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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13729767 No.13729767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What foods have you stockpiled in preparation for the coronavirus?

>> No.13729771


>> No.13729774

>it's no big deal durr durr it's just the flu, why do libtards want to make trump look bad!?!
>omg this is how the jooz win, agenda 21 we're all going to the matrix now, le happening!
Can mods make a sticky containment thread for these?

>> No.13729775

Might be the shittiest "prep" I've seen in my life.

>> No.13729786

The two possible scenarios are;
1) it actually is a big deal but all the retards posting threads like this one have no fucking idea of how to actually survive without constant access to 4chan and fastfood and they will serve as loot drops for the rest of us.

2) it's not a big deal and these retards will have wasted their money on "prepper" shit they'll never use.

I'm leaning towards the latter myself, which would indeed mean that "the Jooz" win since a bunch of idiots bought a shitload of products that will just sit in the basement and go stale when it all blows over.
It will be good for the economy I guess. And it might need it.

What's the mask for? You only have one? When will you start wearing it? What are your decontamination procedures for it?

>> No.13729794

Got rid of all the Corona bottles I had in the fridge.

>> No.13729800

It's a big deal but the food supply isn't at risk. Prices for some items will go through the roof and some items may be unobtainable but nobody is going to starve. You should be worried about your loved ones, your parents and your grandparents, something that is intuitively understood by normies but since we're on the board of coomers, fuckups, nazis and NEETs, nobody here can conceptualize the idea that someone else dying might make you sad and perhaps even change your life for the worse even if you personally do not have a high risk of dying.

>> No.13729802

>What's the mask for?
Protection retard.

>You only have one?
I only need one.

>When will you start wearing it?
When it happens retard.

>What are your decontamination procedures for it?
The normal kind.

>> No.13729808
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>This is the kind of kiddo who play too much fortnight
Cringe prep, might as well kill yourself

>> No.13729812

From these answer we have a clear knowledge that you dont know wtf you are doing lmao

>> No.13729820

Laugh all you want but I'm the one with the mask. And gun.

>> No.13729834

Not nearly enough canned water.

>> No.13729837
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Ok, here is the updated stash.

>> No.13729845

Oh right you're trolling. My bad.

>> No.13729848

>Only one bag of Jalapeno cheetos
Never gonna make it

>> No.13729851

I have purposely collected the most calorie dense foods I could find. Two Double Decker Fudge Rounds supply a full day's worth of calories.

>> No.13729858
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>> No.13729859

The only thing you've prepped for is when you run out of snacks and your mom can't go shopping because she's still at work.

>> No.13729861

you're going to eat through your stash within 2 days.

>> No.13729862

Is this what's popular with the teens these days? They are all garbage with 0 nutritional value lmao

>> No.13729897

Pack more guns just in case people are zombified by the corona virus.

>> No.13729900

>You should be worried about your loved ones, your parents and your grandparents
Why worry? There's not much I can do to protect them from the fucking COMMON COLD aside from advising them to not go to airports.
From the look of things right now we probably will lose some grandparents. I don't have any left but I understand if you're concerned about yours. You should have been concerned about them getting the flu last year too, though, but I bet you weren't.
You will not need stockpiles of food and water to deal with the current virus pandemic, and if you did the stash OP posted would be hilariously terrible. I see people like him all the time buying 48 BIC lighters and 4 gallons of water. What they fuck do they think they'll actually do if society collapses? It's just retarded LARPers wasting their money.
Having a bugout bag is a good idea, but these idiots very VERY obviously couldn't be bothered actually putting in the time and effort to learn what that bag should contain, let alone how to use it.

You'll be just fine, buddy. I believe in you.

>> No.13729907

I'm starting to understand why people are laughing at us now

Thanks OP, never breed

>> No.13729912

retards with guns and a basement bunker will be the first to go in the event of some societal collapse
looters always win

>> No.13729927

Tell that to the Roof Koreans.

>> No.13729930

Here I will correct your post:
Two possible scenarios:
1) it actually is a big deal and while prep shit like dry goods and firearms don't guarantee your safety they do make a significant difference
2) it's not a big deal and really no time and money was wasted because dry goods can still be consumed outside of an emergency and you will have a gun for security, hunting, and even recreation for the rest of your life.

There is no reason not to get at least some basic prep items aside from just being to proud and to stubborn.

>> No.13729932

i mean is it such a bad thing that the jews won? have you considered that they aren't so bad and might just have the best interests of everyone considered?

>> No.13729936

Is that you Donut?

>> No.13729938

Where's that /k/ thread where the guy mixed bleach and ammonia to test his mask out?

>> No.13729939

none because im not a braindead mouth breathing liberal news watching victim of 24/7 scare tactics

>> No.13729940

the prep I have done is clean the hell out of my home and disinfect everything. I suggest you do the same. clean your shoes after going outside. disinfect all handles. wipe down everything. really and keep to it. continue to maintain a much more clean environment.

>> No.13729944

None, because the coronavirus is a load of shit.

>> No.13729946

oh and hit your atm and credit cards with a disinfectant wipe daily. assuming you participate in society.

>> No.13729948

I guarantee you if you start popping off your pop-gun in the middle of a massive pubic health crisis because you think your neighbor stole your toilet paper stash, the last thing you'll see before you die is an MRAP busting down your door.
>but but vote from le rooftops, muh tyranny the gubmint will be overwhelmed
Keep dreaming. There may not be enough masks or body bags but there is no shortage of bullets and military LARP gear in the hands of law enforcement and they're going to cream their urban camo cargo pants at the prospect of taking you down

>> No.13729952

Or maybe just don't wear your fucking shoes in the house in the first place, dumb mutt.

>> No.13729966

>stockpiling massive collections of food and weapons every time the television tells them the world is going to end, which is 3 or 4 times per year on average
Do Americans really??

>> No.13729975

What's in those cans? Soda or water?
Also what are those brownish bags?

>> No.13729984

>They're gonna take our guns!
lmao yeah you are

>> No.13729990

Capri sun.

>> No.13729992

It's red bull. Gotta keep your energy up. The brown bags are military rations.

>> No.13730002

>thinking just because i said liberal it means im a right wing retard
you’re completely hopeless friend. try pulling your head out of your ass for 5 seconds daily and work up from there.

>> No.13730015

pwn dem libs bruh

>> No.13730023
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>you can't prove my beliefs wrong I'm a chaotic neutral beliefs are for cucks

>> No.13730026
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This is military food, right? Do you have to heat it up? Isn’t it a thing when you’re all ‘humping’ your ‘gear’ while on ‘manoeuvres’ that you have to have food you can just stop and scarf fast?

>> No.13730027

>coronavirus is the same as the common cold
OK, Rush, I see your lung cancer metastisized into your brain, lol!
>death rate from flu - .1%
>death rate from coronavirus - 2%+

>> No.13730029

this but unironically

>> No.13730037

yeah, politics is gay

>> No.13730047

Not necessarily, you can eat it cold.

>> No.13730049

Does it taste as good? I’m quite tempted to try one one day.

>> No.13730055

Depending on the one you get it is pretty tasty, mine favorite is spaghetti with beef and sauce mix with the rice that comes with it.

>> No.13730057

Oh also, to add to this - what’s the military protocol for heating food like this? Do you make a fire? Don’t they come in self-heating packages? Like, you rip them open and it has some kind of tech that heats them up? I vaguely recall seeing this in a film once although admittedly it may have been science fiction or I could just’ve been drunk.

>> No.13730063

Ok, interesting. Are they all made by the same supplier? I live in the UK but I’m sure I can find them. I want to try the ones you like.

>> No.13730071

That's what cracks me up about these gun nuts who think their arsenal of popguns and bi-weekly paintball tactics games with their butt buddies will allow them to fend off the bands of rogue military units who carve out a warlord territory. They'll be the first to be wiped out for their ammo and weapons stockpile. And no, your paintball tactics and popguns won't defeat trained military units armed with mortars, drones, tanks, APC's, grenades, etc.

>> No.13730077

It's a chemical heater, you have to add a teaspoon of water to activate the reaction and it heats up.

>> No.13730081
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, mre-heater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13730091

Ok, wait, so you carry a food heater in your kits? That’s interesting.

>> No.13730092

I have no idea about the American ones, I've only consumed Cellier's from Brazil, I used to order some boxes from them when I lived in Sao Paulo.

>> No.13730098

Oh wow. Ok, so I DID remember this sort of right.

Ok, thank you. How fascinating (not being sarcastic; I genuinely find this amazing).

>> No.13730101

Yeah, they're pretty cool. Sorry for the rotated image. My favorite part is "ROCK OR SOMETHING" on the diagram.

>> No.13730103

Looks like I can get them on amazon here. Can one of the Americans (preferably military) confirm for me these are what they would get in their rations. Please.


>> No.13730107

Well, keep in mind it's >>13730081, it lies pretty flat and is sealed plastic so it can't get wet (and therefore hot) until you're ready to use it. And MREs are designed for personnel either in active combat or other situations where your options either include a heater or eat only cold meals. Hot food is really good for morale.

>> No.13730108
File: 2.62 MB, 2914x3886, 5C729E9E-AE35-4171-AA59-08ECE092F74C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it for you, based Amerifriend.

Is this reusable? Or do you get a whole lot of them? Does it heat it up properly? I bet psychologically it’s good to have warm meals if you’re out in combat situations.

>> No.13730110

It looks like a standard mre box. These are newer from when I was in. They have the ration heaters and silverware and not enough toilet paper in them. We used to take all the crap out of the boxes and wrap them in "duct tape" to alleviate some of the bulk.

>> No.13730112

Yeah, I just thought about that actually - the morale point - and mentioned it in my last post.

Really tempted to order a whole lot of these and then set up a tent in my lounge and eat them inside it. I’ve wanted to do a lounge tent for ages and this might be the thing to get me on it.

>> No.13730114

Seems to be legit. Been in the Army for 6 years. Favorites are cheese tortellini and the spaghetti. Meatballs in marinara sauce usually has the best sides. The vegetarian MRE's are generally better than the ones with meat, not a vegan or anything, but the meat in MRE's is pretty sketchy.

>> No.13730122

It's one time use, one included in each MRE pouch. Gets pretty hot actually. The meals do taste better hot, but a lot of times people don't want to fuck with it so they just eat it cold.

>> No.13730126

Not military but I had MREs at boy scout camp and my favorite was chili mac. Least favorite was the veggie omelet.

>> No.13730132

Is this more what you had?


Also, I didn’t realise it comes with a whole lot of other stuff. So it’s a complete meal per pack? Like, you get desserts and coffee etc with it? Do they estimate how many you need per the situation you’re in or do you get a standard amount of packs?

Sorry for so many questions.

>> No.13730133

Fuck op, did you get a some packs of RIP its too. I wanna ice apocalypse this shit with you.

>> No.13730135

Chili mac is legit. Never had the pleasure of the vomlet.

>> No.13730136
File: 2.72 MB, 3979x2526, DCDD0DFB-FF03-4D59-96A7-B6BAEA0B1323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stocked up a bit just in case. Also have about 120 pounds of rice, there’s lots of pasta not pictured, couple big bags of oatmeal, 10kg of flour, lots of canned tomatoes, a chest freezer full of meat, 3kg of peanut butter, lots of jam, 10 of those maple leaf canned hams, lots of other stuff, and we will start drying meat and fruit this week. Basically stuff we make anyway but in larger amounts. If nothing else, I will be well supplied for spaghetti and camping this summer. Plus cleaning supplies, lots of rubbing alcohol, toilet paper, diapers, formula, and all that other shit.

>> No.13730138


the idea is mainly that its self contained and is calorie and nutrition dense with an intended side effect of leaving more manageable bowel movements. They have all kinds but the stews and such can be heated or eaten cold. I think some have a little methyl heater

>> No.13730139

The omelet is ominous. That said, if you have the chance to heat it up, break it apart, add the green salsa and eat it with tortillas, it's not so bad. I like good food but I don't mind shit MREs either. Sometimes you need to roll with what you got.

>> No.13730140

>chili mac
>buffalo chicken
>Pene pasta
> jap cheese

>> No.13730141

just great OP is feeding and arming niggers.

>> No.13730145

I think they discontinued that one because it was shit, so unless you get badly out of date MREs, it's gone.

>> No.13730146

You're good man. Those also seem legit. OP seems to have the 3 standard MRE packaging styles so you can use that pic as a reference.

>> No.13730147
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Hahaha. The rest is written like it's meant to prevent a lawsuit and this looks like it was written by a drunk.

>> No.13730160

No, I was in from 2007-2012. They've had new menus come out. They all have a main course, a side, some random stuff, a crappy Gatorade mix (you guys call that something else) and usually a thicker vanilla or chocolate mix thing too. There's usually m&ms or Skittles or something like that too for a sugar boost. There's instant coffee. Sugar, salt packs. It really depends on where you're at. You try and space these things out as much as possible unless you're doing a training thing and you're allowed time for you to break the whole thing open.

>> No.13730163

They want any braindead soldier to be able to follow the instructions.

>> No.13730166

There's still the little tiny bottle of Tabasco, right?

>> No.13730169
File: 25 KB, 476x349, tactical facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What foods have you stockpiled in preparation for the coronavirus?
words cannot describe how stupid and pointless your stash is but I will try.

MRE's are only good for a couple of years unless frozen, you should stockpile freeze dried foods. 3 cases of soda? are you serious?

one shotgun and one box O' ammo?
a gas mask, for to not smell farts?

this has to be a troll post. god you people are idiots.

basically you bought some crappy food that you'll have to eat in a couple of years while you sit there and think about how dumb you are.

>> No.13730171

There was. Be sad if they took it out.

>> No.13730176

Nope, sadly it is now a packet, like ketchup, and half the time it is not tabasco but some generic shit.

>> No.13730179

>It's one time use, one included in each MRE pouch. Gets pretty hot actually.
when they work.

>> No.13730186

Yeah I was going to mention that. Sometimes you get a dud and it actually sucks when you were expecting a hot meal.

>> No.13730189


Soap. Just wash your fucking hands.

>> No.13730195
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Ok, cool. I’m going to order a bunch of them then. I’ll eat them for a few days so I get a sense of what a US soldier has eaten. I think you guys are based as fuck, for what it’s worth. Literally the only people keeping the free world free. Thanks for your service, guys, sincerely.

So, of the flavour options they have there, which do you guys think? It’s fine to get loads, I’m not fussed.

> chilli with beans
> beef stew
> Asian style beef strips with vegetables
> beef patty jalapeño pepper jack
> beef ravioli in meat sauce
> brisket entree
> chicken, noodles and vegetables in sauce
> chilli and macaroni
> cheese tortellini in tomato sauce
> chicken chunks, white, cooked
> chicken with tomatoes and feta cheese
> hash brown potatoes with bacon, pepper and onions
> meatballs in marinara sauce
> Mexican style chicken stew
> pork sausage patty, maple flavoured
> ratatouille
> spaghetti with beef and sauce
> southwest beef and black beans
> spaghetti with beef and sauce
> tuna chunk light, water packed
> vegetable crumbles with pasta in taco shells

>> No.13730196

mfw all the shops in town have run out of pasta, grains, and canned goods

>> No.13730200

Ok. God. I’m really excited now.

>> No.13730205

Yeah, I think they may be too big for me calorie wise per meal but ok - I desperately want to try them now. The whole idea of a complete meal per pack is just so appealing to me. One of the reasons I love airline food.

>> No.13730208

nah I live in northern Canada I barely even see minorities here

>> No.13730209

I intend to die.

>> No.13730212

Thank you, based American. I’m gonna go with the other (first I posted). They seem to have more variety anyway. I’ll see what these have anyway and order some as well.

>> No.13730214

>I think you guys are based as fuck, for what it’s worth. Literally the only people keeping the free world free.
I'll keep that in mind while I slam rip its and rip fat vapes outside the PX lol.

>> No.13730215

Joy status: sparked.

>> No.13730216

the meal itself isn't that big usually, it's all the drinks and sides that boost up the calorie count

>> No.13730222

>I'mma shoot tha vyrus!
Can't you Tumptards think of any other way to solve problems?

>> No.13730224

This is so interesting.

> You try and space these things out as much as possible

What do you mean by this? Like, are meal times very important to you when you’re out in combat situations? I mean, I know that’s obvious, I suppose I’m just interested in the actual experience.

When I get these packs, imma do a thread about how based the US military is. Like, we should all eat these so we can get a sense of what a soldier actually has to live with and what matters to them. I think, anyway.

>> No.13730228

they all taste the same so it doesn’t even matter.

>> No.13730235

Checkout out Steve1989 on youtube you'll see plenty of MREs opened up and eaten.
Here's his most recent US MRE video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDyzo58bg5E

>> No.13730236

Theres unironically no problem for anyone in this thread living in America. I think there's been 1 death but everyone else has recovered. There arent even any cases on the entire east coast of america. Like lmao nothing is gonna happen and if you got it, america is a real country not a joke country like china or iran. Youd be fine

>> No.13730239

This is why I stock up on firearms, food, water, and liquor.

If shit doesn't clear up soon, I'll die happy.

>> No.13730259

Such a depressing thread.

>> No.13730262

No, some of the guys replying to me so far and that have actual military experience have definitely indicated preferences.

I’ll wait for their recommendations.

>> No.13730267

That's actually a pretty good list in general. I would just pick what sounds good to you. There are way shittier MRE's that aren't on that list so I think you're safe.

>> No.13730271

Looking now. Thanks so much!

>> No.13730273

Seconding this. Steve is almost ASMR in terms of how comforting it is seeing his reviews.

>> No.13730276
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just picked up a couple of these bad boys, I'll be fine

>> No.13730287

Shits gonna be fine. Just do some light prepping. Prepare to get sick and plan accordingly. Most chances are that you'll be fine. Dont listen to the doomers, its not the apocalypse.

>> No.13730293

MRE's are good for 7 years. Only issue I have with your post.

>> No.13730305


>> No.13730315

My apologies, I didn't mean to convey that the pandemic is depressing. You people eating MRE and soda pop are.

>> No.13730317
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prepfags in one image.

>> No.13730323

>You should have been concerned about them getting the flu last year too, though, but I bet you weren't.
Is that what you retards think?

Spoiler alert: your stupid asshole "no big deal" attitude is why your grandparents are dead and mine are alive and in their 100s.

>> No.13730325

Mind you, the French eat better. Ours probably lasts longer, but you're not going straight bunker style either. I've eaten stuff found in a conex from the gulf war. It was mostly ok. The applesauce got really dark brown and rusty colored so I avoided that. And charms candy is supposed to be bad luck too

>> No.13730329

Ok idiot, nice assumption, but eating three different forms of wet noodles or ground beef and refried beans for a month out in the field starts getting real samey is earl quick, only redeeming factor are the pound cakes tho

>> No.13730330
File: 310 KB, 640x1136, D18B5874-99DE-4001-A34E-DFECE80E9D0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I went with >>13730114 and got the cheese tortellini, the spaghetti with beef sauce, and meatballs. Also, you’re right and I picked what seems good (but also kind of American) so also the chilli, beef stew, and the hash browns with bacon, and the southwest beef and black beans.

Can’t wait! I’ll do a thread when I get them. Thanks again so much, based Ameribros.

>> No.13730334

If you're on the move, don't gorge yourself is what I mean

>> No.13730339

No mres for me, I just bought some canned goods and water

>> No.13730340

Ok, but the point is I have never eaten this, have always been impressed by it when seeing it in films (not to detract or cheapen the actual experience of a serving US soldier), and I want to try them.

Hope that’s ok with you.

>> No.13730341

Solid choices my dude, glad I could help.

>> No.13730348

Ah, ok. Of course. I thought perhaps you meant you just look forward to chilling out and eating with your buddies.

>> No.13730356

Thanks, man. Am truly very exited. Look out for my thread round about those dates :)

>> No.13730362

Lol over priced bad teasting MREs.
If you want prep food buy prep food its so much better for what you pay. MREs are for leaping.

>> No.13730365

Dude. Thats not even 30 days.....

>> No.13730370

Fair enough anon. This is understandable.

>> No.13730385

>he doesn't know about survivor's paradox
you're supposed to prep by bloatmaxing ahead of time. I have 6 months of fat on me easy

>> No.13730394

I'm in the .2% death range, so I'm not all that concerned about it. I'd run out of water, much faster than I would of foods that don't require cooking.

>> No.13730406
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Making these. I covid comfy af

>> No.13730413

30-39. My wife is a 2%er too.
t. literal oldfag

>> No.13730427

Let's assume everyone on earth got the Corona virus. 2% is around 140,000,000 deaths. That's close to half the us population. I know all the deaths wouldn't be in one country, but could you imagine if half your country's population were to die? Would be utter chaos.

>> No.13730430

Medically starving to death is almost impoable*** that is to say a complication from malnutrition is always the cause.

But yeah a little gut can keep you going for mounths.

>> No.13730442

>Buying MREs
They're not really good calories per dollar. Like their advantages are

>Can be prepared without cooking equipment

That's really it. Dollar per dollar, you're pretty much better off just buying
>A grain (rice, pasta, flour, oats, whatever)
>A canned meat or legume
>Peanut butter

And making a ghetto MRE for 1/10 the cost.

>> No.13730458

I have to reports from people I know who work with quarantined patients. They both have said their hospitals are outraged at the media's misrepresentation of the severity of this disease. Anyone trying to politicize this situation should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.13730462

.2%. The death range is only as high as 14% in 65+ ages and all with preexisting conditions, specifically diabetes, cancer, hypertension and other non related respiratory infections.

.2% not 2%. The decimal makes an enormous difference.

>> No.13730466

Last time I heard it was 2%, not. 2%

>> No.13730468

Are you saying it isn't as bad as the media is making it or it is worse?

>> No.13730470

Well, don’t spread it around. I’ve got asthma and this thing is likely to kill me.

>> No.13730483


There are several other sources that I could cite and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this is 100% correct, but the vast majority of sources quote the range for deaths in the 20-50s sits right around .2%

Sucks for your assmar

>> No.13730487

Yeah, a guy in Washington that was in his 50s and had underlying health issues died, but that's about it. So worry about your grandparents if you want, but you're probably good yourself even if you get it and that's already a big if.

>> No.13730488

Yeah. That’ll explain why they’re shutting down whole cities in China, and diagnosing suspected cases in isolation pods in hospital car parks.


>> No.13730494

Actually, attitudes like yours - “I’m ok so I don’t give a fuck if I infect you” - will lead to serious breakdowns in law and order. If someone like you carelessly infects someone like me, I’m likely to be justified in cutting your kids’ throats. Just saying.

>> No.13730495

Its less who will die and who will live than how the security measures will effect day to day life.

>> No.13730506
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I bought pasta and sauce, soymilk, crackers and some drinz, frozen veggies and fruits.

Also an escooter cuz I'm avoiding public transport

>> No.13730512

You're misconstruing my lack of concern of dying from the disease, with disinterest in the outcome of my fellow human beings. If I thought I were infected, I would quarantine myself and do everything I could to prevent others from contracting the infection. However, as someone who works in the the healthcare sector (nurse) the concern should be largely placed upon individuals with preexisting conditions and general lack of access to proper healthcare systems/treatment/etc. If you can't handle a touch of blase banter, you might be in the wrong place, friend.

>> No.13730516


>> No.13730524

Fair point, my tea shipment is already been delayed for weeks and I have no clue when it will get here.

>> No.13730532

>immune system weakened by overload of snack cakes with no nutritional value

never going to make it

>> No.13730533

I wish dinotendies still posted here. He'd know what to do.

>> No.13730540

Focus on ones with lots of protein. You can buy sacks of rice and flour for the price of an mre. If anything it will be a good chance to learn to make noodles and tortillas. Honestly the only good thing about an mre is how long they last, and realistically you don’t need food that lasts a long time unless you have a longass time worth of food stored. If you buy a months supplies, just make sure you replenish things every 6 months, and eat your old supplies. You don’t need 150 drink mixes for a month. An mre is usually designed for people in combat. You will be at home conserving calories. Your nutritional requirements won’t be the same.

>> No.13730543

I don't think he was actually prepping, I think he just wanted to try some MREs.

>> No.13730544

how the fuck was that edgy? how big of a sopping vagina are you? fucking hell the world has turned into pussies...

>> No.13730546

I am saying that two people I know who work with different groups have said the hospitals they work at are angry at the US media for misreporting the truth.

>> No.13730548

ow that edge!

>> No.13730553

tomato paste

>> No.13730559

But are they misreporting the truth by saying it's worse than it actually is or the other way around?

>> No.13730562

Getting sick isn't the only factor. In our current globalized economy China's industry slowing down is going to fuck us all like a freight train slammed directly up our rectums.

>> No.13730564

>faggy pistol grip shotgun
>wasting a few hundred on MRE's instead of just rice and beans

not gonna make it

>> No.13730573

This link was awesome, thank you, Amerifriend. I now know what to expect - and I’ve also ordered a mess tray (I assume you’re given these in your packs) so I can do the whole experience properly. Pretty amazed at how the heating pack literally actually heats with steam and e’rything!

Question, though - for the coffee/hot chocolate beverages: are you supposed to drink these cold? No hot water?

>> No.13730576

I just want to try them.

>> No.13730578

The tray is just for presentation, though soldiers do have a mess kit. The beverages don't mix as well cold and hot water is generally not a problem. No reason to drink them cold when you try them that's for sure.

>> No.13730581

you're an idiot

>> No.13730583

>t. Schlomo Goldstein

>> No.13730584
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Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are done with hot water. He just drinks them in regular glasses because Steve isn’t a puny mortal like the rest of us. He has eaten so many preservatives it’s actually impossible for him to age now.

>> No.13730593

oh yeah keep in mind Steve does a lot for presentation purposes and to keep packagings in good shape for his collection. That's why he uses clear glasses for drinks and puts out everything on the tray. Look at his videos of foreign rations too, you'll see plenty of variety of other means of serving drinks and heating up the food.

>> No.13730597

I was at the Costco in Norwalk, CT a couple of hours ago. It was a typical busy-as-hell Sunday afternoon. The only thing I noticed was that the Rice section was empty except for the brown rice and the massive 50lb bags of short-grain white rice.

>> No.13730605

>Not buying 50lbs of rice

Seriously, if I lived in an area with a Costco I would.

>50 lbs of rice is 50 days worth if eating for pure calories
>100~ days or so as a partial ration
>If eating like a normal person, that's about 7 months worth of rice for $30-40

>> No.13730608

So, wait, when you’re out in the field how do you get hot water? You just boil it up? Also (sorry for so many questions again), you don’t have mess trays? What do you use to eat then?

>> No.13730609

He’s based as all fuck. I love his voice. Subscribed to that channel so based Steve can help me go to sleep. The other Anonymous was right: he’s definitely ASMR.

>> No.13730611

False flagging doesn't help little guy. Don't take it seriously and cadet bone spur looks like an idiot when it explodes. Not so good for you, ok?

>> No.13730612

>You just boil it up?

>> No.13730613

Ok, will do, Ameribro. I’m very excited about my ration packs now. Literally cannot wait.

>> No.13730616

>How do you get water
You go get water.

>You boil it up
The kit itself as a reheat pouch that if you put water in will generate heat enough to cook whatever.

>How to eat?
You can eat them straight from the bag.

>> No.13730620

It's currently at 2.3%, fuck off with you're decimal point, idiot.

>> No.13730625
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You can eat out of the pouch. Often there's a beverage bag for the drink mix and the hot chocolate bag can be used like a soft "bottle" Mess kits might have some smaller tray but not his cafeteria style big tray.

>> No.13730627

The entire staff is furious that the media is making thing seem worse than they actually are. Symptoms are less severe than this years flu.

>> No.13730634

>Chinese knee capped their economy to try to contain it
>Nothing burger

I don't believe it.

>> No.13730640

I certainly hope this is true

>> No.13730641

I'm not false flagging. Notice how yourself and no others gave any contradictory information from an actual source after reading what I said. I've interacted with personnel from two locations that have coronavirus quarantines. Both individuals were frustrated with the media, one of them said their entire staff at the hospital was outraged.

>> No.13730652

Ok. I know it was a dumb question and obviously you just boil water up, but I suppose I was wondering if there are any specific military guidelines on this if you’re out in combat situations. Like making fires, etc.

>> No.13730657

Ohhh. A mess kit. Fuck. I’ve ordered that now. Lemme see of I can cancel it and get one of your pic relateds instead.

>> No.13730662

I wouldn't blame you. The first thing I did was look for mortality rates to see if they were syncing up with what was being reported. It wasn't, and then the media wasn't reporting the demographic breakdowns which shows a large deviation in mortality between age groups, and conditions. Then I spoke with two individuals who are at the source vs. what the news is reporting.

It would be wise to be vigilant and wait this out, then be outraged once the dust has settled if it is warranted. Skepticism doesn't work in combination with stupidity. I'm still going shopping for supplies.

>> No.13730687

Ok, so cancelled the tray and got this:



And these (which will come in helpful with my camping stuff anyway):

Thanks for the clarification!

>> No.13730709

It's kind of nice knowing retarded preppers will likely kill themselves once they get the coronavirus since they will refuse to go near other people, including medical help, and slowly get more and more ill as they try to treat themselves with their herbal shitism.

>> No.13730717

I'm gonna keep going to the grocery store every week like a normal fucking human

>> No.13730797

Forgot made cookies too

>> No.13730800
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Forgot pic.
Oatymills, chockychip and waldsnuts

>> No.13730815


>> No.13730825

>This years flu: .05% death rate
>coronavirus: 2.3%
B-but it's a hoax ok? It's the common cold! Pence, aka, the governor of Indiana when HIV cases reached rates of Africa will control it, ok? How much further can these idiots stretch it?

>> No.13730857

>it's the zombie apocalypse
>i made a batch of cookies
I hate preppers so god damn much.

>> No.13730873

What, make fun of me because of soymilk ?

>> No.13730879

Had ice cream and milk too anon. Good eats today as I was fasting yesterday

>> No.13730887

>an airborne disease spread primarily to people with poor hygiene and poor immune systems
>prepping with a ton of empty calories that don't give nutrients.
>less than 2 weeks of MREs
>taking an MRE to begin with for prepping
>a dozen chef boyarde
>likely empty calories drinks/beer
>a shotgun
likely going to die first.

>> No.13730891

I don't pay any attention to Mike Pence. I did my own research and spoke with people directly. I think that shows what you're about pretty quickly.

>> No.13730894

It's a fucking larp, and yet these are the people who go out and vote...

>> No.13730948

Lookin like a DayZ inventory

>> No.13730994

Go clean the bed pans orderly, and sniff them for detections of the virus, lol! You and Pence make good bedfellows, the sooner the 4 horseman the better according to Pence.

>> No.13732197

How long will 30 cans of tuna sustain a person?
It's all I've got.

>> No.13732229

>tear through all your steel reserve at the first sign of covid-19 symptoms
>hibernate through it in the safety of the steel slump
Based and healthpilled

>> No.13732276

>only 1 gun
I'll go arm 5 dudes and have them take your shit in the apocalypse loser.

>> No.13732282

Most of my prep foods actually expire this year, so I've been steadily going through them but haven't gotten around to starting to replacing them. It will be interesting if after all these years I end up needing them just when I don't have any.

>> No.13732287

can anyone recommend a good facemask? Preferably usable respirator or something

>> No.13732295
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just slap some p100 filters on it and you're set

>> No.13732298

Facemasks are only useful for stopping you from touching your face with your hands. They're basically just a reminder to wash your hands first. They won't filter airborne germs out of the air you inhale. So something as simple as a handkerchief is as good as other masks for the basic function. If you're serious about avoiding infected air, you're going to have to use SCUBA gear. Just get anything that is light enough for you to carry around that is in your price range.

>> No.13732394

>nothing that can penetrate level III armor

When my armored zombified coronacorpse is eating you alive you'll only have yourself to blame

>> No.13732411
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>level 3
Except a high powered sling shot. Enjoy not stopping any rifle rounds.

>> No.13732456

Irrelevant. In merely pointing out to you that anyone who thinks “oh, I’m in X age group so I don’t care about infecting others” will not be able to rely on the usual rule of law obeyance most follow. This is certainly going to be the case when stories emerge - and they will - that someone’s recklessly infected someone else’s elderly parents or sick kid. You can bet these stories will arise, and, regardless of any medical opinion, government guidance or anything else, and right or wrong, they will be targeted and all hell will break lose.

This is not ‘banter’ - I’m merely pointing out the serious consequences for those who think so long as they’re ok, they don’t need to take the appropriate social responsibility steps.

>> No.13732538
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>> No.13732565

>mess kit
>you're actually supposed to keep it clean and ordered

>> No.13732573

I promise I will clean it out after every MRE.

>> No.13732597

This. It's just vilified by the media because there isn't much else going on.

>> No.13732608

You mean apart from progress being made on Brexit, Australia burning down, peace negotiations with the Taliban coming to a head, and the upcoming US election?

>> No.13732640

>When it happens retard.

When what happens? When you see the corona cloud coming towards you, idiot?

>> No.13732649

You're going to die of nutrient deficiency.

>> No.13732656

Those aren't too bad, my grandad who was a master engineer made me one of these when I was a little kid. I never got into it but I see the use. Skateboards too.

>> No.13732661

Brexit seems a joke with these idiot brits, either do it or don't and get the fuck over it. It's like they use the so called "negotiations" for their faggots to stay in 5 star hotels and get hookers day in and day out instead of just doing what was voted upon. They come across as twats.

>> No.13732664


>> No.13732667

Bats and limes.

>> No.13732669
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>Doomsday preppers

Swear some of you cunts are just looking for an excuse to kill somebody.

>> No.13732673

Since we all bought a lot of stuff and not everyone bought readymade meals: what do you guys plan to cook with your rice pasta, beans, lentils? How about we share some simple recipes?
I bought lots of cabbage so I will make this recipe I got from an polish anon (Vitamin C, probiotics):


Slice cabbage thin.
Add 3% sea / kosher salt by weight of cabbage. So 100grams of cabbage gets 3 grams of salt.

Mix and squeeze and allow to rest until moisture starts coming out of the cabbage.

Jam the cabbage in mason jars and cover with a brine solution of 1 tbs sea salt per 1 quart of water.

Lightly put lit on so gasses can escape.

Top off with brine daily as needed.

3 days to a week later, you'll have a very mild and delicious kraut you can eat.

The longer you let it ferment, the more sour it becomes.

>> No.13732679

Well Nigel Farage was earning an income from the EU until like a year ago despite fighting hard for the nation to vote for Brexit, and Jeremy Corbyn was always in support of Brexit even though Labor voters tend not to be, and Theresa May originally voted against Brexit but was put in a position where she was obliged to work in favour of it, and Boris Johnson could easily have been put in Theresa May's position from the start but he stepped back from the responsibility to avoid looking like being responsible for failure straight away, so yeah, the politicians involved are pretty much fuckwits.

>> No.13732700

I can see in certain circumstances why a gun would be necessary. If you have provisions and general things people need or want, especially during shortages, people are going to want those things. Without a 12 gauge deterrent you're gonna be hard pressed to keep people from forcefully taking your shit. A gun is entirely logical under extreme situations as in a doomsday scenario. However this corona crap is not such a scenario. Its just people trying to larp imo

>> No.13732707

That's the problem right there with eurotypes, nobody wants to take responsibility. They want to pass it off to others while railing in the hookers and five star hotels.

>> No.13732711

Maybe they can pass it off to the USA. Though that might night work too well given our current government, no wonder they want someone other than Trump, they want someone to suckup to merkel and the EU bullshit.

>> No.13732715

... not not night though...

>> No.13732768

so reading this thread, it seems like people are saying people who are preppers and take corona chan seriously are libtards and people who don't take corona chan and aren't preppers are conservatards

americans are truly retarded. they have no beliefs and just rally behind whatever their party's current talking points are. a fucking shotgun wielding, mre carrying larper is a libtard according to this guy.>>13729774

fucken hell, how can one country be so full of subhumans

>> No.13732791

You're not going to live off MREs for months you retard. MREs are for when you're stuck in the field and you can't set up a proper mess or source real food. If you ate MREs for every meal, for a year straight you would have a hypertensive crisis and impacted bowel.

Some faggot buys an MRE and a gun and thinks they're living in Fallout or The Road. They think they're super self-reliant survivalists who finally will have a good reason to be NEET and not feel bad about it.

Don't lecture anyone here about how stupid we are. /k/pol/ fags who forgot the last 20 world-ending happenings are the idiots here.

>> No.13732793
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Are you preparing for a quarantine or a fucking purge anon?