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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 1175x1762, tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13704302 No.13704302 [Reply] [Original]

These are gross. And I'm tired of pretending they aren't.

>> No.13704307

You're gross. And I won't stop believing that.

>> No.13704340

How can anyone taste a blt and go on to hold this opinion

>> No.13704349

That may be true, but tomatoes are still gross. People have tried to shove them down my throat my whole life. I still remember my Boomer father sitting at the dinner table, eating his raw tomatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper. I wasn't allowed to leave the dinner table or go play until I engaged in his barbaric ritual with him.

So one day, I forced his hand. I decided that I wasn't going to eat his fucking disgusting tomato, and I wasn't going to go outside and play either. I was going to sit there all night if that's what it took. I was going to deprive him of the hobbies he enjoyed just to see how hellbent he was on making me eat that disgusting red fruit.

And you know what he did? He had my mother hold my arms back while he forced my mouth open and put the tomato in it. And I spit it out on his fucking face. Little splats of tomato seed and pulp all over his fucking beard.

>> No.13704365

Then something is very wrong with you. That is the best vegetable (fruit) on this planet. I would say it's only beat out by mushrooms but mushrooms are neither fruit nor vegetable.

>> No.13704371

You could stop pretending they're gross.

>> No.13704374

They're objectively foul just like onions

>> No.13704376

what the hell, dude

>> No.13704378

> He had my mother hold my arms back while he forced my mouth open and put the tomato in it.
you have to eat all the tomatoes

>> No.13704387

I was just about to say that in a contest, onions and tomatoes would probably be tied in my book. Is this board just filled with manchildren? Oh wait

>> No.13704393

humans weren't meant to eat them that's why young children instinctively spit out things that are bitter and icky. only via abuse do humans adapt to the point that they are forced to learn to "like them."

>> No.13704403

based. FUCK raw tomatoes, they need to be either blended or cooked to be any good.

>> No.13704414
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Detecting some deep-rooted psychological issues here...

>> No.13704462

I've been here long enough to suspect this will become a new pasta.

>> No.13704478

Maybe autists like you. As a kid I loved vegetables and fruits. Maybe it's because my parents actually knew how to cook them unlike dumb whiteoids. The people I meet who dislike tomatoe and other veggies usually grew up with shitty cooking. Why can't whites cook plants properly?

>> No.13704493

Your father sounds like a retarded faggot
>hurr durr you gotta eat your tomatoes
They aren’t even *that* good for you to begin with, a better hill to die on would be carrots, potatoes, or onions.

>> No.13704495
File: 80 KB, 800x533, 1526428270468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based dad, eat your fucking veggies zoomer scum

>> No.13704498

wow rude ease up on the racism

>> No.13704505 [DELETED] 

>be a nigger
>have no culture or history of your own
>notice the types of food your masters eat
>do the exact same thing, claim it as your own
Black "cuisine" is bugs in dirt cookies and sucking cow piss straight from the source.

>> No.13704509

>OP is larping a toddler

>> No.13704519

>humans weren't meant to eat them that's why young children instinctively spit out things that are bitter and icky.
Eat your fucking vegetables. Tomatoes are not bitter, you are a picky fuck.

>> No.13704535

What country are you from?
In America, most people buy cheap tomatoes that mostly taste watery and slightly bitter with no real flavor. The only tomatoes in America with good flavor are heirloom tomatoes (more expensive so retards don’t buy them) and baby tomatoes (much simpler flavor).

It’s understandable you’d think that he’s being a faggot, because a real authentic homegrown tomato without American farming bastardization is delicious. Tomatoes in America are fucking awful.

>> No.13704551
File: 1.66 MB, 498x272, 9525C333-838F-42BB-8690-BBDD5C6DDF62.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat your tomatoes, anon.

>> No.13704555

I'm from America too, and while I agree grocery store tomatoes are bad, they are not bitter, not unless you are intentionally buying discolored ones.

>> No.13704564

Maybe he’s just too stupid to know the difference between slightly sour and slightly bitter, it seems like he’s underaged b&

>> No.13704736

mushrooms are pretty gross too

>> No.13704785
File: 136 KB, 960x688, EQ2PH7MXkAMzDVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat one to two tomatoes daily.

Hated them as a kid, what gives?

>> No.13705096
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WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13705110
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>> No.13705114
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>> No.13705131

Tomatoes are based you fat fucking nerd.

>> No.13705155

>assuming I'm a nigger
it's okay fag. Every other race except white people can make decent vegetables. Spics, Pajeets, Asians, sandniggers and Blacks all know how to make vegetables taste good. It seems like white america, UK and some eastern and northern Europeans don't know what the fuck to do when cooking plants.

>> No.13705158

Richard? is that you?

>> No.13705167

your daddy issues have no bearing on the taste of tomatoes. If there is anything to complain about it's that store bought tomatoes are a pale shadow of decent vine ripened ones.

If all you have ever eaten is a store bought tomato you've been eating artificially ripened green tomatoes. sad

>> No.13705195 [DELETED] 

shut up nigger, this is a discussion for humans

>> No.13705273

At the very least the sauce

>> No.13705302

Coffee is bitter yet it's been associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality.
It's ok to be a child-palated dork, no need to concoct these mental gymnastics.
Lmaoing at you, fattie.

>> No.13706708

Tomatoes are awful. Imagine liking a fruit that tastes like copper and battery acid.

>> No.13706985

Do you believe comparing the taste of tomatoes to that of random shit will make you seem like any less of an obese manchild?

>> No.13706991

>these are gross
>pictures of yourself not posted

>> No.13707570

There’s a vast difference between perfectly ripe homegrown tomatoes and the store bought ones. Store bought ones are harvested unripe, they don’t have any aroma or taste. Also, their texture is starchy and unappealing.

>> No.13708650

Some years back I had to work at a farm all summer because I had been leeching off unemployment benefits for too long and the government had some bullshit workfare program where they basically made us do slave labor for no compensation. We were growing tomatoes and other vegetables in the heat of summer and while we didn't get paid, they let us eat about as much of the harvest as we could. Holy shit were those some good tomatoes. It was like you took all the sweetness and aroma from 20 regular tomatoes and condensed it all into just a single tomato.

At that point I didn't even care that I was working for no pay, as long as I got to eat the tomatoes. In fact I would go back if they'd let me. But unfortunately the liberals got into power and decided that slavery is actually bad and shut the whole thing down. Many years later I still miss those tomatoes. I can no longer eat a grocery store tomato, since I know what tomatoes are supposed to taste like. Even the ones from farmers markets during peak tomato season are usually not as good. I'm basically traumatized by the experience of being exposed to the perfect tomato and can no longer enjoy any other kind, like a heroin addict trying to adjust to normal life.

>> No.13708689

My condolences on behalf of your mutant tastebuds.

>> No.13709291

>tomatoes are still gross
I'm sorry you think that. More for me though!

>> No.13709313

Honestly, the tomato's I grow end up too flavorful sometimes. They're sweeter and richer than store tomatoes, but some of them start tasting like I'm eating minerals or something, very earthy, almost like a mushroom. Still better.

>> No.13709323
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>> No.13709324

I like tomatoes and coffee, but your statement is retarded. Plenty of medicines that save our life are bitter as shit, and it all comes down to evolution to avoid potentially poisonous alkaloids and other chemicals.

>> No.13709534
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>this thread

>> No.13710037
File: 177 KB, 800x800, 1147A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomato's are soo aesthetic. Lol I have a buddy here in norcal who went on side of his house for some reason and found a huge tomato plant growing next to his wooden fence. He had no idea where it came from and produced tomatos into november. He did not water or do anything I grew tomatos a few years ago and they died (my fault tho)

>> No.13710048

I like tomatoes in any form but raw. Even just a pure tomato sauce with some basil and salt is better to me because the texture is completely different when cooked.

>> No.13711482

I hope you find a cure for your mental illness, OP.

>> No.13711485

I can eat a homegrown tomato like an apple.

>> No.13711518
File: 33 KB, 453x500, steveo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha you got abused fuck you ahhahah

>> No.13711538

Your mother was gross

>> No.13711573

Fantastic post anon, really hits the spot

>> No.13711652

Cut that bitch into quarters, sprinkle with salt and pepper and dig in. The only thing of value I learned from dating latinas.

>> No.13711672

read the thread, read just the 3rd reply
op is a fag, so are you