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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13639429 No.13639429 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the Italian

>> No.13639438

Japanese people lose all their style when it comes to messing up western food good. At least break it into one-third-two-thirds or even better, into five pieces.

>> No.13639475

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiii uwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "OOOhh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesnt just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.13639488

Italians eat seafood too bro.

>> No.13639495

based semi-obscure, reply-getting pasta poster

>> No.13639502


>> No.13639505

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13639512

Or push it though a hotdog before cooking

>> No.13639515

When did Yuru Camp make a live action movie

>> No.13639550


>> No.13639569

Every country is going to put their own spin on others' food.

>> No.13639582

they're keeping interest going in Yuru Camp while the second season is being made with a live-action version of the first season.

it's typical japanese over-acting, but some of the scenery is quite nice.

>> No.13639586
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>what do italian people eat again with their pasta?
>it fucking caught on and is popular
Bring Japan to the Hague for this bullshit abomination against humankind.

>> No.13639589

Corn on pizza is good though also tldr

>> No.13639594

me mum used to make hotdog 'ghetti when i was kid. i liked them as a kid and as an adult i'm still convinced she absolutely nailed the tomato sauce

>> No.13639631

based countrymen shitting on the wops

>> No.13639638

someone post that webm of that animu girl making this

>> No.13639646
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>> No.13639659

Euro detected

>> No.13639683

I never was before, but Im glad that in my brief (2 years) in okinawa, there were multiple instances of Marines and Navy Corpsmen accidentally killing locals in car accidents and sometimes occasionally raping and beheading their ex local gf

>> No.13640020

corn on pizza has become very famous in southern Italy lately. Corn, ham and cream. I don't like it, but I see it quite often.
For the rest... I am Italian and I've been in Japan many times
1 - they still do a better job at cooking italian food than many other countries. Because regardless of autenthicity, they put a lot of care and effort in their cooking
2 - there are all sorts of Italian restaurants. Of course you can not go to Seizerya and think it's going to be good italian food. But real Italian restaurants do exists (and they are very expensive).
3 - for cheese you are sadly right, I can't find it easily unless I go to Eatily for Parmigiano, Mozzarella and Pecorino. But I found out that there are some small diary factories in Hokkaido, they are lovely and they make good cheese (mainly french inspired)

>> No.13640030

Naporitan pasta is not italian tho, it's a japanese dish originated in Okinawa.
The idea was to make a yakisoba-style pasta.

>> No.13640056

Good they deserve to die.

>> No.13640070
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hokkaido is so based, back when i wanted to live in japan I wanted to go there.

>> No.13640089

based schizo poster

>> No.13640093

Why would anyone give a shit about "authenticity"? They're fucking Japanese. They don't have to do it like the Italians because they're not Italians. You want authentic Italian food go to fucking Italy.

>> No.13640094

all these newfags replying to pasta

>> No.13640097

What else am I supposed to reply to? How is it my fault stale pasta is more interesting than 99% of the content on this shit board? I reply to whatever I want you cunt.

>> No.13640117

Look, you earnestly replied to pasta thinking it was an original post. This happened because you are a newfag. Own it!

>> No.13640135


>actually taking pride in knowing what juvenile memes like 'za mean.

>> No.13640225

I'm not sure which is worse, the shit tier Japanese acting in the webm or OP posting literally literally facebook tier normie memes.

>> No.13640246

what kind of cheese do they use on pizza

>> No.13640274

and I hope they burn in hell

>> No.13640301

She gives those good Indian Burn rub-and-tugs.

>> No.13640306

You sure seem upset about the food other people cook. Have you ever considered not caring what restraunts serve, and jsut make your own food? This IS a cooking board after all, you are part of the equation too. Quit bitchin. Or just leave japan. Or find the small trattoria run by real italian immigrants kept afloat by foreign mafia money. But the fact you just sit here crying tells me you are worthless, and I shouldnt expect logical solutions from you.

>> No.13640314

I love this pasta.

>> No.13640361

I love you.

>> No.13640387
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>Cooking with mittens

>> No.13640395

anon pls

>> No.13640514

Cooking in gloves is the hot new thing


>> No.13640757

Corn is better on pizza than most people give it credit for. It's definitely more of a "light sprinkling" topping but it works pretty well.

>> No.13640849

She didn't have to exert determined effort to break it in the anime. She just did it quickly and efficiently. Why are they portraying her as an extreme weakling?

>> No.13641145

That youtube channel is a rabbit hole of wierd

>> No.13641168

>that minuscule amount of water
why are weebs such fucking retards?

>> No.13641175

Large amounts of water for boiling pasta is one of the biggest memes in cooking

>> No.13641227

I think they copied the corn pizza from the Koreans.. do not get me started on fucked up italian food in Korea. I will never choose to go to these restaurants but say father in law wanted to go.. Basil does not exist in Korea.. Noodles always pan fried like chinese noodles. No concept of herbs so just from a can sauce. Garlic and mayo sauce with fake parm on top stuff like that. Corn and sweet potatos and fake honey on every pizza.. side of pickles... always pickles. Mayo sauce drissled on top of pizza. everything sweet like candy. 30 bucks for a large... "No honey I don't want the squid asshole and sweetpotato pizza, just get pepperoni"

>> No.13641498


>> No.13641586

Believe it or not, Japanese weird pizzas actually comes from Brazilian pizza, which is famous for absurd toppings. There a huge influx of third or fourth generation nip-brs going on, most of them actually still have jap names.

>> No.13641627

weeb doesn't mean Asian person it means white person who acts asian

>> No.13641716

indectoids and insectoid lovers are retarded

>> No.13641718

what jav is this?

>> No.13642018
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>> No.13642701

I went to japan and had that corn on pizza on Ginza Lion on Akihabara, it was fucking great

then i got fucking drunk, cant wait to come back

>> No.13642712

Looks at the size of this pot, there is literally nothing wrong with doing that in this case

>> No.13642752

they actually did make a porn parody of the show

>> No.13642771

Because girls are weak

>> No.13642802

Fucking depressing. I have tomatoes like that in flyover fucking Michigan. That's a fucking mc chicken and sprouts with shit tier tomatoes and a fucking beer for real LOL

>> No.13642818

That's Familymart-tier. Is that Cafe Gusto?

>> No.13642823

No shit they put their own spin on it. Literally every single country on planet Earth does this. Germany puts tuna on their pizzas. Swedes put banana and curry spice on theirs. Some American pizzas can barely even be called pizzas. It's literally how food evolves. Even if you find it disgusting.
If you want an authentic Italian experience. Well then you probably shouldn't go to Japan for it retard.

>> No.13642860

Yeah, but it's fairly common that Japanese people assume it's Italian. Just like they think of omurice and hayashi rice as western food, even though those are Japanese origin fusion foods.

>> No.13643179

Hot dogs, ketchup, and spaghetti were part of the post-war food rations given to Japan during the American occuptation. Napolitan was the closest thing people had to spaghetti alla puttanesca at the time.

>> No.13643205

yeah looks like Gusto.
at least that whole meal probably only cost under $5.
in a restaurant in the west you'd pay $15~20 plus tip for the same fucking thing.

>> No.13643211

yeah this.
in recent years the same is happening but with Filipinos.
Flips are moving to Japan in droves ever since they lowered the visa requirements for them. Most English-teaching companies and JET are like 60% Flips now.
Flips straight up dont eat most Japanese food because """"seafood is icky"""" so it's only a matter of time before their weird tastes in food affect Japanese cuisine somehow.

>> No.13643215

Why is it always italians get buttmad when someone on the internet cooks pasta the "wrong" way? Almost everyone else is mostly modest about that kind of stuff. Are they actually trolls?

>> No.13643242

Try telling that to my wife. She could literally tear your head off if you don't start running. She's awesome.

>> No.13643262

based wife-bragger

>> No.13643436
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It's even more painful in 3D fuck

>> No.13643505

>I'm not sure which is worse, the shit tier Japanese acting
Definitely the acting. Jesus Christ Jap series or films are abysmally bad.

>> No.13643520

Thanks for spotlighting all the newfags.

>> No.13643597

It's called having a culture on food, you couldn't understand.

>Almost everyone else is mostly modest about that kind of stuff.

You never left your country, didn't you?
While Italians are surely more vocals about it that's because Italian is the most exported cuisine.

>> No.13643829

>using words brazenly without knowing what they mean
Why are newfags such subhumans?

>> No.13643858
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>> No.13643861

this is common in Italy lmao

>> No.13643863

>i can't get good Italian food in Japan
wow what a fucking surprise thanks for sharing

>> No.13643865


>> No.13643882
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1 its copypasta
2 it's totally wrong

>> No.13644256

Based. Good riddance, Guido Linguini!

>> No.13645120

Those aren't Japanese people, they're faggot furries at an anime convention.

>> No.13645228

google "AKB-061 jav"

>> No.13645236

why bother posting the text each time? Just make a screencap already and post that

>> No.13645243

corn is filler and doesnt belong in or on half the things its added to

>> No.13645276

>go to japan
>what the fuck why isn’t the italian food made like it is in roma?

>> No.13645608

I don't get it. Why is breaking noodles a bad thing? Do you really like sucking on things long? Just suck a dick already.

>> No.13646017

>American experiences what life in America is like for visitors and immigrant families for the first time in his life and is alienated in the extreme

Allow me to play you the world's smallest violin.

>> No.13646023

[angry gay sounds]
NO U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13646028

no you'd pay about $3 for a mcchicken and malt liquor can

>> No.13646246
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"Just the facts, ma'am".

>> No.13646253
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>> No.13646260
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>> No.13646456


But I was told pasta like this wasn't even italian?

>> No.13646759

What's the name of that one manga about a guy who likes camping

>> No.13647504

>2 slices of cheese
Did they do this in the live action one someone please post

>> No.13647935
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>> No.13648016

Why? She's using capellini instead of spaghetti. What's wrong with that?

>> No.13648046

>Hating on the Mimosa / panna prosciutto e mais
What the fuck is wrong with you? Come to Naples, I'll fuck you up (and steal your watch).

>> No.13648166

breaking the pasta is good. makes it more manageable to eat. Cooking the pasta in not boiling water is shit though