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13703521 No.13703521 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these 4 is the best?

>> No.13704567

Wendy's > BK > Taco Bell > McDonald's

>> No.13704571

taco bell > the rest
the rest are shitty burger places. burgers were never good and will never be.

>> No.13704572

1. McD
2. TB
3. BK
4. Wendys

>> No.13704577

theyre all shit
Eat real food

>> No.13704579

can't go wrong with taco bell or mcd's simple as

>> No.13704607

Wendy’s > McD > BK > TB

>> No.13704612

Wendy's > TB = McD >>>>>>>>>>>>> BK

>> No.13704618

This. Burger King is shit

>> No.13704624

Shit varies from place to place. Even if they're all pre-packaged pre-prepared shit, people taking the time to reheat/cook them properly still makes a difference.

For me, locally, it's Wendy's>Taco Bell>McDonald's>BK.

>> No.13704650

Taco Bell is literally dogshit catfood tiger. How people can stand it boggles my mind.

>> No.13705148

Burgers for taste and freshness:
Burger king

Burgers for consistancy:
Burger king

Fries Taste:
Burger king

Fries consistancy:
Burger king

taco bell is high school stoner food.

>> No.13705199
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Taco Bell is objectively the cheapest. Considering every other metric (save for speed which is more a matter of location) is a matter of opinion I have to go with the Bell.

>> No.13705220

is coffee good for you

>> No.13705225

Wendy's, easily.

>> No.13705380

They all suck

>> No.13705515

McDonald's is the most consistent and reliable
Wendy's has the best fries
Burger King has the best burger
Taco Bell is good but idk why you're comparing it to burger places

>> No.13705528

well definitely not burger king, thats for sure

>> No.13705538

McD's > TB > Wendy's > BK

>> No.13705657

mcdonalds has the best fries, how the hell does wendy's even compare, let alone beat McD's??

>> No.13705669

Chick-fil-A. Those are just trash.

>> No.13705700

Taco Bell > Wendy’s > McDonald’s > Burger King

>> No.13705701


>> No.13705703

Burger King, easily

>> No.13706549

When it comes to serving the function of fast food as a shitty quick meal you get for cheap I'm gonna have to give it to Taco Bell. The baseline tacos are a complete fuckng rip off but getting a few of the shitty dollar burritos fills you up and for a lot of communities maybe you have one "mexican" place where they're charging 4 dollars for a shitty taco because they can get away with compared to the limitless burger options.

Mcdonald's doesn't really have any good value items. Even comparing a dollar cheeseburger to any other burger chain results in literally any other chain either having a better tasting burger or a more "meat" for your buck. Burger king has the best "quality" (I mean they're all shit but what can you do) in terms of their standard items but they really don't have a large selection of shit to pick and their prices for what you get also suck dick. Great Breakfast though, those burritos are pretty filling.

I have been to Wendy's maybe twice in my life and have no strong opinions on them they just seem like small burgers.

>> No.13706724

Taco Bell >> McDonald's > Burger King > Wendy's

>> No.13706727

I have only mcd and BK in my country out of these, and burger King is by far the worst fast food chain of every single one we have.
So, McDonald's it is.

>> No.13706730

burger king is awful in america too

>> No.13707293
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Wendy’s = best quality
McDonald’s = greatest efficiency (also, no tip’n)
Taco Bell = most food for the money
Burger King = if there’s nothing else available

>> No.13707359

last time I got burger king on the road in the middle of bumfuck nowhere because there was nothing else around, and the nuggets I got were legit cold.

>> No.13707382

Mary Browns

>> No.13707419

you're opinion is wrong

>> No.13707440
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GMO Cattle feed >>>>>>> wendy >mcd >bk > dog bell


>> No.13707463

Enjoy your chemical castrating soy filler, you thinks thats just beef in those liquid brown diarrhea tacos?
You're a literal cattle.

>> No.13707471


>> No.13707733

Service ranking
Wendy's- Mcdonalds- Taco bell Burger King
I really like BK food, but they hire barely functioning retards, who prob the door open with a chair to smoke.
Taco bell constantly gives you the wrong order, but its usually the same ingredients arranged differently.

>> No.13707751

maccas sold human meat in the 70s lol

>> No.13707931
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Taco Bell, I guess. If I want a burger then I have better options locally. If I just want something to eat with no hassle I just go to the Bell.

>> No.13708093

Taco Bell desu

>> No.13709119

Chick-Fil-A haha

>> No.13709127

If I had to pick between these four I'd choose Taco Bell and only consume it while I'm drunk.

>> No.13710225
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>> No.13710229

what the fuck is wrong with people who actually like wendy's?

>> No.13710382

Their spicy chicken sandwiches are legendary

>> No.13710395

it's a reconstituted chicken patty how the fuck can it be "legendary"? at least popeyes uses real chicken

>> No.13710507

TB easy. Just ask for shredded chicken for your meat.

>> No.13711023

German here. went to the US a couple of times. Why is everybody hating on Taco Bell? Fresh Salad and tastes good. Also very cheap. I liked it the most.

>> No.13711752

they tolerate the heavy dessert-like hamburgers because the little girl in the logo makes their smol peepees hard

>> No.13713097

McDonald's is such a staple and never disappoints,
it goes at the top.
Burger King is such unbelievable shit that anyone ranking it off the bottom is pants on head retarded.
Taco Bell is good when you got a craving for it but who in their right mind would eat that toxic slop on the regular?
Wendy's is decent, not as good of a selection as Don's but they work their niche well.

>Taco Bell

>> No.13713275

I actually like Wendys, burgers are good and the Frosty actually tastes like ice cream and isn't overly sweet

>> No.13713289

I mean, it all depends on what I'm in the mood for. Some days you need a greasy basic burger, other days you could really go for a spicy chicken sandwich. Some days a man just needs some fucking tacos.

They're all bad for me, and they're all within driving distance, so I guess it's subjective.

>> No.13713462

Wendy's is my main fastfood choice
Sometimes I go to McDonalds for the shake/fries
I avoid Burger King and Tacobell at all costs

>> No.13714298
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>> No.13714327

Macca's is the King of Fast Food.

Taco Bell is garbage, waste of your money.

BK and Wendy's are in the middle,

>> No.13714332

hard to say but ill give it my breakdown, im from canada btw

>mcdicks #2
open 24/7, great drunk food, satisfying breakfast food, overall worst quality

>wendy's #1
overall best quality, open til a reasonable 3am but lacks that 24/7 convenience

>BK #3
mid tier, decent snack sized burgers, shitty fries, not 24/7

>taco bell #4
trash tier (in canada) american version is 10x better, avoid canadian taco bells, not 24/7

>> No.13714345
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Wendy's is the best by far and is also the cheapest if you know what you're doing. Using app coupons in conjunction with a Frosty Keytag and getting value menu stuff, you can have a full meal for 5 dollars or less, easily. The only main fast food chain with burgers on the same caliber is Sonic.

>> No.13714859
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>> No.13714878
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Step aside for the true king of third world fast food.

>> No.13715091

How does one define "best?"
Quality? Loyalty? The one you had to save if all 4 were on the proverbial chopping block of corporate bankruptcy?

I submit that Taco Bell is not the best for the sole reason that you can go to a much better mexican restaurant and for about the same price of a Taco Bell run, you can eat much better food. The remaining burger joints each offer very different flavor profiles that come down to a purely subjective palate. I submit that BK's fries are a major shortcoming, although they have the best deserts. Also, that Wendy's is much better quality overall, although the menu offers relatively little variety. And that McD's, deespite shortcomings, is probalby the best all-around winner.

McD's it is.

>> No.13715096

Wendy's>Maccas>Taco Bell>>>>>>>power gap>>>>>>>>>>>>>Burger Kang

>> No.13715423

for me it's braum's

>> No.13715787

Taco bell > mcdonalds > wendys > Burger King.

However I find the whopper superior over other fast food burgers, but over all bk is trash.