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13656310 No.13656310 [Reply] [Original]

Oranges only exist to be juiced, if you're eating an orange you're doing it wrong.

>> No.13656312

You're not wrong.
But what are your feelings on tangerines?

>> No.13656318

not OP but tangerine juice is fucking delicious and so fucking rare.

>> No.13656325

Oh fuck, I didn't even know people made that shit. It sounds tasty though.

>> No.13656344

most orange juice at the grocery store tastes absolutely awful. juicing oranges feels like a lot of work and is wasteful so I just eat them when I'm in the mood

>> No.13656345

all you need is a juicer. Definitely try it some time.

>> No.13656351

There are super fast juicers out there.
I really enjoy juice from the store though. It makes me feel so refreshed for some reason.

>> No.13656362

I've never actually considered buying one of those automatic juicers. is there certain type that is better than others? do you still need to cut up the fruit

>> No.13656366

I drink orange juice after it’s been juiced by my black girlfriend’s mouth.

>> No.13656410
File: 81 KB, 447x458, 1564332700347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop buying trash oranges from california/brazil

>> No.13656446

I've got this one, it blows through a bag of grapefruit like nobody's business. If you're talking juice and you're not talking fresh cold grapefruit juice then something ain't right. It's also got two different sized plastic parts for big shit like oranges and grapefruit and a smaller one for lemons/limes. If your grocery store has a bin for about to expire produce, they'll probably have big bags of limes for like a dollar every once in a while. Get a bag and juice it into ice cube trays.


>> No.13656455

Juice is a trap, you can't eat the amount of oranges that it takes to fill that glass but you can drink all the sugar easily.

>> No.13656474

modern fruits are unnatural abominations genetically bred that don't resemble their original natural forms, and anything concentrated or processed isn't good for you, but keep drinking that sugar water if it makes you feel good before crashing

>> No.13656496

Sugar is just mo' energy, dudes. Lrn2wrkout

>> No.13656502

Athletes are more prone to type 2 diabetes from all the carbs and energy drinks/gels, electrolyte drinks with sugar, so keep thinking diet doesn't matter.

>> No.13656544

No way, man. I'm not talking about eating unhealthy bullshit like energy drinks, gatorade and all that shit, I'm just talking about slamming a bag of little powdered donuts and a quart of milk every once in a while. Same with fruit juice, you gotta water the concentrated shit down and the fresh goes out of season making it prohibitively expensive for a good portion of the year.

>> No.13656629
File: 118 KB, 1100x1100, Clementines_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't clementines but then it's not the season for them yet.

>> No.13657029

Try making lemonade with fresh apples instead of water.

>> No.13657043

Try killing yourself and never fucking posting again.

>> No.13657055

Blood orange juice and rum

>> No.13657105

Eets tu edgee

>> No.13657114

if it's not high pulp it's dog piss

>> No.13657116
File: 154 KB, 670x445, DSC_0189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Nothing beats a delicious sumo orange that has been chilled in the fridge.

>> No.13657221

lol. there's a obviously different oranges for juice and oranges to eat