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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 300x300, kentblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13634545 No.13634545 [Reply] [Original]

a pack a day reporting in

>> No.13634552

fuck off

>> No.13634554

>posts in smokechad thread

>> No.13634558

what's classified as a pack?
20? 25? 40? 50?
I go through like 5 40 packs a week.

>> No.13634559

I quit awhile back due to health reasons, but I feel as though these threads still belong here.
>Redditor thinks that citing a post improperly is some kind of insult
No, it just makes you look like a newfag.

>> No.13634562

20 cigs a day, what brands have 40 cigs a pack?

>> No.13634564
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>> No.13634573

I dunno. Where I am, it jumps from packs of 20 to the big drums of 100.
Unless you're shopping for unpacked taxfree stuff from the natives. Then it's the wild west all over again.

>> No.13634601
File: 131 KB, 1584x2112, api.ratengoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm smoking these bad boys, they taste nice and take much longer to smoke than normal cigs. Their paper also doesn't have any saltpeter in it, so I can smoke them at my own pace without any fear of them burning up, re-lighting them if necessary. A pack of these lasts me 1.5-2 days while I go through a pack a day of any other brand if I have to buy it. Also, funnily enough they're made in US but it seems like they're not sold anywhere but in Russia.

>> No.13634607

How much do they cost?

>> No.13634611

170-180 rub (2.6-2.8$) per pack. Slightly more expensive than most brands but again, they last me much longer.

>> No.13634612

Very interesting, i am tempted to buy them, where could i get this "mini cigars" ? i'm from kingdom of jordan and i doubt they sell them at supermarkets on regular smoke shops.

>> No.13634618

I found this website that sells them by the carton https://www.cigarettez.co.uk/?Brands=Marco%20Polo , there's a hefty markup though. But I think it might be your best bet.

>> No.13634629

>54 pounds
is it for 1 pack or a carton? either way i'm not spending that much, not until i look them up near me first, thanks for the website though.

>> No.13634637

i only smoke كيلوباترا

>> No.13634643

>smoking arab made cigarettes

وات ذا فك برو

>> No.13634647

Carton, so 10 packs. Understandable though, I wouldn't risk it either. You're welcome!

>> No.13634923
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>be australian
>only ever tried winnie blues
>everything is obscenely expensive

if i'm going to get fucked by the government anyway, whats the best tobacco you can get here? no tobacconist faggatory i need to feed an addiction not befriend a bikey.

>> No.13634968

Champion ruby ryo cant smoke anythibg else, been going for 7 years now. quit if you can mate theyve just gone up again, 48 for a 25g here in wa

>> No.13634978
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>> No.13634983


have fun dying to coronavirus

>> No.13634988

>t. chang

>> No.13635017
File: 111 KB, 428x420, siberia_red_white_dry_1590_june_2019_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a snus guy, siberia gang represent

>> No.13635036

To show you how off the rails your government is you can basically buy about 20 times that amount(1 lb, really 18x) for 1/3 of the price here in the US

>> No.13635150
File: 44 KB, 640x360, WIN_20200209_09_03_42_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you buy tobacco in a bag/pouch and roll your own? Pic related costs about $4 and it's packed to the brim. Better quality than the big name, pre-rolled stuff too. All in all, my habit costs me about $10/month.

>> No.13635159

Damn I love siberia.

>> No.13635670

what the fuck, with 50$ you can buy 25 20 cig packs here.

>> No.13637070

that's what i'm on about, that bag would be $80 in aus cunt

>> No.13637219
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>100% tobacco
>slow burning
>choice of 100s or king size
>manufactured by small company
>$4/pack where Marlboros are $7 and NAS are $8
I get them wherever I can, which is usually only tobacco stores and really ghetto convenience stores

>> No.13637768

Healthy lungs here

>> No.13637982


>> No.13638394

Smoked a cigar today, but it was cold and my dog was being a pain so I smoked it faster than I should have and ended up getting nicked out and nauseous, think I'm done until summer where I can actually relax and enjoy them.

>> No.13638404

Any canadians here? I haven't had a smoke since christmas so I haven't tried any of the new packs yet. I've heard colleagues say cigs now suck since the change to plain packs. This any true?

>> No.13638427

planting a sneed

>> No.13638434

Why not grow your own stuff?

>> No.13638448

I smoke cigars. My taste for cigars varies on the scenario and what its being paired with. Recently i had some pretty decent steaks. Pan seared and repeatedly basted with garlic and butter. With some belgian trippel and an italian zino it was pretty good. Last week i made some teriyaki pork chops on the grill. Had them with some hefeweisen and a brazilian box rolled. Kinda spicy. Very good stuff. But normally i drink cheap vodka, smoke cheap cigarillos and eat cheap crap i get at kroger, wal mart and aldi.

>> No.13638455

>Pic related costs about $4
Australia has a national sin tax.

>> No.13638468

federal prison

>> No.13638473

That sucks, i didn't know the glow niggers were so zealous down under

>> No.13638492
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I second, champion for the win

>> No.13638493

haven't looked into it but i'd guess it's the highest tax on tobacco anywhere. it's so highly regulated grow your own setups are non-existent except in organised crime because you just cannot get the plants in the first place.

best part is it's all done under the guise of "smoking is bad so we need to make it harder", so they collect an absolute fuck ton of income, making the poor slightly poorer, and the middle to upper class a tad annoyed while doing absolutely fuck all to deter people from taking up smoking in the first place, of course they wont outright ban it because it's such a profitable venture to keep everyone on the ciggys.

>> No.13638517
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yeah, while I'm not really into the lolbertarian method of "dude legalize everything bro", at the same time it doesn't make sense to send a guy to pound town over something so minuscule/culturally entrenched. It's all one big fucking racket irregardless.

>> No.13638565

Recently started snusing, best snus available in the US? I'm more of a mint man.

>> No.13638569

Are you able to get this in the US? I want to expand my snus horizons. Been using General mint.

>> No.13638752

زنجي ؟

>> No.13639864

Cigarettes in canada are all white now

>> No.13639895 [DELETED] 
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reported for off-topic

enjoy your ban (^:

>> No.13640182

When I was in Toronto last May Rooftops still had brown/orange filters.

>> No.13640188

I bet they are just rebranded Cheyenne, or seneca ciggarettes

>> No.13640310

taste bad

>> No.13640327
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These are pretty good, especially if you have raw papers, you can roll them as big or small as you want

>> No.13641082
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I finished my final pack last week. See ya later fuckers.
>almost 5 years of smoking

>> No.13641348

just moved to New Zealand a few months ago.
i dont smoke cigarettes but i smoke weed.
fucking all these cunts fill their joints with tobacco.
the fuck is wrong with these people?
>Hmmm weed's already pretty expensive
>I know! I'll fill the joint with some highly-addictive cancerous 5min-headspin herb that costs $60/pack, that'll do the trick!
fucking seriously?

>> No.13641471

They do this in Europe as well and I don't understand it at all.

>> No.13641592

apparently it's to "conserve the weed because it's expensive" but they're doing it with tobacco that's more fucking expensive than the fucking weed.

>> No.13641598

can someone explain how a cigarette is food? Thanks

>> No.13641622

Try reading the thread, lameoid.

>> No.13641645

I quit a year ago thanks to vaping after smoking over a pack a day for years. That first month without a smoke was all I needed to know I was actually done forever.

>> No.13641649


>> No.13641650
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>never eaten cigarettes

>> No.13641656
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>D U D E W E E D L M A O

>> No.13641662

You're an absolute fucking pleb if you don't enjoy spliffs

>> No.13641778 [DELETED] 
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do your fucking job janny

>> No.13641817
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They're edible when assholes decide your comrades can't light your cigarettes anymore.

It must suck when you're promoted to officer, then put in a cage by your own people and not allowed to smoke cigarettes you're given.

>> No.13641858
File: 131 KB, 1028x1028, crush_2_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best menthol I can get in the US? Smoking these right now but they aren't the best

>> No.13641872

Menthols are for women. That said, what other brands have you tried?

>> No.13641978


>> No.13642201

Marlboro, Newport and American Spirit. Camel crush feels like the strongest menthol out of those imo

>> No.13642212

If you have a box fan put it in your window and have it blowing outside. Thats the only way i smoke in the winter.

>> No.13642223

Natural American Makes the only menthol I could ever stand but I was a sucker for Marlboro Southerncuts and I haven't smoked in about three weeks.

>> No.13642229

>dude tobacco lmao
>only 1 pack a day, trust me
>i'm not addicted
>i wanna quit
>seriously paying $50/pack for le "5 minute headspin" herb.

>> No.13642236

Yeah it's crazy, I spent about 25k smoking

>> No.13642246

This is /ck/, tobacco isn't food and has nothing to do with this shit hole, so take this to another shit hole.

>> No.13642254
File: 22 KB, 500x500, djarum-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does smoking djarums say about me?

DESU I've only had one when I was 14, as many years ago and I kinda want to try one again, but they're banned in my country. I'm a non-smoker.

>> No.13642313
File: 48 KB, 433x500, 7c7892305852beb048c6696efa28acc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian cigarette waifu reporting in

>> No.13642470

i don't smoke menthols but i found a pack of kools once and enjoyed it far more than any other menthol i've had (nas, marbs, camels, ports)

>> No.13642480

what are some good brands of loose tobacco? i smoke american spirits black but i'm starting to smoke more again and i don't like spending almost $15 a pack

>> No.13642520
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A pod a day reporting in

>> No.13642596
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Only the best.

>> No.13642598
File: 1.43 MB, 360x238, 1562183437367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's a cigar
>No shitty chemicals added in, just aged tobacco in tobacco paper. None of this bullshit put in to try and get you addicted to smoking, you have to go out of your way to get addicted to cigars, not the other way around.
>Don't need to inhale it hard into your lungs, or suck on it, or chew it so your gums/teeth/lungs don't feel like they just went on a tour through the asbestos factory.
>Only need to carry a lighter and cutter, don't have to clean a pipe afterwards.
>The smell is usually very pleasing, women have asked me what cologne I'm wearing while at the bar because they can smell the cigar in my front shirt pocket.
Predomo Double Age Vintage in Connecticut wrapper is my favorite. Well priced, smooth finish, pairs excellent with any bourbon. Macanudo is my other go-to but that's usually if I'm buying cigars for multiple people since it's easy, inoffensive, and also pairs well with bourbon.

She cute. I'd take that furry bitch to hot topic and let her pick out whatever goth outfit she wanted, then fuck her while she wears it, then cook her breakfast in the morning.

>> No.13642682

I just got back into it but a brand called Good Stuff. From what I've seen that and OHM(haven't smoked) are the two most consistently liked.

$12-15 for 1lb which will make you 2 cartons and some change. Filters are usually ~$2.50-$3 for 200-250 boxes. Basically comes out to ~$1/pack

>> No.13643286

id fuck someone up to find that blend, the new box and blend are pure shit

>> No.13643298

Cut your nails and show your smooth pink headed cock, you fucking freak

>> No.13643912

Just go straight to hard drugs and save some money.

>> No.13643917

>best snus available in the US?

Doesn't get any better than general snus, white.

>> No.13644091

>tfw heading down to the local membership only cigar lounge to discuss the finer details of Nicaraguan tobacco and perhaps even watch some kino

for this I think I'm going to smoke a H.Uppman half corona to warm up and then a my father no 4 lancero as the main

>> No.13644137
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>> No.13644152

>only smoke when I go out drinking with the lads (so once or twice a month)
>i'm always in charge of the ciggies
>i like buying a different brand each time to spice it up
>buy a pack of american spirit light blues to try out the meme
>everyone gets filtered by them
we couldn't even finish a single ciggie kek

>> No.13644344
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I think I have to quit. It's just too expensive

>> No.13644829
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Oh fuck, that's even more hot.

>> No.13644872

You and your friends sound "intolerable"

>> No.13644920

>everyone gets filtered by them

no idea what this is supposed to mean

>> No.13644934

Unironically, why would you still be on juul at this point? Do you actually like the garbage tobacco flavors? I picked up a caliburn after they stopped selling mint, and haven't looked back

>> No.13645215

oh wait you already are

>> No.13645232

Lads, should i switch from kent blue (the OP pic) to winston white?

>> No.13645265

I'm glad I'm in the BASED thread. Getting lung cancer is cool :')

>> No.13645274

What are you, 14?

>> No.13645310
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I just want al/ck/ back

>> No.13645323

There are at any given point at least half a dozen alcohol threads. If you just want to blogpost there are other boards

>> No.13645327

Oh. Yeah, me, too.

>> No.13645546

for me, it's air
i love the tree industry!

>> No.13646346

Hey look, it's "Tree for free"!

>> No.13646727


>> No.13646741

the new ones arent the same. they just arent the same no matter what camel says. the reason i cut back on smoking is because they got rid of those.

>> No.13646870

john silver and luckies

>> No.13646877

we usually do this with hash, not weed itself, thats mostly in the UK

>> No.13647126

Why is your king such a faggot

>> No.13647231

they wouldn't let him be queen

>> No.13647596

this >>13641978

>> No.13647648
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American Spirit Periques (black pack)
I usually roll my own and buy cotton filters, but when I'm lazy I'll just buy a pack.
Sure, it's an extra $1.50 per pack, but it's a 10 minute cigarette compared to finishing a Marlboro red in less than three minutes.
They're great bar cigarettes.

>> No.13647730

Use to smoke these at this goth club. They say you're a faggot tryhard.

>> No.13648000


Used to smoke cyans. They are great cigarettes.

>> No.13649191

I didn't smoke for long before switching to vaping, but I always got American Spirit Black, very tasty

>> No.13649315

I don't smoke, but I still have shit lungs

>> No.13649863

smoke for a few months and then quit

>> No.13649963

these are still sold in the US, they just relabeled them as cigars to circumvent the clove cigarette ban. The product itself is still the same afaik.

>> No.13649970

I do not smoke.

>> No.13651137

unironically love djarums
i have one a day and its as much smoking as i really do. i bring them to every club i go to and white chicks and alt guys love em. only internet tryhards really hate you for smoking them, everyone else just thinks "oh those look/smell neat, cloves huh? havent had one in a while let me try" and then get surprised at how harsh it is to inhale.

A yummy desert smoke, there's not really as much stigma attached as you might think.

>> No.13651403
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Switched to pic related, as they’re a bit cheeper then the Newport Lights I used to smoke (I’m not Black).

>> No.13651588

You grind hash with tobacco
With spliffs you don't use your weed all at once, so it lasts longer, and a 30g bag of tobacco will roll you many many spliffs

>> No.13651616

>smoking generals now okay
>still no al/ck/
Fuck you mods.

>> No.13651627

Why guys?

You're gonna get lung cancer

>> No.13651628

how are you people not dead from lung cancer yet

>> No.13651632
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>> No.13651714

smoking has always been okay
alcohol has also always been okay
blogposting about how shitty your life is belongs on /r9k/

>> No.13652461

Camels if you can find them bro

>> No.13652478

Your elementary school teacher lied to you.

>> No.13652506

>he still thinks cigs cause lung cancer
Top kek based retard

>> No.13652514
File: 448 KB, 1368x1084, end my suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm constipated as fuck and would love a smoke but I've already had cancer and I can't start smoking...
Smoke one for me bros...

>> No.13652518

Once again, grossout tactics might have worked for you back in elementary school, but that was because you were a young and impressionable child.
Welcome to the real world. Nobody cares.

>> No.13652526

>started smoking in college
>rolled my own because it's cheaper and was relaxing everytime I rolled one
>gave up smoking 2 months ago because I want to have a kid
>smoke a mini-cigar every now and then with my father-in-law whenever we're over having a bbq
>didn't think quitting would be so easy

my brands of choice are Moods and Djarum Black

>> No.13652527

I don't know what the fuck you're on about I just want to smoke a cigarette and take a dump. I know no one gives a fuck about anything. Jesus Christ.

>> No.13652537

Ur a giga-faggot.

>> No.13652552

This isn't off topic. But drinking alcohol (which has calories and thus a food) is off topic and banned.

Thanks mods, Makes plenty of sense.

>> No.13652562

Cry some more. Maybe post a frogfucker thread about it and fill it up with wojacks. Yeah, that seems like the faggoty thing to do.

>> No.13652629

alcohol threads aren't banned, r9k tier generals for whining alcoholics are

>> No.13652702

>alcohol (which has calories
So, you have zero clue how a bomb calorimeter works?

>> No.13653011

yea i used to love these. I smoked about half the pack regular and half menthol when i needed a little mint boost.

Also it's very cool when people ask you for a cig and dont knwo about it