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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 1280x720, 12345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13721161 No.13721161 [Reply] [Original]

just saw this film and the expose on eating meat. what are some good vegan meals so i can live longer and healthier on a good conscious.

>> No.13721162

i thought the thumbnail was a horse cock

>> No.13721169

Just go keto.
It is far more healthier, and a propaganda film didn't need to be made to push it's dietary narrative.

>> No.13721186

You know they had to cut like 3 people out of the final film because they stopped being vegan due to their health going to shit

>> No.13721193

>on a good conscious

Vegans, everyone

>> No.13721195

I wouldn't recommend becoming a vegan but there is nothing wrong with drastically reducing your intake of animal products to just once or twice a week. That whole industry is bullshit

>> No.13721209

>on a good conscious
Vegans and Liberals are the exact same with this sentiment. Their entire ideology is manufactured to be masturbatory.

>> No.13721218

>Doesn't understand what the post meant

Looks like both sides are just as dumb

>> No.13721261

You should improve your reading comprehension friend.

>> No.13721316

Vegans are generally university educated, far beyond 4th grade language usage carnist magatards, so it's clearly a carnist vegan larper.

>> No.13722429

Eat veggie burgers like beet burgers and black bean burgers, not the junk food vegan meat burgers.
Take plant-based shakes
DO NOT do the vegan junk food because that's the same as omnivore junk food, only with plants instead

>> No.13722446
File: 639 KB, 1708x2048, 9E880E0D-7FA4-41E8-A477-C5CF87EC3F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With iodized salt soups + b12 yeast supplements

>> No.13722448

Probably addicted to steak and animal products, unrelated to veganism itself because lots of people eat meat daily and get withdrawals from that

>> No.13722722
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>> No.13722737


>> No.13722808
File: 71 KB, 672x670, mr skeletal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will i look as young and healthy as Dr. Greger if i follow this diet?

>pic related
Doesn't he look fantastic for his 47 years of age?

>> No.13722826

>my worldview was changed by a for-profit propaganda film
Hey, at least you're not alone in being a sheep.

>> No.13722832

lel look at this soýim

>> No.13722835

what the fuck is wrong with his hand? it looks disgusting and sickly, which matches the texture of his skin

>> No.13722841

We can say soy here, newfag.

>> No.13722851

There's a reason he said soyim.

>> No.13722889

Probably iron deficiency, as heme iron is only found in animal products and more bioavailable than the non-heme iron found in plants.

>> No.13722901
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>what are some good vegan meals so i can live longer and healthier on a good conscious

By "live longer" do you mean longer than someone who dies before 25?

>Vegan activist dies suddenly at 25
>Cause of death fully unknown

>> No.13722902

Is he a living dead?

>> No.13722921
File: 853 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_20200229-002651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone thinking about going full soy, make sure you have comprehensive medical covered before you embark on your "journey." (To the emergency room)

>> No.13722936

Keto plus carbs is the best diet
Oh wait, I just described a balanced diet.

>> No.13722973

>a little murder is fine

>threatened by the idea of not eating meat because it would force them to confront the fact that they blindly follow traditions without evaluating their merit because they literally can't think for themselves
>unironically accuses other people of being "sheep"
you really are incapable of an original thought, aren't you?

>> No.13722996

I mean, you could always try getting your protein from oysters and clams, since they’re about as conscious as vegetables.

>> No.13722998

Are you against "murdering" animals? (Yes?)
Are you going to stop murdering animals yourself vegan? (No)

Why so much hypocrisy, doesn't it get tiresome pretending to care about animals?


>> No.13723008

if you think that most crops feed humans directly, then you are either too stupid to converse with or purposefully obtuse.

>> No.13723025

Carbs are fucking terrible for you, even in small doses. Period.

>> No.13723046

>a balanced diet
there is no balance moron. We are not meant to eat carbs 24/7 like we do now. It was literally impossible until the agricultural evolution to have so much access to starch. Our bodies were not able to evolve at the same pace we were able to tame and cultivate crops.

>> No.13723053

Well what you want to do is process your vegetables in such a way that they as closely resemble the taste, texture, and look of meat as possible. You'll have to use a shit tonne of spices and some pretty nasty chemicals with names like trihydricmonophosphoricglutemodium. It'll completely destroy the taste of the original vegetable and you'll still have to really use your imagination to pretend it's real meat, but at least you'll have the satisfaction of serving it to your carnist (that's what you call people with regular human diets now) friends without telling them it's not meat and then get to drop the big surprise on them, and ignore when they tell you that they knew it's not meat already because A: it tastes and feels nothing like meat and B: you spend multiple hours a day posting on your facebook and instagram about how great it is to be a vegan so they obviously know you didn't cook meat. But at least you can look forward to quitting your job because telling people that you're vegan is your new full time job, and believe me when I say there's going to be plenty of overtime. In fact between that and the sheer amount of time you spend blending, squeezing, pressing, layering, blanching, shredding, mulching, dehydrating, rehydrating and resting your vegetables to get them to nearly mimic something that could be mistaken for meat under the right light, you're not going to have much time to do things like walk your critically malnourished vegan cat or call your parents to tell them you're sorry for being such a disappointment, so you better get used to your new lifestyle as a vegan.

>> No.13723062


>> No.13723079

How do you still not get it you fucking failure? Never have kids. If you do, please force them to read more books than you did.

>> No.13723085


>> No.13723087

What the fuck are you even going on about? You seem to be the one not understanding the flow of the conversation here.

>> No.13723096

Was this tard >>13721209 you?

>> No.13723102

That is inconsequential.

>> No.13723108


>> No.13723111

Kek so it was. Utter brainlet.

>> No.13723112
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>he thinks using words like masturbatory and inconsequential somehow improves his arguments

>> No.13723120
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You were making some lame commentary on the spelling of "conscience", which has nothing to do with veganism. You were simply being an anal retentive nitpicking moron.
This poster>>13721209 was making a comparison of vegan and liberal values and how they align under false conscience.

If anyone is the moron here, it is you. Perhaps your vegan diet is effecting your mental prowess?

The extent of one's vocabulary is directly linked to their intelligence. I simply speak in a verbose manner without a second though. I'm sorry that you cannot.

>> No.13723122

It was never about the argument, he can't tell the difference between conscious and conscience. Neither can OP. They're both dumb.

>> No.13723123


>> No.13723129 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 398x436, Barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan food is nasty.

>> No.13723130

i (>>13723108) am not this other person (>>13723111) you responded to. cute tho

>> No.13723135 [DELETED] 
File: 728 KB, 375x210, vegan_sausage_and_salad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this, OP.

>> No.13723136

>making some lame commentary
>anal retentive nitpicking moron
>false conscience
Well played good sir, you are indubitably of swifter mind than I! Alas, my throne of wit has been usurped by you, young upstart! Take all my reddit gold kind sir, and leave me be!

>> No.13723138 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 637x800, zi539r2i8h531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is vegan friendly.

>> No.13723139

Inb4 the lock

>> No.13723144

Nevertheless, I am glad you saw my response, and couldn't come with a rebuttal. I will take that as your acceptance of defeat.

>> No.13723143

your rotten dick excretions are nasty, which repels women. unfortunately, going vegan won't help you get laid since you're still a dumbass incel

>> No.13723145

I'll cum in your rebuttal big boy

>> No.13723147

Go on....

>> No.13723148

>you are indubitably of swifter mind than I
I'm glad you have come to see reason.

>> No.13723149

>1200 calories
Is this Dr Geger a girl or something

>> No.13723150

i didn't read your conversation, you fucking dumbass. i just saw the last two replies and it was obvious that the other anon correctly pegged you from your idiotic response.

>> No.13723154

>it was obvious that the other anon correctly pegged you from your idiotic response
Yet my response was not in fact idiotic, so your entire position falls apart upon inspection.

>> No.13723159

I know you're just baiting but thanks anon, I haven't kekd this hard in a while.

>> No.13723161

peak autism

>> No.13723175 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 410x231, gay_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan hot dogs and buns are always a nice combination.

>> No.13723188 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 500x444, hawt_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you say hot dog?

>> No.13723195
File: 244 KB, 1135x700, McRib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you liked it.

>> No.13723245

Purposely depriving yourself of nutrients, protein, and vitamins, because you find it fashionable and "moral" tells so much about the character you have,

>> No.13723253
File: 226 KB, 880x882, chicken_tendies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies tried to keep this one from being posted. Fingerprinting won't help you now, Hiroshima Nagasaki.

>> No.13723257

>being too dumb to understand the difference between morals and ethics

>> No.13723276

Nice ad hominem, you gonna follow that up with some real arguments, right? ...right?

>> No.13723281

why would i argue with someone who lacks the basic foundational knowledge to even debate a topic? how can you possibly have anything of value to contribute to something you literally can't even define?

>> No.13723286 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 229x200, Gt+implying+you+can+get+off+mr+bones+wild+ride+_8328c08c5cd990b20e49f8d294c966e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go...

>> No.13723288

morals and ethics are readily interchangeable, you're aware that you're literally filling the 'vegan moral highground' stereotype that gives all of veganism a bad reputation?

>> No.13723292
File: 1021 KB, 375x212, angry_dooting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 if by land, 2 if by REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.13723293

>morals and ethics are readily interchangeable
they literally not. you clearly have access to the internet, so maybe try googling it before making authoritative statements that just make you look stupid.

>> No.13723300


>> No.13723301

He used a Y with a diacritic mark like the newfag he is.

>> No.13723306

You're acting as though his nutrient deprived brain could actually process this line of thought. He can't and never will. Wasn't worth the (you) fren.

>> No.13723308

>2 closely related concepts
yep, my point stands, you're just making yourself look bad, and by extension, vegans.

>> No.13723313

confirmed retard trying to backpedal

>> No.13723327
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x1800, 1582333171217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are just doglike subhumans who think goodness is the same as obedience. Slave morality.

They are against eating meat because the rich and powerful have made it clear through their media propaganda that they want the lower classes to stop eating meat. There's nothing more to it. No actual thought behind it.

That's why they don't care that grass fed beef only kills one cow. That's why they don't care feeding waste created by plant farming to animals reduces waste and helps the environment. That's why they don't care that monocropping is irreversibly destroying topsoil. That's why they don't care that imported food is grown by slave labour in countries with no environmental protection or animal rights.

Vegans don't think or care about anything other than being good dogs.

>> No.13723329
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>has to resort to throwing his default buzzwords around because he can't even muster the braincells for any proper arguments anymore

you could've just said that I'm right, would've at least made you look less like an idiot

>> No.13723334

nice blog, faggot

>> No.13723345
File: 104 KB, 860x359, 43-435100_honk-honk-vs-npc-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice rebuttal, vegan NPC.

>> No.13723356

i don't debate autistic 14 year olds. go play xbox or whatever it is you zoomers do

>> No.13723398
File: 568 KB, 1920x1440, dbsb0161_20190626500007_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry barking noises
Good boy.

>> No.13723416

>only care about being obedient dogs
Same with anti-vegans like you. Being a zealous faggot about what people choose to put in their mouth because some hivemind will clap and cheer you for it makes you a homo.
>but I don’t care what others think!
Then you wouldn’t have “le vegan soyjack” pictures saved so you could blogpost in every vegan thread.

>> No.13723517

>no u
Typical NPC response.

Keto and carnivore are actively attacked by mainstream media propaganda outlets.

>> No.13723846

>I care so deeply about animals! (gasp sob)
>I kill animals too? (Fuck them lol)

Every vegan.


>> No.13723857
File: 684 KB, 1280x800, 1582673058149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another 21 year old vegan advocate who nearly died, lost 30 kilos, and underwent 3 surgeries to prove he is a "vegan savage."

Looks like the cult for me. I'm going vegan.


>> No.13723870
File: 576 KB, 1280x800, 1582264717345-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember vegans, you are not vegan for your health, but rather for the animals and for the vegan cult. Stay vegan even to the grave.

>> No.13725054

>"you're a slave who mindlessly obeys the rich and powerful"
>yeah but people on an anonymous imageboard could potentially agree with you so you're exactly the same
Are vegans retarded because they are vegan, or are they vegan because they are retarded?

>> No.13725249

Says fucking who?

>> No.13725253

>We are not meant to eat carbs 24/7 like we do now.
>like we do
Who the fuck is "we"?

>> No.13725257

Conscience you mutt retard

>> No.13725263

There's a difference between being vegan and being on a plant-based diet.

>> No.13725333

Yeah the standard American diet is already plant based.

Why anyone would want to eat even more plant foods is baffling.

>> No.13725963
File: 224 KB, 500x334, geezus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that creepy dead looking hand!

>> No.13725973


>> No.13726056

correct, carbs are an energy source not a nutrient.

>> No.13726074

This 'diet' works because it's 1200 calories and 1.5 hours of exercise a day.

>> No.13726122

what's going on here?

>> No.13726162

you’re never going to get anywhere changing your views at the drop of a hat like that.

>> No.13726206

stfu retard

>> No.13726248

>oy vaaaay don't eat meat don't you know that stuff causes vowel cancer?

>> No.13726784

Dicks and semen, fuck off

>> No.13726876
File: 660 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_20200220-175056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a brazilian male model (and vegan obviously) he literally dropped dead while wearing some bizarre costume during some fashion show.

>Go vegan and die.
It's more than just a meme