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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 481 KB, 1668x932, brave_2020-02-15_23-09-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13663661 No.13663661 [Reply] [Original]

So vegans
The plant on the left (You are so retarded you don't even know what species it is) I planted without hurting animals. I cannot live. Most won't live. Only one on the far right will live. I will eat it.

The plant on the left and those buried by other plants have struggled and suffered their whole lives. Some seeds germinated late and got snuffed out. They actively seek the light, and failed. I didn't give them enough light. I gave enough light for the strong ones to live, the lucky ones to live.

How can you eat just plants? Animals are far more opportunistic and morally viable than these plants grounded and owned by me. Controlled by me. Owned by me.

>> No.13664921

I showed a anti-vegan slaughterhouse footage and he got scared and wanted me to turn off the video, direct quote "NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT STOP SHOWING PEOPLE THAT"

He eats dairy and meat daily.

>> No.13664953
File: 991 KB, 1280x800, 1575727630217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you show the animals you kill vegan?



>> No.13664971

B...but those avocados are all fed to cows, I swear!

>> No.13664975
File: 54 KB, 680x888, Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Trying to use retard logic in an effort to prove how much smarter and cooler he is than millions of other people!

Hey retard, people have been eating plants since the beginning of mankind. It's a completely normal and arguably more ethical lifestyle than consuming the hormone pumped American shit you call "meat" on a daily basis.

Also imagine being such a whiny, virgin, incel faggot nigger you actually make a thread like this. In case you didn't realize it, this is a food and cooking board, not a political or ethical/philosophical debate board. Go to /pol/, /b/, or fuck even /lit/ if you want to debate you stupid faggot. Some people just want a normal, cordial thread about vegan food/vegetarian dishes on a blue board and you can't even live with that. You just have to go in and ruin it for everyone and then make an ENTIRE thread of your own because you're such a special snowflake that you just HAVE to prove you are SO much smarter than people who eat plants! Wow buddy congratulations you're really impressive. You've really shown you have no life at all.

t. non vegan/vegetarian, just hate autist incels

Picture related, it's you with Lauren Southern. Your boobs are getting small go eat some tendies faggot

>> No.13664989

>roadkill is the same as slitting a animal's throat and gasing them
We all have stepped on ants or drove over a animal, what you are saying is false equivalency. Accidental killing cannot be compared to keeping constantly pregnant animals for BACON Lol XD

>> No.13664992

I agree with this guy. Meat eater here.
It's embarrassing how quickly and hard people seethe.

>> No.13664993

What is it with veganism triggering everyone? Even vegans get triggered.

>> No.13664998

I worked at Canada’s largest beef slaughterhouse. Was called lakeside packers at the time. Used to do about 5500 head of cattle every 24 hours. Never bothered me at all. If anything, it made me want to eat my steaks even more rare than I did before, so basically went from med rare to blue.

>> No.13664999

>be above average looking girl
>say racist stuff
>an army of spergy incel followers develops immediately
I wonder if she could get them to fight each other over her or if they're all just keyboard warrior pussies

>> No.13665000

Its mainly anti vegans starting fights and trying to make vegans quit. And trying to convince them of some made up cult like claim like steak is holy food

>> No.13665002

Agreed. Whenever I eat vegan food in real life people get upset. I enjoy it more than finding bones daily in my food

>> No.13665011


The funny thing is she really liked to fuck Arabs and blacks. But she recently got knocked up so she married some beta cuck who she'll divorce in a few years.

>> No.13665014

Contrarianism. The pervasive image of the trendy healthy lifestyle and Upper Middle Class Veganism tying into the very fabric of somebody's personality, which began long ago, prompted a mega shitstorm among those who disagreed with this lifestyle. This shitstorm has continued unabated despite the decrease in the Healthy Lifestyle Choice's cultural perfusion.

>> No.13665016

It's more like the casual pursuit of health stopped being something remarkable and became just a normal thing that most people try to do, to varying degrees of success. Meanwhile edgelords decided they are now being persecuted because they saw a brand of soda that said "gluten free" and this is literally white genocide

>> No.13665019

I agree with you, I saw a post by anti vegan feeling threatened because their sister wanted a cake with no animal products. This person wasnt vegan and just wanted a plant based cake.

The whole feeling victimized over nothing situation is real

>> No.13665035
File: 402 KB, 1280x800, 1581595814453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it bro, you don't give a fuck about animals, no vegan does. If you want to starve yourself and be in a anorexia cult, be my guest, stay vegan and die.

>> No.13665038
File: 806 KB, 1280x800, 1574800642173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service.

>> No.13665042
File: 702 KB, 885x1103, Vegans Can do Anything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want any vegans to quit. I want them to stay vegan so I can laugh at their miserable death.

>> No.13665048

Thousands of people die at Everest..
What's with anti vegans nitpicking the most ridiculous things?

>> No.13665058

God, I hate vegans so much.

>> No.13665064
File: 711 KB, 1280x800, Vegan Model Dies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every vegan death is lolsworthy. Who will be the next vegan to die Young??

>> No.13665338


Don’t cut yourself on that edge

>> No.13665342

The choice to become vegan should be someone's own choice and no one else's. Do your research on the amount of raw ingredients to avoid. Check out If It's Raw, Be Honest About It: An Agri-Growth 101 Guide to Protein. You can also go vegetarian if you like, but be prepared for it to take a toll. Chances are, you'll get sick from your cruelty-free diet for the first time in your life.

>> No.13665382

Thank you, he was being edgy and deludes himself into thinking all death is caused by eating plants only.

>> No.13665471

Not him, but it’s still definitely funny. Saying someone is edgy isn’t really an insult, not on 4chan anyways.

>> No.13665545

It doesn't need to be an insult to be an accurate description.

>> No.13665787

>vegan = oddball diet
>one of the people dieing on Mount everest was vegan, so every vegan is frail
kek, you're pathetic.

>> No.13665842


>> No.13667020

