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File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, DISKON_SALE_A1_Original_Steak_Sauce_Condiment_Saus_Bumbu_Kon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13697448 No.13697448 [Reply] [Original]

What is the purpose of steak sauce? Do you have to overcook your steaks to understand? My steaks are juicy enough that I would never ruin them with a sauce.

>> No.13697455

People are addicted to sugar

>> No.13697457



You're literally retarded and your taste buds are fried. What do you mean ruin? I cook my steaks usually around medium well and I like to have it with a steak sauce like HP or some nice bernaise. I can taste BOTH and they compliment the flavor of the beef quite nicely. You're a fucking idiot.

>oh look at me look at how sophisticated my palate is I am such a patrician, high class cock lover I know how to eat meat the RIGHT way I suck cocks!

>> No.13697465

Almost like food is improved by balancing fat, acid and sweetness

>> No.13697467

>medium well
aka ruined. enjoy your shoe.

>> No.13697471


You're right, next time I should cook it well done.

>> No.13697472

It, A1 in particular, just taste really fucking good. Also, no matter how delicious a steak is, it’s always going to be kinda boring taste wise, and steak sauce is the perfect thing to go with it, or just a shit ton of salt, but I feel less guilty when I use the sauce instead.

>> No.13697479

I agree with you, but you really are missing out on rare steaks. It’s just medium steak that’s easier to chew and has way more flavor.

>> No.13697488

>Do you have to overcook your steaks to understand?
I think it's possibly a generational or a regional thing. When I was a kid in the early 90s in small town MidWest, I remember eating steaks with sauce was quite common among the people I knew as well as in my own house. My mom also cooked everything well done but she was a germophobe. I'm quite the opposite now with steaks although I like using sauce for something like meatloaf or eggs.

>> No.13697492

>putting steak sauce eggs
Is this actually good? I'm hungry and I haven't eaten breakfast yet so I'm actually considering this now... It sounds good but maybe it's just the hunger talking.

>> No.13697493


I mix it with mustard and add a few spices to dip my fries/tendies in

>> No.13697520


Thanks. I was half memeing. I actually don't even eat meat (I eat seafood) but I used to eat a lot of steak and medium rare-medium was my favourite. I would genuinely use steak sauce sometimes and it really does often compliment the flavour of the beef. I have dined in a lot of delicious restaurants. Some expensive, some world renowned, some your standard cozy mom and pop placed. Many places had various types of sauces with their steak. Red wine sauce, bernaise (my personal favourite), mushroom/thyme cream sauce (i.e steak Diane), and so much more. There is nothing wrong with dipping a piece of your steak in some A1 or HP sauce every now and then.

People who act all sophisticated and fucking smug as though they are superior to others because they don't use a steak sauce trigger the fuck out of me.

>> No.13697538

We don’t have A1 here, what’s it taste like?

>> No.13697550


shittier ketchup. The hickory one is kind of good but I don't get people who say it tastes great. I'd much rather get a straight bbq or some sort of broth/wine mixture

>> No.13697554

>t. can't cook properly
>h-heh.. i actually wanted my meat to be this done! i did it on purpose!

>> No.13697562

it takes more skill to cook a steak to well done than it does to cook rare

>> No.13697633

it has very little in common with ketchup so ignore tastelet above; it’s more like a cross between worcestershire and HP sauce; deep rich tang with hint of sweet; I don’t eat it on my steaks, but good for a douse on burgers sometimes (pretty strong flavor so a little goes a long way

>> No.13697652

you misspelt time
also it really doesn't

>> No.13697701

How the fuck do you admit to cooking your steaks medium well and then condescend people who don't? You are a retard.

>> No.13697707



>> No.13697715


The main ingredients of ketchup are tomatoes, sweeteners, vinegar, salt, spices, flavorings, onion, and/or garlic

A.1. Sauce includes tomato purée, raisin paste, distilled vinegar, corn syrup, salt, crushed orange purée, dried garlic and onions, spice, celery seed, caramel color, potassium sorbate, and xanthan gum.

oh, so A1 is just orange flavored ketchup

got it

>> No.13697727
File: 217 KB, 1200x1059, Filet_mignon_au_poivre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two kinds of steak sauces: those meant to cover the taste of a mediocre steak like A1, and those meant to complement the flavors of an excellent steak, like the peppercorn sauce on a filet au poivre. Don't count out sauces completely, just because retards use shitty sauce to cover shittier meat.

>> No.13697730

Dam straight. Completely based.

>> No.13697734

Steak sauce is good on well done steak. Steak less than that is shit to begin with, and can't be saved with steak sauce.

>> No.13697739


100% fucking based. If there world was going to end tomorrow I would want to spend my last day shooting the shit and eating a good meal with you.

>> No.13697741

I use A1 on my pork chops.

>> No.13697750

You're almost there. Salt, pepper, A1 and maybe some worch mixed in with the meat then grilled. All the way to flavortown.

>> No.13697754

A1 is great for french fries.

>> No.13698122

I use A1 on my steaks, because I like using a sauce for its intended purpose.

>> No.13698132

>muh plain chunk of meat with no seasoning other than salt and pepper is ruined if there's anything resembling flavor near it
Why is American cuisine like this?

>> No.13698133

Chili sauce is the best for french fries.

>> No.13698236

Nice, and yeah, there’s no need to act so sophisticated to the point where you’re barring yourself away from legitimate options.

>> No.13698691

The only way your steak is a "plain chunk of meat" with no flavor is if you overcook it, eurotard.

>> No.13698762

Same, except Arkansas. Didn't want my steak to have any pink whatsoever, was all about that A1. Mom also overcooked pork to the point it was like leather because she didn't want us getting trichinosis. Now I eat everything pink and haven't thought about steak sauce except for burgers and loaf in ages.

>> No.13698814

>boomer sauces like A1
Might as well not eat steak if that's necessary

>the good shit you get at good restaurants with high-end cuts of meat
Based and hedonismpilled

>> No.13698821

I really hate this acrid shit.

>> No.13698853

I don't eat a good steak with A1 or anything, but it is tasty. Sometimes I'll make something with the sole purpose of planning on slathering it in A1 or something similar.

>> No.13698875

Depends on the cut. Personally I like a 'beefy' steak accompanied with a sauce sometimes.
Usually a strip, prime rib, loin, something lean.

If it's a ribeye, NY strip, or something with lots of fat, I just use salt and pepper. To each their own. But a good steak in a pepper corn cream sauce is amazing.

>> No.13698916

Add a bit of brown sugar, just a smidge. So many people say that sugar is pleb tier, but you're just using an equal or less amount than salt and pepper, which is like less than a tsp per steak. Seasoned meat tenderizer and a mix of equal parts brown sugar/garlic powder/black pepper takes it to the next level.

>> No.13699008

Sometimes I'll sous vide a few pieces of chicken with some fire as fuck Montreal steak seasoning and then sear it. That's 10/10 for when I'm specifically craving steak sauce, and it's cheap.
If I am having a nice steak, I won't use it. If it's a mediocre cut, definitely.
That being said, Lea and Perrins> A1.

>> No.13699080

>people hating on steak sauces but eat up shit like ketchup or mayo on a burger regardless of it's wellness
you wannabe elitist repeating dumb shit you heard are really fucking stupid fyi

>> No.13699382

Almost all USDA steak cuts are garbage meat even filet. So all can use A1 if you like it, heck even ketchup. If you had authentic Kobe beef or even 100 percent grass fed, then yes just beef and salt. Non marbled white fat having American beef sucks.

>> No.13699634


>> No.13699651

What the shrek is your problem? Why can't you let us have a good time? Every day you rush in blahblahblah I hate thing blahblahblah I'm a poopyheadblahblahblah please stop. I wanna be happy for once let us have this. PLEASE.

>> No.13700214

not this shit again

>> No.13700568

>implying A1 is shitty

>> No.13700638


>> No.13700674

I liked it as a kid and it's because my dad believed that you shouldn't season steak. Now he has learned since I started cooking steak in different ways with different rubs and reductions/sauces. I'll use A1 if I'm fed a piece of shit steak that's bland, or if I'm making steak and eggs, or if I accidentally overcook and underseason a steak.

>> No.13701134

Steaks don't start tasting like A1 just because you cook them really well. That's retarded.

>> No.13701171

It's not about adding juice. Even a properly cooked well done steak can be juicy. It's about adding more contrast to your dish in the palate. Like adding vinigger to fries. Fries on their own are dry and bland. Add vinigger or katsup? Makes them one of the best food items in the world.

Steak sauce has always been based. Contrarianism on 4channel has always been cringe. Do the opposite of what the majority on here recommend.

>> No.13701213

I like a little with burgers or salisbury steak.

>> No.13701230

>be you
>living in 1862
>before the invention of refrigeration
>fresh meat must be consumed within a day or two before it begins to turn
>can't afford to waste meat though so even if it's a little green around the edges you still eat it
>cook the shit out of it so that you don't die of food poisoning
>tastes like nothing now that you've charred it to high hell
>add sauce
>has flavor now

It's really quite simple. It was invented for people who need to overcook their meet for safety reasons and not for modern audiences who have the luxury of mid rare steaks.

>> No.13701233

It's kino on a cubed steak, but those (at least the way I grew up with them) were fried so I don't know if it's that good for everyone's cubed steak. On a regular steak, it's fine, but it's not necessary if it's good. That being said, let people eat how they want

>> No.13701299

isn't proper use of this to marinate the steak in it before cooking, or to baste the steak while grilling?

Or perhaps using it for your mett bun or steak tartar?

>> No.13701316

It's the only thing I put on eggs my niggy
I call it egg sauce, go through a bottle every month or two.

>> No.13701318
File: 147 KB, 640x591, ytfssd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like a little with burgers or salisbury steak.

>> No.13701438

You mean "palette", you irredeemable cretin.

>> No.13701512

Okay, Trump. Hey, can you nuke China already so they don't destroy the world with thier shitty bioweapon?

>> No.13701517


>> No.13701518

Spicy sweet vinegar

>> No.13701550

We don't have A1 sauce in our country.

>> No.13702301

people who look down on good sauce for steak are literal fucking retards, doesn't matter how it's cooked