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13709646 No.13709646 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still eat pork?

1. it's dirtier and less healthy than other meats
2. it's one of the most intelligent animals, on par with dogs
3. it's a major taboo in Islam, and is not inclusive.

You should unironically stop eating pork and opt for better meats like beef/mutton.

>> No.13709674

I like all common western meats and many uncommon ones as well. Recently in my area pork has been on crazy sale! 0.99¢ per pound for bone in chops.
Sometimes I make them in the pan or sometimes I slice them up and marinate them in something. Beef is about 4-5 times the price by weight, though I do prefer it in many recipes.

>> No.13709678

you should stop eating pork.

>> No.13709690

It’s delicious and they are no more dirty than any other living creature once the delicious skin is peeled off. I prefer they leave it on personally.

>> No.13709708
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>better meats

>> No.13709713

I like my mutton still bleating

>> No.13709716

>They are no more dirty than any other living creature once the delicious skin is peeled off

I think they are considered a dirty meat because their diet comprises literally anything

>> No.13709719

No worse than dog or bear

>> No.13709720

Because Spam is made from pork.

>> No.13709722

Pork is much tastier than beef and cheaper to boot.

>> No.13709729

Is there a real reason or is this ironic Islam shitposting?

>> No.13709730

It tastes fucking great, nerd
I prefer it to beef, any day.
Pork neck steaks, grilled crispy belly, slowly baked for ours pork knuckle with some potatoes or sauerkraut, sausages, pork rinds, just pork skin, hell, I even like the 'disgusting' parts like the ears, feet and some if the offal.
Beef to me always has some weird, specific taste so I eat mostly pork
>its dirtier

>> No.13709733

>muh intelligence meme

>> No.13709745

>their diet comprises literally anything
Weird, because that’s what made them so useful as livestock.
>input food scraps, acorns, plant detritus, carcasses etc
>output manure for fertiliser and eventually large amount of tasty protein

>> No.13709758

I'm not dead and it taste yum yum in my tum tum

>> No.13709801

>1. it's dirtier and less healthy than other meats
Banned from using hormones, just like chicken, for around 50 years in the US.Anyone who tells you otherwise about either is lying. In addition, trichinosis, the parasites retards scream about, is all but extinct in the US. We're talking less than 20 cases per year, some years less than 6, that are LEGALLY REQUIRED to be reported even by the doctors. And even those cases come back to wild hogs and retards with pigs in their back yard.
>3. it's a major taboo in Islam, and is not inclusive.
And cleaning my ass properly is taboo with Indians. Some cultures need to get with the times or cease to exist. I don't care about their backwards shit.

>> No.13709810

tastes great
is cheap
keeps muslims away

>> No.13709815

>1. it's dirtier and less healthy than other meats
whats does this even mean?

>3. it's a major taboo in Islam, and is not inclusive.

I shouldn't eat things that superstitious people don't like eating?

>> No.13709827
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Pigs are ruminants that we use to convert scraps and food wastes into usable calories. I don't know why this is so hard to people to understand. Mammalian intelligence is key to good animal husbandry because it makes them docile and submissive to humans. Dogs are mostly carnivorous and it's inefficient to feed them for slaughter because you could eat their feed yourself.

>> No.13709862
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They grow faster than cows, and need less land and feed than cows. Fish and poultry are the most sustainable meat options but they are close.

>> No.13709876

>Pigs are ruminants
No, they are not.

>> No.13709888

pork fat has lots of vitamin d in it if the pigs are raised outdoors. getting enough vitamin d is important. we have vitamins nowadays but back in the day Europeans ate pork to get vitamin d.

>> No.13709901
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Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good

>> No.13709902
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Why would I want to be inclusive to Muslims? What's in it for me?

>> No.13709905

lol so we shouldn't rat anything that any religious cult doesn't like to make them feel better about their decision to be religious?

>> No.13709910

>it's a major taboo in Islam
That's a good enough reason to eat it

>> No.13709921

I did stop eating pork and all animal products, it creeped me out animals have more maternal instincts than me, all this time I was brainwashed and thought we were better but its obvious they care about their family deeply and are dependent on them and humans are independent and don't care.

>> No.13709936

fuck off, stupid pig.

white kaffirs eat pigs every day not knowing that they themselves are one

>> No.13709944

lol at the justifying weird ass superstitions and getting mad at people who like good thuings

>> No.13709969

pig eats pig
eat more pig, pig

>> No.13709975

who cares? It tastes good and is good for you

>> No.13709979
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>I am an angry manchild
I'm sorry your parents didn't want or love you.

>> No.13709981

If we crossed cattle with pigs, would the meat be called "button"?

>> No.13709989

>1. it's dirtier and less healthy than other meats
>2. it's one of the most intelligent animals,

If its so smart why is it so dirty? Riddle me that cuck

>> No.13710009

Pigs can have 13 offspring and they can grow to adolescent in a few months. They can have 3 lr 4 litters a year. Sheep and cows have a single offspring once a year. If they are artificially inseminated can have twins.

>> No.13710021


>> No.13710046



I meant crossing cattle with sheep.

Good point.

>> No.13710049

I really hate to say it but pork is actually one of the best meats. If not THE best in terms of the mix of taste, versatility, availability, and price. I never order pork products from a restaurant, and I only prepare pork dishes a few times a year using cuts from a local butcher. I try not to eat it because in this day and age it's probably the most wasteful and unnecessary forms of protein production available to us. But damn if a braised pork belly isn't one of the best things I've ever made in my kitchen.

>> No.13710053

>it's dirtier
Actually their dirtiness mostly comes from living in cramped corners which really fucks with their brain. When allowed to roam around they're clean, form nice little family units, and are much friendlier. Which makes you feel more guilty for killing them.

>> No.13710057

Veal is the best meat, hands-down

>> No.13710066

2/3 of these are spooks, another is based on multiple factors.

Go be a niggerfaggot somewhere else.

>> No.13710077

The intelligence thing isn't a spook, pigs are genuinely really smart.

>> No.13710081

It doesn't actually mean anything though, or have any practical importance.

>> No.13710086

I think it's meant to make you feel guilty for eating them. But I eat octopi and apparently they're really smart too.

>> No.13710087

God, you faggots are terrible at making good bait. 2/10 since I replied just to inform you that I hope you get the Zhu flu.

>> No.13710092

this wont save you from being bacon, wilbur

>> No.13710103

If anything we should be focusing on the smart ones, no octopi/swine alliance overthrowing mankind, burning our women, raping our churches, etc

>> No.13710116

>burning our women, raping our churches
I understood that reference
Though really octopi are way too slow on land to be a threat. Not like pigs, they're fast.

>> No.13710121

I stopped eating pork because pigs are cute

>> No.13710150

I keep eating pork because pigs tastes good

>> No.13710156

Or don't eat meat at all. It's unhealthy and gives you heart disease.

>> No.13710247
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1. Untrue.
2. So what?
3. Who cares?

>> No.13710250

america deserves 9/11 for all the dirty pork and overall subhuman habits they have.

>> No.13710254
File: 63 KB, 453x689, c24483d9d970b7dd457267b6a96ba08d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a major taboo in Islam

>> No.13710257

>Veal is the best meat, hands-down

What do you have against flavor?

>> No.13710259

Why do democrats act as though being inclusive to people who practice non-white religions is important or good? Liberalism was supposed to be about moving past religion not coddling religious people if they are from other cultures
Like the republican party is falling apart and you people are too focused on this cultural bullshit to take advantage of it

>> No.13710286

I live in a MENA country and we eat mutton here all the time and I really fucking hate it, wish I could try steak or beacon

>> No.13710318

OP is a fag and a liberal fascist. Back up off my pork roast.

>> No.13710328

I eat pork to flex on the jews

>> No.13710340

stay mad leftist

>> No.13710596

fuck off euro rapespawn

>> No.13710650

I agree with every argument except that stupid fucking inclusivity argument. What in the fuck does Halal diet have to do with non-muslims? Nothing. If we're going to alter our diets to be inclusive then we should all become vegans, or pure carnivores, or maybe we should all eat nothing but dairy. It's an absurd, arbitrary, and subjective notion. Fuck off.

>> No.13710701

>3. it's a major taboo in Islam, and is not inclusive.


>> No.13710730

>3. it's a major taboo in Islam, and is not inclusive.
I would eat pork if it tasted like a skunks anus just because of this.

>> No.13710790

I'm German. It's my culture to eat pork every day and die young.

>> No.13710798

I feed muzzies secret pork any chance I get

>> No.13710832

To flex on jews and muslims and in remembrance of the old "bacon is epic XD" memes of the early 2010's.

>> No.13710863

No, because they praised dogs, so it must be...

>> No.13710871

>shilling beef
No way fag

>> No.13710890

It's cheaper than beef and just as tasty if you aren't a shit cook

>> No.13710926

>1. it's dirtier and less healthy than other meats
Tastes good, don't care.
>2. it's one of the most intelligent animals, on par with dogs
And yet dogs are not raised as livestock. I don't give a fuck if pigs are smart.
>3. it's a major taboo in Islam, and is not inclusive.
You've convinced me, I'll never give up pork. The last people I want to associate with is sandniggers that worship a pedophile warlord.

>> No.13710939

Homosexuality is a major taboo in islam but that doesn't stop OP from being a fag, does it?

>> No.13710941

Don't make me scare your elders with glow sticks telling them they are magic.

>> No.13710954

Fucking Hinduphobe

>> No.13710966

not bad

>> No.13711014

You have to go back mohammed.

>> No.13711026

shut the fuck up muslim trash

>> No.13711065

1) I eat the meat, not the skin
2) Couldn't care less, my hens show some intelligence sometimes as well
3) lol
But of course, I get em as well

>> No.13711085

Why would god man an animal he didn't like

>> No.13711370

wouldnt muslims be pigs? they are afraid to eat them because its cannibalism

>> No.13711378 [DELETED] 
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2. so what
3.sand niggers are subhuman

also no

>> No.13711412
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This you?

>> No.13711411
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i rarely see taste this shitty
apply yourself

>> No.13711435

taste good

also why do i care if it's a taboo in islam, i'm not a muslim lmao

>> No.13711437
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> eating meat in 2020

>> No.13711440

I actually regularly convince girls I know that dont eat meat to eat meat

>> No.13711577

you should eat the most intelligent animals you can get your hands on because they might be intelligent enough to know fear

>> No.13711605
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Piss Be Upon Ham

>> No.13711626

>3. it's a major taboo in Islam, and is not inclusive.
That's a pretty good reason to keep eating pork.

>> No.13711627


Pigs are made to be eaten
Beef is the thing that is unnatural
We have gone to great lengths to farm cows including some devastating effects to the environment meanwhile all over the world wild pig populations run rampant and killing them is literally helping the environment
Just one look at a pig and you get the overwhelming sense that it's made to be eaten
There is a reason the pig chef iconography is so prevalent
Whenever I eat pork I truly feel that the noble pig that was slaughtered for it was in fact content perhaps even happy to be sacrificed

>> No.13711628

kys shitskin

>> No.13711631
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>> No.13711654
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>pretending to not be an omnivorous human
(you) put the homo in homo sapien

>> No.13711662
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>pretending not to have a choice in life
you are the monkey dna

>> No.13711677
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I made Carnitas this weekend and it was delicious. Pork is super based.

>> No.13711820

Based schizo

>> No.13711865

Fear/stress/panic makes animals taste off

>> No.13711881

1) not true
2) dont care
3) dont care

Thread over

>> No.13711922

Technically yes but whatever you're supplementing their diet with is inedible to humans.

>> No.13712008

By what definition?

>> No.13712048


>> No.13712210
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Cause it tastes fucking GOOD, nigga. I aint here for a long time, but a good time.

>> No.13712226
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>it’s dirtier
It sure smells Semitic in here

>> No.13712315

>being this much of a retard
None of these say pigs are ruminants

>> No.13712390

Nuff said.

>> No.13712416

I don't trust anyone who doesn't eat pork.

>> No.13712436

No they say the opposite.

>> No.13712550

Wild boar are supposed to be more diseased but farmed domestic pig are pretty healthy except for omega ratios

>> No.13712703

because I hate jews and muslims

>> No.13712819
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1) literally not a problem
2) so what?
3) nice bait. get fucked

>> No.13712951


>> No.13712976
File: 183 KB, 650x596, washing-hands-source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you dumb fucking pig
we ruled you for literal millennia. pigs gonna pig.
pic related. dirty fucking snow infidels

>> No.13713355

tastes good. sorry pigge ;~;

>> No.13713496

I'm going to personally eat all the pork I can just to piss off these dumb fucking sandniggers.

>> No.13713579

I don't know if this is true, but I've heard if you give a pig an choice between water and mud, they will waddle in the water instead.

>> No.13713589

Pork belly and Jamón

>> No.13714736

Depends on the cut. A lot of the breakfast cuts suck unless you marinade or season the crap out of them. The roast cuts, butt and tenderloin are bretty good and rival beef sometimes outright better especially when prepared well.
Yeah no debating this. Where I live pork has been so cheap that I've opted to buying it instead of chicken since chicken is pretty fucking bland even when dressed up. I literally have to try and talk myself into buying beef when I go to the store now because its so fucking expensive. I guess its a bonus of a good portion of the world turning their noses up at pork is a cheap tasty alternative to beef.

>> No.13714744

>wasteful and unnecessary
Uhh I'd say beef would take the cake on that one just based on how long it takes to produce a good cow for prime cuts. Care to explain?

>> No.13714748


>> No.13714764
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