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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13635686 No.13635686 [Reply] [Original]

Staub and Le Creuset are a waste of money anon. Buy lodge, it’s way cheaper and just as good.

>> No.13635689

But anon, I’m not poor.

>> No.13635692

Buying cheap bullshit over and over again is one of the reasons poor people stay poor. They never invest in things that will last them a lifetime so they end up having to rebuy everything every few years.

>> No.13635694 [DELETED] 

It's amusing to watch economically anxious MAGAs getting fleeced by these imaginary "heritage" brands and then bitching about it online like nobody could have seen that coming

A high quality heavy copper pot in the old days was about a week's wages for a working person, but flyovers don't understand that quality costs money. So they buy $3 cast iron spray painted by a meth head and then wonder why it's no good. Must be the Chinese Mexican Niggerjews, right? Anything but taking personal responsibility, that would be SOCIALISM!

>> No.13635698

I don't get it

>> No.13635700

A fool and his money are easily parted

>> No.13635701

Yikes, etc

>> No.13635715

Yes, a fool who buys Chinese crap that isn’t durable will have to pay for it over and over again while never experiencing pride of ownership in the meantime.

>> No.13635722
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>pride of ownership
>of ownership
>I feel good about myself because I bought the correct brand
Lodge is perfect for you

>> No.13635728

Or you enjoy using it because it looks and feels nice and you trust that it will last you a long time.

>> No.13635741

idiot spilled oil along the edge of the pan and it trickled to the the bottom. what's the mystery?

>> No.13635743

god i wish you redditfugees would just leave already. at one point was politics brought up in any post but yours lmao. fucking obsessed retards

>> No.13635751

I've been shitposting here since 2006 and shitposting on reddit since 2010. 4chan was originally a left wing site, deal with it zoomzoom.

>> No.13635752

Conspicuous consumption is the spending of money on and the acquiring of luxury goods and services to publicly display economic power— the income or of the accumulated wealth of the buyer. To the conspicuous consumer, such a public display of discretionary economic power is a means of either attaining or maintaining a given social status.
this nigger first class basic bitch

>> No.13635755

It was liberal, not left wing. And it still is liberal.
4chan was never a forum far left communist types.

>> No.13635773

uh huh. go back to dilating

>> No.13635778

No it was always centrist realism

>> No.13635786

>anything I’m too cheap to pay for is a Veblen good.

Ever heard the term “penny wise, pound foolish”?

>> No.13635801

you wouldn't use enameled cookware on a direct-heat cooktop would you? I've had more experience with gas-ranges than electric coil stovetops, but one of those pans I'd use for baking a casserole in the oven, maybe a meat roast over vegetables. Regardless of Lodge or Le Creuset, it's not a skillet, the most I'd do is under the broiler for a bit. that's just not playing to silica-enameled-cast-iron's strengths in the first place.

>> No.13635812

I've got a Target store-brand one that has had no issues on gas or induction, even a Lodge shouldn't do that on a coil stove unless they cranked it up to max heat and left it there for hours.

>> No.13635819

Enamel should never melt like that, nor is it flammable. This is bait/written by an idiot/something incredibly stupid. Enameled cat iron is nice, but I've had it chip, write brush and you've still got a nice cast iron. (Sans enamel) Unless you somehow shatter it, cast iron is damned near indestructible.

>> No.13635821

Ever heard of value for money?

>> No.13635828

> heavy copper pot in the old days was about a week's wages for a working person
try half a year or a year brainlet. They didn't use currency half as much as we do now. Pierre the blacksmith is gonna tell you to fuck off if you offer him a a weeks wages for a copper pot.

>> No.13635829

Don’t worry, the Corona virus will fix this issue for good, or I’d rather say...for gook.

>> No.13635832

What's wrong with you?

>> No.13635865

>flyovers don't understand that quality costs money
And coastoids think that high cost indicates quality, which is not always the case.

>> No.13636034

Not always but usually.

>> No.13636084
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>> No.13636088

That's because Pierre the blacksmith doesn't work in copper you retarded moppet. Pots were expensive but they weren't that expensive.

>> No.13636145

The depends on how much money you have/earn. If a Le Creuset pan costs an hour or two of my labor, and I use it twice a day, then it’s not really that wild for me to feel I’ve gotten a good value for my money. If, on the other hand, a Le Creuset pan is a month’s worth of savings, then clearly there are better things I could have done with the money than buy an expensive pan.

Value for money in the context of personal finance and use is not the same as in the context of business finance and consumption. A business would, pretty much regardless of circumstances, buy a Winco pan from their local wholesaler and likely never even consider enameled cast iron at all.

>> No.13636152

The cope is palpable

>> No.13636204

It wasn't a right wing website either, it was just good fun and when we called people double NIGGERs it was just like calling a friend a FAGGOT. Times have sadly changed and now people try to make everything political. Literally no fun allowed. I just wanna keep talking shit on my image website and not have to deal with retarded berniecucks and trumpfags all the time.

>> No.13636215

>4chan was originally a left wing site
Yes, back when communitarianism was a democrat talking point. Nowadays it's pretty much an alt-right exclusive, so that's the way the site has gone.

>> No.13636241

Not really

>> No.13636269 [DELETED] 

>4chan is alt right
Maybe compared to the democrat's current position. But the democrats are so far left that the only position anyone else could occupy is to the right of them.

>> No.13636288

>had it on medium heat

>> No.13636301

This. The only thing that could have caught fire would either be crap beneath the heating element or the oil in the pan. That burner is running hot and managed to melt glass.

>> No.13636306


>> No.13636326
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>4chan is /pol/ unironically

>> No.13636343

Good post

>> No.13636356

Amen. A poor man spends the same, but buys twice.

>> No.13636401

Je ris en français

>> No.13636518 [DELETED] 

>But the democrats are so far left
Nope. Most establishment Democrats are Center-Right moderates. The leading Progressives are barely Center-Left. They only look "far left" because of how extreme the Republican swing to the right has been.

>> No.13636564

Some people have trouble realising what a containment board is.

>> No.13636620

I could buy like 5 Lodge pots for the cost of one Le Creuset, and the pot I own is just fine after like 3 years of use.

>> No.13636637

Don't be quick, stay away from hollywood shit and if you see something from Wagner get it and be very distrusting of anything "preseasoned"

>> No.13636643

It's really too bad that Wagner stuff isn't made anymore.

>> No.13636660

Another way to find good stuff like Wagners is in estate sales and thrift stores.

>> No.13636697
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>> No.13636706
File: 1.17 MB, 1944x1944, Lodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had a problem with Lodge, whether it's cast iron or enameled. I'd pay for more expensive stuff if I had any reason to, but my Lodge dutch oven is going on 5 years of abuse and it hasn't degraded at all.

>> No.13636708

>Buy fancy dutch oven for $500
>Probably won't have to replace it
>Buy cheap dutch oven for $40
>Might have to get another one in twenty years if you use it heavily enough
I've had the same chink shit oven for almost 10 and it works as well as the day I bought it.
Keep coping because you're rightly getting mocked for bragging about status symbols on an anime pornography forum

>> No.13636709

I have no personal experience using induction heating but knowing it's compatible with enameled cast iron, that sounds like it would be great. I want to try that now. maybe one day.

>> No.13636715

this is true.

>> No.13636717

oil doesn't do that

>> No.13636721

>it will last you a long time
I can kind of see your angle for certain things, but a dutch oven is a fucking piece of iron, how much of a difference is a 1000% markup really going to make?
There's a difference between quality-consciousness and brand-slavery.

>> No.13636724


>tfw remember when there was very constructive discussion among the whole Anarchist spectrum on /pol/

>> No.13636726

you might have an older one. they have their enameled stuff made in china now

>> No.13636728

Odds are it was an oil fire in the pan. Probably left it sitting on the heat.

>> No.13636731
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More accurate

>> No.13636733

ahh, crisp and vomity, with lingering notes of aluminum on the palate, mmm memories

>> No.13636737

You’re all retarded. It was cheap, shitty Chinese enamel. When you buy chinesium you get chinesium quality control which is non existent. Chinese manufacturers are notorious for using substandard materials and manufacturing to save money.

>> No.13636741

Case in point, this guy: >>13636731

>> No.13636743

>Being this full of shit

>> No.13636745


The perfect summertime drink.

>> No.13636749

Bait/shitpost elsewhere.

>> No.13636750


>> No.13636753

Nice bike lock bergstein where'd you get it?

>> No.13636788

if you can't handle it perhaps you should fuck off to reddit

>> No.13636824


>> No.13636841

show cunny

>> No.13636859 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 635x479, demo_graph_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, free health care for all even undocumented immigrants and open boarders sounds centre right to me.

>> No.13636891 [DELETED] 

I know you scared boomers in flyover states can't tell the difference between a border jumper who just crawled out of the Rio Grande and a chicano whose family has lived in the US for 3 generations, but those of us on your list for mass deportation aren't so stupid

>> No.13636896 [DELETED] 

>Single payer would cost the US tax payer way less and actually give choice of providers

>Open Boarders durr!
Nobody with serious chance of winning claims they want this. Just not the Nazi-esque, inhumane, evil tactics the Trumpists have been engaging in and pretending is a binary choice.

Your chart's a nice lie, though.

>> No.13636897 [DELETED] 

I don't think boomers in flyover states are the ones that are scared sweetheart

>> No.13636902 [DELETED] 

Oh they're definitely scared, they're just scared of some imaginary "white genocide" that they learned about from a botnet based in Russia. And their voting power is about 400% that of a coastie due to an unresolved bug in the constitution, so they're the only kind of scared that actually matters in the election

>> No.13636907

Where the fuck are the mods to clean up this thread?

>> No.13636911 [DELETED] 

Stop deluding yourself!
The democratic party is falling apart. It is a deeply devided party.
Expect a complete collapse for the dems in November and an overwhelming Trump landslide.

>> No.13636917 [DELETED] 

It's still about cooking.
These democrats are boiling over

>> No.13636920 [DELETED] 

>This is what morons actually believe

>> No.13636931 [DELETED] 

Rent freeeeeeeee

>> No.13636932 [DELETED] 

Check the gambling sites.
Look at the odds for a 2020 Trump win.
Money doesn't lie or care about your feelings.

>> No.13636949 [DELETED] 

Shame I wont win as much as I did in 2016

>> No.13636964 [DELETED] 
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>he thinks one of the defining features of the constitution is "an unresolved bug"

>> No.13636988 [DELETED] 

>Gambling sites are the measure
>durr feelings
Be barely scraped a win in 2016, and just the unnecessary trade-war he started causing a record number of rural bankruptcies will probably swing what little advantage he had in rural voters over very hard.

>> No.13636995 [DELETED] 

>Empty land has voting power is a good thing today
Nice try.

>> No.13637023 [DELETED] 

the point is equal representation of states not individuals. this is basic civics.

>> No.13637033 [DELETED] 

Your common nig or mestizo is a net negative to the economy (take more in services than they ever pay in taxes) and worth far less than any acre parcel of desert in Nevada, certainly way less than wooded fertile soil in the midwest. A country isn't built on city dwelling neckbeard faggots like you, anon. it's built on labor and land.

>> No.13637260

Why is the pan painted?
I know for sure that isn't ceramic.

>> No.13637265

That’s what you get when you buy Chinese ceramic.

>> No.13637279 [DELETED] 

>Nobody with serious chance of winning claims they want this.
That's a lie and you know it, scumbag. I bet you also claim they don't want gun confiscations either.

>> No.13637284

Lodge doesn't make them like that.
That's clearly latex paint.

>> No.13637285 [DELETED] 

The country was built by Mexican cowboys and Chinese railroad workers. White people just built mass media and said "I made this" and everyone believed it because the movies showed blonde blue eyed cowboys prancing around on show horses on a set in Hollywood

>> No.13637299

>Lodge doesn't make them like that.
You’re right, they don’t. They have a Chinese factory make them like that.

>> No.13637303 [DELETED] 

>must be the chinese hurr durr
imagine being so jewish you think burgers dont know this. We are well aware that you jews took all our industry away and lowered import terrifs to fuck us in this way so lazy normies can buy your schlock made in chinktown and reboxed by tyrone the convict and peso the beanshitter. It would be great if that where not the case, and there is a legitimate case to be made against every day inaction and cheapness.

Self sufficiency is the only cure to this aids.

>> No.13637308 [DELETED] 

Piss off, why did you allow that in the first place? Why are you blaming others instead of yourselves you pathetic cunts.

>> No.13637309

non stick pans are what these guys are probably refering to. if youve had yours for longer than a year you probably are already dead

>> No.13637314

>looks and feels nice
have you ever actually used a ground cast iron pan? lodge is like some cheap chink casted shit.

>> No.13637316 [DELETED] 

"Open Borders" is a false dichotomy lie used to justify unnecessary border actions like the wall.

>> No.13637318 [DELETED] 

>4chan was originally a left wing site
thats because the average age of the user of 4chan back then was 16. we grew up anon.

>> No.13637319 [DELETED] 

They aren't referring to the literal physical border. They mean brown people being allowed to be citizens.

>> No.13637323 [DELETED] 

You stupid niggers are always the first to blame others instead of yourselves when you are the first directly to blame for your own shit problems. You're not only too stupid too stupid to see that your problems are your own but you want to blame others like niggers do.

>> No.13637329 [DELETED] 

Blaming others like niggers do for their problems is really no way to go through life.

>> No.13637330 [DELETED] 

Bernie literally said he wants to make every illegal immigrant a citizen.

How exactly is that not open borders?

>> No.13637335 [DELETED] 

Being a socialist cunt is also no way to go through life.

>> No.13637336 [DELETED] 

>us on your list
so you're a bean then, go back to your country shithead. You cowards run instead of fight the oppression there, and then you wonder why mexico and everything south of it tends towards shithole to hellscape. I wonder why your greedy shitty government spends actual money teaching you how to border jump, it couldnt be because theres some benefit to it if you leave right?

>> No.13637340 [DELETED] 

I'm not mexican or even hispanic, which of the other 150-ish nonwhite countries are you going to have to screech about before you guess correctly?

>> No.13637345 [DELETED] 

Our government doesn't do that, that's socialist faggots like bernie and the clintons that do that with their own money.

>> No.13637347 [DELETED] 

Trumpfags think you should be allowed to say doublenigger and faggot.

Berniefags think you should pay more in taxes to get healthcare for niggers and faggots

>> No.13637350

You're a dumbass.

>> No.13637355 [DELETED] 
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wow could (((you))) be any more transparent?

>> No.13637356 [DELETED] 

"trumpfags" yeah right as opposed to you shillary types. You're a stupid foreigner and you know that she should be in prison.

>> No.13637360 [DELETED] 

Poo in loo

>> No.13637372 [DELETED] 
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>shillary types

Nigger those are fightin words

>> No.13637376 [DELETED] 

>dis cuntry built by us mexishits and chinese
no it isnt. only taxes matter and you beans and chinks dont pay any. I'm sorry you got conned by jews into being paid nothing to do hard work once every 100 years but no one else gives a shit, take your drugs, crime, and lazy attitude south of cali

>> No.13637377 [DELETED] 

Nope, keep screeching.

>> No.13637382 [DELETED] 

Damn straight, and get your shit straight before speaking with me you hippy nigger.

>> No.13637383 [DELETED] 
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>heuehue why do you keep letting us in goy
Same reason the hollocaust isnt real familam.
Whites are too nice.

>> No.13637385 [DELETED] 

I pay more in taxes each year than you net, yes even after your EITC refund comes for you to blow it on shitty canned American beer.

>> No.13637391 [DELETED] 

>heuheu you cant guess what toilet I crawled out of,
I dont care what toilet you crawled out of, get the fuck out of mine.

>> No.13637392 [DELETED] 

You might want to consider wearing something other that some stupid piss ass yellow hoody next time.

>> No.13637395 [DELETED] 

It's more mine than yours though.

>> No.13637397 [DELETED] 

Dealing with niggers is not nice unfortunately it's reality

>> No.13637400 [DELETED] 
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>too stupid too stupid
chonk confirmed

>> No.13637403


>> No.13637406 [DELETED] 

Isreal doesn't have to deal with niggers like we do in the USA.

>> No.13637411 [DELETED] 

>he thinks I drink beer
I have a glass of wine a day as a night cap and no more, regularly forget to. I don't waste money on bullshit, almost gaurenteed you pay more taxes than me though because I'm a woman and women don't pay taxes either. NET is all that matters, you don't pay taxes, I don't pay taxes, white men do. Only demographics matter anon.

>> No.13637412 [DELETED] 

I'm off back to /b before I get banned for being honest here.

>> No.13637414 [DELETED] 

>gibs me dat toilet
if we where capable of it as a race the jews would be extinct.

>> No.13637415 [DELETED] 

You retarded? Or just dont want to see that the Republicans somehow became the good guys during Obama's murderous presidency

>> No.13637418 [DELETED] 

>parasite housewife arguing with productive people about their contribution to society
Ask hubby what your joint tax return looked like, in that case.

>> No.13637424 [DELETED] 

Piss off and keep sucking up to palastinians and arab/muslim monkeys.

>> No.13637426 [DELETED] 

You mean land that fuels most of the country in every way possible? Yeah why should they be able to have a voice

>> No.13637432 [DELETED] 
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>republicans become good guys
trumps first pardons as a president included a jew incarcerated for hundreds of illegal aliens working in his sweat shop here. Republicans are not good guys, they are just better than the alterantive, don't forget that.

actually I take care of my broken vet boomers who are crippled. I'm sorry family comes second to you anon but I don't really have anything on that topic to be ashamed of.

>> No.13637435 [DELETED] 

What land is that? You know the USA is energy independant now don't you or are you so stupid that you keep pushing agenda?

>> No.13637437


>> No.13637440 [DELETED] 

>what is food
trust a lefty not to know

>> No.13637443 [DELETED] 

Mudslims and arabs are too busy fighting eachother to be an effective threat.

>> No.13637446 [DELETED] 

Took us 50 years, look it up you creepy socialist scum.

>> No.13637456 [DELETED] 

i think you are confused about who you are talking to

>> No.13637465 [DELETED] 

I'm never confused about socialist bullshit.

>> No.13637469 [DELETED] 

Oh, double parasite. Living off your welfare queen parents' gibsmedats. What a nice deal for you! Mine actually created things in exchange for the wealth that's keeping them comfortable in retirement. Some of the tech that your welfare queen parents might have used to organize their third world massacres might have even come from my parents' research. Of course that wasn't the goal but that's how tech works, it's a Pandora's Box so to speak.

So on top of the taxes I pay to pay for you getting drunk on Barefoot Merlot every night, you're welcome for that too.

>> No.13637473 [DELETED] 

Socialist fucks really are dumber than a box of rocks.

>> No.13637476 [DELETED] 

this conversation started with me telling a guy upstream that he was stupid for considering equal representation of states in the constitution a "bug".
he said that empty land shouldn't have votes, and then someone else said that that "empty land" fuels the country, and now you're calling me a socialist after I pointed out that the aforementioned "empty land" produces most of the food in the country.

What about that is socialist, again?

>> No.13637483 [DELETED] 


>> No.13637485 [DELETED] 
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I'm understandably confused what you think taking care of my CRIPPLED boomer vets entails if you dont think it involves making money and giving it to them?

>> No.13637489 [DELETED] 

Holy shit are you some kind of midlevel manager that uses "upstream" as a term?
Get a grip.

>> No.13637497


>> No.13637523 [DELETED] 

yeah right, socialist codewords make a lot of sense

>> No.13637541 [DELETED] 

A funny thing is that even Russian friends of mine that went through the USSR times know that that socialist/commie stuff is full of shit and they hate it even more than we do in the states. You fucking niggers from commiefornia that push that socialist shit are really dumber than a box of rocks and don't what your on about.

>> No.13637551 [DELETED] 

What it actually does now is make minority party voters meaningless in all but a small handful of states (for both parties, and you know it), and give disproportionate power to scarcely populated states.

If the States were still operating like semi-independent nations, your argument might hold water, but they don't anymore.

I'll remind you that the purpose of the Electoral College was because the Founding Fathers didn't think anyone but their own class (wealthy white male politicians) should be able to vote. You'd have had as much ability to vote back then as a black woman.

So don't try to "basic civics" me.

>> No.13637556 [DELETED] 

>Bernie literally said he wants to make every illegal immigrant a citizen.
Nope, never happened.

>> No.13637563 [DELETED] 

>Doesn't get that White Nationalists are a bunch of pathetic trolls that are all the worst examples of the "white race"

>> No.13637569 [DELETED] 

>Republicans somehow became the good guys
At what point? Because that never happened.

>> No.13637574 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13637605 [DELETED] 

>What's being pushed is the stuff known to work in most of Europe, and Canada, that'd be way less costly to do that way
>Retards can only counter by presenting dystopian authoritarian dictatorships as examples

Reminder that the US population currently spends more than the UK's entire GDP by a margin of $850 Billion ($3.6t/y) on a Health Care system with a bloated tick of a middleman, insurance, extracting massive amounts of money from all of us while severely constricting our ability to actually make informed choices and having no transparency and the freedom to spring massive surprise "out of network" charges on us.

The more you fall for that lie, the more you fuck yourself over.

>> No.13637609 [DELETED] 

Probably around the same point obama was slaughtering innocents with drones and the Clinton's started convincing everyone we needed another war

>> No.13637611 [DELETED] 

Cute. Doesn't change reality.

>> No.13637617 [DELETED] 

the original voters were white land owning males, not politicians. To be honest I think that kind of approach is better than the "let felons vote" arguments that are common today. And the states should have more autonomy, federal power creep is antithetical to the whole idea of the united states.

I will agree that there are only like seven states where people's votes actually matter, but describing them all as "scarcely populated" is disingenuous. Florida is scarcely populated? Furthermore the more densely populated states on the coast already have more representation in the house, and an equal representation in the senate. So they're still favored, but just not enough for you and you're reframing it dishonestly because you don't want anyone who disagrees with you to have any influence.

>> No.13637628 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13637645 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 300x302, laugh6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a simple solution though schlomo, people can go back to growing their own food and eating it so they remain healthy instead of loading up on shitty medical care thats the 3rd leading cause of death in the world. Oh but you say people dont have time to grow their own food because of (((work)))? OH I have an idea, lets send back all the illegal migrants sucking up our work hours and driving down wages. that should take care of things.

Remember folks, an ounce of prevention. the international jew wants you to spend billions on health care instead of thousands on making the right non hedonistic choices

>> No.13637646 [DELETED] 

>Probably around the same point obama was slaughtering innocents with drone
No worse than Bush did, but you won't admit that.

>the Clinton's started convincing everyone we needed another war
And there's the total lie. Meanwhile Trump just tried to start a war with Iran like he claimed Obama would do.

>> No.13637652 [DELETED] 

>shoehorn politics
>le 4chan was le left wing lie
>shit /leftypol/ and/or reddit meme that is also a lie
>coastard's obsessive "muh flyover" yet again
>using troll incorrectly just like any frequent twatter user
Yeah, you're not from here

>> No.13637660 [DELETED] 

Obama killed more innocents with drones than bush. Also there literal footage of hillary laughing about killing Gaddafi and blatantly saying they will go to war with Russia. The dems literally helped rekindle the slave trade in Libya

>> No.13637672 [DELETED] 
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>No worse than Bush did, but you won't admit that.
I already criticised trump in this thread.
None the less, I will suck his dick a bit, He opened his presidency by talking shit about every president for the last 30 years. I'm not sure what you want out of this though. Criticising bush means almost certainly admitting to (((who))) they where involved with on 9/11. Dont see how that helps (((liberals)))

>> No.13637681 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 1600x875, Dasymetric-Dot-Density-w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"let felons vote"
No, it's "let people who've served their time and cleared parole vote again."

Do you really think it's right that nearly half the voters in Texas and California are basically meaningless votes? Do you think it's right that such a small minority of voters are the only ones candidates have to pay serious attention to?

Don't you think it's interesting that twice in a row now, Republicans have lost the popular vote for the first term, and by such an extreme margin this last time?

>Completely irrelevant bullshit
Yeah, everyone having tax-paid access to care means nobody has to skip basic preventative care because they can't afford it. Your first line is just plain insane, though. "everyone should just grow their own food and eat healthy?" What kind of bullshit is this?

Blaming what the billionaires are doing with low taxes on immigrants is exactly what they want, to have everyone below them fighting for the scraps as they take and hoard most of it. You're hilariously the exact kind of mark they love and you don't realize it.

>> No.13637686 [DELETED] 

Oh and let's not forget their brilliant plan of handing the cartel a bunch of guns

>> No.13637690 [DELETED] 

>Criticising bush means almost certainly admitting to (((who))) they where involved with on 9/11.
What? It was mostly a bunch of Saudis commanded by a Saudi leader hiding in Afghanistan. The same terrorist group that bombed the WTC in '91. How much of an idiot are you?

>> No.13637699 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 593x574, 1548792285193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really think it's right that nearly half the voters in Texas and California are basically meaningless votes? Do you think it's right that such a small minority of voters are the only ones candidates have to pay serious attention to?
I dont think non whites and non native americans deserve votes.
I would be ammenable to niggers getting votes if they could trace their lineage past 1900s.
Jews would not have a single ballot under any circumstances.

Every founding father would have agreed save that last one.

>> No.13637705 [DELETED] 

>Yeah, everyone having tax-paid access to care means nobody has to skip basic preventative care because they can't afford it.
The only people who cant afford care dont actually pay taxes.

>> No.13637707 [DELETED] 

Nobody here is claiming the Obama admin were saints. They were mediocre at best, too open to trying to compromise by giving up, and he campaigned as progressive while being mostly a weak moderate handicapped by a deliberately obstructive Congress. Even their biggest thing passed was a clone of a Republican plan. (The ACA)

We don't want Biden because he's basically just a repeat of Hillary: a boring center-right moderate out of the Obama administration that'd be just as ineffective.

>> No.13637711 [DELETED] 
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your next line will be,
>what do you mean there where no dancing israelis!

>> No.13637715 [DELETED] 

Why do you lie like this?


>> No.13637718 [DELETED] 

>Now I'm just going to randomly lie about shit!

>> No.13637724 [DELETED] 

the average "middle income" household doesnt own anything a bankrupcy can take away except a car anon.

>> No.13637725 [DELETED] 

lmao fuck off, no ones buying your schlock, go back to twigger or wherever the fuck you came from, transplant

>> No.13637729 [DELETED] 

>s-shut it down!
man you must have been pretty livid when that one anon asked that question in your butthole infested neocon convention

>> No.13637734 [DELETED] 

You keep trying to lie about how bad market-based insurance as the common health care system is, and keep getting more ludicrous in your attempts to defend it.

You keep saying shit you can't prove because you know it's a lie.

>> No.13637736

Wtf happened to this thread

>> No.13637740

First three replies?

>> No.13637748 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 472x436, 1569911987816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't budged past my initial position
but nothing, bankrupcy and payment after care are socialist institutions. capitalism is just as broken as socialism, but you cant argue medicine is capitalism when they cant turn away customers based on their ability to pay nor can the customer have any expectation for what services or goods actually cost.

>y-you cant prove anything goyim!
the last cowering cry from our friends the (((circles.)))

>> No.13637765 [DELETED] 

>Keeps making assertions based entirely on his own schizophrenia

>> No.13637770 [DELETED] 

It went from poorly disguised lecreuset advertisment to a /pol/ discussion

>> No.13637783 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 1074x1208, totallynotsharebluenothingtoseehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

circling back to that dead meme huh?

>> No.13637794 [DELETED] 

What meme? It's just observation on how insane you are.

>> No.13637832 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 1904x1346, salty jewish cumbuckets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-youre insane!
I wonder which racial group has the propensity for schizophrenia again? hmmmm

>> No.13637837

But I've never had to replace a single Lodge item in 20+ years of use.

>> No.13637866 [DELETED] 

So who do you want? The native american woman? The milk toast man? The billionaire? I dislike Sanders but I really like him shitting on lobbyists and scaring the greedy as shit dems

>> No.13638064

Absolutely not. I have three pieces of LC and theyre fantastic.

Its the same reason I have $300 Momotaro Raw Denim jeans. Ive had them for 9 years and theyre in perfect condition because I care for them, unlike Levis which are like $35 a pair and then have crotch blowouts every 14 months. Invest in high quality items and it will benefit you over time.

>> No.13638074 [DELETED] 

A wall in Osrael is good only because it's for your kind though, right? Goy be damned?

>> No.13638081

>being proud of owning a pan
wew lad

>> No.13638118

speaking of enamel pans anyone ever bit a chunk of broken enamel that was terrible I just dumped the whole meal in the trash and went to bed

>> No.13638143 [DELETED] 

I don't get what about the OP photo has to do with Trump supporters in any way. Traditional Lodge cast irons are well trusted, so I can see how someone would make the mistake of trying an enameled Lodge. I plan on getting a Staub soon since that and Le Creuset are the only ones without reviews like this.

>> No.13638206

>having an electric stove

>> No.13638262
File: 422 KB, 256x169, UFC fail - 1270399465584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>post meme about what you are supposed to see vs what you aren't supposed to see
>so small i can't see shit

>> No.13639830

My gramma is giving me her le creuset when she croaks
I hope i never get it :(

>> No.13639984
File: 50 KB, 720x960, bernie is shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's amusing to watch economically anxious MAGAs getting fleeced by these imaginary "heritage" brands and then bitching about it online like nobody could have seen that coming

fuck man how do you know she is a maga? What do pans have to do politics? Are you deranged? Lay of the msnbc, there is more to life then hating half the country.


it could just as easily be a liberal who wants to stay away from Teflon


>> No.13639995
File: 105 KB, 736x1104, 1580062652491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if had this happen to me
however the detail she is leaving out is how long the pan was on the stove and for how long

i accidentally melted a pan by leaving it on high and forgetting it for 2 hours

electric ranges are deadly

>> No.13640000 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 671x458, report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13640004


Why buy fucking lodge when a staub is only like $150? I got my le creuset for $10 at a damn thrift store, theres no excuse

>> No.13640145
File: 13 KB, 321x320, YOU'RE BATSHIT INSANE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 4chan got too big so now every time you call someone a NIGGER you get banned for racism because a thin-skinned outsider happened to read and report it to the jannies

>> No.13640153

bullshit, i've never been banned for calling someone a nigger. but if you additionally go wildly off-topic and start ranting about how niggers are undermining society instead of talking about fucking food, yes you'll probably get banned

>> No.13640164
File: 66 KB, 900x600, deep emo kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, well you're lucky because I had a 3-day ban for racism expire this morning for calling coffee snobs "dumb alabama naggers".

>> No.13640450


I've gotten dozens of warnings for cursing and shitposting but never a ban, maybe you're just an obnoxious the n word man who has sex with men???