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File: 707 KB, 2364x2152, IMG_20200229_161842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13727361 No.13727361 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck. San Jose Subway's has Tikka Masala fillings (pics to follow), and it tastes fucking amazing.
I guess thread for special things a franchise does locally for you?

>> No.13727370
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>> No.13727374
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>> No.13727378
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>> No.13727394

I'd try it if they rolled it out my way. There's only one Indian restaurant in my area, but it's pretty good.

>> No.13727400

I've never had tikka before. Is it any good?

>> No.13727417

indian food is just different types of meat and gravy, meat and gravy

>> No.13727427

Not really. India has a fair bit of variety. Indian restaurants generally serve mainly meat in sauce, but that's because people going to an Indian resaturant expect that. Just like every Japanese place sells Sushi, even though in Japan it's not even the most popular cuisine.

>> No.13727435

>paneer tikka sandwich
What an age we live in...

>> No.13727467

and to think you doubted that they'd be a superpower...

>> No.13727483

It’s amazing. It gives me super shits though

>> No.13727551
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I know, right? Fucking incredible

>> No.13727599

408 represent this shit is mad tasty

>> No.13727611

It’s fire I make it myself sometimes but it takes hella long tho because I marinate the chicken first in yogurt and then grill it and cut it up and cook it with the spices and tomato paste and butter but I won’t go into all the detail. I serve it with saffron rice tho

>> No.13727670

https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/subway-defamation-chicken-1.5480512 nice try, subway shill

>> No.13727674

>in Japan it's not even the most popular cuisine
it is

>> No.13727709

is it actually good? damn. can't believe you fuckers are going to get me to go to subway.

>> No.13727712

If you don't like cilantro........?

>> No.13727785

Isn't this racist to those that don't like cilantro?

>> No.13727853

>Cilantro on everything

Yet another reason to avoid Subway like the plague.

>> No.13727865

Who doesn't like cilantro?

>> No.13727880

Then get one of the cookies you child

>> No.13727938

Cilantro doesn't taste like soap to me. I just don't like the taste. Same as I don't like rosemary or celery, or roast lamb. I love ham and bacon and pork sausages but don't like roast pork. It's just a taste thing not a gene thing.

>> No.13728083

My nigga

Firstly, kill yourselves for not liking cilantro. Secondly, it's just a spicy green chutney, just like you might have with samosas at an Indian place, and it's damn good. Lastly, the green chutney is just the default "sauce" they put, just like they might put mayonnaise or mustard (from the squeezy bottle). You can tell them not to put the chutney, and to add whatever other sauce you want.

>> No.13729371
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>> No.13729385

Do they import the poop?

>> No.13729524

cilantro tastes like soap

>> No.13729831
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Where in the fuck did this meme come from? Is cilantro too spicy for the poor white boy's palate?

>> No.13729841

It isn't a meme.


People with inferior genetics don't realize they're eating something chemically similar to stink bug semen.

>> No.13729877

It's always a weeb who's a fucking retard.

>> No.13730238

when's the national roll out?

>> No.13730277


>> No.13730395

Getting so aggressive because I don't like the taste of something? Did Mommy beat you for not eating your greens?

>> No.13730823
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No, because I'm not a retarded white boy with a 5-yo's taste who is allergic to vegetables. Go back to guzzling down happy meals at McDonald's.
I don't think there'll be one. This Subway's is Indian owned in a heavily-Indian community, so it's probably just a local thing.

>> No.13730874

Still being aggressive. You were beaten as a kid, weren't you? Some people don't like the taste of certain things. Live with it. It will make you a better person.

>> No.13730918

You type like an absolute faggot.

>> No.13730931

I'm not a poo and I haven't had subway in ~7 years but that looks bretty good

>> No.13730986

hella fire tho

>> No.13731107
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>just a local thing

>> No.13732248


>> No.13732257

...20% of people, are you daft?

>> No.13732882

what makes the bread italian? why do italians get to claim all bread?

>> No.13733176

how is chernobyl overrated? ive never seen anyone suck dick on it or anything of the likes and the series is quite good

>> No.13733592
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>> No.13734620
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You seem like you should've been beaten much, much more as a kid, and also now.

>> No.13734693

just popping in to say it's coriander, not cilantro you dumb fucking retarded niggers

>> No.13736037
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I disagree, but I will say that you are quite based, my negro.

>> No.13736063

Damn marketers are trying to get me to go to Subway only to find out it's the same old fucking menu from 20 years ago.

>> No.13736983

It's only San Jose probably.

>> No.13736993

>Italian bread
This makes me wonder, what is the traditional bread Indians eat?

>> No.13737325

various kinds of flatbread, but varies wildly with region. There's hundreds, possibly thousands of types. That being said, the most popular kind I've seen in the west is naan.

>> No.13737327

Chicken doesn't need to be slathered in sauce to be edible. In fact it makes chicken worse. And tells me you have poop breath.

>> No.13737506

I live in this shithole, it's only Pajeets eating Subway now here, it’s literally Pajeet serving Pajeet, I’m amazed they still even pretend to make make sandwiches.

>> No.13737508

> make make
kill me now, I’ve been infected by Pajeet

>> No.13737992


>> No.13738009

I can't imagine why an Indian person who eats Indian food 5 nights a week prepared by Indian people who have been cooking Indian food for 30 years would want to walk down to subway and get a vastly inferior version of their refrigerated leftovers served on a storebought hoagie roll

>> No.13738105

>kill yourselves for not liking cilantro
>San Jose
OP is seething taco, CONFIRMED

>> No.13738840

I’m white (a ginger) and I love cilantro and Indian food

>> No.13738990

>kill yourselves for not liking cilantro.
Imagine not knowing the genetics of cilantro taste

>> No.13738999

It's literally a genetic thing you ignorant brainlet.

>> No.13739917
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>Not being ashamed of having inferior genes

>> No.13739930

>tikka masala sandwich
>taste of india
i want to kick subway's marketing team in the balls

>> No.13740221

hello, i have a question
i have indian curry sauces from aldi. what could i put these over to try them? potatoes?

>> No.13740260

I never get cool shit like this in flyover country. Our Subways have drive thrus which I heard is somewhat rare though.

>> No.13740277

Sounds good, but I know the chicken is going to be dry and unappetizing

why do people hate chicken thighs?
why do people overcook white meat?

>> No.13740290

add basmati rice and plain yoghurt too

>> No.13740483

How the fuck go you do a Subway's drive through? How do you direct their making of the sandwich?

>> No.13741121

I don't know about the chicken, but the paneer tikka masala was pretty fantastic desu.

>> No.13741616

Uhhh, I just confirmed with my friend that the flavor is still good shit, but the chicken is indeed shitty Subways chicken, so RIP in that department desu.

>> No.13741857

95121 checking in

Has anyone else been to curry pizza house? Fucking love that place

>> No.13743360

shit, I didn't know we had some many san jo guys around here