently authoritarian, you literally cannot distribute wealth centrally without it

>> No.13731445

Which is irrelevant of communism. It would have happened eventually no matter what. Everyone agrees the law was beneficial, the only flaw is it went on too long as China is booming now and can support breeding like rabbits.

>> No.13731452
File: 158 KB, 735x711, 1582572439924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bats have a specialized immune system that somehow stores viruses in a semi-active state to keep it from ever developing a true infection, it would be like eating a library of every virus that bat ever came into contact wiith you shouldn't even touch a bat with an ungloved hand, living or dead. this antiviral ability probably evolved because of the close habitation and large population of bat colonies.

sadly the bat specialization against viral infection has seemingly left them vulnerable to fungal infection, many bat species are now dying of one called white nose disease.

>> No.13731458

The more you know

>> No.13731467

>Which is irrelevant of communism
um, no, it is literally communism's thing

>> No.13731473

>Everyone agrees the law was beneficial
beneficial to whom?

>> No.13731476
File: 57 KB, 607x608, mao should fear the bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>child birth laws have nothing to do with communism
i was talking about starvation

>> No.13731481

>It would have ended with many chinese children starving to death.
the natural state of communism

>> No.13731483

COVID-19 is leaked by Americans to eliminate CCP, which is already confirmed.

How would eating bats be relevant to this?

>> No.13731486

It was already confirmed that the virus did not come from bats. That was just American propaganda that was quickly proven wrong.

>> No.13731491

>That was just American propaganda
some guy being wrong on the internet is not "american propaganda" stop being fucking dumb

>> No.13731492

>all animals are the same on the "should I eat this?" scale
Yup. That's definitely a chink.

>> No.13731513

No it wasn't. The closest genetic match is still to a bat Coronavirus.

>> No.13731527

>The closest bat virus that we've seen is not able to infect human cells, so there had to be some intermediate animal


>> No.13731529

Sure thing, dumb ass

>> No.13731608
File: 7 KB, 301x167, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chinese propaganda, the significant change is in the spike protein leading to a novel angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor binding solution which makes it highly infective in humans to the point many in my field thinks it looks "targeted" at humans. The best guess for a population in which this mutation could have arisen would have us looking for an unnatural concentration of pangolins because that's the only relevant animal that has a strong enough orthologue to the same receptor gene in humans. Either we find a nasty warehouse full of trafficked pangolins or this was made in a lab. China does have access to considerable potential computing resources for protein folding, they're communists and thus in a sense own the relevant factories.

>> No.13731636

Your fancy words mean nothing to me. Redneck murican here, I heard alcohol fights the virus. True? If so, can I eat bats still I'm drinking about a 30 rack of cheap light beer a day. And don't use them fancy words. I'm looking for yes, no, probably, or probably not.
Also remember this is an anonymous image board on the internet. You don't gotta act all corporate just tell me what you think I can't sue even if I knew how that shit worked

>> No.13731651

shut up prepper

>> No.13731654

best to beer braise them

>> No.13731672

Pangolins are seized being shipped to China faaaar too often. Shipments of dozens of them. They're one of the animals targeted for Chinese traditional medicine. This sounds plausible. Where did you read this?

>> No.13731676

>Actually thinks an alcoholic can feel anxiety enough to prep for anything
Try thinking for a couple seconds. The burnt smell from your brain will dissipate if you do it enough
Now you're talking my language I normally stew though.

>> No.13731677

>Asian "people": eat a bat and die from disease, spreading their filth around the globe in the process
2 nukes weren't enough

>> No.13731683

This dumb redneck here>>13731676
This is obviously bait anyone that bites is dumber than an alcoholic that eats bat's regularly.
Fuck else am I sposed to do with em though keep finding em on my barn floor

>> No.13731727

funny since Japan, who got nuked twice, is so far unaffected by the disease despite being right next to china.

>> No.13731847

Haha haha hahaha what a dum fuck>>13731683

>> No.13731865

fuck off prepper

>> No.13731929

I'd fuck you if you wanted but I don't know where you are
I need more details. And it can't be too far from Philly. I'm not driving 3 hours to cum hahaha

>> No.13731945

Milkmaids were often exposed to diseases like cowpox, which in turn inoculated them against graver diseases like smallpox. Medical researchers noticed this and it allowed them to develop vaccines for smallpox and eradicate it from Western society.

>> No.13731952

>"The number of cases in Japan rose on Thursday to more than 200, up from the official tally of 186 late on Wednesday."

>> No.13731996

Mister fancy words didn't answer but this seems like another good case to be stewing these bats. >>13731636
Is it safe?

>> No.13732004

I ain't reading that shit nigga and I ain't taking up someone else's argument. Find someone else to flirt with.

>> No.13732013

Nigga they carry diseases like ebola, there is a reason they shouldn't be eaten

>> No.13732037

zero proof u nigger

>> No.13732041
File: 91 KB, 968x681, pangolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was these niggas

>> No.13732055

Guy never responded
I eat bats regularly
Also heard alcohol fights the virus
Asked if I'm safe cause I drink lots

Asking you, am I okay cause I've always eaten them?

>> No.13732104

You're okay because you're lucky Chang.

>> No.13732160

I'm Dutch... Or Irish but mostly Dutch and most proud of Dutch. They take care of themselves the Irish die out cause they can't figure out taters aren't growing right let's fish in the water that surrounds us entirety.

>> No.13732203

Shut up potato nigger