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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13640197 No.13640197 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more embarrassing national dish?
Fries cheese and gravy? Really?

>> No.13640205

What's wrong with a good fry, a good fresh cheddar curd, and some nice brown sauce/gravy? America doesn't even have a dish they're actually known for aside from BBQ, and they can't even agree on what BBQ is.

>> No.13640218

>a fucking leaf
How about Kraft dinner? Your other national dish.

>> No.13640223

ironically it also really wasn't widely available or consumed outside of quebec more than a decade ago, but for some (((reason))) this most esteemed icon of Canadiana has plopped onto the menus of every shit hole in town now.

>> No.13640229

i don't understand why people have a problem with cheesy gravy potatoes just because it's in the form of a poutine.

>> No.13640248

Why would you want to eat soggy fries just have it on the side so the fries stay crisp and you can dip them instead.

>> No.13640254

We not only agree on what barbecue is, we're the only ones that use the word correctly. The only thing we disagree on is who does it best.
This dude knows what's up.

>> No.13640255

Most Canadians if they even bother with it, make it as a joke/homage to rest of the retarded globe. I made a very flavour intense beef gravy from a roast I made probably 10 years ago. Had some curds and so I fried up some fries in grapeseed oil and made a "Poutine". It was fucking amazing, but it was still a waste of good ingredients. Canadians eat Portuguese chicken, greek souvalki and gyro, a swath of indian food. Pretty much walk down Danforth and pick a country. We're not a melting pot, we're multicultural.

>> No.13640261

This, so many recipes trying hard to build up crispiness only to have it ruined by sauce drenching, I don't get it.

>> No.13640267

Everyone knows the difference between grilling and barbecue, dumbass. My Mennonite chef friend welds his own smokers.

>> No.13640270

dude i tarted up some poutine with duck confit and enriched the gravy with egg yolk & cream and it was like a feeding frenzy at my house. why y'all hating on canada??

>> No.13640276

What about "KRAFT American Singles" it's literally just Kraft Mac and Cheese but called Kraft Dinner for marketing purposes. Also, the President's choice brand is much superior than that AMERICAN made garbage.

>> No.13640277


Because the Quebecois are not French. They want to be but anyone from France thinks of them as hillbilly francophones that could fuck up a sunny day. They know how to shoot deer, they don't know how to cook it. Go to Trois Rivieres. It's Mississippi Canada.

>> No.13640283

If your sauce ruined your crisp then you didn't make your fries right. Also, no matter how you make the fry if it's in a pile the steam is going to soften it.

>> No.13640284

>ironically it also really wasn't widely available or consumed outside of quebec more than a decade ago
I've been eating poutine for 30 years and I've never once set foot in Quebec, try again separatist.

>> No.13640286

You know you can cook mac and cheese in about 30 minutes and have a giant pot full you can put in snack bags for use over months? You need butter, milk, cornstarch, grated cheddar, parm-reg and a whisk. It's the best 'kraft dinner' you'll ever have.

In general, you fucking teenagers need to learn how to cook shitty food. If you want that.

>> No.13640289

Then put them on a plate to get rid of steam

>> No.13640295

Every American does. British, Irish, Aussies, Kiwis, and South Africans universally don't.

>> No.13640297

I meant in general, tomato sauce on chicken parm, honey on fried chicken, korean fried chicken covered in spicy sauce, poutine, etc. I guess there are tricks to avoid soggyness but nothing that would beat simply putting the sauce on the side.

>> No.13640298

no you haven't

>> No.13640315

I don't eat macaroni and cheese and I'm not a teenager.

>> No.13640316

>kraft mac and cheese is called something different in canada it must be their national dish despite it being an american invention
I think all the processed AMERICAN cheese is affecting your cognitive abilities.

>> No.13640320

It was pretty common in BC when I was 5 and that was at least 20 years ago.

>> No.13640338

>As poutine gained popularity outside Quebec provincial borders in the mid-2000s, the dish gradually stopped being mocked and was eventually introduced into the popular discourse as a symbol of Canadian nationalism
alright, decade might have been on the tight side but as I said it's wide availability and consumption is relatively novel, and especially for a national dish

>> No.13640349

>processed AMERICAN cheese
That doesn't exist in Kraft dinner or my recipe. American cheese is for fat assholes like yourself. And I say fat by assumption because you seem clouded in LDL.

>> No.13640351

St-Hubert was a national chain in the '80s and '90s
New York Fries is a national chain, even if they only seem to be in movie theatres
Literally every single greasy spoon pizza place, mall food court, school lunch counter has had poutine longer than you've been alive.

>> No.13640355

>taking wikipedia at face value
OK zoomer.

>> No.13640363

why ignore the widely available and consumed part? is it because you want e-GBP?

>> No.13640367

>hurr durr soggy fries
bitch, a good poutine is soggy. Best poutines are made from those brown cantine fries that are already kinda soft straight out of the fryer. On their own they are crap, but they elevate a poutine like no other type of fries can.

>> No.13640369
File: 22 KB, 340x338, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.13640384

If you don't like poutine you are a beta male

>> No.13640390

Ok but then is it worth deep frying ? If it's meant to be soggy I'll just roast the fries.

>> No.13640393

What part of "national chain" did you misunderstand?

>> No.13640400

the fries being greasy and drenched in fryer oil adds flavor.

>> No.13640411

Its important to understand WHY its called kraft dinner in Canada... Because calling it Kraft Mac and Cheese(as it is in america) would be illegal, as it does not qualify as cheese by canadian standards.
Its not really something canadians should be embarrassed by, since it really isnt cheese by any stretch of the imagination.

Another weird one is 7-11 slurpees. Canadians drink way more of those than any other demographic. Which is stupid since most of Canada does not have proper "slurpee weather"(i dunno, 80F or above?) for 9 months out of the year. Meanwhile most of the american population has nice weather for 10 months out of the year.

tl;dr - Canadians are fucking weird.

>> No.13640423

it's just the canadian nachos i dont

I partially disagree
a good poutine has some char to it but not enough that its crunchy, you double fry it and give it a nice outer layer, then the gravy soaks in to soften it up again

I know a dude who got ice capps from tims every morning at 4:45 am when it was -30c and high winds
keeps you warm

>> No.13640448

My Euro friends are all jealous because "kraft" means "power" in their elfsong tongues.

>> No.13640475

As a Quebecois, for me it's the Cabane a Sucre. Also fuck Ontario and FUCK B.C

>> No.13640483

Eat shit you dumb pig, I moved close to trois rivieres to get away from chinks and niggers and affordable housing. Post the color of your skin with a timestamp. I can guarantee your some pajeet that works at subway

>> No.13640490

I'm whiter and more canadian than you ever were. And you just proved my entire point. Thank you. I live in London Ontario. We have 4 black dudes, 12 indians and a bunch of dying old white people. You fucking outed yourself as a human piece of shit. You creatures turn my stomach, you don't belong in this country.

>> No.13640495

aaaahh non, françois est fâché

>> No.13640503

Canadians are deranged rootless cosmopolitan thanks to the genetics of psychopathic Anglo. Don't cry that this shit culture is gonna wipe itself in a few decades thanks to its own invention (multiculturalism), I mean, when you speak with a "Canadian", you are likely talking to a Chinese or Indian. I almost feel sorry for the French Canadians, though they have done a good job forcing the anglo into giving him his gibs, having the power to enforce their own immigration rules, even the flag and anthem of Canada are french. There is no Anglo Canadian culture, unless you think mass of third worlders is culture.

God fuck canada.

>> No.13640512

If you know chinese or french get out of Canada.

>> No.13640524

You dirt poor Alabamians that need to matter are so ugly and depressing. You're going nowhere, because you know nothing. My doctor is Indian, he's a fucking scholar. You're just some dumb piece of shit dying in a trailer grave. Your assumed existence is over with. You can't compete, you die.

>> No.13640534

>I'm whiter and more canadian than you ever were.

Unless you are a French Canadian, no you aren't fucking Canadian. You are just some Anglo transplant who never saw this land as a country but saw himself as a servant of the British empire as he was just an embarrassed British citizens in the New World. Even fucking Australians have more of an identity. So even before the great mistake of the 1960s, Anglo Canada had no culture. That is why Pierre Trudeau played an uncle tom, and decided he wanted to be part of the Anglo Canadian political elite and their little multicult project.

How is an Anglo Canadian? What is your deal? Do you see yourself as being part of the minority Anglo elite as you control a giant third world wasteland? Or do you just like dropping Canada's quality of life for fun? That isn't happening since the Anglo elites are being purged out of Canadian politics by the very same third worlders you keep bringing in. Not only that, but you Anglos are even running away from your own cities. Just keep moving to the whitest part of Ontario to escape Bramptons, but still talk down on people who don't like third worlders.

And I know you're an Anglo, because only an evil son of a bitch would look down on someone for being anti-immigrant and act like these people belong here. You human gene denying piece of shit. I don't even need to begin how fucked up your anti-racism pseudoscience is, but that's a whole nother discussion.

>> No.13640541

Super embarrassing, "poutine" sounds like some kind of weird sexual act involving faeces.

>> No.13640553

mange mon pantalons monsiuer

>> No.13640555

I had it only once in america and it was delicious
way better than american meme fries (chili, nacho cheese, ranch, bacon, retarded stuff like that piled on)

I want to travel canada only eating poutine. it's just that based

>> No.13640556
File: 192 KB, 1448x1550, Canadawhitemajority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know O Canada? That song is literally a Quebec nationalist song. It's funny that Canada has an anthem that would be more fitting for a Quebec nation then a Canadian one, but that's what makes Anglo Canadians such a joke. They hate themselves so much, that they actually obliterated the last symbols of Anglo Canada (the red ensign and the anthem Maple Leaf Forever). And you know why they did it? Because the Anglo wanted to be "inclusive" and they made O Canada the anthem and the Maple Leaf the flag.

Though in typical Anglo fashion, O canada in English is a soulless inoffensive boring anthem that no one likes, this is very obvious if you work in an public school and just see how many "Canadians" don't even have the respect to stay quiet over it. But apparently, its not too inoffensive, since the most pressing issue for the Anglo parliament is that the anthem was too sexists because it mention "god" and "sons". The Original French O Canada is a very militaristic, patriotic, and catholic song, oh, and no one bitches about it. In fact, in a poll about the burqa, the French Canadians almost overwhelming believed it ought to be banned, but not the Anglo of course.

There is nothing more Canadian then an Anglo bending over for Amerindians or for Quebec. That is the only good thing about them, since the Anglo unintentionally gave the white French Canadians the power to keep Quebec more ethnically homogenous.

tl;dr the real chads of Canada are the Quebecers. The Anglos are seething because they get their money stolen from them, but then do nothing about it. LOL

>> No.13640557

>You human gene denying piece of shit
could you rephrase this in a way that makes any sense? not him just curious what a mangled sentence fragment actually meant to convey

>> No.13640611

>Is there a more embarrassing national dish?
>Fries cheese and gravy? Really?
you sound like such a little bitch

>> No.13640631

Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.13641005

Canadian here... Yup! Its fucking embarrassing. Canadas demographics are a disaster. in the 90's canada was like 90% white, with a somewhat recognizable culture(basically a "Diet american" culture). Today, its own fucking leader has said its a post-nation state... And anyone who is seen as "traditionally canadian"(read: white) will be treated with hostility if they dont go along with this crap. The only sorta-exception is quebec since they actually have laws that protect their culture(but when it isnt another culture OTHER than english canada threatening them, a lot of their politicians will look the other way. English quebec? HOW DARE YOU! Farsi, ethiopean, chinese, indian quebec though? Thats totally fine by them)
Also, the rate of islamic expansion in canada is 2x higher than in america. In 2030 10% of canadians will be islamic(its currently 6%. In 1990 it wasnt even 1%) In america its under 4%.

Remember, Canada is super woke, feminist, pro-gay, etc.. and if a white guy challenges it his life will be ruined... But those same morons are also cheering on the immigrants who arent "iffy" on abortion or gay rights... They outright want to MURDER pro-choice women and gays. But again, thats a blind spot for canadian culture, and drawing attention to it makes ME a horrible evil racist Piece Of Shit.

>> No.13641102

They've had poutine at New York fries for at least two decades in BC (different anon than the one you were responding to)

>> No.13641115 [DELETED] 


>> No.13641203

They don't even want to be a nation or people, muh food is the least of their problems.

>> No.13641207

It’s even worse when you realize Quebec is “responsible” for it

>> No.13642367

as opposed to a sandwich named after a city in Germany? A pie that's centuries older than most countries claiming it?

>> No.13642384

Literally everyone hates you, even the people who had the sense to move away from Quebec hate you.

>> No.13642399

Because the best poutine don't even use gay crispy McCain fries. Proper poutine fries are thick cut and more like wedges. They're not supposed to be crispy unless you're getting your poutine from McDonald's or something

>> No.13642400

I think you've just insulted the 4th Earl of Sandwich.

>> No.13642412

If you went to the trouble of frying then the fries should be crispy.

>> No.13642418

If the name was sacrosanct, the first one would have figured out how to put cold cuts inside bread.

>> No.13642421

>asshole driver cuts you off
>wow what the hell must be a special kind of douchebag
>Quebec plates
>oh, figures, fuck Quebec

>> No.13642424


It took 4 Earls to figure out that meat goes into bread. They were stuffing it into goose feathers, banana leaves, wrapping it around servant fingers. The Newton of Sandwich was the 4th Earl.

>> No.13642429



>> No.13642448

... ... ... ... are you agreeing, or disagreeing by saying the same thing?

>> No.13642483


I'm agreeing with you in the mathematical imaginary plane. Using IJ notation I'm saying the Earl of Sandwich figured out sandwiches(i) and the 4the Earl figured out sandwiches(j). Now you need to translate that into a vector quantity.

>> No.13642503

I vote PPC for a reason.

>> No.13642550

If I were ever going to curb stomp a fellow Canadian, you'd fit the bill. You people are the garbage we fought in ww2. You have no right to exist. Keep expressing your opinions and see how well you're accepted here, you fucking outsider.

>> No.13642567

Also sprach the antifa nazi

>> No.13642620

You are fully retarded.

>> No.13642642


It's 'thus sprach' you fucking gimp. And yeah, eventually you have to deal with fascists with violence, because that's all those mental deformities understand. Churchill figured that out, Roosevelt figured that out. The entire western world knew that fascists were basically shaved apes, actually worse than apes, they had nothing but psychopathy driving them.

>> No.13642649

Captive bolt gun to the back of the neck, it's painless. DeNazification done right.

>> No.13642794

There is nothing cringier on Earth than lefties who attempt to associate themselves with the allied soldiers and leaders of WW2. The men who landed in Normandy were racist and sexist as fuck. They wanted women in the kitchen and blacks on the other side of town. Eisenhower scoffed at the idea of interracial courtship. Churchill wanted to keep England white and maintain dominion over India.

>> No.13642832

because wikipedia agrees with my experience or because you patronized new york fries

>> No.13642926

christ, do you really think that churchill and roosevelt would support what you're saying? helping people who can't help themselves? there's one thing thats worse than a fascist/communist and that's pretty much any of the religious fanatics in the middle east (or anywhere, for that matter)

>> No.13642972

Stop going 100 in the left lane then faggot. I swear every Ontario driver is magnetized to the passing lane.

>> No.13643469


It's tasty. Start with poutine, move onto pastrami sandwiches.

>> No.13643857
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>> No.13643883

>a good fresh cheddar curd
cheese curds are not fresh, the process to make curds involve ruining cheese with stomach acid from animals

>> No.13643940

>America doesn't even have a dish they're actually known for aside from BBQ
What is: Baked Beans, Pizza, Hot/Corndogs, Hamburgers, Chop Suey, Peanut Butter, Mac n Cheese, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Chili, Queso, Nachos, Fortune Cookies, Buffalo Wings, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Brownies, Tater Tots, Gumbo, Jambalaya, Po Boys, Fajitas, Burritos, Potato Chips (aka Crisps), Meatloaf, Jello, SODA, Popcorn, Grilled Cheese, Philly Cheese Steak,

>> No.13643945

Yeah all of that stuff is either already known from another country or not relevant on the world stage.

>> No.13643957

Why would a great tasting dish be a waste of ingredients? And what makes ethnic slop better than Canadian slop?

>> No.13643959

all those were literally invented in the US, and most every country on the planet has adopted the US' food industry standard. to the point you're not relevant.

>> No.13643963


>> No.13643965

Yes, cope harder, delusional baby.

>> No.13643976


>> No.13643977

Britbongs national dish is a fucking greasy breakfast

>> No.13643986

Yes. Sorry you can't accept reality.

>> No.13644011

>Spaghet meatbols

ye right

>> No.13644023

Pizza was invented in the US.
Spaghetti and meatballs were invented in the US
Hamburgers were invented in the US
Literally, yes, right. Thanks for agreeing.

>> No.13644033
File: 188 KB, 1154x900, Neapolitan_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in b4 seething brainlets call this a pizza

>> No.13644037

It's not a pizza yet, it needs to be baked first.

>> No.13644038
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>> No.13644045

Litteraly Italians and german jews brought them from their home country :)

>> No.13644056
File: 176 KB, 948x929, copeharder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13644062

Literally British and Spanish immigrants made every US food imaginable. That means they're not American now. LMFAO. Get pwned mutt! We Europeans are so smart and sophisticated! Socialism will work! Just give the jews a chance!

>> No.13644063

yes this is how a pizza should be! very authentic. i love having one bite thats just sauce and another that has sauce plus a giant glob of cheese!

>> No.13644067

thanks for proving my point, sodium pies are not pizza

>> No.13644070

hows that coping working out for you, little guy?

>> No.13644074

Guess you guys also made free health care and free college? Rent free cuck

>> No.13644087

cope posting won't make diabeetus go away

>> No.13644111

good thing I don't have it, diabeetus posting won't making your muslim immigration go away, or change the fact those foods were invented in the US

>> No.13644127
File: 6 KB, 250x246, 1570356063647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Canadians really claim to have invented cheesy chips and gravy?

>> No.13644136

Why would anyone dip potato chips in gravy?

>> No.13644162

>edgy contrarion underage poster

>> No.13644166
File: 206 KB, 560x460, Kraft_Dinner_Mac_Cheese_(crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kraft Dinner has been called the de facto national dish of Canada.[2] Packaged in Quebec with Canadian wheat and milk, and other ingredients from Canada and the US,[14] Canadians purchase 1.7 million of the 7 million boxes sold globally each week.[15]
>The meal is the most popular grocery item in the country,[2][16] where "Kraft Dinner" has iconic status and has become a generic trademark of sorts for macaroni and cheese.[17]
>Pundit Rex Murphy wrote that "Kraft Dinner revolves in that all-but-unobtainable orbit of the Tim Hortons doughnut and the A&W Teen Burger. It is one of that great trinity of quick digestibles that have been enrolled as genuine Canadian cultural icons."[18]
>Douglas Coupland wrote that "cheese plays a weirdly large dietary role in the lives of Canadians, who have a more intimate and intense relationship with Kraft food products than the citizens of any other country

>> No.13644221

>yikes posting
you must be projecting that you're the underage poster

>> No.13644570 [DELETED] 

just reported you for low quality post

>> No.13644598 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 644x1072, tsktsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13644605

I always find it funny when people try to insult Canadians. We have next to no consistency when it comes to pride and identity. Hell, some people don't even like hockey up here. Most people didn't even vote for our leading political party. It's hard to say we're universally "embarrassed" about how popular poutine has gotten over the past couple decades.

>> No.13644610

Can you two faggots just kiss and make up already?

>> No.13644613

im sorry

>> No.13644616


>> No.13644629
File: 88 KB, 500x637, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13644642

>Pizza - an italian word
>Spaghetti - an italian word
>Hamburger - a german word

>b-but guys, we invented them
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.13644806

>Fries cheese and gravy? Really?
Not not really because it uses cheese curds. Not cheese itself. Seems weird to get upset at something you know very little about

>> No.13644822

It obviously isn't going to remain crispy when it's drowning in sauce. Part of the appeal of poutine is how the texture changes over time yeah when it's fresh on your table the cheese curds are still hard and the fries as well but over time it's sort of becomes one giant universal saucy melted texture. Some people love it when it's all melted down into a sort of oatmeal like consistency you could be eating with a spoon