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13653645 No.13653645 [Reply] [Original]

>ask for tartar sauce with fish in some fancy place in London
>they say "you don't want that..."

What do? Is this ever appropriate or not for a server? Pic not related.

>> No.13653858

Should not have given the enemy that much intelligence. You should have just locked eyes and said "tartar sauce" like an alpha with chutzpah

>> No.13653969

>go to Europe
>ask for water
>it’s lukewarm
>”may I please get some ice?”
>waiter looks at me like I just took a shit on the table
>check comes later
>charged for the ice
Not only are cold beverages haram, but you’re taxed for them. Ridiculous.

>> No.13653980

what was the dish

>> No.13654002

>ask for tartar
>they bring me some weird pickled carrots, cucumber and god knows what else

>> No.13654010

this was the only culture shock I really felt as a burger living in europe. Only place that would give you ice without looking like you just killed a child was Spain.

>> No.13654043

one time some dumbass ordered fries with mustard, when nobody was looking I spit in my hand mushed my disgusting hands in the fries, dumb faggot deserved it

fries with mustard, pfft

>> No.13654057

Spain is genuinely one of the most based countries in Europe and it's kind of a shame that it's off of most Americans' radar when they go there.

>> No.13654069

Agreed. I was stationed there in the US Army at naval station rota for a month. The people were beyond based, the food was excellent, and the attitude of the people great. Germans tended to treat unknown people like potential rapists or crazy people, but the Spanish would be friendly until you prove otherwise. The hospitality reminded me of home really.

>> No.13654139

Might've been the day before ingredient delivery to the restaurant, lot of places will tell you this if they pride the freshness of their seafood.

>> No.13654141

linguine ai frutti di mare

>> No.13654148

was "he" european?

>> No.13654155

Europe is one of those third world places that don't have safe drinking water. People there drink seltzer instead of regular water. So if you ask for water they're assuming that you're just going to wash your hands with it. Asking for ice doesn't make sense.

>> No.13654284

My first night in Iceland I was at a restaurant by the ocean and got fish and chips, but was really full about half way through and asked for a to-go box. The waitress was like "no, you dont need a box, you can finish it, I believe in you" and I was like okay fine and she was right I forced myself to eat it all. European cultures seem wierd but I get it they just didn't want to be wasteful in my case. Us Americans take alot of shit for granted.

>> No.13654398

What an incredibly boring story. I didn’t read past the first line. Please fuck off back to redit and be boring there instead.

>> No.13654399

hot water good for the healthy
These Eurotrash parasites have learned, thanks to masses of Chinese tourists, that cold water is bad for you so of course they can justify charging for ice. You're just an anti-chinite.

>> No.13654462

dumbest post i've read all day.. my airbnb host in new york also thought american tap water was some modern miracle. Unprompted he went on a long tirade about how the tap water was drinkable, as if that's special, and that it was some of the cleanest in the country because of some mountain or some shit. When I tasted it I gagged and almost puked. It was like drinking from a public swimming pool, if not worse. The amount of chlorine was unlike anything I've experience before or since. Turns out ice cubes were made from tap water in every restaurant, so I had to pass on ice in all my drinks since it tasted like someone was trying to poison me.

>> No.13654589

They're REQUIRED to give people water, kind of like Arizona. So they're going to try to charge everyone they can for their inexpensive septic water because people thought it was free.

>> No.13654830

Fuck the waiter
Listen to the chef
Admit you are a baby and know nothing of the world.
Only chef knows.

>> No.13654949

It’s called fluoride. I wouldn’t expect a European to know about it nor comprehend dental hygiene.

>> No.13655628

fluoride is a fucking neurotoxin

>> No.13655762

and have you heard what they’re putting in the soil?! and those mind-enslaving vaccines...fuck me, US is more dangerous that Australia

>> No.13655795

I've heard from New Yorkers before talking about how their tap water is special, and that's why New York City is the only place in the country you can get "a real bagel."

>> No.13655958

It’s piped in from upstate NY. It just tastes good because of its particular mineral content. The water you use to make bagels does affect the flavor.

>> No.13656620
File: 1.45 MB, 3024x3024, 20200210_133447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I hope you get raped.

>> No.13656627

If it's really a fancy place, just ask what they recommend and go with that. Places like that have their specialties, and you don't really want to stray from the standard experience unless you're going there many many times.

>> No.13656640

>Flint, Michigan
>West Virginia

>> No.13656676

Maybe they could've suggested another sauce?

>> No.13656678

Just consider it a tip and you'll feel better about it

>> No.13656763 [DELETED] 

>just over a week till pancake day
Aw ye lads I'm well up for a fat stack of cakes

>> No.13656783

tap water is perfectly safe to drink in all of europe and in most of it is better than what is sold in stores in america

>> No.13656817


>paying for a product is tax

>> No.13656832
File: 28 KB, 560x481, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13656834

By that logic, education and healthcare are “products” and you stinky Euros can’t bitch when you get charged $50k + tip for them.

>> No.13656836

>kind of like Arizona

>> No.13656839

The fuck, homo

>> No.13656841


He doesn't know..

>> No.13656912

>ITT: Americans think Europe is a single entity and all restaurants are a single entity

>> No.13656916

Americans would be feel at home in Spain.
Same skin colour, same language.

>> No.13656942
File: 139 KB, 640x480, Lupin point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Spain is white, although they DO speak English.

>> No.13657152
File: 1005 KB, 838x1214, 1576749215937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for tatar
>someone from Tartary, the historical central Asian landmass populated by Manchus, Mongols, Turks, and others comes out

>> No.13657160


>> No.13657166

the american mind is accostumed to their corporate overlords using franchises and major brands as a way to simplify their decision making process by providing the same HFCS infused slop in every available location
don't laugh, it's a serious matter for them

>> No.13657177

this kills the american.

>> No.13657185

Europoors SEETHING.

>> No.13657192

>implying you’re not
Chancellor Merkel rules over all of you.

>> No.13657233

Tartare sauce isn’t really going to go with that.

>> No.13657234

it was an interesting anecdote

>> No.13657289

That's weird. I can't fucking stop people filling all my drinks with ice in the UK.

>> No.13657292

Nords are weirdly heartfelt like that.

>> No.13657297

So entitled, why throw a tantrum over someone's post being boring of all things? You wasted the effort making that whiny reply instead of just moving on defeating your point about your time being worth a damn,retard

>> No.13657314
File: 38 KB, 1024x1024, 4713EF3E77A646CA9859E12B8D1EC919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to London
>order whatever ale sounded interesting
>it's lukewarm
It's no wonder we're the superpower honestly.

>> No.13657338

what? in england tap water is safe and in america everyone drinks out of fucking plastic water bottles

>> No.13657340

You don't drink ale ice cold, brainlet

>> No.13657364

He also has probably never out of his own country, seeing as nobody serves ale lukewarm in London.

>> No.13657406

I found his story to be rather interesting. It takes a turn after the first sentence.

>> No.13657463

What an incredibly bitchy post

>> No.13657711

>You should have just locked eyes
>repeating yourself like a beta