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File: 63 KB, 1360x907, chicken nuggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13636157 No.13636157 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me how boneless wings aren't just chicken nuggets

>> No.13636183

You don't dip cx nuggies in blue cheese dressing

>> No.13636184

You don't?
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.13636234

Chicken nuggets are generally a slurry or all separated parts of the chicken. Boneless wings are chicken breast, so the more accurate term would be mini tendies.

>> No.13636260

What's stopping you from going to McDonald's and getting a 10-piece to bring home and pour a cup of blue cheese for dipping?

>> No.13636268

Chicken nuggets are half the price, that’s how.

>> No.13636290

Common decency?

>> No.13636359

Nigga, please look at a picture of a chicken. Point to the breast.... now point to the wings

>> No.13636384

boneless wings are slices of whole muscle, nuggets are ground chicken meat with fillers

>> No.13636398

Thats simple, it's because you touch yourself at night

>> No.13636430


>> No.13636470

Bone in wings are all dark meat and gristle anyway, fuck bone in wings

>> No.13636481

Wings are classified as white meat but they have a flavor and texture more like dark meat. That's why they are infinitely preferable to kiddie tendies and nuggets.

>> No.13636511

>but they have a flavor and texture more like dark meat.
So they're the worst part of the bird surrounded by connective tissue? yum

>> No.13636517

White meat vs. mostly dark meat

>> No.13636596

Boneless wings are literally just chicken nuggets
>chicken nuggets are a slurry
Chicken nuggets are fried bite sized pieces of chicken (usually white meat) but nowhere does it say chicken nuggets are blended up chicken pieces

>> No.13636811


>> No.13637460

if you can't distinguish between genuine pieces of meat and reconstituted ground mince, you are either a taste-dead boomer or a literal bugman

>> No.13637481


they're "premium" chicken nuggets basically.

>> No.13637491
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 76357AC0-944E-47BE-BEFD-82060CC83595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boneless?? BONELESS??? BRO omg you must not be REAL man bro. A real man takes 5 minutes to eat 0.25oz of meat off of a BONE and getting SAUCE all over my HANDS bro! Just like the CAVEMEN bro!! That’s why I have this EPIC beard, haha I just gotta be careful that I don’t get any of this GHOST PEPPER SOYCE in my beard cuz it’ll mess with my MANLY beard OILS that I rub in. Boneless wings are practically CHIKY NUGGIES!! Haha get it??! Like those epic style baby yoda memes I’ve been seeing everywhere on reddit!!

>> No.13637501

do you feel better now, anon?

>> No.13637510

boneless wings should be de-boned wing and leg meat, chicken nuggets are scraps of chicken and blended and molded into shapes.

>> No.13638287
File: 77 KB, 968x916, 34023563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can't just serve breasts and call them wings!
They can and do, on a regular basis. If they were actual wing meat they wouldn't be cheaper than bone-in.

>> No.13638330

Its impressive how fast yall can make something 200% cringe

>> No.13638355
File: 31 KB, 570x381, o-CHICKEN-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boneless wings are chicken breast pieces, calling them "wings" is a marketing trick to get you to equate them to real wings. The poultry industry increases efficiency by growing fewer birds at a higher weight, but you're still only getting 2 wings per. This makes supply an issue, especially around events like the Super Bowl. Breast meat is cheaper with a more stable supply.

>> No.13639728

Theyre nuggets with sauce

>> No.13640035

It also tastes better, don't forget.

>> No.13640048

For me it's 1978

>> No.13640099

Extremely cringe!!!!

>> No.13640107

you gotta warn them about 911 dog

>> No.13640288
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1944, 1561609494249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides holy shit
seething soyboys detected