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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13639017 No.13639017 [Reply] [Original]

How do II turn my food trailer into a successful business?
I'm from Australia. A large hotplate and food warmer came with the trailer. It has a large drinks fridge and smaller underbench fridge and a slushie machine.
I have thought about doing doughnuts, but want to provide a decent meal something like a fried chicken sandwich but the ventilation is probably not built for a deep fryer.
The outside needs graphics and i need a bench installed but everything else is ready to go. Any suggestions?

>> No.13639028

why did you buy it without having any plan?

>> No.13639029
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>> No.13639032

You can always fit a fryer or grill in there. Just drill out a 4" hole and stick a ventilator on top.
Do po'boys or something. Fried food on a roll with mayonnaise slapped on it. Cheap and easy.

>> No.13639037

Shared purchase with my uncle. Niece is an invalid and he uses it to carry her to town

>> No.13639045

is your neice american

>> No.13639049

no just from townsville

>> No.13639052

>eating food from a cart used to haul around fat retarded chicks
can i get a uhhhhhh

>> No.13639054

Vegetable surprise.

>> No.13639065

Ignore this guy, I had the money and wanted to do invest in myself instead of having dead money in the bank. I'm also incapable of working with or for others.

>> No.13639123

Spice the trailer up with a catchy name and or paintjob. As for food what do you consider is the best fast food dish u can make then go from there. Fried food will always sell.

>> No.13639137

if you go with the fried chicken sandwich plan you can probably get pickle juice for brine on the cheap from a local deli
since they get their pickles in giant tubs and the juice usually gets tossed

>> No.13639152


>> No.13639161

Do you know a good way to flavor the thigh fillet? Is the pickle juice a different recipe to the buttermilk version? Then there has to be a crunchy coating.

>> No.13639177

bro if i got to hold your hand on a good fried chicken sandwich i dont think theres much hope for your business

>> No.13639181

what city are you in OP?

if in VIC you can probably get a liquor license, use the slushie machine for frozen margaritas or daiquiris or something

with a hotplate and frozen margaritas the obvious choice would be tacos or burritos, but i feel like that's a little bit cliche at this point

>> No.13639197

Australians can’t cook Mexican food..

>> No.13639202

Keep that shit on /int/, please.

>> No.13639221

1. Go to California
2. Sell any crappy cheap food as "Authentic Australian" Vegan products
3. ???
4. Profit

>> No.13639227

Californian here. Fuck off, we’re full

>> No.13639240

Full of idiots.

>> No.13639252

>tacos or burritos
I suspect there isn't a lot of mexican food in australia and if you specialized in a few different styles of tacos it would be very successful. Given the internet, you should be able to find very good recipes. Rick Bayless would be a good place to start.

>> No.13639301

dont forget to say that 50% of profits go to feeding vegan aboriginals and black lifes matter

>> No.13639320

I suspect you are a fucking dumbass

>> No.13639337

Make good food you're passionate about. If that's not your plan or food isn't a passion of yours you should sell this food truck.

>> No.13639342

Thanks, Mom.

>> No.13639354

Just sell the bloody thing if it's not your call.

>> No.13639361

American BBQ my dude. Brisket and pulled pork. Jumbalaya or some kind of sausage rice with chicken. It'll sell like hotcakes. My uncle owns a trailer and made enough to open his own restaurant.

>> No.13639362

>American BBQ my dude
Yank sugar meats are disgusting, m8.

>> No.13639370

I can just tell your one of the those hard nose chefs. One of those mean bastards in the back of Charlie's all you can eat bullying the shit out of me scrubbing dishes on the first day on the job. Standing there, red cheeks. Your balding fuzzy orange hair has been ground down from the repetition of sliding that stupid white hat on day after day. You don't want to be there so you use your position to make life hell for the others. You treat others harshly because you are being treated harshly. The joy and passion you first felt for food have slowly vanished.

>> No.13639373

OP when did you buy it? What city? Did you buy it off Gumtree? Roughly how much did it cost? Just wondering

>> No.13639380
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yah you suck my daddy dom chef cock washer boi

>> No.13639410

Can I ask why do you want all this information?

>> No.13639447

there's quite a lot of mexican food in aus such as guzman which is a real treat big fan of guzman bit pricey though not sure how it stacks up against american mexican food would like to visit some time

>> No.13640054

how expensive is kangaroo to buy in australia? i've heard it's cheap.
make kangaroo sausages with like 30% filler and sell them as 'roo-dogs' or 'kangabangs' at a tourist trap, 'wallaburgs' could work too.
maybe call it "G'dog mate" just really overwork that australian quality, but word the menu in ways americans will understand. (simple words without aussie slang)
regular hotdogs could be sold too, that way if a kid starts to cry thinking about the poor cartoony kangaroos you can still sell them an alternative, or even just for the less adventurous.

think about customer dynamics but don't overwhelm yourself with options, you have limited room and storage in a stall like that.
in a stereotypical family of tourists of 4 you get 4 different types of people
>dad - thinks its a once in a lifetime opportunity to eat an exotic animal, 50% chance will go with spicy option if one is provided just to feel manly regardless of taste, wants onions ketchup mustard and cheddar
>mom - squeamish about anything new but can be coaxed into it if given alternate options so they feel like a coward. Hates spicy things and either loves or is disgusted by onions, plain dog
>son - wants what dad has as long as mom isn't upset with dad for getting a cute animal sausage, only 20% chance of spicy, doesnt like onions
>daughter - is upset about eating cute animals but doesn't know a normal hot dog is also cute animals so mom and dad will get her that just to avoid going to a different stall, 0% spicy chance, no onions just ketchup
i'd also advise against anything too spicy, peppery is a good safe level, free tabasco sauce or similar is more than enough, no spiced mixes since thats just more shit you gotta store

dont worry about vegetarian options short of fries or something you already sell to everyone else, even if you provide them they won't make you money and will be cooked on the same equipment so they aren't really vegetarian/vegan.


>> No.13640151

Have you tried installing loudspeakers and playing ice cream truck music to lure small children in so you can ransom them back to their parents? I assume you have because it's the only business model involving a food trailer that even has a chance of covering the cost of petrol.

Alternatively, you could set up next to any Sunday market in Sydney/Melbourne with a shit-tasting dish that photographs well and a catchy hashtag and you'll be a millionaire before winter. I prefer the first option.

>> No.13640208

You’re going to have a tough time covering the cost of food which is why I recommend foraging. Granted, this is going to require you to work basically around the clock because you’ll have to steal people’s pets at night and gut / prep them for lunch service all morning. But, it’s the only way I can see the business being financially viable. Dogs tend to be the best value as they’re quite meaty but any pet will do. rabbits can substitute for dark meat chicken, cats for white meat. Come up with a zany ironic name for your signature dish like doggy bone except serve them real dog meat on real dog bones. Don’t forget to enslave some of these pets and breed them so you can farm your own meat.

>> No.13640441
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the only food trucks/trailers that do any good in Australia are the ones that drive around industrial areas.
sell pies, sausage rolls and iced coffee.
drive around construction sites and industrial areas around 8:30~11am and 2pm~4pm.
You'll have cunts that look like pic related lining up to get something for smoko.

>> No.13640446
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seconding this

>> No.13640454
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>> No.13640632



>> No.13641138

Shrimp sandwiches, you do all the cooking at home and do little more than keep shrimp cold and assemble meals in the trailer. Offer the same sandwich with a choice of sauce; Honey ginger, Caribbean jerk, creamy roasted red pepper, etc.

>> No.13641210


>> No.13641532


>> No.13641548

What a faggot

>> No.13641575
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you fucking think Aussie construction workers are gunna buy fucking CREPES?
your fucking daft, cunt.

>> No.13641606

Paint a big white cross on the front of it and turn it into a Scottish themed van, selling deep fried mars bars and pizzas and stuff.

>> No.13641607

It seems a lot of the space is refrigeration. With a hot plate only I'd suggest doing crepes. It requires a lot of ingredients which need to be kept cool, as well as the batter, but since you already have that covered, it would have really nice scalability and you can pump out a ton really quick, so even a tiny truck won't get backed up.

>> No.13641617

From my experience, not in aus but i other places. It's exactly the rough and tough boomer straight guy that'll buy it forever if he only gets the excuse to do it for the first time with a friend. Literally hand out small ones for free and come back the next day and you'll have a line. Just make sure to serve beers so they can straight it up.

>> No.13641721

t. Bogan

>> No.13642055

There are plenty of food trucks that just do the event circuit and do fine and get to do more interesting food too.

>> No.13642067
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Gimme food

>> No.13642125

Posts like this keep me coming back to 4chan

>> No.13642166
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Where do you live anon?.

I live in Margeret river. Plenty of food vans etc. Its all about the demographics. Most food vans here are extremely successful.

>> No.13642241
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OP is Australian and thread is about ""food trucks"" in Australia.
Food trucks aren't a thing here.
At best you might get the occasional rare gig at a music festival or something, but 99% of "food trucks" here go around industrial areas and construction sites.
99% of them sell pies, sausage rolls, sandwiches, iced coffee and energy drinks.
if you dont sell the above you go out of business.

Literally the hard facts and truths of this thread and OP's situation.

>> No.13643037

That would be good except I don't have a a kitchen registered, all food must be cooked and prepared inside the trailer.

The blue color is a perfect backdrop for the Australian flag, all it needs is the union Jack and the southern cross.

I live in Bendigo, bought the trailer from Melbourne. An Australian couple and an Indian couple have both tried it and it didn't work. I know one guy made around $28,000 in 6 weeks doing the Melbourne circuit

>> No.13643065

i know theres alot of food trucks in northcote near my place in melborune or maybe try set something up at the vic market?

>> No.13643152

>An Australian couple and an Indian couple have both tried it and it didn't work
prob cuz they tried hipster shit.
hi-viz workers will literally be your best, most loyal and regular customers, 5 days a week.

>> No.13643241
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Ham cup quiche.

>> No.13643266

just roll up on a worksite and sell sausage rolls pies and pastry desserts

>> No.13643294

>Food trucks aren't a thing here.
How the fuck do you come up with this opinion? Do you literally close your eyes whenever you're not at home or work?

>> No.13643382

I can just imagine the smell of your vinegary shits you psychopath

>> No.13643566

Thats interesting because all those products like sausage rolls, energy drinks etc come from highly recognizable brands. It's a safe move and will require less cooking and more moving around which this trailer is not built for. With the large upright fridge and open up window its designed to be taken to an event, another option is parties for 21st, 30th birthdays.

>> No.13644025

Professional graphic designer here. I can help out with that. Give me a mail adress

>> No.13644273

Get a deep frier and just do cheap, good food fast food.

>Battered fish
>Bacon rolls
>Hot dogs
>Fried eggs
>Onion rings

That's all you really need. Find out where construction is happening around you and turn up half an hour before lunch every day. Cook things which can be done in less than 5-10 minutes and just offer them hot fast food. Don't do ponchy shit because it's more effort and more cost for less of a market.

Make sure you have a way to get boiling water fast and offer cups of tea and coffee. Stock cans or bottles of soft drinks like coke, tango and sprite.

Adapt to your local popular brands but that's the way to make money. Also look out for community events like car boot sales, local fairs and similar things. Get permission to park outside and don't rip people off and you will make a fortune. Most vans charge huge prices for little food at those sort of events. Price reasonably and you will jack all their customers.

>> No.13644281

make chicken nuggets, tenders, french fries, and have lots of homemade dipping sauces. Bring it to malls or places with gamers and AEW fans and other degenerates.

>> No.13644316

Just give up now. If you're dumb enough to come to fucking 4chan for advice on how to run a business, that shit is guaranteed to fail.

>> No.13644550

Something with low overhead that's cheap and quick to make. Sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, bagged chips, burritos and tacos, fried rice, etc. Canned soda and water. Keep your menu small and simple and share ingredients between them. Offer variance through toppings and sauces instead of the main dishes themselves.

>> No.13645106

this is what half the thread is trying to tell OP, but he keeps listening to the hipster Melbourne faggots trying to get him to sell crepes and soy milk lattes.

>> No.13645112

>Price reasonably and you will jack all their customers.
$2 for a tea, coffee or a can of drink and that alone you'll have people lined up.
too many places try to charge fucking $4 or $5 for a fucking bottle of water or softdrink nowadays, shit's ridiculous.

>> No.13645358

Make goulash and only that. Maximum profit. People don't want choice anyway.

>> No.13646491

Look at the local bendigo farmers market.
I would make roast beef and gravy rolls, roast Pork and Gravy rolls, and maybe coffees. The trailer doesnt have much room so you could pre-make the roast pork and beef in a tray prior and just keep it warmed in a bain marie.
Coffees are easy.
Another thought to is Slow-cooked lamb shanks and rice/mashed potato for winter?.

>> No.13646505


Go kabobs with different types of rice and novelty sauces. Or make meat pies.

>> No.13646994
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Another problem is the trailer needs to be plugged into a 15amp power point. And everything is electric, if I want to go anywhere which is called "roaming" then I will have to but the eu70is honda generator which is $5000. And if I went to the work sites and industrial areas I can't just sell them the same old shit they need something decent to eat.

I've just moved this smaller fridge around trying to fit this bench in the best way possible. Here's some better photos so you have more of an idea.

>> No.13647010
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>> No.13647023
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>> No.13647025

you could make grilled cheese and a soup of the day

>> No.13647026
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>> No.13647072

I dunno OP, you seem like you've bought into an investment with zero plan or clue about what you're going to do with it.
With foresight like that I'm surprised you can dress yourself.

>> No.13647079
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>> No.13647086

Not that dude, but it's the truth. Aussies can't cook Mexican or BBQ for shit, shame because their beef isn't half bad.

>> No.13647093
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That's why I also post on the fashion board

>> No.13647096

That's a decent flat top, Fajitas and Tacos are your friends.

>> No.13647146
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Would it be corny if I added vegetables and called them 'Vegitas' and use Vegeta as the mascot for the graphics.

>> No.13647151

I mean, go for it dude. Most people aren't going to get it, but some nerds will. It'll be nice if you can vend at a Convention of some kind. Madman I think is your biggest one.

Also Fajitas have veggies in them, especially peppers and onions, so you'll have to get creative.

>> No.13647162

What happens is I get creative, then don't follow through and i sell it. Then I end up even instead of making money. I basically need a handler to give me instructions otherwise I will just Thelma and Louise this motherfucker

>> No.13647179

Be aware of prep times. If it's just you you probably want to start serving food that is easy to crank out and restock without much work on your end. Remember that selling food doesnt just start and end when you turn your grills on, you need to order, stock, prep, clean, and keep books on it all to be sure you're making a profit. Look at the "formulas" that competing food trailers are using, no idea what the market is like in the upsidedown but over here almost every truck has their core brand items, a basic option, and then some reworkings of their core item, usually in taco form. It's best to include a healthy/vegan option as well as one for children, that way you can serve almost any market

>> No.13647185

You have to look at it as a business, not a fun hobby. What foods are currently being sold from trucks in your town, and what foods will people buy that aren't currently available? You're from Australia, I'd imagine Thai food has a decent market there. Are there any Thai trucks operating? What about barbecue? If you had a smoker at your house, you could smoke pork, chicken, and brisket, take a load of each in the truck, and sell barbecue sandwiches if people will buy them. With barbecue all you need is some burger buns, some chips to go with it, and soft drinks/ beer to wash it down.

>> No.13647249

Figure out the running watts of your equipment and get a genny just strong enough for your use. Another option is a battery bank that you can recharge yourself, but those get heavy and just as expensive, and it's one more thing to remember and inevitably repair

>> No.13647305

1 hot plate? Do a big one pot dish like chilli or curry or stew. Just make 1 thing and make it really fucking good. Then make the thing not look like shit. 3rd location location location. Go to a business park at lunch or near some big ass factory. Then hit up music festivals and shit too. Also the late night drunk food game too you upside downers love drinking take advantage of that.

>> No.13647417

You do seem to be retarded. Yeah.

>> No.13647887


>> No.13647978


>> No.13647983

Shrimps on a Barbie

>> No.13648002

Holy shit, I could probably make a mint on shit low-quality spot prawns when they're in season.

>> No.13648009

Get that bread qween!

>> No.13648220

>And if I went to the work sites and industrial areas I can't just sell them the same old shit they need something decent to eat.
they dont want decent shit to eat. they have that in their esky for lunch later.
on smoko they just want iced coffee and maybe a pie or a sausage roll to smash down after they've finished huffing down a cigarette.
quick and easy to eat with one hand so they can get back to "yeah nah"-ing about football results with their mates for 5 minutes before going back to work.
stop fucking kidding yourself.

>> No.13648728

Just sell big ass sausages on a bun with and a heap of caramalized onions for $5-$10. You will struggle to keep up with demand.

>> No.13648731

maybe offer something vegan, onionrings or something