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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 157 KB, 1200x900, 1807w-avocado-toast-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13723921 No.13723921 [Reply] [Original]

What's the Zoomer equivalent of Millenials' avocado toast?

>> No.13723939


>> No.13723941

there is no equivalent

they will never have something as good

>> No.13723942

>Millenials' avocado toas
do you really just mash an avocado on toast

sounds way worse than butter or nut butter

>> No.13723947

Zoomers like organic, sustainable, vegetarian food from a food truck. So rev up those falafels and head to your nearest college campus and don't skimp on the sriracha aioli

>> No.13723949

tide pods

>> No.13723972

A fried fucking egg. Any zooms who want into the club, just kick this nigga in deez nutz

>> No.13723974
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame SARS-II doesn't target people under 20 because it should.

>> No.13723990

Seething Millenial fag
The worst generation

>> No.13724162

Depression and substance abuse

>> No.13724183

soylent with a side of HRT

>> No.13724213

Avocados are not good and the fucking avocado meme needs to fucking die
They just taste like nondescript plant material. I'd rather eat leaves off the bush in my front yard because at least they have some substance to them that I can actually chew.

>> No.13724214 [DELETED] 

only americans eat vegtables on toast

only americans eat gunshots

only americans think there is no equivilents

americans do it

only americans like that shit

only americans eat detergent

only americans fry eggs while fucking

only americans call covid-19 sars-ii

only americans seethe

only americans are depressed drug addicts

only americans are trannies

>> No.13724219
File: 4 KB, 139x89, 1522560320220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you leave my masochist juice out of this

>> No.13724221 [DELETED] 

only americans think food is a meme

>> No.13724224

if they call avocado on toast, avocado toast. why not call it butter toast. or jam toast?

avocado were gay from the start

>> No.13724230 [DELETED] 

only americans drink juice

only americans cant grasp the concept of naming food

>> No.13724298

American fingers wrote this post

>> No.13724300

He isn't American you newfag faggot. If this wasn't your first time on this board you would know that.

>> No.13724302

Euro's law

>> No.13724305 [DELETED] 

Only Americans samefag

>> No.13724309 [DELETED] 

not from eurasia or america, american

is this faggot STILL going? what an american

>> No.13724318 [DELETED] 

Only Americans call it Eurasia

>> No.13724325

LMAO what a newfag!

>> No.13724332 [DELETED] 

Stop speaking your nigger ebonix American

>> No.13724340


>> No.13724353 [DELETED] 

only americans call it takis

>> No.13724406


>> No.13724457 [DELETED] 

only americans call it ranch

>> No.13724474

>dabs in euro

>> No.13724486 [DELETED] 

only americans think im from eurasia or america

>> No.13724497

Bubble tea / boba is getting quite popular everywhere. Maybe that?

>> No.13724512 [DELETED] 

only americans think bubble tea/boba is edible

>> No.13724516
File: 1.92 MB, 2072x1780, E4CF5E00-1E93-47F4-B2B3-EEA6BF3B66D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to eat that gross shit who also kills the planet when you can have the Chaddest of all the toasted bread recipes?

Behold, the superior bruschetta.

>> No.13724522

female asshole

>> No.13724535 [DELETED] 

only americans give a fuck about planets

only americans eat literal poo holes

>> No.13724541

that's only good when tomatoes are in season though, out of season tomatoes are garbage

>> No.13724548 [DELETED] 

lol europeans dont wash their buttholes

>> No.13724558
File: 351 KB, 1600x1235, 77141153-A5D0-45D0-B7FB-9CA70552B720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s why during the winter you make it with lard (lardo di colonnata) and honey. If you feel like a connoisseur you could also add porcini mushrooms on oil, the expensive kind.

>> No.13724563 [DELETED] 

only americans base seasons on tomatos

i dont give a fuck about americans or euros, american

>> No.13724567

you have to stop doing this

>> No.13724568 [DELETED] 

do other continents really not wash their buttholes

>> No.13724608
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>> No.13724617
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>> No.13724626 [DELETED] 

stop doing what, american?

americans dont wash at all

only americans eat fagmite

only americans post the same shit twice

>> No.13724628 [DELETED] 

americans eat ass cause we clean our assholes
you should try it europoor

>> No.13724637 [DELETED] 

only americans think im from eurasia

only americans call licking the anus "eating ass"

>> No.13724650 [DELETED] 

okay imagine this, disgusting europoor
while taking a shower, and im assuming you can afford running water, you take some soap on your hand and liberally apply it to the ass. get in there deep. then let the water clean the soap off of your asshole

>> No.13724674 [DELETED] 

only americans lick anus

>> No.13724677 [DELETED] 

Only Americans clean their anus

>> No.13724680 [DELETED] 

only americans accuse other people of being american

>> No.13724683 [DELETED] 

yea, with your fucking american tounges, american

>> No.13724686 [DELETED] 

Only Americans know how to please their women

>> No.13724695

Oh you care alright. Maybe you'll be born American in another life. Good luck.

>> No.13724699 [DELETED] 


sure thing you beta faggot, you go eat literal shit, american

>> No.13724700 [DELETED] 

only americans wish other people were born american

>> No.13724701 [DELETED] 

Only Americans lick and fuck other continents' women

>> No.13724702 [DELETED] 

only americans believe in reincarnation

nice post

>> No.13724711 [DELETED] 

>hes defending litteraly eating shit

i know american cuisine is a non existant thing, but eating poo? typical american

>> No.13724715

They're basically pure fat and fats never taste good on their own. Eat a piece of toast with plain unsalted butter and it will suck too.

>> No.13724719 [DELETED] 

Only Americans have strong stomachs

>> No.13724723 [DELETED] 

only americans think butter sucks, then agian you dont have real butter, american

by stong you mean fat? i know you get confused being an american and all, but they arent the same thing, american

>> No.13724732 [DELETED] 

Only Americans are allowed by their government to eat fat

>> No.13724740 [DELETED] 

dont you mean only eat fat, you obese american?

>> No.13724744 [DELETED] 

Only Americans know how to construct proper English sentences.

>> No.13724749 [DELETED] 

only americans cant understand basic sentences, american

nothing i wrote is incorrect, american

nice try though, you should keep going, the more you post what you are doing the more i get paid, american

>> No.13724752 [DELETED] 

Only Americans know what a capital letter is

>> No.13724756

only americans care about speeling and grammer, american

>> No.13724761 [DELETED] 

Only Americans reply to this post

>> No.13724776

Avocado toast is a coastie thing, not a millennial thing

>> No.13724778


>> No.13724785 [DELETED] 

That's two replies, Amerimutt. One more strike and your entire genetic lineage becomes el Abominacion

>> No.13724788

Pop tarts and Mt Dew.

>> No.13724795

avocado toast truly is fantastic tho im hooked.

>> No.13724857

Food of the gods.

>> No.13725024

Turkey pesto bagel sandwich

>> No.13725038

Based schizo poster

>> No.13725424

Do europoors really?

>> No.13725428

Didn't read, no one did
Nigger level posting
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13726561

this is what I came to say

>> No.13726569


>> No.13726570

Sun dried tomatoes on ciabatta.

>> No.13726963

It's honestly delicious.

>> No.13726973

Juuls and tittle skittles

>> No.13727039
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 0f8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13727059

Why hasn't that mass-replying Aussie faggot been permabanned? He keeps coming back like some sort of STD.

>> No.13727139

Holy shit are you okay

>> No.13727219

Poke bowls

>> No.13727223
File: 797 KB, 2000x1187, 1554997715359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically I would make her god empress of the globe if I had a chance

>> No.13727231

Cinema Roberto?

>> No.13727233

I tried one of these a couple years ago. It was like a weird cross between donburi and ceviche. I didn't really get the appeal, but now there's a chain of Poke restaurants in my city with a half dozen locations. Somebody must like it.

>> No.13727240

I'm getting child molester vibes from this post

>> No.13727288

I don't know what that means
Because all libtards live in ping pong pizza? You're the ones still defending child brides and shit.

>> No.13727292 [DELETED] 

only americans landed on the moon

>> No.13727298

Imagine being so insecure that you actually took that bait.

>> No.13727301

Pretty sure the early zoomers 20-21ish are all about whatever is trendy among millenials
The biggest influencers right now are millenials so they set trends for every gen

>> No.13727312

Needs butter, and about 3x more Marmite.

>> No.13727552

vegemite is better

>> No.13727571

Chipotle bowl

>> No.13727576
File: 591 KB, 1920x1080, Lancia-logo-2007-1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine having such shitty tastebuds

I bet you like le spicy food, don't you?

>> No.13727585

One of the faggiest terms I've ever heard.

>> No.13727593

The levels of yuropoor obsession are off the charts itt..someone get this madman a burger promto before he implodes with rage

>> No.13727596

Then come up with a better umbrella term for people who do fuck all but whore out on the internet for money

>> No.13727600 [DELETED] 

Only Americans think the moon is real

>> No.13727606


>> No.13727914

17 years old amerilard, legal in most of the actual world dont you know?

>> No.13727993

Marmite is the retarded brother of vegemite

>> No.13728005

Only because most of the world feels like it can depend on social mores to stop 25 year olds from fucking people younger than 20.

>> No.13728014
File: 58 KB, 1024x615, 1517076122669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something tastes good
>waaaaaahhh why do people like this?

>> No.13728417

Tide pods.

>> No.13728442

haha good one hihihi that's funny heh

>> No.13728729
File: 1.35 MB, 1397x931, 1564870807378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennial bullshit aside avocados are fucking god tier, you can add it into almost anything and it will enhance whatever you're eating somehow. Ever try a strawberry avocado smoothie? It's damn good.

>> No.13728732

This, even boomers and zoomers are less of a joke.

>> No.13728733

You have never heard someone say jam toast?

>> No.13728735

You really shouldn't be allowed to post here if you can't grasp the subtleties of avocado, it's fine raw and fantastic as an ingredient.

>> No.13728739
File: 117 KB, 230x232, 1556727755119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all
>what is "jam on toast"
second of all
>avocado'd toast
You're retarded.

>> No.13728748
File: 1.76 MB, 718x718, zoomers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers less of a joke

>> No.13728753

That's little kids having a good time.
You are a fucking adult. The fact that you'd even compare yourself to them at eye level says it all.

>> No.13728757

>this cope

>> No.13728759
File: 1.09 MB, 606x1080, 1557318083440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means nothing, every generation has it's fair share of stupid dances. Millennials are something else entirely.

>> No.13728762
File: 684 KB, 364x320, zoomerko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats little kids having a good time :( zoomies are good boys :( dont make fun or ill downvote your youtube channel

>> No.13728763

should I add anything besides avocado

>> No.13728765
File: 32 KB, 327x360, 1575231975186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing zoomers have done is just be kids and enjoy themselves for the most part, the vast majority of them haven't even graduated college or high school. They're just kids you fucking mongrel.

This is obviously not a zoomer, the dude looks like he's in his mid-late 20s

>> No.13728767

>muh zoomers are good :( we know how to make youtube videos and make fun of wagie slavies :(

>> No.13728771

Not sure what decade you're in, but zoomers are going to college now.

>> No.13728772
File: 5 KB, 384x240, 1562774245384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pick your fishing pole up out of the water and actually cast out this time, this is like the 5th time today you've dropped the fucking pole.

>> No.13728776

>>>/t/witter zoomer newfag

>> No.13728778
File: 193 KB, 704x904, zoomerchamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eradicate the little zoom zooms before they take over and shit up the entire world.
>what do you want to be when you grow up?

>> No.13728782

I was just pushing it a little bit, I'm not sure exactly when a zoomer is a zoomer and a millennial is a millennial, generations are fucking retarded why can't people just BEE themselves?

>> No.13728803

>A little kid having unrealistic job wish
I guess millennials are all jet pilots and firefighters.

>> No.13728813

that's subjective opinion. i love fats taste and am not satisfied with the fact that most ppl will just salt everything before serving me, but.. if they don't bother asking (understandable, as majority has a salt problem), I'll eat it salted as well (small difference, so.. meh).

>> No.13728814

>unrealistic job
do zoomers really think this

>> No.13728821

they don't. they pretend they do while making grammar mistakes in their own correcting sentences (caught many) just to (((prove))) they know something better than anyone else (engurish and... how to be fat and entitled). as in most countries, majority are really bad at own grammar (you learn it in schools and majority thinks school's dumb, so...)

>> No.13728822

For most kids, yes.
I'm a millenial, but if you have to compare yourself to children and still lose out, you know you did something wrong.

>> No.13728825

wtf? what a stupid dumb whore. he didn't touch her.. he was harming nobody. envy bursting out of her even though she has big boobs.. wow... some people really want everything, and will hit everyone who's happier at any moment if dey pissed

>> No.13728828

Yes. Zoomers think that the world doesn't exist outside of YouTube, which is a problem because once they become the prominent people in the job industry, YouTube will be the only thing they know. Unfortunately they all won't be able to make YouTube videos about YouTube so it's just going to be an entire generation of jobless retards.

>> No.13728833

>making what could be viewed as sexual thrusting motions directly behind her
>WTF he's not hurting her
What would you do if some dude was pretending to hump you?

>> No.13728836

he was being lewd and his stupid mate was filming it, the joke was on her until she slugged him which was pretty based tb qh

>> No.13728860

ok boomer

>> No.13729128

>muh travel
basic bitch detected

>> No.13729353

fun.. don't think anyone's hitting her for wearing that cleavage.. since they exist.. and that's way more sexual than fortnite dance

>> No.13729358

lewd? look at the whore's... well.. tits. they're right there. but sure, guy's lewd. he's probably the aggressive one in your eyes too, even tho he just took a forearm to the face. but that's fine. you can punish lewd behavior with aggression if you are a woman. gid forbid if you do same as a man to a woman...

>> No.13729369

women were a mistake

>> No.13729400
File: 37 KB, 512x384, A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a similar vein I feel like steak with steak sauce is a total boomer meme

>> No.13729410
File: 647 KB, 734x596, vsco girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone w/ 4 zoomer siblings this is true. Also Hydroflasks

>> No.13729412

Avocados are good but you're the reason people think they aren't.

>> No.13729423

Holy shit that sounds delicious

>> No.13729537

Tide Pods. They had to make a commercial and all telling zoomers to stop it.

>> No.13729586

I envy zoomers, at my middle school dance all we did was jump up and down. their stuff actually looks fun.

>> No.13729589

We're doomed

>> No.13729793

Based female punch

>> No.13730050

Salt and Pepper, also tomato if you have some good ones

>> No.13730105
File: 207 KB, 400x400, 1575696621604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strawberry avocado smoothie

>> No.13730111



>> No.13731236

got what he fuckin deserves

>> No.13731263
File: 110 KB, 326x281, 1583011443157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuarkken BASED
fuck zoomzooms

>> No.13731276

Millenial here. So far I think it's true but waiting to see how bad zoomers get. Been downhill since the boomers decided hippie culture was good. We'll see

>> No.13731286

His hands are not visible throughout the entire video- it's very possible he grazed her ass thus causing her to defend herself.
Maybe his touching wasn't on purpose, but I think if ANYONE grazed my ass I'd turn around and slap them as well.

>> No.13731293

>tits are out so she's a whore meme
This is some shit straight outta /b/ circa 2007
You need to get better at trolling. Unless you're actually a Muhammad.

>> No.13731301

Not even a coastie thing unless PA isn't coastie. I'm outside Philadelphia, only ever heard of it on this board. Honestly we just pizza. Like, most often food eaten for lunch or dinner is pizza for sure. Then probably hoagies or "subs". Then maybe burgs.
This excluding home cooked because how the fuck could I know what people are cooking at home.

>> No.13731313

Shill. That's the actual term.

>> No.13731322

>Honestly we just pizza

>> No.13731336

she obviously thought he was pretending to hump her. lot of dudes would beat the shit out of someone who did that to them

>> No.13731342

Pizza + Fortnite

>> No.13731346

Ask him what he's doing. Passed that if he's just trying to be funny or whatever the fuck smile and nod. Certainly not hit the guy. Wtf happened to you in your past that that seems okay?

>> No.13731352

I saw a terrifying graph showing the precipitous drop in ownership between boomers and even generation x. From there, it is just exponentially worse for millennials and now zoomers compared to when boomers were the same age. I wish I had saved it. It illustrates that zoomers' false hope that they will somehow reset this cycle is just that: false.

>> No.13731355

And they deserve the jail time too

>> No.13731371

Depends. We just gotta get away from this top down bullshit. How many of us work for a corporation and know the top has no idea what the bottom does, how it works, or anything yet demand it be done their way? How can we get annoyed with this and not take that to running the country as well?
Unfortunately you're right though. It's too strong now, only thing left is revolution back to freedom and liberty to fix it.

>> No.13731374

It doesn't exist yet. They are still teenagers and not cooking for themselves.

This is the only correct answer. You can close this thread

>> No.13731375

Hippie culture is to blame for everything happening right up until this moment, and I say this as a Bernie-voting liberal.
>I'm 46 years old, these kids are 18, but it's the same movement, which is apparently some kind of Dionysian movement, in late civilization, which I did not intend
Jack Kerouac on Firing Line with William F. Buckley

>> No.13731385

Steak sauce on steak is pretty gay, but A1 is a great sauce on anything but steak. Good on burgers, fries, chicken, pork. Just not steak.

>> No.13731411



compared, marmite is virtually inedible

>> No.13731425

I'm pretty sure they will just completely stop cooking. Considering you can barely consider avocado toast "cooking".

>> No.13731429

He was swinging his arms from side to side. That isn't a humping motion..
I think it's more likely he was doing the gay fortnight dance and then his hand grazed her ass cause he's flailing his arms all over the place right fucking next to her and some ass is filming it.

>> No.13731431

What sucks is I kind of agree with the hippies back in their day. I am anti war (there's a point where I'll agree with war too) , anti racist, free love for those who choose is fine. I just want freedom. That's all I want.

If you've ever received a blowjob you've most likely broken a law. Sodomy by legal definition is anything but vaginal sex, luckily it's conservative so it's not enforced really. That's tyranny on the conservative side. Taxes have gone way too far imo, and police shouldn't look for crime. Police should exist like firemen exist. When a problem comes up and a citizen complains, now it's time for an authorized force to bring a plaintiff to a judge for justice.
We as a population don't want to think for ourselves unfortunately so we bend over for corporate and government authority.
Everyone wants to do things their own way. So everyone is voting to stop others from doing things their way. It's a problem that persists all the way up, can you pay attention to all the policies you might be voting for? Of course not, so we focus on the few that benefit us.
So people can make focus groups, get their people together, and have a policy made that you never knew about because how the fuck can you pay attention to everything going on in your country? Leads to a tyrannical government.
Democracy will always go downhill. That's why murrica tried to slow it down, and gave us tools to change it when it gets too bad. It's not perfect but we've lasted quite a while without complete change so I love the constitution. Fuck this is far too political now though

>> No.13731446

I cooked for myself when I was a teenager. It wasn't anything amazing but I could make myself food after the age of 12.

You sound like you're only speaking from your own experience. Which sounds sheltered as fuck lol

>> No.13731448

Nice pasta.

>> No.13731459

I watched a bunch of documentaries where some of the young followers (not the leaders necessarily) tried to express in their own words why they are doing what they are doing. And 90% of them just sounded like spoiled, petulant children. Their ideology simple teenage rebelliousness thinly draped in the language of love and peace. It's because the more highfalutin ideas initially disseminated by intellectuals get drowned out over time in the chorus of simple-minded followers of trendy fashions-in-thinking that the overall sentiment, no matter how well intended, gets corrupted over time. Nothing good can survive so long as stupid people exist.

>> No.13731472

She doesn't have eyes in the back of her head. This is what it must have looked like out of the corner of her eye.

>> No.13731489

he was doing the gay fortnite dance. she turned around and thought he was pretending to hump her. it's not rocket science.

>> No.13731522


I think i've found the /ck/ pleb filter. avocados.

>> No.13731541

I think she assumed he was doing a humping/grinding type thing directed at her. maybe she noticed the filming too and figured she was the butt of a joke.

>> No.13731543

You sound like Archie Bunker, a

>> No.13731591

Well I hope and am sure you know that a lot of those videos are edited to show the dumbest people. It's meant to have a laugh at ignorance imo. It's why I watch them anyway.
You've put it really well but honestly I'm not used to the language you use. Understand every word, they're just not what's regularly used. Was that to be more accurate with what you were saying? Or did you not even think about it and actually just speak that way

>> No.13731607

They are not random YouTube videos but legit, neutral documentaries about hippies. I have no reason to believe that the footage was altered in any way. These were hippies in their natural element, just being hippies. My personal view of how they expressed themselves is just my personal opinion.

>> No.13731657

Oh, where do you get these videos? Honestly unfiltered hippie retardation sounds super entertaining. I used to visit this place called skatopia. I'd fix up a junk ass car enough to make it there, we'd travel in 2 or 3 cars there, come back in 1 or 2 haha. It was less hippie than it could have been, some guys like me, but yeah stupid hippies were a laugh to talk to (almost throw down a set of stairs) or watch haha.

>> No.13731669

Oh, purpose of shit car was its ready for the scrap yard anyway, so we'd go up drive off road a bit, jump it, whatever till it stopped moving and then we'd burn the fucker. Owner of the property would scrap what's left, everyone was happy.

>> No.13731695

bacon cheesburger

>> No.13731696

i feel like zoomers are too young to have a "signature" meme food like avocado toast. the earliest zoomers are now just entering the work force and living on their own.

>> No.13731703

They're not going to have one, just watch. Cooking is dead.

>> No.13731710

Never understood the burger meme because of it. Far ad I've experienced, muricans eat pizza all the time not burgs

>> No.13731714

We eat both all the time. And I'm sick of it.

>> No.13731724

Then get a hoagie or "sub". I don't get it...

>> No.13731737


>> No.13731743

That's not new. That already exists. You have to actually make something.

>> No.13731796

I'm 278lb, 5'10.

>> No.13731802
File: 41 KB, 720x420, tete-negre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13731888

>she turned around and thought he was pretending to hump her
Except that isn't what a humping motion looks like.
Go watch some doggy style porn and get back to me.

>> No.13731899

Except it doesn't matter see>>13731346

>> No.13731901

xanax and white claw

>> No.13732148

they were, but she's one of the good ones

>> No.13732525

We've all fucked a steak up enough once that we had to drench the fucker in that stuff to actually choke it down too.

But yeah, A1's fairly based for burgers and pork, never tried it for chicken

>> No.13732532

>We've all fucked a steak up enough once that we had to drench the fucker in that stuff to actually choke it down too.
true, true
not so gay for fixing a steak you fucked, but gay for a good steak that you didn't fuck

>> No.13732643

It looked like that to her, not us

>> No.13733183

a k a
> oily tomato pieces falling down everywhere.

You just can't eat that shit properly.

There are exceptions though. When they use dried tomatoes and make a paste out of it with other ingredients.
That's actually a good dish.

>> No.13733297

Nah, its different to be a woman and have a guy touch your ass.

How do you know for sure? Link to original video where we can hear what shes saying? That would be the only way to really prove what happened.

>> No.13733581

Different how? Also the video is right there he never touched her

>> No.13734490

Keto, carnivore diet or some other bandwagon shit they get onto to be part of a cult.

>> No.13734492

21 y/o Zoomer here, I seriously doubt I’ll ever move out on my own lol. Same with all my friends, we simply can’t afford it

>> No.13734724

this is unprovoked assault

>> No.13734888

it's not dead yet. i feel like more zoomers are getting into it with the advent of "trendy" youtube/instagram cooking videos. plus it's cheaper than eating out every day.
>t. 21 year old zoomer
i share a place with 3 friends. splitting rent for a bigger apartment reduces the price per person.
i'm able to make rent and other things with my paid internship (roughly 30 hours a week) and luckily i have a scholarship for my college.

>> No.13734892

They're fucking gay as shit but maybe they'll be less fat?

>> No.13734902

Firefighter being a good job is unrealistic.

>> No.13734915

It's a pretty good job. You won't get rich, but it's rewarding.

>> No.13734981

so /pol/ threads are ok as long as inter-generational

>> No.13734998

It’s just clear from the video

>> No.13735011

Travel is a function of capital you classist imbecile.

>> No.13735019

It is obviously fake

>> No.13735104

"The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say - we will never forgive you."

>> No.13735128

Tide pods