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13656000 No.13656000 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so shit? Aside from Maccas there's KFC and that's pretty much it, HJs is fucking awful and we don't have anywhere near the amount of yank chains areas like Europe and Asia do like 5 guys, shake shack, in n out, chick fil a, etc

>> No.13656009

Start your own 5 guys. Call it 5 Roos and make your signature dish an emu burger.

>> No.13656020

KFC and Maccas are shit along with HJs. You could try Oporto or Guzman y Gomez.

>> No.13656055

Get a HSP from your local kebab shop anon.

>> No.13656062

Are you in Western Australia or the Northern Territory?

>> No.13656089

Go get a cheeky Nandos instead.

>> No.13656098

damn id like to visit australia

>> No.13656232
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American here, I thought it was called mcdonalds ad you cunts would just call it maccas as slang.

>> No.13656237

It was. But corporations always consumes culture and spits it back out at you. There should have been resistance to McDonald's adopting its own nickname, but we're a bunch of gormless shits who love to bow to authority figures.

>> No.13656372

>HJ is fucking awful
kill yourself cunt and take your retarded opinions back to whatever bum fuck shit hole you live in

>> No.13656573

Oporto & Nandos are decent, Guzman has given 3 people I know food poisoning
HJs is garbage mate, not even fit for the bogans who fill the places

>> No.13656580

why did they have to bastardize the name so much?

>> No.13656581

I miss Hungry Jacks being in the foodcourts, now theyre only at rest stops it feels like.
All the fast food places now are trying to be semi restaurant as well and every decent feed is minimu 10 dollars

>> No.13656598

Because they're pretending to be friends with Australians. And Australians are dumb enough to fall for the trick.

>> No.13656623

Have you considered that it's because aussies are a bunch of fruity fags?

>> No.13656630

But my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather stole some bread to feed his child and was forced to go to Australia and that is based because fuck the establishment.

>> No.13656637

My friend my friend you need some Fattoush or some Manakish, good Lebanese food mate.

>> No.13656651

Do Australians really?


>> No.13656658

Probably, but like all cultures it is just an approximation. Not all people in the region do the exact same thing. I'm Australian and know a lot of dickheads who consider the HSP a major cultural touchstone in their life. It's not for me. Even something as shitty as a kebab plate is superior drunk food. It isn't completely boring the way kebab meat and chips is. But for those others three metres of oversalted processed meat over chips would be a definitive experience to tell their grandchildren. Again, not for me. But we're both Australian. We just have different perspectives.

>> No.13656662

You sound mad, did someone hurt you?

>> No.13656664

No, but I grew up in a nation barely getting over its cultural cringe and was privileged to observe how the result was even more repugnant.

>> No.13656685

When the next vote comes up get over being part of the British, go indepenent and have some respect for yourself if your capable.

>> No.13656691

Keep telling yourself that but your still british commonwealth, why not have some balls and go independent? Or just keep being whiney bitches like you are.

>> No.13656693

John Howard went away long ago. There aren't any explicitly monarchist candidates left. The closest thing is members who think conversion to republic is more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.13656707

Oporto is fuckin sick cunt

>> No.13656710

Didn't you have three votes already.
1. independence
2. status quo
3. commonwealth

Every single vote of those three you aussies for for status quo, you fucks need to get some balls.

>> No.13656714

... puerto rico is like that here in the USA, we keep giving them votes and they vote status quo but still keep complaining like whiny bitches.

>> No.13656720

PR also got the nonbinding vote for statehood but they voted against it. They're assholes that prefer to be a territory, that way they don't have to pay taxes or be responsible like normal citizens of the USA.

>> No.13656730

There was a referendum for a republic in like ninety ninety two or something which specifically asked whether you approved of the person voted into power being the God Emperor of Australia. Malcolm Turnbull concocted that question under Johnny Howard's influence, and of course it failed the pub test because WTF?

>> No.13656731

That's why they're also complaing like bitches about hurricane relief, they're really not our problem.

>> No.13656735

Because you're too wimpy to go independent and too dependent on British money.

>> No.13656738

England gives us nothing, retard. We give them a little bit in return for the possibility of having parliament disbanded when it goes too far. Ever heard of Gough Whitlam? I know you know about blocked supply. It fucked Obama's administration for about one third of his period.

>> No.13656760

Then why are you too stupid to be commonwealth? The queen of England is your head of state. Get some balls already you kangaroo eating fucks.

>> No.13656762

You have potential but are jokes to us in the USA while you're still commonwealth faggots.

>> No.13657573

I'll put that top of the priority list then, nothing that matters more than Americans taking us seriously

>> No.13657787

>complaining about Maccas
the only people that go there are stoners, meth addicts and boongs.
when people want a proper burger they go to the local petrol station that's famous for their burger and order "The Works".


>HJs is awful
yeah everyone pretty much agrees

>we dont have any fast food waaah fucking waaah
normal Aussies go to the local famous bakery, chinese take-away, the local famous fish n chip shop or to Dominoes for the $5 large pizzas.
No point getting any other take-away really, those cover all bases.

>> No.13657789

Isn't Nando's some british chain? We dont have them in Aus.

>> No.13657791

>Halal Snack Pack
they only have that shit in hipster shitholes like Melbourne.
Also it's thanks to Melbourne that we dont have Scottish-style "Munchie boxes", because the fucking limp-wristed soy latte-sipping hipster faggots thought it was "too unhealthy".

>> No.13657796

if anything we keep the Gov General around in case we need to lay off the entire govt again, like we did in the 80s.
If we go full Republic there's literally nothing stopping those Macca's-pant-shitting faggots in Canberra from ruining shit even more.
Something we could fucking do with right now, the whole fucking govt is corrupt and useless as shit at this point.

>> No.13657884

Australians in general are a shit tier people, similar to Canadians. God definitely got the skin color wrong on them both.

>> No.13658927

HJs is great faggot
Origin Kebabs is god tier though

>> No.13659001

I've been to aussieland once.
When I got off the plane and saw "Hungry Jack's - Home of the Whopper" I knew I was in bizarro world.

Nando's is South African

>> No.13659316
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>South African
glad we dont have them in Aus then
or at least the parts of Aus that matter

>> No.13659330

t. literal fly in fly out flyover

>> No.13659344
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>eating at chain fastfood places in the first place

>> No.13659467


Australia doesn't need more brown people with their rotten food.

>> No.13659541

There's Nandos all over Sydney and Brisbane, not sure about the other cities.

>> No.13659590
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>lives in upside-down humid as fuck Texas

>> No.13659728

Nothing is worse than Red Rooster desu. The most underwhelming cardboard food I've ever tasted.

>> No.13659734

"brown people" food is better than anything your shit tier nation has come up with, you kangaroo nigger. Know your place.

>> No.13659847

Better off going to a pub for a beer and a feed, cheaper than eating McDonald's.

Every suburb has a local fish n chip shop or a bakery, these will always be a better option than mainstream fast food.

>> No.13659860

Bacon deluxe from HJ would go down like a treat rn

>> No.13659863

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.13659898

the burgers are unironically better at hungry jacks though

>> No.13659945

perth unironically has the best burger chains tho

>> No.13660016

Their Bacon Mama burger is pretty good. I don't know if they still have it on the menu, but I got one a couple of months ago and liked it.

>> No.13660190

You don't live in Australia if you don't know any where you can get a kebab you can get snack packs and you can get a kebab anywhere.
Also ask them to add tabouli onion tomato and you have a nice tasting snack pack because the vegetables cut the greasy taste.

>> No.13660196

Halal snack packs are complete shit. Get a kebab plate if you want something like that. They're actually nice. Snack packs are just chips and salty meat. It is so fucking shit that the fact they ever became a thing makes me hate my own nation despite loving my nation. It's really the populace that I hate.

>> No.13660201

Thing is they are better than maccas e.g. still shit

>> No.13660216

Maybe, but try one of the bacon chip butties. They're fun and cheap.

>> No.13660230

loads here in Perth too. that guy must be out in the bush somewhere.

>> No.13660417

Guzman GOAT.

Is Oporto any good? Never had it.

>> No.13660426

There's a couple in Vic, m8

>> No.13660657

Fucking heaps in Vic. Way overpriced for chicken. Better off getting a 1/4 chicken and chips pack from a local shop. Add your own hot sauce if need be.

>> No.13660667

I'm surprised they still exist.

Add in Japanese places for any time I don't feel like adding grease onto my heart.

>> No.13660670

Agreed. Nandos is a meme in Melb and the northern suburbs. The people that usually go there are tourists or city-dwellers from what I've seen

>> No.13661275

Aus had the best MacDs I ever had but that was like 10 years ago

>> No.13661312

>5 guys, shake shack, in n out, chick fil a
German here. We have neither of those
We do have however Pizza Hut and Taco Bell because it belongs to YUM brands

>> No.13661336

>You don't live in Australia if you can get a kebab
fixed this for you.
stay in your containment shithole, fucking Sydneysider.

>> No.13662104

Enjoy your lead poisoning from the mine next door, slave.

>> No.13663526
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tasty pasta

>> No.13664584


not as good as it used to be, but still based.
Chooka's was the best aussie chain, they had the best chicken rolls.
Guzman can suck my dick

>> No.13664586

>Swanston St Macca's

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

>> No.13664589

their burgers are shithouse as well, barely assembled, dry and utterly flavourless.
That'll be $19.50 thanks

>> No.13666036

McD's is cheap poor people food
McD's is for average families

its not fair bros

>> No.13666075

I'm pretty sure that Nando's has locations in the entire anglosphere.

>> No.13666093

should have called it mcdicks so they would never adopt the nickname

>> No.13666114

best fast food is viet dog roll

>> No.13667486
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>maccas thread
>no-one's posted Scomo memes
the fuck is wrong with 4chan?
a world leader shits himself in public at a McDonalds and no-one posts fucking memes about it?