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File: 112 KB, 393x393, XDVmdQm9_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13667921 No.13667921 [Reply] [Original]

This is Starbucks. Say something nice about it.

>> No.13667926

Ima get down on that starbucks pussy

>> No.13667927

They sell bananas.

>> No.13667929

The twinks or the lesbanes

>> No.13667934

she looks like she fucks black guys

>> No.13667941
File: 19 KB, 500x394, moreofthisplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a cute girl so I could lez out and grind my vegene against another girl's bobs. Especially if I was a little brown girl and I could make love to big fat white girls. Or a little white girl who could make love to little brown girls. Or a little azn girl who could get bullied by a big muscular black girl. Any kind of lesbianism would be great because I'd be a pretty girl and not a big bony smelly man with a rough face and veiny muscular forearms

>> No.13667949

this but unironically

>> No.13668172

I've never understood wtf those things to the side of Starbucks bitch are supposed to be. Are they her horribly misshapen arms? Her gravity-defying hair? Fish tails up in the air, fishqueefing on her face while their own faces eat her box?
What the fuck are they?!

>> No.13668192

I always thought they were pieces of seaweed or something.

>> No.13668201

Fucking overpriced swill.Never go unless I'm browsing books at barnes and noble then I'll grab a vanilla latte.

>> No.13668202

Sometimes, the consistent shittiness of starbucks coffee is better than the absolute travesties that you can run into on road trips through flyover country
She has 2 fish tails instead of legs, she's spreading that pusy wide open for the camera

>> No.13668205

Fuck off cunt

>> No.13668225

Expensive and not worth it.

>> No.13668229

She's a doublemermaid?

>> No.13668246
File: 15 KB, 229x221, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their old logo is quite possibly too lewd for a blue board, but yes

>> No.13668259

No wonder she didn't want Ahab to kill that big fish; she's two big fishes.

>> No.13668261

I'm addicted to cold brew.

>> No.13668305

It's supposed to be a Siren which is a Greek mythological creature.

>> No.13668308

And a prostitute. Two-tailed mermaids were a sign that you could find hookers there.

>> No.13668330

I'm literally from where the Sirens were supposed to live and I can say with certainty that Starbucks bitch ain't no Siren.

>> No.13668433

I like fucking the young girls that work there out back behind the dumpster

>> No.13669172


>> No.13669187

on a scale from shit to fucking shit, it's fucking goddamn shit

>> No.13669231

burnt water

>> No.13669559

It doesn't exist in country where I live.

>> No.13669783

Don't be ridiculous. Most of them are lesbians.

>> No.13669925

giant waste of money but how do I make an iced latte without espresso machine? who else has an iced latte as good?

>> No.13670239

You could make shakerato, a Neapolitan-style caffelatte. While the bar version is always made with espresso, the home version comes in two varieties. One uses coffee from a moka pot and the other uses coffee from either a French drip or flip drip (Neapolitan drip). If either is hard to find in your area, you can use a Vietnamese drip which can be found at most Asian grocery stores for a song. It's very similar to a French drip.

To make one using a drip set up, brew it over ice at double strength then pour the freshly chilled brewed coffee either into a cocktail shaker (hence the name shakerato) or into a bottle with a tight-fitting cap. Add sugar if/as desired, cap it and shake until it's completely dissolved. Pour out into your cup and add milk to your taste.

>> No.13670352

Worked at this shithole for two months, AMA

>> No.13670385
File: 160 KB, 390x379, 1571300314830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they discontinue iced latte macchiatto?
was it too complicated for their little wagie brains??

>> No.13670501

I am so happy to live in a Starbucks-free area.

>> No.13670510

Why only two months?

>> No.13670537

Did u screw any of the female staff?

>> No.13670540

Good place to take a piss and not spend any money because fuck them and their politics.

>> No.13670543

It gives me a chance to talk to girls who would otherwise call me a stalker

>> No.13670572

>At the beginning of September 2006 and then again in early 2008, Starbucks temporarily reintroduced its original brown logo on paper hot-drink cups. Starbucks has stated that this was done to show the company's heritage from the Pacific Northwest and to celebrate 35 years of business. The vintage logo sparked some controversy due in part to the siren's bare breasts
Why are putts so afraid of tits? Even crudely drawn ones on a logo seem to get them seething.

>> No.13670584

Cognitive dissonance caused by weird puritanical vibes clashing with modern pop culture
It's kind of just omnipresent background noise in america

>> No.13670673

Because you base your view on some news article that based its story on a small handful of weirdos that got offended by some crudely drawn mermaid tits.

>> No.13670867

Do I sound like a braindead seattle exec? Figure out the recipe and ask for it custom.

Fuck corporations treating staff like robots, and FUCK karens who have never worked a day in their lives complaining about mistakes they make. Yeah Melissa who ordered seven shots of espresso instead of chai in her chai tea latte, I'm talking about you.

They're all crazy and/or obese, fuck that.

>> No.13670876

im gay btw not sure if that matters

>> No.13670950
File: 108 KB, 1200x630, F16nRDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that article though is it, remember when Janet Jackson caused your entire country to go into a meltdown? How about Picasso, why was that censored?

>> No.13670993

Literally any other coffee place. Do flyovers not have have people who roast their own coffee

>> No.13671000

Been to a starbucks once, got an iced coffee, was good

>> No.13671085

it's a known quantity and the best coffee you can get in 90% of America. their dark roast is great in an iced drink, especially iced Americanos

>> No.13671222

I'm on a diet so I need nutrition info. I don't trust independent hipster places desu

>> No.13671739
File: 124 KB, 602x920, 867F1E55-F763-43CB-958C-3D56684D6B9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down with fish pussy
personally I prefer my mermaids with fish tops and lady bottoms

>> No.13672803

Two tails. Represents a medieval mythological figure but I forget the name. Kinda weird.

>> No.13672823

Its a consistent experience you can find literally anywhere. Pike place is a hearty blend coffee that's hard to beat for what they sell it for. I just think most people hating it are just contrarian faggots who can't appreciate anything remotely large.

>> No.13673736


>> No.13675403

Why is this hooker so pricey

>> No.13675426

I like their roibos tea