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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13717220 No.13717220 [Reply] [Original]

Post-lifting meal? For me it's deenz with chili garlic sauce on top of jasmine rice.

>> No.13717225

Whatever I feel like eating.

>> No.13717267
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Just finished it. Why the fuck is something so simple so tasty?

>> No.13717276

3 mchcickens
2 small fries
1 cheesburger

typically depends if i did pilates or not that day, if i did then ill add an extra salad

>> No.13717284
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I usually add a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese if I'm feeling snacky.

>> No.13717286

that must smell like shit

my roommates would hate me if I made that regularly

>> No.13717309

smells like deenz and rice

>> No.13717319

3 scoops protein smoothie
6oz chicken breast
2 cups of whatever greens i have at home

>> No.13717334

Anybody who uses baby talk like this needs to stay on >>>/r/eddit

>> No.13717348

>he's not /deenz/pilled
not gonna make it brah

>> No.13717357

I love sardines but I don’t need to talk like a faggot in a “Le /DeEnZ/ general XD” thread to express that.

>> No.13717365

you're oppressing my board culture!!!

>> No.13717373


my gf and I like to feed each other deenz. when we want a bite we say "deenz pweeze".

>> No.13717496

1 nutty buddy
2 scoop whey powder

>> No.13717567

wild rice with chicken garlic, and if i'm lazy i'll just put some yum-yum sauce on it and call it a day.

>> No.13717593

I call them deenz and I bench 315.

>> No.13717701

im going to start doing this with my husband

>> No.13717728
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Add some greens to that plate, you child. Broccoli steams in 8 min, and spinach steams in like 90 seconds.

>> No.13717735
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I recently got high and eat a bunch of chilli dogs after lifting
But in general there's no better feeling than eating a lot of hearty food after a day at the gym, it's just odd how few people care about fitness and cooking at the same time, most bodybuilders just make fried mince and rice, or chicken breast
For me, I like hearty stews, paprikash, lamb and beans, fried chicken, just stuff I normally enjoy
If I'm lazy a pot noodle with an egg I crack into it works, or just yoghurt and peanut butter
Pic related, 6 chilli dogs, hard to see the dogs past all the onions and cheese but I was baked so oh well

>> No.13717770

Funnily enough, I rotate my carbs between jasmine rice, broccoli, bananas, and apples. Today just happens to be rice day, and the rice goes great with the sardines so I always combine them.

>> No.13717778

Either 1 1/2 cups cooked rice, 4 cups steamed broccoli, or two fruits.

>> No.13717794
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I used chipolata sausages for the meatballs and oven baked.

>> No.13717795
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Wait, do you think broccoli has carbs?

>> No.13717899

Not that anon, but it does. However it is offset by fiber so it a-ok.

>> No.13717910

Well of course there are a tiny amount of carbs in broccoli, but to put it in a class of carb-foods like jasmine rice is absurd.

>> No.13717911

Those look really good anon, i am glad to see another stacked onion enthusiast

>> No.13718282

Thanks dude they were a delicious use of leftover chilli
I also used good quality kielbasas, was a nice meal

>> No.13718287

Those meatballs look really good, how did you make them

>> No.13718645

> Not deenzpilled

>> No.13718690

28gr of whey protein dissolved in high-protein de-creamed milk
a 46gr protein bar
a few slices of turkey breast
glass of orange juice

>> No.13718730

is that deenz from a can? What kind

>> No.13718755

>having roommates

so glad I live alone.

>> No.13718758

/fit/ started the deenz talk you fucking newfog

>> No.13718780
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>my roommates

>> No.13718783

you need to cut out carbs

>> No.13719243

how many preoteins? three? looks good

>> No.13719287

dirty bulking?

>> No.13720334

I just eat it to mix things up every once in a while, I know the net carbs are very low.

>> No.13720341
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Beach Cliff

>> No.13720346

I bench two plates for reps. I think I'm ok.

>> No.13720432
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>cut out carbs
This is a thread for post-lifting meals, not for fat fucks who have fallen for the keto meme in a desperate attempt to lose weight. Here's a hint: Carbs are not the reason you're fat, it's purely the amount of food you shovel into your face combined with your lack of physical activity. Putting butter in your coffee won't help.

>> No.13720437
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>bragging about a 225 bench

>> No.13720474
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>not understanding basic lifting terms
I bench 225 for REPS. That word stands for repetitions, repetitions are part of sets. For instance, 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

>> No.13720479

>I don’t need to talk like a faggot
then why are you?

>> No.13720508

To put it in perspective, I currently don't know my max bench (which is what a person can rep one time) because I don't own enough weights to find it. My plates + bar only go up to 300lbs.

>> No.13720512

by my roommates I mean my parents, not sure if that matters

>> No.13720516

Lmao, I know. Is this your second month of lifting?

>> No.13720519

cute brah

>> No.13720542

No, but I can tell you have no clue what you are talking about lol. Just some fat ketofag trying to act like you are even active.

>> No.13720557

Your cope is so fucking real, dude. Just get over the fact that your numbers aren't worthy of bragging and stop being so insecure.

Also, did you hit 1plate OHP yet? lmao

>> No.13720689

lmao, you are a dumb fuck if you think 225 3x10 is not impressive

>> No.13720707

Right now it's a cup of rice stir fryed with 6 oz of chicken breast, some vegetables and soy sauce/ assorted spices or a 1/2 cup of cream of rice mixed with two scoops of whey and a table spoon of almond butter if I really don't feel like eating.
If I'm full on offseason I like 2-3 cups of lower fat granola with whey protein milk

>> No.13720725

Okay, kiddo. Well congrats on your first three months of weightlifting and maybe with a little more experience you'll understand how ridiculous you sound.

>> No.13720728

You are so fuckin dumb

>> No.13720731


>> No.13720772

>cutting carbs post training
That's actually dumb. You are dumb.

>> No.13720785

I don't know why the other guy is picking on you, that's pretty strong for a woman.

>> No.13720884

Lol, this actually made me laugh, so thanks for at least being humorous with your shit talk.

>> No.13721104
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2x Rollmops

>> No.13721152
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post body

>> No.13721314

yesterday i had liver with fried potatos after lifting. just seasoned the potatos with cajun seasoning, and put a little salt and pepper on the liver. liver is dirt cheap and full of nutrients, and the starch in potatos is absorbed very easily and readily by muscles

>> No.13721341

just go work at a construction and lift heavy shit all day bros
no need to get anal(outside of the usual fithomo faggotry) about numbers

>> No.13721353

i did construction for a while and my back definitely grew, but i was too tired to go to the gym after and the rest of me got smaller. also seemed more likely to fuck up my back since your stances and shit are more dynamic than static lifting you can maintain proper form with. but i also have scoliosis so no matter hwta i do its pretty easy to fuck my back, especially with manual labor