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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13677566 No.13677566 [Reply] [Original]

How many rotisserie chickens do you think you could eat in one sitting?

>> No.13677569

0.5 i reckon

>> No.13677574

From Costco, 1 max.
From shitty grocery store, maybe 2, but I'd puke after 1.

>> No.13677579

Depends on seasoning, sides, and how drunk I am. If the planets align just right I might be able to knock out 2-2.5.

>> No.13677583

1 but id need plenty of dipping milk on hand.

>> No.13677607

at least one, my dad has one of those ronco rotisseries and it works really well. maybe i should buy some whole chickens again, but handling them really grosses me out.

>> No.13677626

2.5 if I'm really hungry, but that would be the absolute limit

>> No.13677634

Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh maybe half?

>> No.13677648

1/4th of a chicken alongside nutritious and fresh sides like a human being with dignity and respect.

>> No.13677651


>> No.13677771

probably just 2 because I'm not a disgusting fat fuck

>> No.13677779

I only eat the breasts and always throw everything else.

>> No.13677828


>> No.13677860

At least four of them if I haven't eaten in a week, probably

>> No.13677863

Pathetic af, bro! Unless u change your ways you definitely won't make it

>> No.13677866


>> No.13677869

We'd make good roommates if you weren't so fucking insufferable.

>> No.13677935

I think I polished off one and put a dent in a second in the past. So maybe two.

>> No.13678058

I once partied for a whole weekend in Berlin while sustaining myself with only cocaine, booze and ass. Monday after that weekend, i showered and proceeded to the next spot that would provide me with hot, salty food. That is when i stumbled over a rotisserie chicken stall/food cart/whatever the fuck you wanna call it and proceeded to buy 4 of them. I didnt eat them. I inhaled them. For reference, I am 190cm tall and weigh 84kgs.

>> No.13678060
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>Dipping milk

>> No.13678066

Screenshot this cause this weekend imma make a webm of Dip 'n' eat

>> No.13678073

Just call it fucking goy meat at that point, schlomo.

>> No.13678075
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I shall await your webm with high expectations.

>> No.13678077

2 easily.

t. 178lbs, 6’2” hungry guy

>> No.13678233

> just 2
> because I'm not a disgusting fat fuck
And then, Anon was American.

>> No.13678249

t. Manlet

>> No.13678253


>> No.13679218

this was really uncalled for

>> No.13679226

Battery farm or free range?
With or without sides?

>> No.13679270

2. I've done it many times

>> No.13679376

1 and a half.

>> No.13679390

I do OMAD so probably 3. But only if you gave me some potatoes on the side. I'd get sick of the chicken otherwise.

>> No.13679481

Post mantitties

>> No.13679498

When I grab one of these otw home from work for my gf to use in her recipies I always eat several mouthfuls of greasy chicken while driving a stick shift shitbox in 5 o'clock traffic, no napkin. I get grease and chicken meat all over my face, steering wheel, and shifter knob.

I hate myself more than is humanly possible. I deserve to die.

>> No.13680523

Sam's Club roteccery worker here AMA.
Literally going to start my shift in 30 min.

>> No.13680540

why would have a question for a faggot working for the waltons

also to OP, 1.

>> No.13680550

Do they have the garlic butter rotisserie chickens there like in Walmart? What the fuck do they do to make the taste of garlic butter so profound? What's the recipe for said garlic butter?

>> No.13680573

used to do the chickens at sams, and no, they only come in one flavor and they're all pre seasoned. you just skewer and toss em in the oven.

>> No.13680690

>Dipping milk

Why can't you use a blue cheese dip like a normal person?

>> No.13680708

Id try to eat them all but prob only get through 1.

>> No.13680723

2 i'd wager.
Rotisserie chicken is just so fucking good. And you can make god-tier chicken broth with the bones.

>> No.13681240

Yeah what >>13680573
Said itsreal brain dead retard work.

>> No.13681251

>they only come in one flavor and they're all pre seasoned. you just skewer and toss em in the oven.

What the fuck? I always assumed rottiserie chickens were just what places did with the chickens they sell raw right before they expire.

>> No.13681256

You mean stock

>> No.13681276


>> No.13681280
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>> No.13681303

I'm thinking maybe 2 and then like two bites of a 3rd before I shut down.

>> No.13681310

Def 1 but maybe 2

>> No.13681319

I can do one pretty easily. I might be able to do 1.5, but that would be a stretch.

>> No.13681372

why do you eat meat if you have a hard time acknowledging you killed an animal and are handling its carcass?

>> No.13681400

Just one if I’m sufficiently starved, but i’d eat it with bread, taters, and gravy if I didn’t want a poverty meal

>> No.13681410

I prefer a rotisserie chicken to be flash fried with a pancake batter after cooking.

I add my home made lime-corn mayonnaise, watering it down with a little malt vinegar and dr pepper, spraying it on with a squirt bottle directly before serving.

>> No.13681413

Nobody cares, faggot. How many?

>> No.13681426

not that guy but I'm fine with killing chickens, but its pretty dirty work. The stink of feathers and hot water gets on you and takes a day to come off, if you could skin them like a rabbit they'd be easier to do.

>> No.13681440

I'm assuming the guy I was talking to just thinks raw meat and gizzards are icky.

>> No.13681441

absolutely based. eat what you want and throw the rest into stye for the peasants

>> No.13681784

at sams we would get boxes with a bag inside of 8 chickens or so on the same pallets with whatever other boxes of cryovac meats. nothing like handling cold chickens in the cold meat room, god what a miserable experience.

>> No.13682065

4 possibly 5

>> No.13682296


>> No.13682301

>fresh sides like a human being
what does a human being taste like?

>> No.13682503

depending on the size of the bird and giving that there are no sides.

2 1/2

>> No.13682578

I've eaten a half-chicken before, so I think I could probably do 1 if I pushed myself.

>> No.13682987

sure i could clean three at least. under two hundred pounds, six three. most of you sound like bitches.

>> No.13683135

Its 10 exactly and its 2 boxes for 5 skewers. And yeah it's cold but it's better than Cafe work which is actually AIDS.

>> No.13683179

I can eat 1 if I didn't have to eat the breasts, so maybe .5

>> No.13683192

one, because chicken breast is horrible

>> No.13683221

Your mom's breast is horrible.

>> No.13683226

>Waah i cant cook this part so its bad!
Its like saying bread is crap because you forgot yeast and then forgot it in the oven for 2 hours...

>> No.13683231

1 if I force myself but more realistically I'll get bored of chicken after half.

>> No.13683238

Imagine the smell

>> No.13683246

how much grease do you have to scrape off your face at the end of the shift?

>> No.13683265

Not that much my skin could be way fucking worse.Cleaning it at the end is where you could get shit in your face.

>> No.13684376

Eventually I get tired of the breast and force myself to eat it.

>> No.13684380

oh, i forgot about the cafe. i never had to deal with that. i just did deli, and sometimes i was asked to wrap fish or do rotisserie. working out in the parking lot was way better than any of the fresh departments.

>> No.13684685

Yeah cart pushing is pretty brain dead but desu all Sam's club work is easy compared to actual work.

>> No.13685145

2. great drinking or drunk food

I prefer to just eat the wings, legs and thighs and save the breasts for some soup or sandwiches.

>> No.13685163

Do you mean real chickens or do you mean euro style chickens the size of a squab?

>> No.13685181

On several occasions I've had 1 for lunch. For a challenge I should be able to eat another one

>> No.13686027

It wasn't so bad since we would all just dick around, smoke cigarettes, and i would pretty often get tips from people needing stuff loaded into their vehicles. Apart from working in the fresh departments, working overnight was also terrible since you'd spend your time playing catch up with an understaffed team, considering everyone during the day would just spend time crushing boxes or folding clothes.

>> No.13686258

depends. under the right circumstances, probably 2.

>> No.13687684

Whoa imagine keeping a rag in your glove compartment, isn't that a crazy idea, you can even lie to yourself and say it's for defogging the windscreen.

>> No.13687690

I'm a fatty and I can barely finish a whole chicken.

Imagine if there was no stupid flesh on a bird like breast. Imagine if they were made out of only legs and wings and skin. HNGGGGGGGGG

>> No.13687701

>Imagine if there was no stupid flesh on a bird like breast.
the boobs are the only good part of the bird

>> No.13687713

Fucking heathen.
No matter how it's cooked it's always a pain in the ass to eat because the seasoning is only on the skin.
Even if the bird is so tender that the meat just falls of the bone, the breast is still the shittiest part. I always it the breast first because it's a chore. Afterwards I can begin eating the delicious parts

>> No.13687772

I've eaten two all by myself before, back when I was really into weightlifting.

I even cracked the bones for all that sweet, sweet marrow too. Literally picked them clean. Shit was so cash.

>> No.13688194

boil it with onion, garlic, chili peppers. pull it apart like pulled pork, put on bread, wa la. idiot.

>> No.13688224

About 10 years ago I worked in the hot foods section of a grocery store

For me, its none. Nothing wrong with the chicken, ive just had it so much that I'm sick of it

>> No.13688247

I could probably force down 2

>> No.13688523
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>dipping milk

>> No.13688535
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>based milk dipper

>> No.13688561

I feel like killing myself after 1 so...

>> No.13688600

Without breaks? 1/4-1/3 maybe
Casually grazing off of it while watching TV after work all evening? 1/2 or more
Lazy Saturday of videogames with eating during brief moments in-between? The whole thing by the end of the day.

>> No.13688620

Can someone convert Chipotle burritos into rotisserie chicken units? I can eat three burritos with everything in them, what does that convert to?

>> No.13688691

1 but only because it's so fucking dry, even costco's chickens have been dry as fuck over here

>> No.13688747
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I don't eat that dried out shit. I'll eat rotisserie when i can make it myself.

I get a whole bird, stuff butter underneath the skin of the breast, and baste the whole thing in pan drippings from the previous bird (if no drippings I use bacon grease or beef tallow)

I stuff its cavity with sliced onion, tie the legs shut with twine, salt, pepper, and bake for around 1 hour and 20 min at 350, rotating the bird and rebasting every 30 min, checking the internal temp at the 1 hour mark.

Then when its internal temp about 10 degrees below cooked, I let it sit for about 10 min outside the oven covered with a large pot (or u can use aluminum foil if u wanna be wasteful)

Recently I decided to cut the meat off the bone and save the carcass for soup (and of course I save the drippings). So the whole bird will last me maybe up to 2 weeks of meals.

Poultry should be a luxury meat received with thanks giving. Not some trash to breathe in.

P.S I would like tips on what to do with the giblets other than just frying them and eating them as is?

>> No.13688754

Some people do skin chickens but then you miss out on all that delicious chicken skin