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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13679522 No.13679522 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make stew. Perfect winter food and world's best air freshener.

>> No.13679529 [DELETED] 
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>star trek

>> No.13679531

I'll be monitoring. I like your threads, OP.

>> No.13679536
File: 469 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_105920-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon into the pot. The bacon will create extra fond and the grease will be used to sear the beef.

>> No.13679539
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Beef seasoned with salt and pepper

>> No.13679546
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Beef will have to be seared in batches.

>> No.13679584
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Coming along.

>> No.13679588

gonna be a good stew

>> No.13679611
File: 546 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_113935-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onion, carrot and celery ready.

>> No.13679633

No one here likes you more for watching a shitty scifi show. In fact I hate you more for it.

>> No.13679637
File: 574 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_114857-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished searing the beef.

>> No.13679638


>> No.13679661

I'll watch, I haven't had a good stew in ages so I can smell this thread

>> No.13679664

completely relevant and on topic post, thanks for improving the overall quality of the discussion taking place in this board

>> No.13679677
File: 624 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_120126-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweating down the onions.

>> No.13679681 [DELETED] 

>OP butthurt cause someone made fun of his soy trek
What a bitch

>> No.13679685
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Tomato paste and garlic in.

>> No.13679693

Looks good so far op

>> No.13679694

real good cookin

>> No.13679695
File: 536 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_120704-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deglazing with some red wine while Kirk conquers some troyan pussy with his dick.

>> No.13679748
File: 538 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_121124-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wine has burnt off it's alcohol and reduced. Meat, celery and carrot in.

>> No.13679757
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Thyme, rosemary and parsley bouquet garni with a couple bay leaves going in loose.

>> No.13679764
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A quart of chicken stock with a bit of beef stock that i had left over in the fridge plus some Yukon gold potatoes. Bacon back in as well as the bouquet garni and the bay leaves.

>> No.13679793
File: 414 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_123226-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought it to a boil then dropped the heat down to a simmer. Lid on and a timer set for 2.5 hours. House already smells incredible.

>> No.13679805

nice m8
which cut of meat did you use btw

>> No.13679820

Chuck roast. Kroger had a buy one get one free sale. Can't pass up $50 worth of meat for $25. Usually I'm against freezing meat but for that price I'll make an exception. Turned one into this stew and I'll save the other one for another day.

>> No.13679832

is pattie dead yet?

>> No.13679926

Not sure who you’re referring to, sorry.

>> No.13679940

OP not gay.

>> No.13680396
File: 535 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_150541-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5 hours are up. I pulled a piece of beef out to taste test and I'm going to let it simmer for another 30 min to let it get fork tender. Tastes great but it needs a bit more time to get to the point where the beef melts on your fork. I'm going to take the opportunity to head up to the store and grab a loaf of some crusty bread to go with this stew.

>> No.13680433

No thickening agent, OP?

>> No.13680443

he needs a gimmick so reddit knows it's him

>> No.13680444

Surprised those taters held up for 2.5 hours. Would have put them in at the end myself. Hope they're still there in 30 minutes.

>> No.13680457

I made stew yesterday, was being an impatient jackass and ended up crowding the pot when I seared the meat. Still turned out very tasty, but the color was not nearly as dark as I like it.

Looks pretty watery for stew. I noticed you didn't dust your meat in flour or add any with the tomato paste, any reason why? Also, surprised you added your vegetables so early on. Like >>13680444 said, I'd have added them in the last 30-45 minutes.

>> No.13680463

This thread is the sexiest thing I've seen all day.

>> No.13680495

All it's missing are finger guns and enunciation

YEAAAAAH bay-bay!

>> No.13680508

It's common to put the celery and carrots in at the beginning. Along with onions, they make up the mirepoix which is considered the basis of all soups and stews in French cooking. Usually they're strained out at the end once all of their flavor has been extracted into the liquid. The potato, on the other hand, has no business going in at the beginning. I'm guessing the simmer was gentle enough that the they were able to keep their shape but they will disintegrate the instant OP touches them.

>> No.13680518

Tell me more about this...mirepoix?


>> No.13680547

Ah, I was mostly referring to the potatoes being put in early, I should've specified. I know about the magic of a mirepoix, though I didn't know it was strained traditionally.

>> No.13680585

>retards talking about muh mirepoix like it's not one of the most basic and common things in cooking
god this place is endless cringe

>> No.13680593
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Looks good, OP. As others have suggested, potatoes should have went in at a later point (it's fine though). Another thing to add, for the last 30 minutes or even hour you should have put that into your oven to let some things brown under that direct heat.

>> No.13680616

Wasn’t sure how thick it would get. Im letting it reduce a bit now with the lid off. I could make a roux to thicken it but I don’t feel like going through the trouble. If it refuses to thicken I’ll make one.

Potatoes are holding up fine.

You can do whatever you want with the end result of a mirepoix. High end cooking would strain the liquid out until it’s clear but for heartier home cooking you usually leave them in. There is no right or wrong, only what you, the cook, want. I personally like my beef, potatoes and vegetables to almost melt on your fork but it’s whatever you like. If you like potatoes and vegetables to be more firm then add them later in the cook. I like the vegetables (and their flavors) to almost dissolve into the broth and for the potatoes to have plenty of time to soak up the broth and to release some starch.

>> No.13680670

If you have some cornstarch it's super simple. Just mix a tablesppon or two with an equal amount of water and and stire the mixture into the soup. Can be done at the end...probably.

>> No.13680688
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It's thickening up nicely just by reducing. The real question is to go for the pea DLC or not.

>> No.13680700

Ah. The starch from the potatoes is leaking out and thickening it wonderfully without flour or cornstarch. Very nice.

>> No.13680730
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Yeah go for it. At this point you are making a Portuguese jardineira

>> No.13680745

just a fancy name for portuguese beef stew

>> No.13680748

Patti is that alcoholic catfag's onnahole. This is Star Trek and Chill anon. Get your 4channel /ck/ e-celebs right

>> No.13680776

Never tried to put peas in a stew, but go for it.
Looks delicious btw

>> No.13680782
File: 501 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_162651-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to eat.

>> No.13680803

Looks pretty good OP, similar to the stuff Matt Dillon eats on "Gunsmoke" so it must be authentic.

>> No.13680804


>> No.13680806

fuck that looks good op

>> No.13680811

>High end cooking would strain the liquid out until it’s clear
Wouldn't that be for consommé? Regular stew doesn't strain out mirepoix.

>> No.13680824

I suppose that's what I meant but I'm a fucking retard so i didn't know that's what it's called lol.

>> No.13680853

Have you never seen stew before?

>> No.13680893

Yes? It looks good; what's your problem retard?

>> No.13680906
File: 609 KB, 2016x1512, 20200219_165610-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about making this is I now have dinner for the next few days and it will only get better as it marinates in itself.

>> No.13680969

I did enjoy as always OP

>> No.13680974

Always dump frozen peas in at the end of cooking. They only need like 5 minutes to be cooked through. Any longer and they start to get a shitty color and impart too much pea flavor into the rest of the stew.

>> No.13680997

looks dank dude might make some next week

>> No.13680999

damn. this looks similar to what my dad used to make me when I was a young one. Looks fucking delicious man.

>> No.13681007

the trick is to leave them in large enough pieces. if they were cut smaller you would be right and they probably would have disintegrated.

>> No.13681035

why cook the meat first? i usually just dump the fuckin meat in raw, and it'll cook eventually.

>> No.13681040

Fuckin love stew leftovers. It gets even more flavorful after a day or two of storage.

>> No.13681073

You want to sear the meat first because it adds flavor to the beef and creates fond on the bottom of the pot which when deglazed with liquid makes the stock much more flavorful. It also give the beef a more pleasant appearance. If you just throw raw beef into the stock it turns grey.

>> No.13681359
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