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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13675128 No.13675128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is kosher salt legit good or some meme from BA

>> No.13675134

If it were a meme, it would certainly be a meme that predates BA.
Try getting your cooking information from something other than a clickbait youtube show spammed by retards from /tv/.

>> No.13675151

>thinks the use of kosher salt is a meme started by some faggots on YouTube

What’s it like to be an actual retard?

>> No.13675154
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paid & protected shill thread

Please do not buy kosher products, make the world a better place.


>> No.13675161

It's a meme from Good Eats.

But it's pretty cool, you can pinch salt. It's also easier to cover meat with it.

>> No.13675167

fuck why does this make me uncomfortable

>> No.13675171

What's the difference between kosher salt and normal salt anyway? I swear, Jews have the weirdest rules when it comes to food.

>> No.13675199

It's just flakey salt. It's called kosher not because it, itself, is kosher, but because you use it to make meat kosher by drawing out the blood with it.

>> No.13675213

>using (((kosher))) salt

>> No.13675243

i like how some people are so stupid, not even ironically, that they believe a 2019 youtube channel discovered kosher salt

>> No.13675252

Holy shit OP you are legit suffering from mental retardation.

>> No.13675271

I can't use (((kosher))) products.

Refined, iodized salt, for me.

>> No.13675275

Any salt draws blood from meat.

>> No.13675279

larger pieces of salt do it better, i forget where i saw that tho. I just use sea salt, not sure if its kosher

>> No.13675304

t. good (((goy)))

>> No.13675373

because you know it to be true

>> No.13675438
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and vegan mayo often made out of soy

>> No.13675469

So many ingredients and prep for a stupid sandwich lmao

>> No.13675501

yeah... I mean it probably tastes good, but FUCK all that effort for a vegan sandwich that'll taste worse than a chicken sandwich with walmart pre-made condiments.

>> No.13675523

The larger grains make it much less dense than table salt.
This doesn't give any real benefit, but it means that you can't just substitute table salt for kosher 1:1 for volumetric baking recipes.

>> No.13675527

It's jewish.
So it's absolutely a meme.
Save your shekels.

>> No.13675537

>is it a meme when a Jew uses kosher salt
She’s a Jew. Everything she does is a meme. I prefer coarse sea salt and having both a shaker and grinder, but I will get kosher if the sea salt prices are kinda stupid high. Shit is like $2 canabux for a kg. Can’t go wrong with that.

>> No.13675544
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I only use sea salt from Guerande

>> No.13675587

It's just salt man. Flake sea salt for garnish, whatever else course salt for anything other than that.
Buy whatever is cheap.

>> No.13676605

It's literally just salt. Salt coarser than table but smoother than sea.

>> No.13676987
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She cute. I want her as a mommy gf and she can spank me for being a bad goy.

>> No.13677018

>being a cross boarding faggot
More race baiting from the incel crowd.

>> No.13677029

kill yourself

>> No.13677250

Redpill me on iodized salt.

>> No.13677260

>It's got iodine!

>> No.13677324

I want to impregnate that fat kike

>> No.13677340

>white women when they turn 30

>> No.13677355

The thyroid is a myth like the g-spot. Iodized salt is radiolabeled so the Jews can track you.

>> No.13677379

>chipotle mayo
>mushroom spread
sounds uncoheasive af, but mostly because of that fucking mayo.

>> No.13677386

At least in America, most of what's sold as ordinary table salt is a weird chemical product enriched with iodine.

Kosher salt is real salt.

>> No.13677478

all salt is kosher numbnuts

>> No.13677482

uh huh

>> No.13677545

I use Himalayan pink salt

>> No.13677948


>> No.13677955

does kosher salt do well in the oven?

>> No.13677985
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for me, it's rhoda

>> No.13677992
