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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13651009 No.13651009 [Reply] [Original]

Are you man enough to handle 92% cacao?

>> No.13651016

99% is better and nearly carb free.

>> No.13651024

it also tastes like absolute fucking ass

>> No.13651047

Speak for yourself

>> No.13651068
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>not snorting raw cocoa powder
fucking children

>> No.13651084

Oh boy more attempts at feeling mature by eating horrible tasting foods and convincing yourself you like them

>> No.13651091

Threads like this usually devolve into like one or two retards who cannot grasp the notion of others enjoying different things than they do.

>> No.13651097

yeah idk, maybe you should stop enjoying shitty things then

>> No.13651098

I had a little bit of 90% and it wasn't all together unpleasant but I wouldn't eat it on its own again, its great for hot chocolate however.

>> No.13651100

child-palated dork cope

>> No.13651103

Why are you such a crying little bitch about people not liking sugary things?

>> No.13651105

>t. only my opinion on a wholly subjective matter is valid

>> No.13651110

They do the same thing in coffee and beer discussions.

>> No.13651118

I actually think it might be a couple of consistent anons, like at this point he might as well tripfag because I fucking swear I've had this same conversation with this same sperg.

>> No.13651123

None if of this is subjective. There is something genetically wrong with people who enjoy bitter flavors. Something being bitter is what kept us from eating poisonous shit in the wild. Really has nothing to do with different tastes. Just those of us who are normal and those who are genetically defective, or at least pretend to be to make up for a lack of personality.

>> No.13651128

And it's always the same circular logic with these manchildren
>they claim people pretend to like X food/drink
>how do they know so? because X food/drink is allegedly objectively bad
>and how do they know it's objectively bad if people consume it? because they only pretend to like it

>> No.13651134

Coffee drinkers statistically have a higher life expectancy than coffee abstainers though. Is coffee a poison?
So much for your manchild copetheory, faggot.

>> No.13651140

That's a faulty line of thinking, as pure chocolate has loads of health benefits and yet it's bitter. The health benefits are objective. We both acknowledge it's bitter, but some of us 1) genuinely appreciate the sensation of more complex things beyond a basic, primal instinct 2) love the nutritional benefit so much that we just don't care. Jai Aghor yo.

>> No.13651147

ok fatty

>> No.13651186
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I'm quite thin, not sure what you're on about.

>> No.13651187

>people only drink straight black coffee with no sugar or creamer

>> No.13651191

You're actually a fucking skeleton, what the hell happened to you?

>> No.13651201

I have taste buds, anything over 60% is pointless, like eating a ghost pepper. You're not a man for eating one you're just a masochist.

>> No.13651204

I find I like dark chocolate way better than milk chocolate. Do you think I'd be into these even more cacao-heavy chocolates?

>> No.13651208

>t. blames others for enjoying beer and leaving him out

>> No.13651211

If you like more of a coffee flavour then yeah, it should be something you appreciate

>> No.13651210

you took my picture from last night's thread, ketofattie. stop being fat then you won't have to eat carbfree chocolate anymore.

>> No.13651212

>appreciate the sensation of more complex things
of course you do anon, you are special mommy says so. would you like trophy now?

>> No.13651226

I found a funny video of some hillbilly eating this chocolate.

>> No.13651230

my cum is sweet, want a taste?

>> No.13651235

No, I prefer the complex sensation of bitter cum.

>> No.13651236

I'm guessing you also have sex purely in the missionary position and suffer from seasonal affective. How does it feel only being able to appreciate the most basic things, normie, never knowing what's waiting outside of your comfort zone?

>> No.13651240

there's a reason super dark chocolate is not common, because it's nasty.
it's really funny because he keeps eating it.

>> No.13651247
File: 59 KB, 750x500, 01 - ad hominen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes there it is, you have no argument so you have to insult me. declaring all sorts of things that you have no idea about.


we got the message loud and clear. the emperor has no clothe.

>> No.13651259

Classic American behavior. "THIS FOOD IS AWFUL (keeps eating it)"

>> No.13651267

>pot to kettle

>> No.13651268

another thread ruined by trannies

>> No.13651271

That was me who posted that picture and I argued against the ketotards, dumbass.

>> No.13651280

notorious liar desu

>> No.13651283

Notorious B.I.G.

>> No.13651316
File: 1019 KB, 3120x1718, fattieismad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pic I just took, wrist in the same pose and all. Cope harder, fattie.

>> No.13651336

Not that guy but you look like you're 12, no wonder you're so butthurt.

>> No.13651347

>seething this bad because you got called out on being a manchild and on your bullshit broscience (more like sisscience, faggot lmao)

>> No.13651354

>coffee is poison that turns into a healthy drink with sugar
Not even trying.

>> No.13651368

There it is. Bitter ass shit somehow makes you mature

>> No.13651379

I don't buy it, I'm gonna need to see butt.

>> No.13651398

Actually not sperging out at people who like bitter flavors and not believing in retarded conspiracies about people pretending to like dark chocolate is what makes me mature.

>> No.13651420


This tastes like garbage and the people that eat this now are the same people that were wearing fedoras trench coats in 2008

>> No.13651440

What makes you think you can speak in behalf of other people's tastes? Universe doesn't revolve around your tastes, you stupid faggot.

>> No.13651474

>gets called out
Okay bud. Keep shoveling that shit in your yap

>> No.13651479

Because you have objectively shit taste

>> No.13651493

Literally the circular logic mentioned in >>13651128. Go have some candy and cry, manchild subhuman.

Go have some gummy bears to calm you down, manchild. Crying like a faggot at people who like non-sugary food will only make you feel worse.

>> No.13651507

Why do these faggots invariably seethe at people who like bitter things?
It's like they are personally affected by it to the point of coming out with retarded conspiracy theories.

>> No.13651512


And you repeat that same circular logic by exerting your more mature taste over children's candy

Will you at least consider the idea that you're in the wrong and no one besides snowflakes like this shit. You are not special because you enjoy literal shit

>> No.13651530

I never denied that people don't like bitter things, you stupid subhuman. I'm well aware that manchildren like you exist. It's you who speaks on behalf of others' tastes and comes up with retarded conspiracy theories where nobody actually likes bitter flavor and are collectively pretending to like them.

>> No.13651542

>literal shit
Your own tastes don't define what is good and what is shit, fat stupid faggot

>> No.13651551


>A tip for you ma'lady

>> No.13651556

ITT: literal autism

>> No.13651563
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>> No.13651751

Yeah dude keep on living a lie. It objectively tastes horrible, but wow you're a real grown up. I'm really impressed

>> No.13651761
File: 2.14 MB, 1191x2550, panther_wrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine between 80% and 90%. This is my current favorite. I'd eat 92% and probably enjoy it but it's not my preference

>> No.13651792

The fact that so many people like it makes your "objectivity" garbage, idiot.

>> No.13651795

>It objectively tastes horrible
And you say this based on what exactly?

>> No.13651801

i can do 100 now. 92 is a lark. cacao nibs are cool too, less fatty, so pure torture. and, they wont melt if you put them in your trail mix!!! no mandm guts all over your bag.

>> No.13651813

no, we are people who can discover new foods. sure, some of us die, but some of us also discover new medicines. humans are an EUsocial species, highly social, specialized. every single kind of human serves some purpose if it appears often enough. gay, blind, deaf, autistic, bitter loving, thrill seeking, highly sexual, asexual, super smart, super loving, psychic (yes it exists. reading peoples moods and energiies), empathic, lack of empathy, ocd, schizophrenia, bipolar. the main one we value, physical strength, doesnt even matter that much in the long run.

>> No.13651853

Based on nothing. He pulled the pathetic cope of claiming that bitter things are poisonous and got called out on his bullshit so his manchild feefees are all he can rely on now.

>> No.13651927

Well, I don't know who is who in this discussion but I remember saying something about how dark chocolate is healthy and I want to say that is a false claim based on pseudoscience. You eat it because it is delicious, not because it's "good for you."

>> No.13651996

ur fucking deranged you moron

>> No.13652004

you are unironically correct. I know you inbreeds think that taste buds are a meme but they do change and develop throughout a persons' life.

>> No.13652008

Based on the same reasoning as to why super hot hot sauces are objectively bad. It's just bitter. Nothing else. Its bitter with a shitty texture too like biting into wet chalk

>> No.13652030

bitter is not the word you're looking for. Acidic maybe, but bitterness is not a common note in most hot sauces

>> No.13652042

I was going back to dark chocolate. Used shitty hot sauce as a comparison. I genuinely think most people eat this garbage as some type of talking point.

>> No.13652057

someone post the copypasta explaining the relationship between nu-males and hot sauce obsession pls

>> No.13652651


>> No.13652668

92% is disgusting, 80% is as high as I go.

>> No.13652705

Correct, a square after dinner with coffee is patrician taste
Silence fag

>> No.13652709

a lot of people do things they wouldn't normally do because they want to upload a video of it

>> No.13652716

I had to stop eating sugar because it was giving me skin problems so I started eating unsweetened chocolate. It was almost too bitter at first but I started to like it, especially with some milk to drink in between bites since milk is a little sweet to balance the bitterness. I tried eating sweetened chocolate after a while of not having it and it had a weird fruity flavor from the sugar that just made it not really taste like chocolate to me anymore.

>> No.13652733

I can’t handle anything higher than 72%. Congrats and enjoy your anti-diabeetus.

>> No.13652741

I like to take super dark chocolate and let it melt and coat my tongue, then wash it down with chocolate milk. It make the chocolate flavor of the milk so incredibly intense, it's great.

>> No.13652742

Why not just mix it into the milk?

>> No.13652745

Because when I waddle out of bed at 3:30 AM it's easier to pop a little bite of dark chocolate into my mouth and down it with a glass than it is to melt and mix it.

>> No.13652749

I really hope you brush your teeth after that.

>> No.13652751

>man enough
But dark chocolate is a women's dessert, anonkun.

>> No.13652785

You still can't explain why bitterness is "objectively" bad.

>> No.13652807

Based and cacaopilled.

>> No.13652811

There are different kinds of bitterness, some are more enjoyable than others. Some types of bitterness just make you feel sick, others are just another flavor that some people appreciate.

>> No.13652815

Man here. The 92% moonlight mystique™ is pretty good, imo. I think about naked blue chicks when I eat it.

>> No.13652887

>"I don't know what cacao means"

>> No.13652906

Is this guy gay or just very Southern? I really can't tell.

>> No.13652910

You said the same thing twice.

>> No.13652915

I was just gifted a 99% chocolate with pepper (extremely mild) and it tastes as sweet as a normal chocolate, I was absolutely dazzled.
I first ate the choc without looking up the % cocoa (it's not in the front of the package) and it tasted great, I went to check the ingredients for the % of pepper since it wasn't very noticeable, and bam I noticed the 99% cocoa no sugar added and I was impressed

>> No.13652921

I don't understand how that is possible.

>> No.13652924

Man, neither do I.
It's clearly very high quality chocolate but I'm left wondering if it's not a typo
I'm not a stranger to high-cocoa chocolates but the last time I tried a 99% you could clearly feel there wasn't a drop of sugar in it

>> No.13653054

That's because this board is full of fatties and roasties who consider eating anything that isn't drenched in sugar literal torture and get upset at people who don't, just read this thread and watch how they seethe.

>> No.13653063

>fatties and roasties
same thing