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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.81 MB, 4032x3024, 20200211_184028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13650154 No.13650154 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ today we're having ramen!

>> No.13650165

sure don't look like Ramen to me and I live here

>> No.13650167
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Okay anon. I expect great things from you.

>> No.13650169
File: 937 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-205406_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start searing the pork belly.

>> No.13650176

That is trussed tighter than what I'd usually go for but I'll definitely be watching. Best of luck.

>> No.13650178
File: 809 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-205810_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we just need to sear this guy off first, but we're nearly there.

>> No.13650182

The who belly

>> No.13650184

With what?

>> No.13650193
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Admittedly I'm shit at trussing up meat, I'm always afraid it'll just fall apart if it isn't tight as fuck.

But it's all seared off and in the marinade now.

>> No.13650197
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color me intrigued, OP. I'm rooting for this meal

>> No.13650207
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Just searing it off with vegetable oil.

Braising it in a bath of tamari, sugar, mirin, garlic, ginger and spring onion. With some water to bulk up the volume.

>> No.13650224
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Appreciate it!
Though now the pressure is on.

Just turning the belly every half hour or so, gonna get cooked through over the course of 3 hours, give or take

>> No.13650241

>I must make ramen according to traditional recipe
Boring desu. Be experimental.

>> No.13650245


>> No.13650247
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Pork belly finished!

>> No.13650272


>> No.13650280

Looks good, man. I prefer crispy skin but you're obviously doing some sort of Chinaman's recipe here.

>> No.13650283
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I mean, how would you deviate from the norm?
Make it with lamb or something?

>> No.13650286

I'm excited bro, looks tasty so far

>> No.13650290

Post your feet, roastie.

>> No.13650295

best thread on /ck/. continue

>> No.13650298

did you baste the belly with the braising liquid?

>> No.13650299

Yes. Lamb ramen. Beef ramen. Fish ramen.
Chashu other meats. Do something that isn't chashu to pork. Make your own tare. Live your own life.
Be yourself.

>> No.13650301

Fuggg just want to hold it like a sandwich and take a big chomp out of it. I am monitoring this based thread

>> No.13650303



>> No.13650308
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i can smell this. fuck, it smells GOOD!

>> No.13650316

the toppings are the least important part of a soup (and ramen) tell me about your broth

>> No.13650323
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-211848_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally just have instant noodles with roast chicken breast so this was my attempt at deviating from my own norm. Ironically by being traditional.

Last pic of the finished pork belly, I promise.

>> No.13650336
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what you say OP? Speak!

>> No.13650339

Looks good OP

>> No.13650352
File: 1019 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-214730_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned it in the liquid over a few hours.

I'll get to that momentarily

But also I lied, here is the belly after it's been chilled for a day.

>> No.13650357
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I'm leaving this thread open while I'm out. I expect great things to develop while I'm gone.

>> No.13650369
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-215303_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the pork belly sliced open

>> No.13650380
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You are going to use cheap broth aren't you... why else post the belly bazillion times.

>> No.13650382
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-215531_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't resist

>> No.13650387

>First real ramen
Damn, dude. Sorry I was so harsh. Tackling all components on your first deviation is a toughie but that chashu looks crisp.

>> No.13650394
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Had to have a quick burger to test it out
Plus it means I get rid of the uneven end slice.

>> No.13650395

A man of culture I see

>> No.13650419

So unfortunately I didn't take pics of making the stock (because I did it a few days ago and forgot to)

But here it is bubbling away.
It was a lot of chicken scraps/skin/thigh bone, with onion, garlic, ginger, mushrooms, pak choi, spring onions and carrots.

Into the stock went some of the pork braising liquid, a big tablespoon of my own chilli spiced rub that I make, and some soybean paste.

>> No.13650430
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Forgot to attach the pic because I'm an idiot.
I also meant to add some sesame oil but I forgot to do that as well.

>> No.13650449
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Not bad. You may continue.

>> No.13650465
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Damn, what recipe did you use that it turned out that dark?

Picture is a frozen roll by the way, so yeah it looks even shittier than normal. How the fuck much soy did you throw in? Mine turned out salty as hell and wasn't that dark.

>> No.13650469
File: 1.22 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-221912_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chopped some spring onions for topping and sliced the pork.

>> No.13650524
File: 1.25 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-223226_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno really, I used half as much mirin and sugar as I did tamari. But i also did it all on the stove top instead of in the oven and cooked it over 3 hours slowly.
This was my first time doing it so I'm not sure why it would be darker than yours specifically.

Cut and browned an extra slice, to make sure it passed quality control.

>> No.13650546
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-224225_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the slices seared off and warmed for the ramen!

>> No.13650553
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>> No.13650559
File: 1.39 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-224652_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly time to eat!

Everything sliced up and ready to add.
Last addition is some soy mirin eggs, made about 12 hours beforehand.

>> No.13650564
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>> No.13650568

I can never get those eggs right

>> No.13650574

I'm enjoying your thread OP

>> No.13650590
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200212-225026_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And wall ah!
Bone apple teeth.

Noodles, came from a place nearby that make fresh ones every day that you can buy because fuck making my own noodles.
Plus one of those big cans of Sapporo because I'm a sucker for them.

Hope you enjoyed, I sure as hell did.

>> No.13650604

fuken dank dude
hope to make my own some day

>> No.13650606

Is that Lidl pepper in the background?

>> No.13650632

Ma I'd stick my dick in there

>> No.13650642

Aldi I think, but the top is broke as fuck.

>> No.13650708

is that a fucking nonstick pot you pathetic retard

>> No.13650756

Yup. Unfortunately it's the only pot I have that would fit it.

>> No.13650757
File: 20 KB, 303x303, 1550518126400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good

>> No.13650763

jesus... and if that wasn't bad enough the fucking coating is literally peeling off you stupid piece of shit. Do me a favor and kill yourself, actually scratch that, you already are.

>> No.13650787


>> No.13650797

Looks superb anon. Tell me, did you stuff anything inside the pork belly before you tied it up, like herbs or something?

>> No.13650809

Ahh, the recipes I saw were calling for soy sauce, not tamari. It's going to be a while before I make chashu again though, I'm a country bumpkin and had trouble finding adequate pork. I'll keep this in mind brother.

>> No.13650816

>Poke hole in base of egg
>Boil for 6 mins, mixing gently for first 30 seconds
>Instantly chill in cold water for 6+ minutes, mixing gently for first 30 seconds
>Soak in soy sauce + mirin + sake + water overnight (or for 48h if you can)
It isn't hard, anon

>> No.13650864

Nah, literally just the pork belly trussed up.

Wouldn't have thought that would make much of a difference, I just slightly prefer tamari to soy sauce. Tastes less aggressively salty and is gluten free.

For the record I just drop eggs into slightly salted boiling water for 6 mins.
Then transfer them into cold running water for a while (I don't time it, maybe 10 min)
Then peel and put into marinade.

>> No.13650874

chashu isn't pork belly, you tard.

>> No.13650958
File: 673 KB, 615x595, Phil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit n/a/ruto, learn to google food you obese about.

>> No.13650982

experiment with a noose, faggot

>> No.13650997

cope, ramenlet

>> No.13651061

infusing the meat with teflon really gives it that unique taste

>> No.13651082
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Hey not bad man, I'd love to try my own one of these days.

>> No.13651888

damn bro looks delish
can you sent me some through mail?

>> No.13653510

Very nice thread

>> No.13653538


>> No.13653730

Idk retard, a butcher maybe?

>> No.13653855

Asian markets. If you want a whole one, they generally have them in the back.

>> No.13653900


>> No.13653909

They're in like every grocery store for dirt cheap and I live in fuckin northern Canada, where do you live?

>> No.13653991

I bought a slab of pork belly last week at the normal grocery, its really common. I live in Florida

>> No.13654060

>i must reply to every fucking post with my stupid fruity faggot reddit meme

>> No.13654062

whats up with the disgusting dick sucking, whats wrong with you guys

>> No.13654091

you're not an idiot anon :)

>> No.13654094

Go back to your fast food threads.

>> No.13654102

i mean its a nice thread but god damn it. for the reference i used to post OC here regularly so shut the fuck up.
also ramen, really? god this place is really becoming reddit, isnt it...

>> No.13654105

Leafy, no stalking!

>> No.13654110

no documentation on the most important part(the broth) but 20 money shots of the LE BACON. it just annoyed me thats it. also the faggy pretentious energy threw me off. i mean
>Noodles, came from a place nearby that make fresh ones every day that you can buy because fuck making my own noodles
makes my fucking stomach turn

>> No.13654132

bretty gud bred anon

>> No.13654138
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Big boi dinner, fuck looks guuuuuud

>> No.13654157
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I made chashu sans the rolling. I half assed it, but it turned out delicious. I used it for rice bowls.

>> No.13654159

looks great

>> No.13654333

Then ask you autist.
I wonder if you people use memespeak like "LE" in your inner monologue

>> No.13654364

Didn't photograph making the stock because I had done it a few days before and didn't actually have specific plans for it.
And I figured showing tablespoons of soybean paste being added to broth wouldn't be that visually exciting to post.
I did outline all the ingredients I used though.

>> No.13654612

Guarantee you're a fucking election tourist

>> No.13654886

Looks succulent as hell

>> No.13654895

fucking faggot shut the fuck up

>> No.13654979

Agreed. What you have to remember is the vast majority of anons here are literally retarded so whenever they see someone halfway competent at actually being able to cook they shit themselves and start circle jerking. I will sometimes give a compliment if it impresses me, but if I see a mistake I will give a fair criticism and then move on. Otherwise just let the kids have their fun, since this place is mostly reddit now they will continue their faggotry more or less unabated.

>> No.13655095

based anones
how would you rate this recipe?

>> No.13655106


>> No.13655310

Fuck me that knife looks beautiful

>> No.13655311

Excellent job anon all you need is a little slice of that fish paste roll and it’s truly authentic

>> No.13655332


Bondage meat fleshlight

>> No.13655343

Holy shit you’re such a fucking faggot I’m not surprised your shit got ignored with a personality like that. Jesus imagine the life you just have. such an uncharismatic bitter person

>> No.13655347

where do you think you are?

>> No.13655358

Correct. My bad you unloved pretentious Cunts. Carry on

>> No.13655365

calm down reddit

>> No.13655401
File: 771 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200214-020228_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to chill out over a thread that is "Hey look what I made for dinner."

Little update, I made a burger out of some thicker slices of pork.
One half with a reduction of the braising juices, the other with a homemade chipotle mayo.
Which one would you go for?

>> No.13655463

corn syrup slop

>> No.13655464

I bought a big fucking 10lb slab for about $23.

>> No.13655536

Sorry, no corn syrup in either of those.

>> No.13655830

Is the chipotle mayo a good match for pork?

>> No.13655867

Admittedly no. I had to throw out most of it.

>> No.13656483

Hey you're not me.

Yeah it was pretty good, though I might try using a sharper sauce next time.

>> No.13656595
File: 242 KB, 1000x1000, Hayashi+Bowl+PWB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds and looks great. Definitely better than what 90% of people would make. Chashu particulalry looks fantastic. But there are two problems. Where are your tare and your aroma oil? I see that here >>13650430 you added some of the brasing liquid, chili rub and soy bean paste directrly to the stock. This is wouldn't normally be done. The stock is typically left relatively unseasoned as far as stuff like soy sauce is concerned. It is added by means of making a thick tare that goes in the bottom of the bowl that the soup is added on top of. Not saying I think your broth wasn't delicious that way just saying normally you would want to have a tare because it is consider one of the base components of ramen.

Secondly, and this is more important, the aroma oil. Aroma oil is one of the most important parts of a bowl of ramen. Without it the depth of flavor is simply not as great. Just look it up, so easy to do. You just want to render out some fat from the meat of your choice, and throw some aromatics of your choosing in there, typically stuff like ginger, garlic, or green onion and stuff. It may seem like a small thing but it makes a big difference. And it is simple. Maybe have a look into the idea and try it next time?

Also one more thing, this is just personal preference, but for toppings, and the sake of appearrance as well, maybe get some sheets of nori and stick one in there. First off nori is delicious in a hearty tonkotsu ramen, you wrap it in some noodles and the broth and it is just great and I think it would at the very least make your ramen look more enticing (though it already does look great) You can either just place it on top, or stick it into the soup on the side of the bowl. Pic related for example.

Well these aren't criticisms just my feedback as somebody who lived in Japan for 2 years and was pretty obsessed with ramen the whole duration.

>> No.13656666


>> No.13656701



>> No.13657164

lol what the fuck

>> No.13657260
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>and is gluten free.

The perfect thing to add to a ramen where the noodles are made of wheat.

>> No.13657272

Chashu looks a little overly crispy around the edge, but looks fuckin' great otherwise.

>> No.13657377


>> No.13657531

Open a ramen restaurant right now.