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File: 138 KB, 1200x896, lucali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13667255 No.13667255 [Reply] [Original]

Is waiting 2-5 hours for a fancy NY pizza worth it?

>> No.13667266

It’s a pizza, not an acid trip...

>> No.13667272

That style of pizza in that style of oven cooks in about 4 minutes though, where are you getting this 3-5 hours? Have you ever cooked anything?

>> No.13667273

This dude has lines around the block everyday for his pizza and it's usually first come first serve. He's only open for a few hours.

>> No.13667276

The line, dipshit

>> No.13667285
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Let me guess this is some dumb ass brookl*n thing? I only leave manhattan to go to the airport. brookl*n is a flyover borough filled with shit people

>> No.13667290

god i hate americans so damn much

>> No.13667291
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Why would I stand in line for shitty brookl*n pizza when I can just go to the neighborhood place that's probably better?
>hurr hurr it's a chain from some place
Who gives a shit, only flyover brookl*nites would humiliate themselves like this

>> No.13667292

Lena Dunham needs to be purged with fire

>> No.13667293

It's not worth it and you know it. I bet you could find better pizza by driving to someplace in new england in less time than that line.

>> No.13667298

Jay Z said it was the best NY pizza spot on a talk show so he’s set

>> No.13667299
File: 397 KB, 1800x2250, avg_brookl*nite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not unusual, everyone in brookl*n is like that

>> No.13667307
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>> No.13667311

Literally NO ONE with a common sense will wait 5 hrs.for a pizza.
Why Would You...

>> No.13667316


Based Mark

>> No.13667341

lena dunham is honestly based as fuck

>> No.13667343

>Jay Z said it was the best NY pizza spot on a talk show so he’s set
He knows if he calls anything the best it'll boost their be huge advertising so I'd suspect any time he does this it's because someone paid him to say that.

>> No.13667348

would you suck a bodywarm turd straight out of her asshole my mang?

>> No.13667382

Only hipster parts. And that’s pushing it because hipsters are often broke and yuppies are taking over where they use to live. Most of Brooklyn isn’t like that though, blue color people, Jews, and immigrants from all over just tryna work.

t. born and raised in marine park

>> No.13667440

God damn it anon. I wasn't able to fall asleep so I thought I'd browse ck for a bit before rubbing one out to fall asleep easier but now there's no way I'm gonna be able to both jerk off and fall asleep after seeing that creatura.

>> No.13667467
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Why do I like pineapple on pizza better than raw pineapple? Am I eating it wrong? Or does the cooking/salt add something to the flavor?

>> No.13667506
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How's this instead?

>> No.13667514

if there was a button that would kill every american, i wouldn't hesitate to push it

>> No.13667515

I’d fuck him in the ass while jerking him off

>> No.13667519


>> No.13667522

Sure thing white male feminist progressive leftist American

>> No.13667528
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>> No.13667531

grow up

>> No.13667538

Well if I was forced to pick one between the trap you posted and Lena Dunham I'd pick the trap. No homo.
Just reverse search and you'll see.

>> No.13667552

and get myself fired because some dumbfuck kid on the internet was saying gay shit, yeah that will great on my resume

>> No.13667559

the american flag is a joke to me, i physically laugh everytime i see it. american is made of butter, american woman made of herpes.

>> No.13667566

I went to brooklyn to thus expensive fancy pizza place and they brought my mom and brothers pizza and said have a good meal or somthing and they forgot about mine...

>> No.13667569

Maybe that will give you the opportunity to find a job where you don't work on the day of the Lord.

>> No.13667576

Im really offended by what you said

>> No.13667581

and maybe when you grow up you'll figure out the concept of responsibility, but I'm not holding my breath

>> No.13667585

I'd rather go to Achmed's down the road desu.
They are all for giving extra toppings when you order a custom pizza.

>> No.13667587
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>maybe when you grow up you'll figure out the concept of responsibility, but I'm not holding my breath

>> No.13667593

real mature

>> No.13667604

I refuse to eat a pizza anywhere that doesn't have a wood fire oven.

>> No.13667606
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>> No.13667609

you sound very sophisticated you wouldnt happen to have foodblog by any chance

>> No.13667623

I refuse to eat a pizza where you have to wait for three hours. What the fuck is this shit? Sitting around for three hours in Brooklyn used to get you shot. Pizza is supposed to be five minutes tops and getdafuckouttaheeya!

>> No.13667883

t. west coastie trying to blend in

>> No.13668407

>Just reverse search and you'll see.
Well damn.
Still hotter than ~98% of women out there.

>> No.13668494

dolla slice brotha!

>> No.13668499


>> No.13668500

shut the fuck up reddit

>> No.13668514

because it's in a savory dish? try using pineapple with chicken, stir fry, salsa, hamburgers, etc

>> No.13668521


>> No.13668529

new yorkers always go on about how good their pizza is but when you make it into new york do they still go on about their pizza elitism?

>> No.13668532

fuck off mde is fourchan

>> No.13668554

Don’t tell the flyovers about these places, let them think it’s all Brooklyn shit.

>> No.13668570

>NY pizza
Choose one

>> No.13668586

Crying baby. Jpg

>> No.13668632

Yes, because they could see you didn't need one, fat-arse.

>> No.13668695

nooooo not the heckin good motorino

>> No.13668723

>Is waiting 2-5 hours for a fancy NY pizza worth it?
I dont know about worth it but if I had friends with me to go grab a drink with to kill the time and the pizza was good I'd be willing to wait 2-3 hours
If I was hungry and/or alone, no

>> No.13668728


>> No.13668739


>> No.13669066

New Haven Apizza>New York Pizza

>> No.13669067

>apizza turns out to be a real term
oh fuck off

>> No.13669162

>He said, while supposedly browsing 4chan at work
You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.13669168 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13669688

How fat are you?

>> No.13669809

I've always wondered about this place. The story goes that some joe schmoe construction worker saw his childhood candy store for sale, bought it when NYC was gentrifying, sat on it for a while and then decided to make a pizzeria with no actual restaurant or cooking experience. Then bada bing bada boom it's one of *THE* pizzerias of New York.

>> No.13669814

pretty sure it's mostly fags and desperate white women who want to be dined by the italian construction worker chad or maybe i'm just projecting

>> No.13669843

No. Some people try to add a legend to Pizza to make it look like some gourmet stuff. It's the food of poorest Italian working class. It's pretty tasty but it's not worth waiting more than any other food.

>> No.13671127

Pizza has no right to be "fancy", it is just cheese and tomato sauce on bread. Some pizza are better than others, but pizza gentrification is some cringe stuff. Same thing to sushi.

>> No.13671149

You wouldn't know one of those Crisco Discos if one felched you without even giving you a reach-around. Bridge&Tunnel scum thinking they know shit.

>> No.13671157


He’s just a pizza savant, his process is legit.

>> No.13671176

been here and its worth it. achieves the trinity of perfect cheese, crust, and sauce

>> No.13671179

that pizza looks like shit

>> No.13671185
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itt: flyovers coping/seething

>> No.13671191

t jew who would wait in line even for his own gassing because everybody else does too

>> No.13671198

gentlemen, i present exhibit A

>> No.13671202

get back in line

>> No.13671306

absolute coping

>> No.13671380
File: 52 KB, 633x605, 0cgkC9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best pizza is one with american toppings cooked in an italian oven

>> No.13671509

>dumbfuck kid
>35 years old
Bet I make a lot more as a surveyor than you do as a desk jockey too. Bet my helper makes more than you.

>> No.13671552

>Is waiting 2-5 hours for a fancy NY pizza worth it?
No, it's not.

Waiting like that is for people who live there and have friends they may not have seen in a while to chat with and drink wine with over that course of time. It'll be because of nostalgia or history that they'd wait outside of a like one of the earliest pizzarias in America, such as a Sally's.. There's going to be some people who work in the industry that simply must know the secrets, the combinations, and whatever else they want to copy or at least know about when asked.

When the cro-nut was a new thing, people paid line waiters by the hour or a fee, just like they did back when they wanted concert tickets in the 80s. It's a thing. There are people who are just fine playing on their cellphone for 4 hours for the next Apple release, or the newest ride at Universal Studios, or because they review items for their job. To each their own.

>> No.13671562

NYC needs to be fucking wiped from existence.

>> No.13671573

>durr cope cope cringe based cringe cope tranny shill 6 million cope cringe based soy based tranny hurr

>> No.13672782

ny za is a shitty meme, all regional za meme is a meme. except real italian.

>> No.13672839

Are you Russian?

>> No.13673773


pepe's bacon broccoli pizza is unironically the best pizza I ever had

it pisses me off so much because it's in connecticut too and I live in the city.

it's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.13674506

fuck normalfags

>> No.13674510

i saw her on ave A a while back. she looked disgusting, nipples protruding

>> No.13674546

The only thing that bothers me is the tattoos. I don’t mind tattoos on girls, but hers look more like large birthmarks sporadically strewn about her body. At least give it some sort of visual flow instead of looking like a teenagers notebook doodles

>> No.13674568

real Italian is overrated unless you really appreciate a straight tomato flavor.

>> No.13674596

It's mostly a marketing meme. An industry guy got to observe the other pizza mecca, Defarra's and basically said the guy's process wasn't anything special. The crust was nothing out of the ordinary in terms of fermentation or ingredients, the cheese and tomatoes were premium sourced but the same standard as any upscale pizza place.

>> No.13674681

Get New Haven apizza, might have an hour wait but it's way better than brookylnite hipster shit pizza.

>> No.13674894

actually italian is the meme. its good, but its not objectively better than NY or chicago or detroit or whatever. they're all different and great, and honestly IMO america elevated pizza way beyond what italy did.

>> No.13675536

is this the guy from "is it a pizza?"

>> No.13675639


Mark Iacono

>> No.13675664

Why would you need 2 hours for something that bakes in like 10 minutes?

>> No.13675684

Why the fuck are you browsing 4chan of all places when you're at work?
If you were responsible or smart as you said, you would've found something a bit more SFW when in the middle of a break to not risk anything.

>> No.13675791

>fancy NY pizza
No such thing, pizz in the us is shit.

>> No.13676370
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Donald Trump appeared in a 1995 commercial for Pizza Hut's Stuffed Crust Pizza

Mike Bloomberg explains what makes a good pizza: a very thin, burned crust, with cracked red pepper and pepperoni on top.

>> No.13676416

wtf i love big apple kikes now