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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 278 KB, 480x480, mayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13724026 No.13724026 [Reply] [Original]

I gave them many chances and I think Im finally done with them. At least the local supermarket pre-made sandwiches seem to be more fresh and taste better.

>> No.13724034
File: 42 KB, 600x400, 99dee7394146dd2de055528b5430e964_1541413144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I get Maison Kayser pre-made sandwiches a couple of times a month. They're not the most amazing thing ever, but they're not bad considering the convenience.

>> No.13724035

Unlikely. Often far too overpriced for the ingredient value, with 'average' macros and low satiety. Supermarket deli subs can be okay sometimes, as they tend to have more meat/cheese and reasonable pricing. I just can't help but think it's best to just buy a bunch of meat and cheese instead. Better value and flavor that way.

>> No.13724037 [DELETED] 

how lazy do you have to be to buy a fucking sandwhich? are you american?

only americans think buying a sandwhich is convinience

>> No.13724047

I've bought them in the TGV station in France though, what now replies-to-everyone guy?

>> No.13724056

Yeah I noticed supermarket deli subs are better value. They are like 5 bucks for a decent 6 inch and you get lettuce and tomato on it usually. Then they got those really huge ones which I never get.

>> No.13724065

Some of the giant ones can have pretty solid ingredients, in my experience. Nice value if you're up to cutting them up and saving them for eating at later dates, perhaps with some other ingredients at home. Though I rarely get sandwiches when I'm out, on the occasion that someone brings some leftover sandwiches at home, I find that they're great additions to a morning egg stir-fry.

>> No.13724077

I used to, but then I feel like there's no point anymore since they never taste that good.

>> No.13724081

says the american. only americans buy food from places that sell petrol

>> No.13724092


at least get some meme restaurant like panera bread

>> No.13724094

>TGV station
>places that sell petrol
Uneducated piece of shit detected.

>> No.13724095
File: 42 KB, 775x436, 170812_va_car_into_crowd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a cager, cager. How do you buy petrol at a TGV station?

>> No.13724101

i dont give a fuck about american places, american

i dont care if you ride your push bike like a 12 year old kid, american

>> No.13724110

Not at all. Not sure why you're saying that kind of bullshit but I live in Europe and buying a sandwich at a gas station when you're traveling is a common thing.

>> No.13724111

You know, some people have a life outside their mom's basement. How the fuck am I supposed to eat at 11PM while traveling for my job, you dipshit ? How do you eat when you have to run between stations to catch your train or your plane ? And, yes, I travel 5 days a week, sometime don't even go back to my place and travel 2 weeks straight.

>> No.13724114

you live in america, american. why are you so ashamed of where you from, american?

>american tries to justify his retardation

nice attempt, but you failed so hard the second you became an american, so you were born a failure, american

>> No.13724115
File: 165 KB, 1350x759, B9722036997Z.1_20191224162940_000+G52F68AUB.2-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le TGV c'est français, batard de mort. Fucking subhuman.

>> No.13724117

Only time I've ever bought one is when work is paying and there was nothing better at the time.

>> No.13724119
File: 1.89 MB, 200x200, 1578971526386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13724124

>a hard plastic case for sandwiches

in my cunt it's just a plastic wrapping sheet that encloses similar stuffs.

>> No.13724126

i dont give a fuck about your nigger ebonics, american. type english or fuck off back to the ghetto, nigger american

only americans lie about being american, american

>> No.13724128

only americans store food in their cunts

>> No.13724131
File: 16 KB, 425x282, 8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ride poverty trains

>> No.13724132

Ok American

>> No.13724134

Sometimes I do, just because we have them in my cafeteria at work and working nights with no car I can't really go out and get anything if I have to rush and don't bring a lunch. Like $2.50 for an okay size turkey/cheese, I'm not too mad at it, but in no way is it actually worth it.
I almost wish I could understand what kind of satisfaction you get out of pretending to be upset on the internet.

>> No.13724136


You're probably the actual American in this thread, it's the only explication I can give for such retardation.

>> No.13724137

only americans "ride" trains. its not a fucking amusment park ride you obese american

i dont care if you are an ok american, i litterally give no fucks about you, american

im not upset, nor am i pretending to be upset, american

stop projecting your upsetness onto me, american

>> No.13724140

only americans cant grasp the fact that not everyone is an american

only americans are so brain dead to think that because someone called out americans behaviours, he must be an american

typical american

>> No.13724142

Alright buddy, I hope you have a good day.

>> No.13724145

he's assblasted because someone called him a dumb american in another thread, this is his coping mechanism

>> No.13724147

typical american, gets butthurt and leaves after i remind him hes american

wrong, american. only americans project this hard, american

>> No.13724159
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1568304774135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this stupid ruse again, I thought this died last night on /tv/ ffs

>> No.13724166

It's funny to see that you can still spot Americans when they pretend to insult Americans. You can feel that a massively ignorant poster is behind these posts.

>> No.13724168

only americans get butthurt about a thread on 4chan, american

>> No.13724170

Last time I had one was on a flight from Barcelona to Dublin, turkey and stuffing sandwich. It wasn't bad at all.

>> No.13724174

you're nowhere near as good as the Aussie last night, fack off cunt

>> No.13724176

only americans think that when someone calls out an american, they must be an american

fact is, i thank the lord every single day i wasnt born in your shit hole of a country, american

only americans think its a different person, american

>> No.13724178

TIL: TGV is French for petrol

>> No.13724190

only americans think that

>> No.13724198

my local super makes these damn good chicken salad sandwiches using the rotisserie chickens they cook in house on King's Hawaiian roll, the sweetness to the roll really complements the savoryness of the chix salad, only costs $4 too

>> No.13724205

only americans shop at super markets

>> No.13724239

that is not true

>> No.13724245

it is true, american. only in america, land of the obese, are markets called "super markets" because regular markets arent obese enough

>> No.13724248

Spam is American

>> No.13724259

what relevence does that have to this conversation? fucking americans....

>> No.13724264

Are we not talking about sandwiches?

>> No.13724266
File: 47 KB, 512x299, UV6YNaxjkRo43aa0mnFWjfH16-tqLfxhHdmJfo1Z5L8hIJDttzu3t9JQixHhspgmwdhEYbhCGi2J6T4RtZnQpW2wWZl-RUgS27_qr3MO42UcWHLioKhufd8cO29HH6xkRgkcBohV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what french boomer think "cool" sound like. "Wanadoo", "inOUI", "French Tech"... Hope Corona chan get them all !

>> No.13724272

only americans put spam inside bread and eat it

only americans think that

>> No.13724281

What do you like on your sandwiches?

>> No.13724285

sandwhiches are what kids eat at lunch, american

i dont eat child food, american

>> No.13724294

So you just came here into the pre-packaged sandwiches thread to say that sandwiches are food for children and call everything american, is american the new reddit?

>> No.13724297

no, read my posts american, ive made my points VERY clear, american

>> No.13724299

stfu, stupid american

>> No.13724304

LMAO you actually think he is American? The cunts an Aussie. How butthurt has he made you?

>> No.13724307
File: 14 KB, 442x233, 1582922286690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13724315

why did you post a photo of yourself, american?

>> No.13724324

he's no Aussie, an Aussie wouldn't do the lazy fuckwit posting that tosser's being spewing

>> No.13724331

Nah mate I'm an Aussie, this other dumbcunt is just being a bit of a shithead. He's probably a Seppo larping as an Aussie, the lack of material is telling.

>> No.13724335

fuck up shit cunt im true blue fair dinkum fucked ya mum shit cunt american

only americans get butthurt that im australian

>> No.13724336

You're fucked now mate. The real Aussies are onto you.

>> No.13724341

Alright dickhead, tell me what the Australian word for koala meat is and I'll believe you

>> No.13724344

fuck up shit cunt american


nah, your just some fat obese american who cant handle the fact im supirour in every way, and that australia litterally shits on america

there is no word for it you fucking melbournite faggot, go suck off some poof cunts you shit eating american

>> No.13724349

>there is no word for it
Yeah there is and you should know it or at least be able to look it up on your Australian internets.

>> No.13724351

why the fuck would i give a fuck about it to look it up, shit cunt? only americans get as butthurt as you do, american

>> No.13724638

just make a fucking sandwich jesus

>> No.13724646

>the poster accusing everyone of being American reveals that they are themselves an ignorant American
tip top lel

>> No.13724652

only americans cant read this very thread where i say which country im from

hows it feel to be so blind you cant read, american?

>> No.13724653

nah, that shits nasty
all seething eurocucks need to chill lmao
we get it, you’re poor

>> No.13724657

only americans "make" sandwhiches

>> No.13724658

Only Mormons think Jesus was American

>> No.13724664

only americans think that shits nasty

only americans are mormons

>> No.13724685

anglos or germanoid hands typed this post

>> No.13724692 [DELETED] 

i dont care what 1/126th white you are, american. why bother telling us your hands typed your post? americans, everyone...

>> No.13724728

seethe more bitch tits
eat the fucking sandwich

>> No.13724743

only americans get as butthurt as you are

>> No.13724987

The ones at family Mart in Tokyo are pretty good

>> No.13725101
File: 1.65 MB, 2103x3097, gas_station_egg_salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg salad master race reporting.

>> No.13725137

I've tried them. The bread was always soggy as hell.

>> No.13725144

In Japan yes.. Egg salad sand in Japan is god tier. Lawsons, 711 etc..

>> No.13725290

Yeah. I have a fondness for the ham and cheese ones.

>> No.13725351

I often do. They're shit, but I'm a hard working tradie who keeps forgetting to bring food. My breaks are the drives between jobs, so if I'm hungry my only chance to get food will tend to be when I'm paying for fuel.

>> No.13725354

I wouldn't because they don't use gloves when they make them


>> No.13725361

who the fuck would spend $4 on that?

>> No.13725370

More to the point, who the fuck still eats turkey in 2020?

>> No.13725376

__ _________ ______?

>> No.13725394

Food you get at les Aires in France on the motorways can be really good. >>13724056
The giant ones at Safeway in Canada are good.