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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 799 KB, 3088x2055, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13717847 No.13717847 [Reply] [Original]

There are two things I love eating; steak, and ass.

>> No.13717855

asses stink tho

>> No.13717857


that's fucking disgusting. anyone who says 'eat ass' or even jokes about putting their mouth near feces should be burned alive on a stake in the elementary school playground so the kids can watch and learn what happens when you are corrupted.

>> No.13717866

based incel

>> No.13717869
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>that's fucking disgusting. anyone who says 'eat ass' or even jokes about putting their mouth near feces should be burned alive on a stake in the elementary school playground so the kids can watch and learn what happens when you are corrupted.
This thread is about steak.

>> No.13717882
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>he doesn't eat ass

>> No.13717897


I don't even know how many more bacteria your mouth has than an anus. Probably an order of magnitude at the least. Regardless, if you get to an asshole that isn't clean, pink and smells like underwear, you've chosen poorly. Also, an asshole has a lower bacterial environment than a pussy. So.. pick your poison.

>> No.13717915

There are good bacteria and ass bacteria is not good. By your fucked up logic eating yoghurt is as safe as eating shit.

>> No.13717917

you're eating brown shit in both cases

>> No.13717938


>> No.13717974


I've eaten 3 decades of ass of all different types. That e.coli you're worried about hasn't done a goddamn thing to me, ever. But I live in a sanitary country so. I guess you have reason to fear.

>> No.13717986

>to fear
I'm not refusing to to eat it out of fear you drongo, it's disgusting. I also don't eat other disgusting things which disgust me.

>> No.13718006


doesn't fucking matter, you're a animal without a soul corrupted by demons, and must be burned alive in order to protect from your contagion.


burned alive at the stake.


your souls may yet be saved.

>> No.13718110
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>and smells like underwear
underwear smells like clean anus, not the other way around

>> No.13718116

Find a better steakhouse Jamal. And find a better escort.

>> No.13718119
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>I've eaten 3 decades of ass

>> No.13718123

and it looks like youre all out of steak

>> No.13718127

>watching virgins argue with one another about who's a virgin
Fuck yeah, 4channel.org.

>> No.13718129

I paid an escort service at age 29, I'm a virgin no more.

>> No.13718139


When you start having sex, you'll learn that a woman's vagina is about a quarter inch from her asshole. So, when you grow up sometime you'll get past it, or become a Baptist or Mormon.

>> No.13718140

I'm also a muslim

t. non-ass eater

>> No.13718144

Mormons are allowed to eat ass, if they're married to it.

>> No.13718145

When I was in highschool, it all tasted like baby powder. I'm probably going to die from licking poison talcum powder. God it tasted like shit on my tongue. Like licking gypsum.

>> No.13718148

Shut the fuck up you simpering little cunt

>> No.13718155

>simpering little cunt
You know yourself, don't you?

>> No.13718168

Don't reply to me

>> No.13718174


Go pet your autism rescue animal.

>> No.13718175
File: 2.70 MB, 470x260, fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow it out your ass, simpering little cunt.

>> No.13718180

He's suffering from autism, leave him be.

>> No.13718200


you make me fucking sick. i'd kill you with a brick.

>> No.13718201

Stop having an childish episode hun. Go see Mummy.

>> No.13718207

Enjoy your stomach worms you degenerate ass munching poofters

>> No.13718237

You live in a hemisphere where women have ass worms? No wonder.

>> No.13718251
File: 22 KB, 552x387, 1546708922456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 out of 4 humans gets ass worms at one point, this is across every fucking country. You eat ass worms and shit.

>> No.13718266
File: 17 KB, 600x315, doubtOnTheseFags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 out of 4 humans gets ass worms at one point, this is across every fucking country

>> No.13718268

Then maybe don't go to a Mexican resort you fucking dull bitch. They don't exist north of 40 unless you drag them up here.

>> No.13718276

I've had ass worms and if you ate my ass you'd be sucking down that ass worm caviar tainted with aromatic fart

>> No.13718278

No one will ever eat your ass, virgin.

>> No.13718286

Good for you. I can't even say anything else. You're a mess of a creature. You're like talking to my last loose bowel movement about Dostoyevski.

>> No.13718302
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>I've had ass worms

>> No.13718362

based shelly

>> No.13718374

hot girls asses dont

>> No.13718380

figures you'd bring up another brown turd you like to gorge down your throat.
Mutt's law in action.

>> No.13718391

Why isn't anyone talking about steak?

>> No.13718400

>Full of pheramones and promots healthy gut bacteria on top of being the greatest bonding experience possible

and the problem is?

>> No.13718406


God she's beautiful

>> No.13718486

I'm thinking because this is a vegan shill thread designed to make us conflate eating steak with eating ass

>> No.13718496

OP here - not at all, I love steak, and I love ass. They don't really taste similar enough for the two to be conflating, unless the steak is exceptionally rare.

>> No.13718499

If you'll eat meat, you'll eat ass.

>> No.13718529
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x2926, 0F25B096-2D8D-49AD-ADBB-842F4EF33E70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a ny strip for dinner haven’t had one in years been on that ‘eye shit for everrr and boy there’s really nothing wrong with it is there damn

rendered some bacon fat and confined it with fresh roasted thyme and sage as a herb butter to cook him the little fucker turned out alright

>> No.13718533

you should drink milk with steak, rather than beer

>> No.13718552

Idk what makes you say that but anyway fun fact Coors is made with dead people water you know how it says brewed with Rocky Mountain water the brewery is on clear Creek which sees a fair amount of deaths due to rafting accidents etc on a regular basis so a batch you are drinking may or may not be full of dead ppl sauce

>> No.13718557

the steak you eat probably tastes like ass then

>> No.13718588

sounds disgusting

>> No.13718594

it's the cow connection

>> No.13718604

>Coors is made with dead people water
Fitting to drink it with dead animal flesh, then.

>> No.13718616

Prolapse is said to taste like steak tartare

>> No.13718619

>I like steak and feces
quite the taste buds there bud.

>> No.13718627

Learn to bathe

>> No.13718635
File: 32 KB, 741x291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wash the inside of your colon? Tell us about it buddy. Even if your partner farts there is bits of feces around that around. Pic related, it's you.

>> No.13718636

>t. virgin

>> No.13718639

There's particulate feces on everything, especially steak. Read a book sometime, retard.

>> No.13718643

Not in the same quantities around your asshole, retard. Also learn to wash your food, jesus.

>> No.13718649

do Americans really do this...?

>> No.13718650

Yes, in the same quantities, unless you and your fat sow of a wife take a trip to the medieval era to bathe and eat ass, fuckwit.

>> No.13718674
File: 1.31 MB, 2020x1895, e72ef3d39ef1ffd40ffb8aff12e52e2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys how would you recommend I start a discussion about ass eating on a cooking forum?

>> No.13718678

This thread is about steak.

>> No.13718692
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itt: exposed degenerate literal faggots in damage control

>> No.13718776

Faggots usually don't eat steak, or meat.

>> No.13718803

Maybe try not posting a redditfrog like some underage b&.

>> No.13718864

For me its ass

>> No.13718912
File: 8 KB, 479x447, EQcUDc3UUAERUJm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't choose to not have mouth bacteria but I can choose to not put my mouth near a female fanny fudge factory

>> No.13718978


If you're entirely asexual, yes.

>> No.13718992

Whatever you say, poopmouth.

>> No.13719009
File: 32 KB, 300x328, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shutup, its not my fault fast food shitholes don't properly clean their toilets

>> No.13719015

>People don't shower or bathe and never have

what planet do you live on brother.

>> No.13719019

Ass is an african tier fetish. Pussy evolved for millions of years to feel good on dick and be appealing to straight men. You're one step away from being a faggot when you're turning down perfectly good pussy in favor of a literal shithole, and an actual niggerfaggot.

>> No.13719033

You're some weird incel. I ate my utterly white wife's ass for 12 years and she did for me as well. Because we're clean Canadian people who know what soap is, it never became an issue. If you even eat pussy, you're getting into the same bacteria regardless. You fucking incel virgins are so sorely misgiven when it comes to the bedroom.

>> No.13719041

>fellas, is it gay to like women's ass?

>> No.13719063
File: 231 KB, 1000x800, boobs butt map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


unbased and worse than degenerate

imagine how fucking subhuman you'd have to be to eat ass. You should go to India because they're in need of loos.

>> No.13719070

I knew Kim was an assman.

>> No.13719076

You don't have to worry about any of that, do you? Asexual and forced celibates always talk like you.

>> No.13719148

Ass if objectively superior. Tits are fantastic, but ultimately superfluous.

>> No.13719157
File: 98 KB, 612x491, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why you'd eat ass when you can just eat pusy instead, I mean it probably feels better for the girl and its right there

>> No.13719668

Pussy is honestly kind of gross in real life.

>> No.13719677
File: 64 KB, 510x399, wild-donkey-rian-houston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does ass actually taste?

>> No.13719692

Like unseasoned rare steak.

>> No.13719705

Ass is pretty clean and mild as long as she has good hygiene
Pussy is fucked up and smells like death and nightmares unless you put a firehose filled with lysol up her axe wound and wash out the filth so thoroughly she ends up in the ER
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with doing that but I don't think you'll have much luck getting her on board for that multiple times in a row

>> No.13719763

An ass fixation in many cases indicates the presence of closeted homosexual tendencies. So, to answer your question, mostly yes.

>> No.13719803

>poverty countries go for butts
Imagine my surprise

>> No.13719880

So what would the cut from the ass be if humans were cattle?

>> No.13720068

100% rump steak.

>> No.13720219

My girlfriend loves getting her asshole tongued. Makes her leak like a fire hydrant.

Women are much more in their head with sex than men. Pussy eating might physically feel better but the 'dirtiness' of ass eating might make her more emotionally turned on and overall more horny.

>> No.13720227

>Makes her leak like a fire hydrant.

>> No.13720264

It's 2020, it's alright to come out as gay you know. Your parents will still love you.

>> No.13720273

Cunt goo is just pre cum, and anyone who eats pre cum is gay.

>> No.13721024
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>poverty country

>> No.13721047
File: 636 KB, 1280x1280, D15F7548-6E84-4F9D-A631-6CF562199EFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my Denver steak

>> No.13721056

I would eat it if someone offered it to me.

>> No.13721059
File: 1.24 MB, 2048x2048, 5FB1E6B5-89D0-4D70-B1D7-793046740B3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the starting point btw.

Reverse seared to 58C medium/medium rare without oil, dry cast iron pan with rendered fat cap from the start.

1,30 minutes per side.

>> No.13721068

A troll thread about the virtues of ass eating is much more entertaining

>> No.13721073

Don’t be vague anon, I have low self esteem

>> No.13721077
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>> No.13721081

I don't know enough about steak, beyond just eating it, to really praise it effectively. But it looks appetizing, and if I had received it at a restaurant, I would have no reason to believe anything was amiss. I might even prefer this steak to ass, depending on the ass in question.

>> No.13721093

Thank you anon, I’m happy.

Btw my ass is hairy

>> No.13721098

Looks a little tiny bit on the rare side for my preference, but I would still gladly eat all of it. The crust looks nice. I can't rate fairly without tasting it, but it looks yummy. What would you rate it flavorwise??

>> No.13721103
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>my ass is hairy

>> No.13721113

I actually aimed to 60 degrees but since it was my first time with this cut I kept my safety temp, the one who allows me to tell if the meat is tender and is worth the money (it was). Next time full medium would do fine with all that fat and juices.

It had a beefy flavour, delicate with plenty of juice. The fat was neutral with a light buttery profile.

I’d rate it 8,5/10

>> No.13721120

Part and parcel of being Med, nothing my razor can’t solve btw

>> No.13722077
File: 794 KB, 800x576, pleb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an asshole has a lower bacterial environment than a pussy

>> No.13722099

it's a poverty country when you don't count the 100 or so Jews that own all the money and resources.

>> No.13722108
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t. temporarily embarrassed millionaire

>> No.13722162
File: 1.82 MB, 250x250, didnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter shit
can tell you take yours well done, shit for brains

>> No.13722232

Imagine actually being so brainwashed by the porn jew that you feel like less than a man by not eating a womans asshole and literally licking shit

If you want to make that into your special thing you clean it out fuck it whatever you want but don't act like every girl deserves to get it on a one night stand now just because spineless bitchass zoomers have been watching porn since age 6 and just do it because they are scared they would never have sex again if they don't.

>> No.13722261

>less than a man by not eating a womans asshole

>literally licking shit
ya'll know some nasty ass broads that need a bidet and shower

>> No.13722303

>licking toilets at fast food restaurants

>> No.13722327

I ate a steak from applebees tonight, and it really did have a likeness to eating ass.

>> No.13722338

words to live by

>> No.13722357

actually true.
dirty ass smells like poop, dirty cooch smells like month old milk, rktting flesh and vomit

>> No.13722538

>spend money on gay magazine shit instead of medication required to stay alive

>> No.13723171

What’s up with Iceland?