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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 818 KB, 3024x4032, mdmgc5qiwi411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13713497 No.13713497 [Reply] [Original]

What are my fellow vegans eating today?

>> No.13713535

a bullet hopefully

>> No.13713540


>> No.13713557


>> No.13713562

Vegan stuff

>> No.13713569

Today is my cheat day, so I’m going for some ribs

>> No.13713572

what the fuck an I looking at??????????????

>> No.13713573


>> No.13713580

Chicken nugget in the middle

>> No.13713585

Flexitarians welcome? ^_^

>> No.13713587

Same. I had ethically raised veal.

>> No.13713657

Thanks :v , you are very kind ;_;

>> No.13713697


>> No.13713711

not actually vegan but I make an effort to eat plant based most of the time, only eating animal products if i don't have time to cook for myself
had a sweet potato and chickpeas with a bunch of tahini and sriracha
tonight i might do steel cut oats with and apple or raisins and peanut butter. if not I'll probably make some tacos or burritos with tofu and rice and beans.

>> No.13713712


>> No.13713723

I'm op and I appreciate the genuine reply. I had rice curry with chickpeas and spinach today.

>> No.13713803

What? I just wanna know if flexitarians (IE people who eat mostly vegan, often for cultural or religious reasons) are welcome to post ITT.
I'm flexitarian. I'm having wheat salad for dinner right now. It has peas, sweetcorn, dried tomato, white beans and freshly powdered dry onion. It's dressed with lemon juice, olive oil and parsley. Is good.

I asked a genuine question, but it went mostly ignored. Cunt.

>> No.13713810

>vegan draws a face on his food before he eats it

>> No.13713964

ooo thats one of my favorites, sounds good!

>> No.13714027

Is TVP truly a good ground beef substitute or vile? I was plant based for a while. I have to hide it amongst 10 other things it can't be the star of the burrito. It's kinda disgusting. Once that Wolf Boomer faggot called it spongey I couldn't eat anymore.

>> No.13714091
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>> No.13714100

This is an Ugandan anonymous shadow-puppet forum, you can do whatever you please

>> No.13714242

Hopefully, lead is vegan!

>> No.13714289

uwu you're my favo <3

>> No.13714294

Same thing I eat every day. two bowls of white rice with a little salt

>> No.13714558

it's not that great. If you really want a ground beef substitute just use one of the premade ones like Gardein. Otherwise I use black beans and lentils in stuff like burritos and tacos. Tempeh also makes a good filling

>> No.13714708

Veganism in it's current form is a fad. For the bleeding hearts, its popular to virtue signal.

>> No.13714729

>not paying people to rape, torture, and kill animals is a fad
yeah ok

>> No.13714731

Is semen vegan? Asking for a friend

>> No.13714737

Only if its from a soi boi.

>> No.13714740

Bat soup

>> No.13714751

If it was forcibly extracted from animals on a farm, it's not vegan. If it's two adults having sex they consent to it's vegan. Vegan is a philosophy, not a diet.

>coronovirus only exists because of meateaters
when are people going to wake the fuck up

>> No.13714775

thin slices of homemade seitan in a salad. Very cheap and tasty

>> No.13714779

How do vegans eat nothing but sugar and carbs and not get diabetes? are animal fats really causing insulin resistance?

>> No.13714783

Vegans don't eat just sugar and carbs.

How the fuck do you think strong motherfuckers like gorrilas and oxen get protein? Spoiler they don't eat meat.

>> No.13714786
File: 98 KB, 960x960, beans vs beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13714806

>tastes like steak
>tastes like beans
Hi, I'd like a steak. Also, you're delusional if you don't think everybody knows how cherrypicked these kinds of graphics are. As if there are no dimensions in which an equal portion of beef has greater nutrition than beans. C'mon, dude.

>> No.13714812


>> No.13714854

only if it is crusted in sugar

>> No.13714858

Those animals graze all day. I'd rather not be munching on 10 pounds of greens all day vs 1 pound of meat.

>> No.13714861

>fake meat
>fucking protein shake

There's numerous options for protein. You'd just rather rape and murder animals because they taste good, everything else is a fucking excuse and you know it.

>> No.13714868

>paying people to rape, torture, and kill animals
well we've been doing it longer than we haven't

>> No.13714873

only if the sperm consented to be eaten

>> No.13714874

>monarchy is good because we've always done it this way
>slavery is good because we've always done it this way

are you even fucking trying

>> No.13714882

You may be on to something.
Let's start a new political platform about going back to the old ways.

>> No.13714895

I tried a vegetarian diet with mostly beans and I had blood when I wiped my ass after shitting. Which cleared up after I stopped eating beans.
are expensive
>fake meat and protein shake
I don't eat processed food.
>rape and murder animals
I see livestock as I see vegetables, things that are grown to feed people. They're lesser beings and one day when aliens arrive to annihilate the human race I'll accept my death as a lesser being.

>> No.13715086

peanuts are what, 70 cents a pound? sunflower seeds (no shells) are like 80 cents to a dollar a pound?
yeah, if you eat macadamia nuts, pistachios, pine nuts, and whatever else, nuts are expensive. Even almonds are like 1.70 a pound. sure it's more expensive than peanuts and sunflower seeds its still a very cost efficient way of getting protein and Calories

>> No.13715100

Green curry for dinner, lentils/corn/beans/etc mix for lunch, cereal & oatmilk as a snack

>> No.13715381


>> No.13715386

Toppu kekku
Most meat eaters will actually die from a super bug while antibiotics or antivirals won't help them.

>> No.13715392

And that's a good thing.

>> No.13715399

You should already accept yourself as a lesser being weakling for not being able to digest beans.
Pathetic gutlet lmao.

>> No.13715427

I'm just more in tuned to my body than you desensitized heathens who think gas and bloating is good for you. Pro tip: nobody needs fiber unless you eat dry food.

>> No.13715474

>nobody needs fiber
t. future colon cancer patient

>> No.13715480

Just eat some pickles and onions retard.

>> No.13715487

Why does everyone hate vegans so much? It's a picture of an avocado with a smiley face.

>> No.13715493

Meatard fragility.
They're so insecure that a pic of a vegetable makes them feel personally attacked.

>> No.13715495

>inb4 avocado is a fruit meme reply tsunami

>> No.13715502

I unironically think it might be something like this. There are certain subsections of society which lots of people automatically assume hate them. Like, idk, art critics, ecological scientists, vegans and hardcore gamers. They'll get pre-emptively defensive, and do shit like post pictures of steak to vegans who haven't done anything, or tell hardcore gamers "well I play games for FUN" when they also haven't done anything.

>> No.13715516

I like to consider them as just biomachines with primitive operating systems.

>> No.13715528

had mussels cooked with leeks, onions, garlic on a bed of potato salad on a bed of regular mixed greens.

i'm 98% """veg*n""" but i still need omega-3's. my problem is with eating sentient animals and with the dairy/egg industry, but i highly doubt a mussel has the capacity to feel genuine fear when being harvested. i still felt some sorrow but i made sure to be grateful and not waste a bite.

otherwise i had a pizza with artichokes, olives, garlic, and field roast sausage crumbles, was pretty good

after that had some samyang 2x spicy chicken ramen, its one of those accidentally vegan products, the 'chicken' flavour is just random bs afaik

after that i had some morningstar farms buffalo chickn tendies they were meh

usually i cook better shit but today just kinda foraged around on all that bullshit

how about you OP?

>> No.13715531

>1,4 liters of water
Your 100g steak weights 1,5 kilo

>> No.13715831

thats the amount of water required to produce 100g meat. 1500kg

>> No.13715867

Came here to post this in the plural

>> No.13715941

A lot of vegetarians and especially vegans hate flexitarians. It's all or nothing for them. That literally makes them extremists.

>> No.13716178
File: 344 KB, 750x1084, 392A3183-A233-4A28-A03F-BE5BB61A273D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First image.

Yup, checks out

>> No.13716182

What in the FUCKING hell is that OP?

>> No.13716184


>> No.13716186

Well it rhymes so,

>> No.13716191
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1582170985181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1,480 litres of water in 100 g of steak vs 103 litres of water in 100 g of beans

>> No.13716193

Just as well water falls out the fucken sky then isn't it

>> No.13716231

Boca nuggets maybe
I ate potatoes
It's so nice to eat cruelty free foods, and before a anti vegan replies, rest in peace to the mouse that lived in the farm field sweetie

>> No.13716253

Are tomahawk steaks a meme?
It seems like you're paying 10-15$ more for a bone.

>> No.13716263

>not having grilled marinated steak and serving it sliced on top of the beans with onion, pepper, tomato, garlic, cumin, cayenne, paprika, turmeric, and a twist of lime

>> No.13716277

Bone adds flavor, plus when you're done eating you can file it to a sharp point and shiv vegan weaklings with it.

>> No.13716742

just had steel cut oats with cranberries and sunflower seeds

made some tofu with rice and a black bean paste(?). the tofu came out incredible and I'm excited for lunch

>post workout
can of chickpeas with dijon and nutritional yeast and spices. it sounds degenerate and gross, but it tastes kind of like a spicy-ish egg salad. pretty good and has a good amount of protein and whatnot

maybe nothing, maybe I'll snack on some peanuts when i get home, maybe I'll just heat up some broccoli, maybe I'll just have some girl scout cookies.

>> No.13716758

protein shake
sweet potato + corn quesadilla
maybe some kinda pasta or leftover red beans + rice

>> No.13716766

It's actually a vegan donut made to look like an avocado because vegans like avocados

>> No.13716773

Flexitarian is a 100% meaningless word. Veganism is a philosophy about not being cruel to animals unnecessarily. 'Flexitarians' are cruel to animals unnecessarily just like regular meat-eaters. You're acting like not being a murderer vs murdering regularly is an extreme dichotomy.

>I only murder people some of the time, why don't non-murderers accept me?

>> No.13716786

That is indeed an extreme dichotomy, yes.

>> No.13716804

Vegan steak with vegan eggs cooked in vegan butter and began garlic topped with vegan mushrooms and vegan Brussels sprouts, and a glass of vegan milk

>> No.13717898
File: 317 KB, 1000x750, monoculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eganism is a philosophy about not being cruel to animals unnecessarily.

Crop monocultures are unnecessary. Pesticides are unnecessary. Tilling is unnecessary, Plantation slavery and land grabbing is unnecessary. Artificial fertilizer runoff causing massive dead zones in the ocean is unnecessary.
All you have to do is use livestock and use proper pasture rotation and mob grazing without overgrazing and you can actually regenerate the soil, there are farms bringing back wildlife that was once extinct in the area using livestock.

Of course, you have to kill the livestock in order to support this type of farm financially.

Or you can keep destroying the planet with your "simply imperfect" vegan diet.
P.S, pic related is from a potato farm. That's being grown for humans, not animals.

>> No.13717936

>keep destroying the planet
80% of all plants grown for food are fed to livestock. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.13718002
File: 84 KB, 1000x667, Rob-Greenfields-Guide-to-Dumpster-Diving-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18% of crops grown for animals are even viable to be consumed by humans

Also we should be turning all these crop monocultures back to pasture because guess what cows eat grass. Grain finishing is really only an American thing because of the government subsidized corn belt.
Cows eat grass, and pigs and chickens eat garbage. In las vegas they have a pig farm where the pigs are raised from buffet leftovers.

50% of all food grown is thrown in the trash, it really should be going to animal farms instead of landfills.

Also most food that goes into the trash is produce and grain.

Maybe veganisim is not about being "perfect" but guess what bucko, I am. And I see a perfect world where humans raise, kill, and eat livestock for the greater good (our planets health). Cafos and feedlots should be a thing of the past if I could have my way, animals would be outside in the sun and on grass as much as possible, and their natural behaviors would be used to restore topsoil that has been destroyed from decades of garbage crop monocultures made to feed vegans and other people suckered into thinking animals are unhealthy.

Stop being a consumer, start producing, start learning how to sustain yourself.

>> No.13718016

oil costs to much to move that shit around its better just to throw it away

>> No.13718021

>one cow consumes 14,000,000 calories to provide 430,000 calories to humans

You are seriously fucking retarded. A cow takes an absurd amount of land compared to what it provides. A perfect world has no lifestock.

>> No.13718027

Crops grown for animals use the same farmland that could be used for crops viable for humans. It's literally wasted space

>50% of all food grown is thrown in the trash
This is a completely separate issue that has nothing to do with livestock being wasteful

>> No.13718067

Yeah, they attack vegans for no reason, except making them question their beliefs. People dont do this with other lifestyles, so why do it to vegans? Do you assume a single person is ruining your marriage? It's the same with assuming a vegan deserves hate

>> No.13718093

The reason is that vegans mere existence threatens their beliefs and values so they have to attack them to validate themselves.

>> No.13718096

This but unironically.

>> No.13718098

Soy protein

>> No.13718126
File: 23 KB, 480x360, polyface pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Polyface Farms. They seem to have increased overall productivity, improved their topsoil, and they still have the same 550 acres they got 50 years ago. But now it's got 60 acres of trees, all of their states native birds, native wild plants that haven't grown in that area in 600 years, and it makes more money than ever.

All using livestock

It's not the cow, it's the how.

>> No.13718134

The Bible says that God made animals for our use and that we have dominion over them. Are you claiming to know better than God?

>> No.13718141

See >>13716773
Vegans are hateful, awful people.

>> No.13718150

Maybe vegans SHOULD question their beliefs? Is their way of life REALLY better than say, a homesteaders or a regenerative farmers?
Because lets face it, most people who go vegan don't ACTUALLY hate the taste of meat. They just want to be better people and not contribute to suffering or degenerating the planet.
You were shown the tip of the iceberg by PETA and Netflix documentaries. But the truth about our fucked up food/consumer system goes far deeper than that.

>> No.13718152

True, even when I ate meat daily I know I would get cancer from it and admitted it. But the omivores I see these day cant even admit to themselves when I was able to do it without ever talking to a vegan

>> No.13718157

>Is their way of life REALLY better than say, a homesteaders or a regenerative farmers?
They don't rape or kill animals so yes

>> No.13718197
File: 215 KB, 1437x2048, vegans dont rape animals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also crop deaths count as killing animals.

>> No.13718208

Good thing vegans don't consume animals and thus require a tenth of the farmland to sustain meaning significantly less crop deaths occur

>> No.13718219

roasted brussel sprouts with elgin sausage

>> No.13718243

>owns a shitbull
The jokes write themselves

>> No.13718285

Do you know how many animals die per year for crops? Please, give me an estimate.

I'll start.


>> No.13718297

80% of all crops grown are for livestock. Can you not grasp this simple concept?

>> No.13718300

nevermind the brussel sprouts wouldn't roast because they're frozen
fuck frozen vegetables

>> No.13718315

well i only eat free range grass fed beef

>> No.13718322
File: 280 KB, 1200x900, DFi6fn7U0AAZ1St.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a real hero anon

>> No.13718338

Yeah.. what's with anti-vegans trying to claim vegans still eat animals? I assume its a attempt to make them go back to animal products. They're trying to paint it as plant farming forces the mice to stay in the field when mice live everywhere in human settlements, that includes crows and snails. its nothing new

>> No.13718343

100 g of beans actually contains only 8 grams of protein, 22 grams of carbs though, so the vegan that wrote this just got a little dizzy and mixed up

here's the read nutritional data:
The nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of boiled kidney beans are:

Calories: 127
Water: 67%
Protein: 8.7 grams
Carbs: 22.8 grams
Sugar: 0.3 grams
Fiber: 6.4 grams
Fat: 0.5 grams

>> No.13718348

hey dumbass 100g raw beans is different than 100g boiled beans

>> No.13718363

Clearly if you can't prevent your life from causing the death of some animals you should instead strive to kill as many as possible. It's all or nothing apparently

>> No.13718366

That's not a beef cow.

And I mean, you could always source milk from farmers who naturally breed their dairy cow.

>> No.13718370

No one is eating 100g of raw beans in one sitting because
1) they're hard as shit
2) many varieties of bean are poisonous raw
and 3) if you cook them, 100g of raw beans equal about 300g of cooked and that's a whole lotta fucking beans to eat for a single meal.

Furthermore, as you cook steak, the protein quantities concentrate per hectogram IE 100g of raw steak would equal about 75g cooked and still have 22g of protein due to water and fat loss during cooking so 100g of cooked steak would have about 27.5g of protein compared to 8g of protein per 100g of cooked beans. So yeah.

>> No.13718373

this guy knows

>> No.13718375

Both the beef and the beans in the image are raw you dumb fuck

>> No.13718378

made some pumpkin pancakes. They were shit.
Pancakes should be fluffy and light, not moist and dense.

>> No.13718392

That's certainly the vegan view of things. To >>13716773, someone who prevents his life from causing the death of some animals should instead strive to kill as many as possible because, presumably, he's no different from people with average diets, anyway, since he lacks vegan credentials. It's all or nothing, apparently.

>> No.13718401

>she misses the point worse than shaq with a free throw
>calls someone else 'dumb'
O D iron E

>> No.13718409


>> No.13718413

>eating beans and a couple mice dying in the farming process is the same as paying someone to rape, torture, and kill an animal directly

>> No.13718422

>A cow takes an absurd amount of land compared to what it provides
the point is the land is not useable to grow crops for humans that require increased soil nutrient density, and actually, putting animals there (that can be fed the wasted foods that humans don't consume, or their by-products) can restore fertility to those pieces of land without oil-derived synthetic fertilizers.

>> No.13718424

yes theyre a meme, served at nice steakhouses fro presentation. anyone cooking them at home for themselves is just jerking off

>> No.13718429

the land the animal fodder grows on has to be tended to much less, and needs less energetic input (think perennial alfalfa, or hay fields, or even animal grade corn/seeds/chaff)

>> No.13718489

you really must be shaq to miss the point so badly

>> No.13718493

Perplexie flexie(tarian) here.
Breakfast was peach and oat yoghurt (oatghurt?) smoothie. I got the oatghurt free because coupons. It was truly repulsive. I'd rather have real yoghurt. Is there any vegan yoghurt that isn't fucking awful? Not one I've tried has been remotely palatable.
Anyway, lunch was vegetable and beef stew. It was mostly veg (about 3:1 by weight veg to meat). Tomato, carrot, mushroom, onion, peas and wax pepper.
Dinner was mixed vegetables fried rice. Carrot, fresh beans*, sweetcorn, onion, dried tomato and cabbage.
As a snack during the day, I had mixture** and a pickle sandwich (lemon, green mango, chilli, gooseberry, ginger, various other vegetables)

*idk wtf to call them in English; they're beans and they're green, but they're not 'green beans.' they're green white beans, but freshly removed from the pod and shell. is there an English word for these?

** basically sri lankan trail mix. it's good af. idk ytf it's called 'mixture'

>> No.13718497

African-american potato stew with peanut butter. Cheap, comforting and filling

>> No.13718522

which "dimensions"?

>> No.13718524

This but unironically.

>> No.13718528

The dungeon dimensions, mostly.

>> No.13718722

I see cunny on the wall, so... I'm gonna say vegans are based.

>> No.13718729

Mixed dicks and cocks, maybe a semen spread. Shit sandwich for lunch.

>> No.13718782

How do I get a non human girlfriend?

>> No.13718801

>Sexually assaulting a pitbull
He has some balls, if he still has them.

>> No.13718843

if people bothered to do a little research they'd know that ungulates turning sunlight into meat is one of the coolest natural processes on our planet. with appropriate management it can be done so elegantly. it's perfect. it's beautiful.

>> No.13719339

>80% of crops grown are for livestock
They're not, you liar.

>> No.13719779

>makes you fart all day and tastes like shit
>doesn't and tastes delicious

>> No.13719863
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beat me to it lol

>> No.13719878
File: 27 KB, 650x361, 1577429331685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how many times members of the carnist death cult see this, they never learn. They're the ultimate brainwashed cultists unable to assimilate new information. Sad, many such cases!

>> No.13719888

First off, many plant foods DO contain fats... obviously vegan is a lower fat diet, but if you're eating enough nuts and other things it shouldn't be an issue. Second, protein isn't a concern as long as you aren't either a rawtard/fruitarian or not eating enough, in vegans who eat enough calories they don't have protein deficiencies (lentils, beans, nuts). Third, the sugar in an apple or blueberry is not absorbed the same as straight isolated sugar... Since all whole plant foods have fiber, the fiber will slow down the digestion of the sugar so it's more of a slow burn as opposed to an instant spike. Some things are still better and worse at this, but for example rolled oatmeal is better for you insulin wise than cereal derived from oats and blueberries are better than candy.

>> No.13719894

Yeah, it's closer to 1/3
still a super significant amount

>> No.13719935

You might want to look at just how many lentils, nuts and beans to achieve even a sensible 50g protein. Nobody's really ready to eat 3 cans of beans a day.

>> No.13719939

Lima beans I'm guessing?

>> No.13720019

Yeah, I agree with this. If we look realistically at this, the farm equipment makes lots of noise and the animals can escape. Carnists can only think of animals unable to escape when they kill them so they can only think of all animals unable to escape from animals

>> No.13720022

*from humans
I typed this way too fast

>> No.13720062

This but ironically.

>> No.13720088


>> No.13720120

Why would I eat a bullet?
Are you murderars so far gone that you try to eat rocks from a fastist tool?
No. I will eat a nice healthy beat green and kale salad with some ranch bacon flavored tofu and vegan cheeze.

>> No.13720146

And a number of ethical farmers are using a method where they start their tractor in the middle of the field working outward so the critters will escape past the edges of the fields prior to the tractor coming upon them.

>> No.13720995

you know wheat has protein too? Plus nuts, plus, it isn't like you can't just add protein powder to a shake/smoothie if you're REALLY having that much trouble...

>> No.13721183

so I'm a vegan but im into scat, can i eat the poop of a hot girl even if she ate meat before? Or is that breaking veganage?

>> No.13721818
File: 113 KB, 472x354, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an animal product so no, eating your gf's shit is haram under veganic law

>> No.13721950

Is eating my dog's shit vegan?

>> No.13721953

Shit never mind was already answered.

>> No.13721958

They're also not human

>> No.13722005

Why do vegans not eat eggs? They don't hurt/exploit the animal to take them

>> No.13722066

>local farmers rape cows
That's some unfortunate phrasing there...

A woman who owns this and one strapon could make some good money, btw.

>> No.13722254

Hours after being born male chicks are thrown into a meat grinder as their entire life is considered a waste product. Female chicks have their beaks ripped off the day they are born by a machine because as they age the stress of being tortured nonstop will cause them to attack all the other chickens around them.

>> No.13722269

After much research, I think they're just 'young shell beans' in English.

Me again.
Fruit salad for breakfast. Strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, kiwifruit and blueberries. Sweetened condensed milk. Not vegan, sorry.
Lunch: weird-ass vegetarian rice-and-bean burrito with homemade refried beans, onion, dry tomato, manzanillas, green chilli and cheddar. Also not vegan. : (
Snack on the way home: got a bag of corn nuts cuz I was surprised to see them at a news stand near the subway. I love those hard bastards.
Dinner: tomato vegetable soup with carrot, celery, shallot, cabbage, sweet paprika, pungent paprika and mushroom sacchetti.

I'm simultaneously blessed and cursed with an unusually thick dick. Think Heinz beans can. Yeah. Anyway, the only blowjobs to completion I've ever had were from a vegan slut I know. The bitch swallowed. When I asked 'why did you swallow my load if you're vegan; it's an animal product?' I was told that not eating milk/eggs/etc is about consent. The animal never consented to having its milk/eggs/etc taken away. So maybe all vegans see it that way, too? idfk, but in my post-coital haze, it made sense at the time.

>> No.13722568

Fuck me, I never got my cat to sign a consent form either so I've been raping him every time I've stroked him all these years. I mean I rape him the normal way as well but according to vegan logic he's a lot more violated than I thought

>> No.13722765

I sure hope you're against human abortion, too...

>> No.13723060


>> No.13723086
File: 95 KB, 900x1355, Vegan-Caprese-Pasta0416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chickpea flour "omelet" and veggie sausage
coffee with oat milk :)

accidentally ate a whole box of annie's fruit snacks...whoops

pic related. i made this on tuesday and it was so good, i had to make it again!

>> No.13723227

I want to do something with parsnips, don’t have an oven. Any ideas?

>> No.13723233

you could pan roast them and make soup? or just eat them roasted desu

>> No.13724355

Easiest thing is bisque, especially if you use instant rice.

This recipe makes one serving but can be easily scaled to any amount.
Parsnips, 125g
Olive oil, 1tbsp (15ml)
Dry minced onion, 2tbsp (14g)
Instant rice, 1tbsp (7g)
Stockcube (or powder), enough for 500ml of soup
Water, 350ml

Peel parsnips.
Cut parsnips.
Combine everything in a pot.
Bring to the boil.
Boil until parsnips are very, very tender, about 20ish minutes.
Blitz into a smooth bisque.

Works with pretty much any vegetable. I used to make this in the microwave a lot in college.

>> No.13724912

kek meat eaters seething in this thread

>> No.13725136

I steam them, blend them up, and then use it as a base for a curry sauce. Add in cardamom, coriander, fenugreek, cumin, mace, clove, and turmeric. Sear some bite size pieces of chicken thigh and toss those in with some coconut cream and soy sauce to simmer for a while. Serve it over basmati. It's delicious

>> No.13725142

I just realized that I posted a non vegan recipe in a vegan. Oh well, go fuck yourself

>> No.13725366
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>> No.13726894

Me again.
Coconut rice pudding with mango for breakfast.
A banana mid-morning.
Leftover stew from >>13718493 for lunch. Also a radish salad. Yes, I know it's not even vegetarian.
A pear mid-afternoon.
Made the soup in >>13724355 for dinner, but swapping carrots for the parsnips, stale bread for the rice and lowering the cooking time to 10 minutes because carrots aren't as hard as parsnips.
For how little effort goes into it (practically zero), this is a fantastic fucking soup. Like holy shit. It has no business being this delicious and this easy.
And it costs practically nothing, too. It's about 60c/serving.

10/10 would serve to guests.

>> No.13727316
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Vegans destroy the Earth, without the slightest care.

>> No.13727333
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>> No.13727799

The anti-vegan posts are LIKELY to been made by a two dairy farmers who post anti-veganism on red/ddit too.
Sorry I don't have proof, this isn't schizophrenia either. its probably to guilt trip vegans into buying animal products again so the dairy farmers get rich again

>> No.13727805

Man this is such a weak bait, should I even bother

>> No.13727814

>nvm they pay people to work for hours picking plants

Which one is it? its obvious its bait, they can't decide if vegans are eating the mice that live in fields or that vegans eat plants

>> No.13727815

Hey don't you know herpes and some other std came from sex with live stock.
>Little Billy Bob 13 year old son of a farmer in bum fuck nowhere practiced on old Betsy one to many times got some white bumps on his pecker.
Small pox was from a mutation cow pox.

>> No.13727826

Based thinking in reality anon

Truly, the most based post in this entire thread

>> No.13727840

>the first post
>the best post

>> No.13727841

/ckv/ containment board when?

>> No.13727848

Remember like 20 years ago when the vegan movement was all "no we don't want to ban meat we just want you to try being vegan for a little bit if you don't like it you don't have to be vegan" and now it's full of militant communist who want to ban meat and force everyone to eat soy sludge?

>> No.13727854

I hate to break it to you but meat is processed in the same way soy sludge and plants are. the processing method is the same.

>> No.13728114

>300g of cooked
>that's a whole lotta fucking beans

>> No.13728121

you would have more energy to argue online if you weren't a malnourished vegan

>> No.13728127

If it was possible to process soy in the same way as meat and end up with a tbone steak I'd jump on the soy train for xenoestrogen town, but we both know it isn't and we both know they're not processed in the same way.

>> No.13728134

hahaha as if vegans care about human beings

>> No.13728545

>I know that massve amounts of animals are killed in the fields to grow the "cruelty free" food i eat.
>I known that my money pays for pesticides which are deployed to kill small creatures on my behalf.
>The fact is I simply do not give a fuck

No vegan does. Veganism is a anorexia cult, that uses "muh animals!" As a rallying cry, but vegans themselves are soulless demons without empathy for themselves, or an other creatures on flat Earth.


>> No.13728555
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Veganism is a anorexia cult, that uses "muh animals!" As a rallying cry, but vegans themselves are soulless demons without empathy for themselves, or "any" other creatures on flat Earth.

Veganism is basically a rabid hate cult. They hate themselves, thus the self-harm and starving of their own physical bodies, and they hate normal people who have never harmed them.

Stay out of vegans way and they'll self destruct on their own.

>> No.13728792
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>you can grow anything anywhere

This level of disconnection is outstanding, and not just you, but all the people that parrot this. Most agricultural land can't be farmed, the ONLY use it has for food production is for grazing. Besides, you do NOT want to be farming all land possible. At least properly managed grazing ruminants contribute back to the nitrogen cycle unlike monocropping that only destroys topsoil ecosystems.

>> No.13728956

>veganism is a anorexia cult
>same anon advertises keto to lose weight
So.. is losing weight only a good thing when someone is on a meat only diet?
Yeah this is bait and false propaganda to make people buy animal products again

>> No.13728964
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I want vegans to stay vegan and die. Does that answer your question?

>> No.13728999

That sounds great except for the chicken of course, I'll make some vegan version of it

>> No.13729079


GO do Keto and do the exact same thing I said was bad.

This is you, its obvious bait and meaningless

>> No.13729153
File: 502 KB, 1280x720, Is Veganism a Cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A post with no point or meaning whatsoever.

Another example of vegan genius.

>> No.13729384

>posting the same 3 pictures to prove vegans are unhealthy in every thread
>vegan woman dies on Mt Everest

are you really so fucking stupid you think "vegan woman dies on Mt Everest" is a good point? vegans have climbed mt everest before and not died, but that doesn't make a headline. omnivores die on everest all the the time but there's never been a "CLIMBER DIED ON EVEREST BECAUSE OF OMNIVORES DIET".

>> No.13729417

What are some good high fat french foods that are also vegan? I'm craving something disgustingly buttery and fancy.

>> No.13729418

Yeah. Its pretty obvious hes a dairy farmer or a animal farmer trying to demonize vegans so people buy more animal products so he gets money.

>> No.13729437
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Veganism is such a disaster that they have fallen back on a new argument-

>Sometimes vegans don't die.

>> No.13729540

Why do vegans hate farmers so much? Do they even know what a farmer is? Do they know not all farmers intensively farm? Do they know that some people farm in order to not support industries that dont align with their moral values?

Do they think the idea of moving out of the city and back closer to nature in order to be more self sufficient and productive is inherently evil?

Sure, there are modern conventional farmers. And since there has been a dramatic drop in farmers and rural populations in recent years, those farmers who have the most intensive farms feed the most people. Maybe with some qualitative competition things would change in the food industry.

Like for example this one guy is just breeding heritage pigs on pasture, he breeds them naturally (no ai) and even keeps multiple boars because doing it that way (replicating nature) produces hardier piglets. Since they are heritage the mothers are more maternal and the babies don't need to have their teeth and tails clipped like industrial piglets, and definitely no need for farrowing crates. All of it is done outside, usually in a forested or semi forested area. The pigs don't grow as big or as quickly, but they don't need antibiotics or vaccinations and are more sought after because the quality of their meat is far superior to the industry standard.

So no, there is no law that farmers have to torture their animals in order to eat them

>> No.13729567

I don't want to embroil myself in any arguments but even ethical farming is still an existential mindwarp. You're routinely betraying living creatures who trust you with every facet of their existence in one of the deepest possible ways. Each time, to them, it's unexpected, over and over again, and to you it's just a part of your day. It's weird shit, that's what.

>> No.13729602

You don't want to talk about ethical farming because it will make you question your moral beliefs as objective.

The thing is, if you are farming ethically, you are actively engaging in symbiosis. Instead of just taking from the animal, you give.

Ethical farming entails providing the best diet. Not just one that will get your animals fat, but ones that will keep them healthy and well nourished.
Ethical farming entails taking preventative measures to prevent illness by keeping the animals at optimized levels of physical and mental and emotional health. Clean, sunny environments on fresh healthy pasture and clean air reduces stress and minimizes exposure to pathogens.
You keep them safe from predators and diseases, you keep their young safe, you ensure they are breeding for good health and maintain that good health. You also make sure they have a low stress and painless death.

And in return the animals provide for you Food, clothes, shelter, tools, medication, hygiene, etc.

Why is that so weird?

>> No.13729651

It's a deceptive practice
Don't get me wrong, it's leagues above the opposite and there is something to be said for the level of empathy and caring required to properly farm ethically. But at the end of the day you're enforcing a "contract" that your animals didn't even know existed, and no amount of being nice and providing a high quality of life compensates for that.
It'd be different if you could communicate with animals on the level where you could literally ask them if they'd let you harvest their flesh at a certain point in their life in exchange for providing them with a decent, predator-free, abundant lifestyle beforehand. But you can't. There is no consent here- those animals probably actually think their handlers are really really nice benevolent people or maybe even gods of some kind. They're not given full disclosure because not only is it impossible but also because it would not be in the farmer's best interest. No animal would stick around if they knew it was a death sentence.

In a way industrial farming is actually more honest, even though a single moment of suffering is obviously preferable to a lifetime of it.

>> No.13729660

hello? based department? i'd like to file a report yes. yes. yes, it is quite based indeed. okay, i'll hold.

>> No.13729686

See >>13722568

>> No.13729696

Obviously keeping pets is unethical too so what's your point?

>> No.13729770
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>letting someone live in your home and giving them free food in exchange for letting you molest them is worse than forcing them to live in the wild where they will be extremely lucky to survive their first year
I never knew veganity was just repackaged ancap bullshit

>> No.13729780

So you're saying its better to treat animals as commodities and make their lives unnatural and miserable because treating animals with respect is deceptive?

I mean, did you consent to living in an urban environment where you are a slave to oligarchs and wouldn't so much as know how to wipe your ass clean without money?

You know, I've seen kids on homesteads who are 10 and build their own full sized, fully functional houses for fun.

>> No.13729788

You didn't actually read my post, did you?

>> No.13729857

I did, several times.
Listen, you can eat whatever you want. But it would be more effective to reducing suffering for the animals if instead of calling people who eat meat and dairy "rapists and murderers" you tried to find a middle ground with your ideological opposition.

Besides, we have to think about ALL animals here. With ethical regenerative agriculture you allow more diverse pasture to sustain living roots, and you grow tons of fruit and nut trees. This improves soil and provides better food and shelter for wildlife. Better soil=more plant diversity. More plant diversity= more insect diversity. Insects=more pollinators, insectivores etc etc.

The animals a regenerative farmer raises to sustain himself isn't just doing it to feed himself, hes going to feed and provide shelter for wildlife. His land is going to be less prone to floods, droughts, and desertification. He will need far less feed than an industrial farm because his livestock will be supplementing if not entirely eating forage, this is especially true with certain heritage breeds of livestock.

So yeah, the animals aren't consenting (though desu when I watch some vids of the type of slaughter im interested in (very small scale and on site), it almost seems like sometimes the animal is accepting his/her fate.

And of course, the animals that thrive because of me and my livestock's stewardship will be me kind of doing the opposite of causing suffering.

Definitely better than what crop mono cultures do. I definitely find myself wanting to support them as much as I wanna support industrialized animal agriculture. Which is to say, not at all.

>> No.13730052

Here is no middle ground for vegans. They are insane for starters. Vegans pretend to be "animal welfare warriors" while dumping tons of chemical pesticides on animals themselves. (On vegetables farms, orchards etc)

There is no reasoning with this insane hypocrites cult.

>> No.13730102

>your ex husband forced you to get a abortion but he's a good guy and you should get back with him
that's your argument, but with a different lifestyle.

Just accept other lifestyles, I know for a fact you don't complain about the amount of divorces straight couples cause

>> No.13730127

I said in my previous post:

>"Listen, you can eat whatever you want"
Why can't you just accept that people are ultimately going to eat whatever they want?

And also what the heck are you even talking about? Marriage? Straight couples? Abortion??? Stay on topic, otherwise it might seem like you may be in the wrong here and you're desperately trying to find a way to use inappropriate analogies in a feeble attempt to defend yourself.

>> No.13730161
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>two oranges
>bowl of miso soup with seaweed and sesame oil
>some raw green beans in vegan ranch because they were about to go bad
>half a tub of hummus with some pita chips
>garlic spinach over leftover mushroom and rice

Making up for the absolute fuckton of overly salty macaroni pasta in shitty off brand tomato basil sauce yesterday at like 12am.

>> No.13730319

chad detected

>> No.13730331

no it's they generally do not die and are in fact on average healthier. look at this huge list they are all regular looking people.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vegans

>> No.13730377
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>Vegans are in fact on average healthier
>In my opinion
>Ignore all these dying vegan infants etc

>> No.13730408

Oh wow this was happening all the way back in 2004? I guess now it's just worse than ever.

I noticed on youtube the vegans who "do it right" as parents (as in the babies survive infancy) they generally produce rather frail looking androgynous children.

>> No.13730415

>crown shakur

>> No.13730529
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>I noticed on youtube the vegans who "do it right" as parents (as in the babies survive infancy) they generally produce rather frail looking androgynous children.

So true, but NPC vegans don't consider this as a problem.

>> No.13730541
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gum and a can of seltzer

>> No.13730852

Soy formula infants do fine for the most part (no worse than cow's milk formula).

It's only when vegans try to formulate their own vegan diet when it becomes a problem.

>> No.13731117

Me again.
Cornflakes with banana and thin coconut milk for breakfast.
Bean croquettes, potato croquettes, mixed vegetable singara* and a salad for lunch.
Mid afternoon snack**: spicy stir-fried noodles with qingensai.
Dinner: mushroom risotto*** and beetgreens salad.

* singara are basically just samosas; these had yardlong beans, cauliflower, potato and chillis in them
** kinda large for a snack, but I was hungry so idgaf
*** not vegan : (

>> No.13731120


>> No.13731125

Pamela Anderson sounds like the most based vegan, she didn't care and even drove her own family out of business.

>> No.13731128
File: 1.04 MB, 1029x1000, 30yrboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is being a vegetarian not even a thing anymore? Why can't people just cut out some meats? Just fish and veggies seems like a great diet.

>> No.13731610

That's not what a vegetarian eats.

>> No.13731635
File: 506 KB, 1200x1601, 1200px-Tripneustes_ventricosus_(West_Indian_Sea_Egg-top)_and_Echinometra_viridis_(Reef_Urchin_-_bottom).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some fish are vegetables

>> No.13732354

This post could've straight up been ripped from a Sv3rige video. Shocking that people are actually able to ignore ANY scientifically proven evidence on veganism so they can continue spewing their "MUH MEAT"-narrative.

>religion of science
>jews are fabricating studies to turn us all vegan so we eventually die from it

>> No.13732367

Being vegetarian is a good start but only really makes sense if you're planning to transition into full veganism.

Dairy/eggs/fishing is still taxing as fuck on the planet and responsible for an absurd amount of animal cruelty.

With that being said, cutting meats from the majority of your meals sure doesn't hurt.

>> No.13732368

we lump ovo-lacto-pescetarianism in with vegetarianism because ovo-lacto-pescetarianism is an obnoxious phrase and the adherents of it obviously aren't vegan enough to press the issue.

>> No.13732372

Probably sushi again with avocado, deep fried tofu sticks, carrot and cucumber.

>> No.13732373

Vegans are the trannies of the food world. They've deluded themselves into a state of mental illness in which they actually pretend to be healthier than the average normal person. Your body needs meat. That's just how we've adapted and evolved. It's biology. Simple as.

>> No.13732376


>Your body needs meat.
>source: my ass

>> No.13732396

Vegans want to pretend that they're fighting the good fight for all the poor, sweet animals, despite ignoring just about every other animal in existence and not caring about fish and the like because they don't have adowable faces owo. Congrats, you literally saved one useless cow or chicken that was specifically bred to be able to produce all of that necessary meat, while all the sharks keep getting their fins chopped off and thrown back into the water to slowly drown and die from lack of oxygen. It's literally just a way for a bunch of middle class white people without any actual problems in life to feel like they're important in some manner.

Keep barking up that tree. Maybe an apple will fall down from it "naturally" so you can finally eat. But that won't change your yellowish-grey skin, you disgusting deranged whore.

>> No.13732407

>silly strawman argument followed by ad hom
The absolute states of omnis in denial

Can you provide some unbiased evidence that says humans NEED to eat meat or that animal protein is superior to plant based protein? Also I think it's funny that you point out skin problems because generally speaking they become a lot less on a vegan diet.

>> No.13732592
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>> No.13732732

what the fuck is a vegan donut? donuts are pastries not animals. you people never shut up about your vegan crap

>> No.13732767

>vegans are so insecure they need a list to justify their diet

>> No.13732769

what is it with vegans and cats?

>> No.13732795
File: 76 KB, 497x900, beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to be vegetarian but I just can't. After a few weeks I start to feel exhausted and sickly. I've had a lot of vegetarians tell me this is just a 'phase' but it goes on for a long time and I feel patently unwell.

My overall conclusion on the matter is it's ok to eat meat because we are animals after all. I think it's entirely possible some need some kind of animal protein in their diet, but certainly not to the extent we have it now in the average western diet. Health issues aside (which are secondary to me, anyway), I think the major problem is while we are animals, we're also higher-order animals, and I think it's also entirely right and natural to follow our natural instincts when it comes to trying to alleviate harm and suffering (and yes, I am aware we're not perfect).

So, in the long run of things, I have come to the following three conclusions:

1). You must avoid causing or being part of suffering. This is not simply a moral choice - but a requirement to be considered a genuinely higher-reasoning person, part of a higher-reasoning species, itself very likely the only one of its kind in the known universe.
2). To this end - the ONLY way to actually eat meat in accordance with conclusion (1) is to hunt and kill your own meat, and prioritising a clean and efficient kill. In this way, you will expend the effort it takes to deserve the reward of a life taken to enhance and keep your own.
3). If you are unable to (2) in accordance with (1), then the only other way to eat meat (that accords with BOTH the base, and higher-order nature of your humanity) is to eat meat sparingly and in the most limited quantities you are able. This means consciously working out the amount of meat you need to eat (mine is 300g per month of red meat, with fish very occasionally; maybe twice a month), and consciously sourcing red meat that has been gained from private or specifically game-farmed hunted meat where there has been a priority for a quick and efficient kill shot.

>> No.13732883
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Did you learn that from popular youtube vegan "Vegains?"

"Vegains" maintains that "vegan savages" get all the vital nutrients they need on a vegan diet. Of course he just almost died and needed three difficult stomach surgeries, but pay no attention to that!

>> No.13732888

I have no idea who that is and I'm also not quite sure why you're clinging to anecdotial evidence instead of citing reputable health organizations that have done a multitude of studies on it.

Weird, isn't it?

>> No.13732902

I think of it a different way I see food as life.
Now I know it's not perfect but every single thing you gain energy from is alive or was alive except for a few small things like vitamin D from the sun.
Life eats life to survive and unless it's a human you can eat it.
Now obviously your not gonna eat your pet but say something goes wrong like your city is under siege back in history the pets are gonna get eaten with 0 moral questions about it.
Apply that to humans it's not ok but it does happen and no one knows the right answer just check out stuff like holodomore.
You bring up not eating meat unless you hunt it your self and that it's wasteful but vegtables cause deaths to huge amounts of animals and bugs and bees and they don't get used or eaten they get thrown out because poisoned meat and bugs can't be used.
Life eats life.
The moment it existed it cannibalized it self and evolved to more effectively eat and survive and humans are self aware enough to be able to take a step back and see the whole planet it one massive slaughterhouse.

>> No.13732910
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I was intensively studying the groundbreaking work on meat by dr peter salamander of the WHO. He was just about to prove conclusively that beef was a known carcinogen, then he suddenly died at age 51. We lost another brave vegan comrade. I quit Veganism after that.

I will cry another river of tears this morning over my steak and eggs breakfast. His tragic death made me give up Veganism forever.

>> No.13732996

You have to respect a guy following a diet he knows is unhealthy, even to the grave. Vegans who stick with it and die for the animals, have tremendous courage.

>> No.13733100
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lmao every living thing prolongs its life by killing other life. You vegans are no different. The only difference is plants dont scream when you kill them and thats good enough for you pseudo moralist morons.

>> No.13733119

Vegans live on the deaths of uncountable small creatures, from earthworms, to insects to deer. All killed in the name of "vegan compassion."


>> No.13733850

Do you SCIENTIFIC evidence that a vegan diet, a completely modern diet never eaten in history, is healthy for humans? You do not.

>> No.13733868

>vegan girls are into giving bj to satisfy their meat/protein craving
I'm ok with this world.

>> No.13733878


28 day matured rump steak.

>> No.13733894

How fortunate, isn't it?

>> No.13733916

>0g of carbs on the left
>25g of carbs on the right
you'll get fat off beans, bruh

>> No.13734008
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>> No.13734628

>eats steak
>no i'm the one who knows and cares about animals even more than profit you DUMB VEGAN
>says the livestock farmer who posts anti-vegan propaganda to make people buy animal products again

Keep coping, like you coped when your wife divorced you, because I'll never buy a livestock product again.

>> No.13735032

>even when presented with evidence to the contrary, the carnist still plays the victim
No carnist, the death's are on your hands, and it will haunt you for eternity, you sad fuck.

>> No.13735100

One hundred percent BASED

The animals killed in plant farming aren't even related to veganism, mice, rats and other small animals just happen to live in our plant fields. they live in our houses too. The whole argument falls apart. if they love mice more than vegans love them why don't omnivores let mice and mouses live in their houses then? its a non-sense argument

>> No.13735223

normals dont deny that they dont value all animals for equal nor care

>> No.13735248

They only care if the animal can bring them profit by butching it and selling it.

While vegans refuse to do that. This makes the livestock farmer seethe and cry

>> No.13735285

had a nice crispy apple, hummus and bread, and some mandarins today. probably beans and rice for dinner

>> No.13735326

if vegans love cows more than omnis love them why don't vegans let cows live in their houses then? its a non-sense argument

>> No.13735333
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>Keep coping, like you coped when your wife divorced you, because I'll never buy a livestock product again.

Good. Because I want you, and all vegans, to stay vegan, until the grave.

>> No.13735345

You have zero evidence, as always vegan idiot. You vegans kill, gas, shoot and grind up animals in every vegetables field (that used to be a forest and you killed that too)


>> No.13735351

This comment is a complete non-argument.

All you vegans have is gaslighting, lies and sophistry 24/7.


>> No.13735357

When you vegans die i get a warm fuzzy feeling and I release stress. Please keep it up death cult enthusiast...

>> No.13735666

You do the same thing when you eat fish? Another non argument from you, who shoves the entire population of the ocean down your throat.

>> No.13735876
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The difference is I'm a carnivore. I Don't go around protesting, attacking butcher shops and pretending to be some kind of "warrior for the animals."

You weep and sob over one batch of pigs, two seconds later you pay a farmer to massacre pigs. (And you laugh about it)

Wipe the blood off your own hands before you worry about me hypocrite.

>> No.13735908

so if a cow just dies and i eat it its vegan?

>> No.13735910
File: 140 KB, 886x1210, B7B9B91F-CDF3-4145-805D-D4216B7544A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do let mice live in the house with me u dumbass. His name is greybeard.

>> No.13735913

Hur durr vegans are the ones ruining the planet hurr hurt even though food is fed to livestock too HUR hur only they do it not me

I'm so exhausted from the arguments, it's like claiming you're special and unique for reproducing when anyone can do it. It's a four year old tantrum

>> No.13735922
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, DF14BDAA-1EF7-4C73-9605-A0D5D3C58A7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even feed him lots of beef tallow, insects, and chicken fat.
If he eats too many plants he starts eating his own shit.

>> No.13735925

Okay that's fair but not related to veganism, but is related to treatment of pets, but w/e

>> No.13735936

Yes. If a cow walks into your front yard and dies from a heart attack you can absolutely eat it and still be vegan.

There's actually a large community of dumpster diving vegans who specifically look for thrown out meat.

>> No.13735939
File: 346 KB, 1024x724, Nigella vs Vegan You Decide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More empty meaningless sophistry.

To be fair I guess you aren't any more retarded than any other vegans.

>> No.13735947

They are freegans, not vegans. And cows don't randomly die in your front yard.

>> No.13735954
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, B9A69970-51B2-4AFD-821F-4D92056D861B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think I treat him fairly. He’s over a year old now and still has a ton of energy and a good appetite. I build him new climbing structures out of recycled material he can chew on every 2 weeks when I deep clean his bin to keep him stimulated. I even made him a little arena outside his bin so he can run around without putting himself in danger.

>> No.13736003
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, 856D8244-17AB-4FFC-ACCD-5F680A476EB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be cruel to feed him only plants, I think omnivores should eat an omnivorous diet.

Aside from the beef tallow and animal fats/oils he eats pretty close to what he would eat in the wild. Nuts, seeds, insects, a tiny, tiny bit of grass (alfalfa hay), and some berries. I’d love to feed him tiny fish.

He also knows tricks. Mice are the best. Shame you vegans kill so many of them

>> No.13736155
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, CAA3E59D-B3FB-4A4A-B7FA-7D5A2D1712F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case ur wondering he’s eating poop in that picture

>> No.13736411

Me again.
Mango lassi* for breakfast and some Lidl Abbey Crunch rip offs that are nearly as good as the real thing as a mid-morning snack with my coffee. Speaking of which, ytf did they stop making Abbey Crunch? They were my favourite bikkies.
Lunch: spaghetti with artichokes, Neapolitan-style*.
Mid afternoonn snack: a pear.
Dinner: leftover stew** from >>13718493

* not vegan; the pasta dish would have been except I grated cheese onto it
** not even vegetarian, never mind vegan. still quite veg-forward, at least

>> No.13737650

>>13736155 >>13736003
>>13735954 >>13735922
i heart meeces to pieces