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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13657302 No.13657302 [Reply] [Original]

What's objectively best ice cream flavor?

>> No.13657312

Raisin rum

>> No.13657315

Chocolate mint

>> No.13657318

butter pecan

>> No.13657322

If that's supposed to be provocative she failed hard. Just looks like a downie with brain freeze.

>> No.13657324

objectively? vanilla. You can't mask the quality of ice cream with other shit if it's vanilla. That being said, I like a good mint with dark chocolate bits ice cream.

>> No.13657329


>> No.13657335

Yes, western zoomer women have been conditioned into behaving as if sex is all they have to offer; all the while screaming about equality and decrying misogyny. That cognitive dissonance causes unbearable emotional distress, so they turn to alcohol or drugs.

>> No.13657339

Black pussy
I specially like it when it's really pink inside

>> No.13657344


>> No.13657357

built for bwc

>> No.13657358 [DELETED] 

>blackboi cope
yes your queen loves white cock, get over it.

>> No.13657370


>> No.13657373

Pretty sure that's Murrican thing since I never heard of this one.

>> No.13657380

thats why its objectively the best

>> No.13657394

This is my favorite as well. I like other flavors but typically even the shittiest mint chocolate is palatable.

>> No.13657442

Don't worry there is plenty of white dick to go around
You can have your turn once I'm done with your women

>> No.13657471

Tequila. My only complaint is that you can't really mix it with anything, because the flavor is so delicate.

>> No.13657504

strawberry, vanilla, almonds and meringue

>> No.13657507

Plain. No vanilla, no sweetening. Just iced cream. It's hard to find in stores, though, so when you get a taste for it you'll probably end up getting your own ice cream maker.

>> No.13657509

Graham cracker.
Strawberry a close second.

>> No.13657515

French-vanilla, butter-pecan, chocolate-deluxe

>> No.13657517

French vanilla isn’t better than regular vanilla. It’s way too sweet.

>> No.13657634


>> No.13657640

Blue moon cookie dough

>> No.13657705

god i wish that were me

>> No.13657813


>> No.13657820

Chocolate swirl.

>> No.13657831

Is this bitch driving? I hoped she ran into something.

>> No.13657837

obviously mirrored

>> No.13657838

maybe it's in England and she's front seat passenger

>> No.13657851

Pecans are definitely a new world food and not much is exported except to Hong Kong for some reason.

>> No.13657855

poob flavor

>> No.13657858

soft serve is in the reach of every hand these days, thanks to our god Ronald McDonald

>> No.13657865

mmm vanilla chocolate swirl if you know what I mean by that

>> No.13657867

You want to get your ass filled with cum?

>> No.13657899

I like pistachio and cookies n cream a lot

and plain old vanilla is good too.

>> No.13657903
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>Plain. No vanilla, no sweetening. Just iced cream. It's hard to find in stores, though, so when you get a taste for it you'll probably end up getting your own ice cream maker.

>> No.13657916

I'm upset that she's filming herself doing this while driving. Just pull over so you don't kill anyone, you dumb bitch

>> No.13657919
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Doesn’t have the same effect when it’s a black person...

>> No.13657929
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>> No.13658577

Looks like she filmed this while driving.

>> No.13658579

mint chocolate chip duh

>> No.13658581


>> No.13658658

For me they're pretty well known, though not that common. I've just seen them on some pastries, but that's pretty much it.

>> No.13658659
File: 2.49 MB, 1280x720, obama's girls share a white popsicle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13658671

Blue moon

>> No.13658675

what's her name?

>> No.13658680


>> No.13658701

Vanilla because it's white.

>> No.13658705

cookies and cream

>> No.13658706

god i wish that was me being licked and shared

>> No.13658711

>white knighting retarded behavior
kill yourself

>> No.13658720

Or maybe she really doesn't live in a place where everybody drives on the wrong side of the road.

>> No.13658724


>> No.13658727

Do you think there was any daddy/daughter action or was it all just sister/sister?

>> No.13658732

Pralines ‘N Cream
Any other option is a sign of brain damage

>> No.13658739


>> No.13658748


>> No.13658753

What? Is that really her IG name?

>> No.13659741

her first bfs gonna get droned

>> No.13659766

Rocky road

>> No.13659779

she cute

>> No.13659889


>> No.13659899

>What's objectively best ice cream flavor?
vanilla, because of all the variations you can do with it.

>> No.13659909

now imagine that was a BWC

>> No.13659920

Double, triple, or quadruple chocolate

>> No.13659940

I'm imagining it as a FAWC (fairly average white cock) because that's what I have.

>> No.13659946
File: 11 KB, 240x300, AverageMan1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based average man

>> No.13660027


Blackberry is a close second.

>> No.13660126

italian hazelnut.

>> No.13660137

Long penises are stupid, because no woman's G spot is on the cervix. Shorter lengths at least have a chance of encountering a vagina for which they are the perfect length for the tip to strike the G spot at the perfect angle and giving that woman the most amazing orgasm of her life. You do want girth, though.

>> No.13660151

The new girlfriend likes my penis which is nice. She has little hands but she can't wrap them all the way around it which excites her I think.

>> No.13660243
File: 82 KB, 480x701, 1580106436026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee. Although I had strawberry rosemary gelato in I think munster and I think that might have been one of the best things I've ever eaten.

>> No.13660253

Her mouth looks like it tastes so good

>> No.13660258

It's basically sweet cream with pecans. It's pretty great. It has a nice clean flavor that lets the sweetness of the pecans shine. A real old fashioned kind of American ice cream before we went psycho with the gluttony after WWII

>> No.13660259

my man

>> No.13660266

She looks incredible in general. Having your forehead pressed against her forehead and looking directly into her eyes as you both orgasm simultaneously would be a religious experience.

>> No.13660274


>> No.13660302

fag lol

>> No.13660315

>Having your forehead pressed against her forehead and looking directly into her eyes as you both orgasm simultaneously
This is the best feeling in the entire world. Everyone should experience it at least once.

>> No.13660331

>She looks incredible in general
If only she wasn’t black

>> No.13660341

Real hetero men know that spreading their genes across all ethnicities is the best way to ensure their line's survival.

>> No.13660349
File: 65 KB, 1024x683, 4A7E5AD8-92F6-474E-B464-8CD40578B8C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real hetero men aren’t liberals

>> No.13660360

I never said anything about politics. I'm speaking on matters of evolutionary biology.

>> No.13660362

Olde English toffee

>> No.13660371

I inferred that you’re a liberal because you’re obviously stupid since what you said makes no sense for explaining attraction. How could you ever look at a person and think that they would look better if someone watercolor tooled the color of shit to their skin? Also if you really care about your children’s future you wouldn’t want to contribute to these overpopulating monkeys destroying the planet.

>> No.13660382
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Didn't read your post. If you don't want to fuck hot black women you're gay.

>> No.13660388

what a retarded way of thinking
based as fuck

>> No.13660390

This You really should read my post it contains relevant information to your desires in life. You want to spread your line that’s why you think you should fuck ugly turd women as well as good looking women but if you actually care about your line well then continuing the destructive nigger race is dooming them to lower life quality and probably the end of society through overpopulation, the pollution they don’t control, and their need to have their own environmentally destructive industrialization.

Black people are literally all of the worlds problems, if they disappeared it would be like a darkness leaving the earth.

>> No.13660402

Fuck off, racist cunt.

>> No.13660403

Actually think for 2 seconds in your life you retard liberal, black people are nothing but a huge problem. We are literally trading the planet for overpopulating niggers, is it worth it? What do they have to show for themselves, singing about being antisociety and killing people? That’s what we are trading the environment for lmao? Fuck you dumbshit liberals.

>> No.13660404

Man, I'm all for racism, but you sound like an absolute faggot preaching there.

>> No.13660407

Nah I don’t, black people are a huge issue that affects my future and yours too and we have to take this seriously. We need to talk about the nigger problem and stop doing things to support these evil evil people.

>> No.13660409

And I mean they’re literally ugly, like if we had to give up white people to save the planet maybe that would suck but who cares about gods diarrhea?

>> No.13660413

Your "knowledge" of blacks is like a fucking caricature. I work with a ton of them and their attitudes, work ethics, beliefs, personalities, and actions are as widely varied as any other group's members. Some of them are garbage and some of them are wonderful.
Reject collectivism and see the world for what it really is.

>> No.13660414
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A gallon of water with a drop of shit in it is still shitty water.

>> No.13660418
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Nice anecdotal evidence. I'm sure the house niggers are much smarter than the field niggers.

>> No.13660420

>your arguments based on reality are like you based them on reality, can’t you see my totally valid personal anecdote carries more weight

I said that niggers are overpopulating and they are, I said that nigger countries don’t control their pollution and they don’t, I said that they need to industrialize and they do, I said they sing about crime and killing people and they do.

Let’s add a few more, if you hate mass shootings in america then getting rid of blacks will solve the majority of them, if you hate rape blacks are the worst offenders.

There is NOTHING you can say to defend these horrible people, in large part because you’re a stupid liberal.

>> No.13660686

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter in CKll. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 16 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another ruler. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - choosing her focus, getting her the right education, breeding in the right traits. All of it has one simple result: her stats are more enjoyable for the man that will eventually make use of her insanely high diplomacy.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random Karling who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to raise a horde of children using her. He gets the benefits of her Honest and Trusting personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a ruler who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 16 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.13660696

Cookies and cream no fucking questions asked

>> No.13660828

Second best after pralines and cream

>> No.13660954

Literal fags