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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 215 KB, 905x667, caffe-macchiato-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13625406 No.13625406 [Reply] [Original]

Macchiato edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>where is it from
>getting anymore

Previous thread >>13564427

Also fuck whoever pissed off the mod in Orlando. I can't bump the thread on break.

>> No.13625490
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Got this and a gooseneck a couple days ago, pretty satisfied with it. I had a percolator before but there were too many folded parts to the metal that were impossible to clean, stains built up quickly and it tasted like shit. I'm kind of angry I took this long to settle on pour over.

>> No.13625540

Why are coffeefags always so far up their own asses?

>> No.13625582

pour over coffee is so good that it makes even my ass tastes delicious. at least, that’s what your mom told me

>> No.13625588

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.13625944
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Cleanliness maketh the coffee

>> No.13626223
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Yesterday I had a black coffee with maple syrup

>> No.13626676

Whats your favorite v60 recipe and do you prefer coarser or finer grinds

>> No.13626684

You're always shitting up every coffee thread, obese child-palated retard. Get a life.

>> No.13626687

Then it's not black coffee, retard.

>> No.13627252

What is the best way to brew? I wish to become a coffee snob.

>> No.13627270

Absolute god-tier way to brew is Siphon.
I don't know why, but it always makes the best coffee I've ever had.
It used to be the most popular brewing method back in the early-mid 1900s in the United States. Fell out of use when auto drip machines became popular.
I was gifted an old Siphon/Vacuum pot and thought it was gimmicky. Ended up making the best coffee of my life.
Don't go to St*rbucks tho or any other cafe to buy it, it'll be $8 for a cup. That's retarded.

>> No.13627277

lets say i have ~$300 to spend on a drip brew machine and grinder, what do i get?

>> No.13627288

A $270 grinder and an aeropress

>> No.13627304

what if i want more volume than just a single cup?

>> No.13627326

There are aeropress recipes that create a stronger/condensed brew that are meant to be diluted

>> No.13627339

Check Craigslist for a technivorm. But also m47 simplicity and a v60.

>> No.13627415

I drink from a nespresso
my dad has one and it's the only sort of coffee I drink nowadays but I'm thinking of buying a coffee grinder and a french press because I remember being younger and actually enjoying the taste not just drinking for a caffeine rush

>> No.13627440

Buy a Hario v60 n2

>> No.13627446

I finally got a v60 and have been blown away. I think people over blow the technique needed. My first cup was better than any aeropress cup I had made over the last four years. You really don't need a gooseneck kettle either. After dialing in the grind size it is honestly unbelievable how much better my cups are.

I can't shill it enough. Thank you to everyone in these threads who recommended it, my life is objectively better because of you guys.

>> No.13627447

this person doesn't know what they're talking about btw

>> No.13627453

What's incorrect about what I said

>> No.13627455

I used to love coffee as a teenager / young adult but I don't really drink it anymore.

1) It stains your teeth
2) Caffeine is not the best thing for your heart - it's better to get exercise
3) You should rely upon your body's own natural chemicals to wake yourself up in the morning, instead of becoming a drug addict
4) If you add milk or sugar then it's extra calories, or if you drink it black then it will stain your teeth even more, or if you use sweetener instead of sugar (like I have done for a long time), you've still either got the calories of the milk, or the teeth-staining if you drink it black

Coffee still smells amazing and can taste pretty great too, if it's fresh stuff. I guess for me it's a rare thing to enjoy rather than a daily thing.

Because they have literally nothing else going on in their lives.

>> No.13627456

Kinda the opposite for me, my aeropress cups are WAY more flavorful than anything out of the v60. I still use it because I like a bigger volume, but in taste the AP owns it.

>> No.13627466

No one cares retard. You just wasted your life writing about something you don't like to people who do, are you mentally ill? Go do something you like instead.

>> No.13627467


I'm at the point where I don't enjoy coffee anymore but it is a crippling addiction.

>> No.13627472

just quit my job running the coffee bar at a local marketplace. boomers can be so fucking nasty about their coffee its ridiculous.

>> No.13627473

Were you only ever drinking it for the caffeine? How do you stop enjoying the taste of something?

>> No.13627475


You need to work on your self-esteem anon.

>> No.13627479

Holy shit, you sound like a fat soccer mom.

>> No.13627489
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It's where the flavor is at

>> No.13627493

You need to fuck off back to tumblr, roastie.

>> No.13627518

Literally nobody drinks coffee as a replacement for exercise, you fat retard. And we drink it for the taste, not the caffeine. And we brush our teeth.

>> No.13627545
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>And we brush our teeth.

>> No.13627584

Nice tumblr-tier gif, roastie.

>> No.13627966

A black coffee by definition doesn't contain milk or cream but can have a sweetener like sugar or in my case maple syrup, how embarrassing for yourself but I can tell you are just a child so I'll take it easy on you for now but you really should give yourself a time out and not post on 18+ websites until you're a bit older little buddy

>> No.13628314

Lmao, you're a literal idiot. By your underage-tier logic, coffee with Coke or rum would still be black coffee. You're a obviously a faggot or a roastie desperately trying to bandwagon black coffee while having a sweet tooth.

>> No.13628475

It's not my definition it's the actual definition boy

>> No.13628528


At first not, but I probably got addicted to caffeine.
Heck, I even drink the shit-tier coffee from random coffee dispensers.

>> No.13629017
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What does /ck/ normally jave with coffee?
I have it with fruit.

>> No.13629165
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First roast I've done of that Ethiopian Koke honey. Shit literally smells like Honey Smacks cereal. Real excited to try this tomorrow. Bonus new and old flair shower screens. That shitty gasket design was my only gripe.

>> No.13629562

/ck/ isn't supposed to make me wanna jerk it

>> No.13629587

Fucking whore I hope she gets gang raped by a pack of angry superniggers with AIDS bitch whore, teach her a lesson she won't forget
The saudis have the right idea, no woman should be allowed outside without being in a black tent and in manacles, look at those eyes. It's a miracle if she can even go one day without getting raped

>> No.13629849
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>> No.13629858
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>> No.13629932

My favorite v60 method is James Hoffman's, and I grind as fine as I can without overextracting.

Grind finer and finer until your coffee starts to taste bad, then back it off just a hair. Theoretically, you want want to extract as much as possible and still have it taste good. That means high and most importantly EVEN extraction. If your grinder and technique produce uneven extraction, then you won't be able to hit high extraction levels without negatively impacting flavor.

That... doesn't sound right. What temperature water are you using to brew your v60s with? What grind size? What coffee:water ratio are you using?

>I'm thinking of buying a coffee grinder
Get a Timemore Slim (and pray Corona-chan doesn't stow away lol) or your preferred flavor of Kinu M47.

>> No.13630031
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I use a HARIO grinder.

>> No.13630084
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I was about launch into an autistic tirade against hario grinders (and porlex, javapresse, rhinowares, etc.) but instead of letting my simmering cauldron of rage boil over, I'll just say they're deceptive trash and you should get a real grinder.

>> No.13630185

It doesn't help that every clickbait article recommends the porlex mini...

>> No.13630222
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>It doesn't help that every clickbait article recommends the porlex mini...
I know

>> No.13630288

The recipe I used the most was Hoffmanns. Actually my experience was that fine grinds with v60 suck. The finer = more extraction theory is only half correct, there's a point where you actually extract less with a fine grind than a coarse grind. Which is why I settled on Kasuyas method, multiple pours with really coarse grind = higher extraction coffee. But even that isn't perfect and can't really compare to the flavor the Aeropress creates.

>> No.13630428

Siphon is just a French press with shitty temperature and brew time control. If you get better results with a siphon than a French press it's because you have no idea how your variables interact to produce outcomes. you just got lucky with the variables that you randomly happened upon when brewing the siphon.

>> No.13630476

>there's a point where you actually extract less with a fine grind than a coarse grind
Are you referring to that journal article that was published in Matter last month? Because that only applies to espresso. Their explanation was that below a certain level of fineness, instead of regular uniform flow you get channeling in your puck so your extraction actually goes down.

With proper pourover technique you're never going to get channeling even with Turkish fineness because there isn't enough fluid pressure to open a channel. You're just going to get more and more overextracted coffee.

>> No.13630526

No I got it from some Youtube video for a v60 recipe, I think it was the Kasuya video. Something about surface area or clogging. And well, my experiments confirm that theory. Coarse grind v60 brew produces a more flavorful, balanced cup whereas fine grind is flatter and has more acidity.

>> No.13630614

What kind of experiments? Have you actually measured TDS at various grind settings using a refractometer? In my experience, finer grind always leads to increased brew time and reaction kinetics tells me that this has to result in higher extraction rate.

Obviously I agree with you that below a certain fineness your flavor is going to get worse but that doesn't mean that you're extracting less.

>> No.13630745

I'm just talking about the taste, don't have a refractometer. I 100% get a higher extracted, deeper cup with the coarse Kasuya style than the finer Hoffmann brew. But I think the technique itself might contribute to this (5 pours instead of 2).

>> No.13630752

That's fine. Just know that this
>there's a point where you actually extract less with a fine grind than a coarse grind
statement is bullshit.

>> No.13631262


Wilfa svart + moccamaster

>> No.13631473

I learned at a young age that it is really all in the grind. And because it costs 2000 GBP to get a good grind at home, coffee is a fools errand.

Unless you can convince me otherwise.

>> No.13631620

Sounds like you've done absolutely none of your homework. Shut the fuck up and buy a kinu m47 variant. $200/$269/$369(?). Based out of germany so your prices are going to be a bit different. It'll be the last grinder you'll ever need to buy.

>> No.13631654

Please post a pic of 1) your grind and 2) filter after pouring.

We'll see if I was cucked by my grinder or not.

>> No.13631743
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Was going to have espresso but ok. Those large bits are just grounds sticking to a little chaff from a recent roast. That's a 4.2.0 on a m47 phoenix, no gooseneck. I don't have a v60 grind dialed in for these beans yet, still delicious.

>> No.13631746

Just thinking, those fines on the printer paper pic are from the last espresso grind I did at 2.2.1. Did not clean it after pulling shots yesterday.

>> No.13631832

Yeah I didn't say grind as fine as possible, I said grind finer until it stops tasting good then back it off.
Anyway what's your brew temperature? What temperature is the water you're using for your pourover? Are you using it straight off the boil?

It's not exactly "channeling", but you get similar effects in a v60. You get spots with higher flow and spots with less flow. Coffee Ad Astra goes into unparalleled depth on this sort of thing.

>> No.13631870
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just copped the Kinto oct brewer

>> No.13631874

You’ve got to go back.

>> No.13631904

Enjoy burning the fuck out of your hands with that hot ceramic and no handle lol.

>> No.13632066

Kinto is a ceramics brand moron.

>> No.13632133
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cope teafag

>> No.13632137
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What's your favorite Cappuccino flavor?
For me, it is vanilla.

>> No.13632234

>Coffee Ad Astra
The only mention I can see of uneven flow on that site is a warning about potential channeling if the bed isn't properly mixed after the bloom, because the grains are wet unevenly. To me, swirling/stirring after the bloom pour is as fundamental to a V60 brew as using hot water, so that's not really relevant. But we are talking about Kasuya, who is too stupid swirl or stir, so I guess it's worth mentioning.

The only other flow issue that he mentions relating to grind size is clogging due to the migration of fines to the base of the cone during agitation. Firstly, that is a uniform process, so it doesn't produce uneven flow. Secondly, the proportion of fines is more tightly correlated with grind quality, as opposed to grind size. Finally, I would argue that there is actually more grind migration at coarser grind settings because the Brazil nut effect is stronger when there is a wide distribution of grinds sizes.

Just as a final note on Coffee Ad Astra, he mentions numerous times on his blog that grind size versus extraction rate is a monotonically decreasing function, which is all I was saying here >>13630476.

>> No.13632292

Hmm, looks pretty good I had large amounts of fines all over the edges of my filter when I was doing this. This could be a meaningful improvement.

I had the skerton pro and it was total dogshit and unworkable so I assumed you had to get a professional electric to get anywhere with pour over.

You're saying the fines that are present are from an earlier grind?

How much work is it to do grind up 20g would you say?

Anyway ~300 eurodollars is not zero money, especially for a hand grinder, but maybe.. maybe there's a chance.

>> No.13632383
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>> No.13632417

Are you supposed to drink coffee when its hot?

i dont get it

i always wait for it to get cold

but i hate iced coffee too

>> No.13632421
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Drink it how you like it, but most people like it more when it's hot.

>> No.13632433

Hario skertons are junk, even with the OE upgraded lower bushings. Those kinu m47 burrs are HIGHLY regarded for espresso, tiny tiny bit less consistent for pourover grinds. The m47 simplicity($270) comes with your choice of burrs, either their standard espresso, or their new pourover specific burrs. You can also pick up the pourover burrs later and put them in the cheaper m47 phoenix for +$40. At that price point, I'm not going to bitch, I'll buy them. $300 eurobux is a hurdle, but once you're past that you're in the clear for years. I fine grind 14g of light roast espresso every morning, takes under 40 seconds. Coarser pourover is way quicker.

>> No.13632444 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13632523
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How is HARIO grinders bad? It's my first hand-cranked grinder & I normally do plunger or pour-over with it.

>> No.13632578

Burr wobble and slippage of the adjustment mechanism. If you don't understand how that affects particle distribution, you're going to have to do some googling. Orphan espresso sells a $15 set to alleviate the issue, but its just fundamental to the design. Better quality grinders are going to be better aligned and give you a tighter particle distribution, leaving you with more consistently extracted coffee.


>PLEASE NOTE: Out of the box, both the Skerton & CM-50 are good for fine grinding, BUT IF YOU upgrade for good coarse performance you will SEVERELY affect the capability for fine - it is a trade off - once upgraded for coarse, fine is not so good! One or the other, you can't have both with these grinders! This bearing mod is reversible so you can restore both the burr wobble and the fine grinding capability by simply removing the bearing.

Inherent burr wobble and consistent fine grinds are antithetical.

>> No.13633312
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Home made chicken broth (from a roast chicken carcass) with Stumptown Hairbender at a 1:14 brew ratio.

>> No.13634181
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Got it

>> No.13634187
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How to make yummy iced coffee?

>> No.13634505

>Yeah I didn't say grind as fine as possible
Neither did I? I used a normal medium fine grind that wasn't bitter at all. The problem isn't bitterness from being too fine, it's lacking taste aka extraction. I tried different temps, but in my experience off the boil is almost always the best.
Kasuyas method without swirling produces better cups for me, so I'd say it's far from fundamental and imo unnecessary. Though I agree that you shouldn't use lower temps like he recommends if you aren't going for some weird brew meant for competitions.

>> No.13634678
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>not using a pour over stand for ceramic

>> No.13634917

make a good coffee; add ice

>> No.13634958

Hotel. Keurig. Breakfast Blend + Hot Cocoa packet. Cheap thrills.

>> No.13634965

Agreed. I love coffee as well, but it's the same faggots who pontificate about their coffee that have a beeradvocate account, and unironically have a 5 paragraph dissertation about every beer they drink.

>> No.13635132
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I took a new pic of my setup for a friend today so might as well post it here too because I like it

>> No.13635143 [DELETED] 

I'm completely apathetic about beer. Boring drink for tedious people. It's wine I care about.

>> No.13635544

Great, now I have to deal with more counter clutter and find a drip tray every time I want coffee. The appeal of pourover is cup, (v60) filter. You're muddying up the process so you can post your "battlestation" on reddit.

I can tell you that you're going to be PISSED at yourself for using a skerton once you get a kinu or similar.

>> No.13636196

I was talking more about uneven flow in general than just as it relates to grind size.

Have you read this? It's very interesting.

Basically faster flow=more even flow, v60 water depth/volume has a big impact on flow rate, and hotter water is less viscous so it flows more evenly.
He says that he'll start experimenting with James Hoffman's method, which is interesting.
He also makes a really good point that regarding v60s, it makes more sense to refer to it as "uneven flow" instead of "channeling" which, yeah, makes more sense. That's what I should have been saying instead of "channeling".

Also one of the potential causes he mentions for uneven flow is that it's likely filters don't clog in a uniform way.

Yeah Kinus are god-tier
>Neither did I?
I misinterpreted what you wrote. Also yeah, boiling is pretty much the only temperature I use.
Well I'm glad you like your coffee. I don't really understand why you're getting the results you are... but who cares if it's tasty?

>I can tell you that you're going to be PISSED at yourself for using a skerton once you get a kinu
Not even a Kinu. A Timemore Slim is easily good enough (and cheap enough) to make him hate skertons etc., and any retard who dares recommend them.

>> No.13636324

Thanks for the link. I only read through his "V60 Brews" series because I assumed everything relevant was in there. That post looks interesting.

>> No.13636376


>> No.13636572

>it's likely filters don't clog in a uniform way
This is highly dubious. He doesn't provide any reasoning for this assertion and logically to me it doesn't hold water.
The filter will clog first in the regions of highest flow rate, because these regions should correspond to the highest sediment mass flow. Once these regions are clogged, that forces the fluid to flow through previously low flow areas. This process repeats until the whole filter is clogged evenly. In other words, any non-uniformity is self-correcting and, in fact, produces more even extraction because it forces the flow pattern to vary.

>> No.13637896


>> No.13638300
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I dunno. It'd be an interesting test.

>> No.13639333


>> No.13639844

Early bump

>> No.13640303
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>> No.13640481
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I use one these (grinding the beans myself) - any tips?

>> No.13640509

Taste like shit, always burn my coffee with it. Use a dripper cone, it'll be way better than this boomer crap.

>> No.13640696

Boil the water before you pour it in the bottom, after it starts to sputter, cool the bottom rapidly by running it under cold water in the sink, or dunking it in cold water. Also, don't grind too finely, it isn't espresso. That's pretty much it, dial in grind size, try different roasts and beans, it's really not that complicated.

>> No.13640753

A lot of people will disagree with this but moka pots are real good at over extracting beans. Its going to be a coarser grind to combat this.

>> No.13640831

This is good advice. Also don't always wait till it sputters. Do it right before it gets to that point; keeps it less bitter.

>> No.13640859
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Went full gay and got that valentine "macchiato". Kinda tasted like melted strawberry mocha icecream.

>> No.13642198


>> No.13642302

Best tasting coffee I can buy at the grocery store? I'm new to this coffee thing but seems like I tend to like dark roasts the most.

>> No.13642507
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Grind fresh for the week at the store. You can even rip open sealed bags of whole beans and grind them there if you want.

Ssssssssssssipping on some of that ethiopian honey I roasted. This shits a winner. Extremely fruity, real forward blueberry. 5lbs in the stash may not be enough. Going to roast through some of the bags I have open already, so why not try another Ethiopian.

>Order from Artisanal Technologies

>The seller, Artisanaltech, will ship your order as soon as possible.

Tc4+ is officially on the way. Working on a rebuilt housing for the roaster. Anyone have design experience?

>> No.13642548

This stupid fucking retarded Lido 3 still makes me want to kill myself months later. Still a ridiculously inconsistent grind. I am getting brew time differences of +/- 30 sec using the same grind setting and the exact same method.

>> No.13642572

Kek. I told you homie.

>> No.13642584

I bought it before you started shilling the Kinu. You were too late to save me.

>> No.13642624

Oh thats right. You tried to return it to amazon and they fucked you? I'd still try to flip it on /r/coffeeswap. Some moron is looking for a pourover grinder as of 10 hours ago on there so (((bargain))) as hard as you can.

>> No.13642635

Yes that was me, I am glad to see that you have maintained the Kinu shilling for this long. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Don't let anyone else fall for the (((Orphan Espresso))) trap.

>> No.13642677

If it ever fucks up you brews will be the first to hear it. As of right now I'm buying their pourover burrs once operation roaster is completed. Ordered some aliexpress brushes to keep it clean and a mini 0.01 scale to fit under the flair too.

>> No.13642848

>melted strawberry mocha icecream.
sounds good desu

Hmm... I'd say whatever's the freshest. See if you can find "roasted on" dates on the bags, and get the freshest you can. (Ideally a day to 2 weeks old.) Otherwise look for the furthest out expiration date. Get whole bean stuff since pre-ground will most likely be stale. If you don't have a (good) grinder, do what >>13642507 says.

I'd recommend finding a local-ish coffee shop and/or roaster that sells beans, and trying some. You can have them grind it for you. You can also drink some coffee and buy the beans if you like them. Also, try a bunch of coffees to get a better idea of what you do and don't like about coffees.

If you decide you wanna get more into brewing good coffee yourself, I recommend getting a V60 02, digital scale, gooseneck kettle, and a Timemore Slim or Kinu grinder.

>> No.13642855

I hope that other anon who was considering a Lido sees this and repents

>> No.13643896

Good cheap grinder I can buy on amazon?

>> No.13645097


>> No.13645125
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First time roasting, how'd I do?

>> No.13645144

Not an expert, but looks nice and even light roast. Did you use a dedicated machine or popcorn popper?

>> No.13645151

Thanks, light was what I was going for!

Brother was gifted a Fresh Roast SR 540, he decided to kick it to me because he's not really that into coffee.

>> No.13645154

Looks good, little bit of silverskin still intact on each bean. How many minutes into first crack and what beans are those?

>> No.13645157

I was going to tell you on the last thread, the second that freshroast is out of warranty, rip it apart and put a tc4+ into it.

>> No.13645176
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Beanpill me on cold coffee. Is it just a meme or actually better than roasted coffee?

>> No.13645182

Are you retarded?

>> No.13645184

Yes but that doesn't answer my question

>> No.13645220

Even "cold coffee" is roasted, anon. He didn't answer you because your question doesn't make sense.

>> No.13645224

Looks even and about as light as you can go. I have the SR800 so far I think Ethiopian & Costa Rican are my favorite beans. Guatemalan beans seem to scorch easily and have a lot of chaff.

>> No.13645293

About 4-5 minutes. Method I found online was to start it at 9 power, 9 fan for 2 minutes, then decrease each by one, then again every minute and a half. After first crack I let it go for another minute and a half before putting it in full-power cooling.

Beans are Nicaragua from Primos Coffee Co. I'd like to experiment with loads of beans from everywhere; I was worried when I got the roaster it would limit how much coffee I can try, since I don't think places like Verve sell green beans.

That looks fantastic, thanks for that.

I'll have to try both, but that's a shame about it not working well with Guatemalan beans. Any particular places you get your beans from?

>> No.13645391


>> No.13645597

>Any particular places you get your beans from?
Sweet Maria's

>> No.13645705
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Nothing can beat a nice cup of Coffee Instant Type II

>> No.13647157


>> No.13647880

v60s work as a great bean funnel for mason jars. I'll post that ethiopian agaro in the morning. Went lighter on the roast so I dunno how espresso is going to taste.

>> No.13647884

My favorite is Tetsu Kasuya’s 4:6 method.


>> No.13647969
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Cold brew cools you down and is a better energy drink than Gatorade.

>> No.13648663

I use a french press. Pour a normal amount of cold water over a normal amount of grinds, then throw it in the fridge and let it sit overnight. In the morning take it out and press the plunger. Fill a glass completely with ice, pour the coffee in to about half way, then pour milk (not cream) in to top it off. I usually drink it with a straw because the ice gets in the way otherwise. Try experimenting with water/grinds ratio, coffee/milk ratio, brewing time, etc., etc.. If you like a little sweetness try adding some maple or chocolate syrup on top.

>> No.13649053

Stop shilling this shit. This asshole is using a fucking Hario Prism ceramic grinder and his water is literally not even in contact with half of his beans for most of the brew. There is literally no chance that the cup in the video is pleasant in any way. I'm happy for you that you enjoy your poorly extracted coffee. I really am. If that's what your taste buds tell you is nice, keep doing it. But 99% of people are going to get a better result with more repeatability for less effort using a more conventional method.

>> No.13649188

I just had this the other day but as a hot “macchiato” Basically just two shots of espresso with red velvet flavor and steamed milk. I usually don’t like flavored coffees but this was a nice pick me up on a freezing cold day

>> No.13649213
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So I was given this as a gift. I’m not crazy about artificial flavored coffees because I find they often have a weird metallic taste to them. And I know the coffee itself is probably shitty.

However, I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. What’s the best way to brew this to make it palatable? Regular coffee pot? Moka pot? Pour-over?

>> No.13649287

>having a double espresso
who /livingontheedge/ here?

>> No.13649302

That doesn’t seem that late to me to have a double espresso. I’ve had lattes around 21:00. It helps me fall asleep sometimes

>> No.13649304

>It helps me fall asleep sometimes
How is that supposed to work

>> No.13649527

try all 3 and see which one you like the best

>> No.13649555

Chemex seems a safe bet. The thicker your filter the more likely it is that whatever essential oils are flavouring it won't make it into the cup.

>> No.13649580

I used to make stuff like this cowboy style on the stovetop. Bring to boil, add grounds turn off heat, steep for 5 minutes, strain, add sugar and creamer.

>> No.13649586

Anyone use their coffee grounds for anything?
Ive heard you can make soap out of it, or use it to feed potted plants, but I don't make soap or grow plants. I don't compost either.

>> No.13649620

Every once in a while I'll tie the top of a used v60 filter and use the little baggie of grounds in my fridge to absorb any lingering odors. Or you know, grow pot.

>> No.13650121

It's mostly Europeans and Hipsters.

>> No.13650123

we've been using it to stave off gypsies since generations

>> No.13650968


>> No.13652344
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re-gift it.

>> No.13652365

quick, how many scoops of coffee per fl oz should I do in my french press? And does ground coffee go bad? how long would that take?

>> No.13652679


>> No.13652683
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Use a stainless steel drip through if you're making atmospheric coffee. I always hated my bodums over the years. Bitter coffee.

2 TBSPs.

>> No.13652704

The other question, coffee doesn't go bad, it weakens and gets more mellow. That's the fact these asshole Seattle brewers don't want you to know. It's weak tea, but it's got body because all of the volatiles have broken down chemically. So listen to these assholes with their reverse vacuum shitboxes at your peril.

>> No.13652943
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>fl oz

>> No.13652968

>1) It stains your teeth
>2) Caffeine is not the best thing for your heart - it's better to get exercise
Who said caffeine use was a replacement for exercise? What the fuck? Not only that, but coffee has suspected benefits, eeven for cardiovascular health in general. Massive studies have found that people who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have significantly better mortality than nondrinkers.
>3) You should rely upon your body's own natural chemicals to wake yourself up in the morning, instead of becoming a drug addict
Caffeine doesn't 'wake you up'. Try drinking coffee while sleep deprived. It doesn't wake you up.
>4) If you add milk or sugar then it's extra calories
Try knowing something about coffee before you make yourself sound like a dipshit.

>> No.13652992

>coffee doesn't go bad, it weakens
Not entirely true. Like anything else that contains fat it can go rancid through oxidation, giving it a highly objectionable flavor. How long it takes before these flavors become noticeable depends on several factors like available oxygen, temperature, humidity and even darkness of roast. If you nitrogen-flush the bag, seal it and store it in a cool, dark place it could probably go for years without too much rancidity. On the other hand, if you just ziplock it and leave it on a window sill in the Amazon it might be undrinkable in less than a month.

>reverse vacuum shitboxes
Care to elaborate? I always enjoy laughing at Seattle hipsters.

>> No.13653020

once it passes through a cats ass, you're living on borrowed time, I guess.

>> No.13653223

Idk. It wakes me up and then I crash

>> No.13653266

That’s America for you.

8 fluid ounces equals 1 cup or 240 mL

For a regular drip pot, some instructions suggest 1 tablespoon of ground coffee per every 8oz of water. Some say 2 tablespoons per every 8oz. Some suggest 1 tablespoon per 6oz or 180 mL.

Not sure what’s best. Some coffee packaging has these suggestions, some don't have them at all

>> No.13653430

Doesn't know shit. Rancid coffee STINKS and transfers that strink into the cup.

>> No.13654342


>> No.13655427

What do they say in not merica?

>> No.13656249

>finally bought a scale so I can stop measuring coffee using the hario scoop and water with a measuring cup for v60 brews
Routine should become a bit more streamlined now at least.

>> No.13656297

Cold brew. Cold brew is a meme, but it's not *just* a meme. It's also an excellent way of making shit coffees pleasant to drink or at least possible to drink.

>> No.13656802

This is the most retarded post I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.13657475


>> No.13657606
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What are we sipping on today bois - I finally dialed this in with my Kalita. Very juicy and fruit forward.

>> No.13657785

Just v60'd up some of this. https://www.sweetmarias.com/ethiopia-agaro-kedamai-cooperative-6121.html

Strangely I'm not a fan of the aroma coming off the cup, but the taste is phenomenal. May need another day to offgas.

>> No.13658228

I was looking for a non-plastic Aeropress because I'm paranoïd and saw that:
Thoughts? It doesn't seem overly expensive. The only issue I can see is that it's close to Flair territory at that point and the two do similar things although without nearly the same amount of pressure.

>> No.13658354

>friend decided to play a joke on me
>poured raw beans in my Virtuoso
>ground them up thinking he could make me a cup of raw bean coffee
>Virtuoso gets clogged, stops working
>he freaks out
>tries to fix it
>snaps off plastic bits
>tries to assemble it back together
>its completely broken, nothing works, grind quality is horrible
>he doesn't have enough money to replace it
>neither do I
funny prank bro, hahaha, oh my god its so fuckin funny, i can't stop laughing, hahaha

>> No.13658378

I think it's funny. kek

>> No.13658524

Update: Baratza is sending a replacement adjustment ring and top. Goddamn, thank that company to pieces.

>> No.13658574

Kek. Punish him.

>> No.13659216
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The power goes out. How do you make coffee?
I got a gas stove and a "sock" for malaysian coffee.

>> No.13659621

I've got old swedish propane and kerosene stoves.

>> No.13660019


Nice, but you should still find new friends

>> No.13660081

What do you mean by "similar things"? They're both portable coffee extracting instruments that require an external source of hot water. Apart from that, their final products are about as far away from each other on the coffee flavor spectrum as you can get. If you like Aeropress style coffee, a Flair isn't going to deliver what you're looking for.

>> No.13660099

>I got
*I’ve got
Fucking Ebonics

>> No.13660363

Not him but you should try it. He's a world champion for a reason, I think he understands his craft quite a bit better than you do. It actually extracts higher than normal 1-2 pour methods, that's the entire point of it.

>> No.13660368

Is it just me or are lighter / fresher roasts heavier on the stomach? The "good" coffee I buy makes me feel kinda shitty compared to the dark roasted older ones.

>> No.13660498

I've been looking into the Breville the Barista Express Espresso Machine for an entry level espresso machine. Anyone have experience with one of these? I do have a Barista Encore grinder but I hear those aren't the best for espresso drinks so the fact this comes with a grinder is a plus.

>> No.13660562
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I don't like coffee I'd much rather just have a pop

>> No.13660850

Do you actually know anything about the competition that he's a world champion of? Read about it and watch some footage. It's basically performance art. The judges watch the baristas as they're preparing the coffee and the baristas constantly talk to the judges to convince them of how great their method is. It's impossible for a judge to objectively assess the flavor of a beverage under those conditions. If that's not bad enough, they actually codify style/presentation as part of the judging criteria, so a worse flavored cup can win the competition completely legitimately if it was made by a more convincing charlatan...ahem...barista.
Kasuya is a great talker and his esoteric method looks cool and innovative to a group of people who have been bored to tears watching basically the same routine dozens of times. His Brewer's Cup medal doesn't say anything about the legitimacy of his technique.

>It actually extracts higher than normal 1-2 pour methods
This is just a complete misunderstanding of coffee brewing. Kasuya himself doesn't even claim to achieve higher extraction with his method than the conventional method. He states that the point of his technique is to slow the flow rate in order to get the same level of extraction from a coarser grind, which he prefers to a fine grind due to the clarity in the cup. But that doesn't explain the need for multiple pours at all! He could just use a slower single pour and achieve the same result, except that he would be able to keep all of his grinds in contact with water for the whole extraction which would actually improve the flavor.

>> No.13660880

>I think he understands his craft quite a bit better than you do
By the way, I actually agree with you here but that works in my favor. The worst part about his technique is how many new variables it introduces to the equation. Expecting anyone who doesn't have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the interaction of brewing variables to achieve anything remotely palatable with his method is insane. Is it possible to get a good result with uneven extraction (which is what his method does)? Sure. Is the average Joe likely to get a better result with uneven extraction than even extraction? Fuck no.

>> No.13661190

Bbut I read it on a blog and google kept recommending various repostings of it. Has to be good right?

>> No.13661625

So is the best home espresso machine that one Brevile machine that's around 600 bucks? Or if you're gonna go home espresso you should just go all out and get a good 1000+ machine?

I just finished paying off my credit card and my birthday is in a few months. I'm debating on finally buying a home espresso machine like Ive always wanted. After I save up a bit then use the cc to pay the difference/etc.


>> No.13661912

>So is the best home espresso machine that one Brevile machine that's around 600 bucks?
No. Don't do this. Cheap single boiler espresso machines will probably be a frustrating experience.
>Or if you're gonna go home espresso you should just go all out and get a good 1000+ machine?
If you absolutely have to have an electric machine, then yes. Otherwise, get a Cafelat Robot Barista for like $360 or a Flair. (I think the robot looks better but whatever.) If you want to steam milk as well, get a standalone steamer.

By the way, you haven't mentioned an espresso grinder. And the grinder is at LEAST as important (if not more so) as the machine itself. You're looking at a $200 Kinu m47 Phoenix at the very least for a grinder. I'd get the Kinu M47 Simplicity for $260 instead. But those are both manual grinders. If you want an electric espresso grinder, then I've heard the $600 Niche Zero does a really good job.

>> No.13662054

>single boiler espresso machines will probably be a frustrating experience
What is your reasoning for wanting a double boiler machine for home? If you're just making one or two cups at a time the second boiler is pretty superfluous.

My biggest issue with a low-end electric machines is that they give you no way of independently adjusting head pressure and they struggle to provide constant pressure in general. With any manual machine you get full control over pressure/flow rate/brew time - just adjust how hard you press. To get that control with an electric machine you're spending $1500+.

>> No.13662319


>Kinu M47 Simplicity

If you get this absolutely make sure it has the espresso burrs. Kinus site used to let you pick which set came on the M47S, but I'm not seeing it now.

>> No.13662370

What's the consensus on Kopi Luak?

>> No.13662579
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Anyone else a kettle and instant kinda man?

Tastes chunky, tastes like shit. Most economic and licks my system into gear.

>> No.13662693

cafe bustelo makes a damn fine instant

>> No.13662751

How much time do you not have to make a drip, or a moka, or anything like that? It takes like maybe 5min at most. And an automatic coffee maker takes like 8-10 only and you can set it and forget it and take a shower in the morning or whatever.

I mean jesus if youre so strapped for time you dont have 5min to make a regular ass store brand coffee, your all fucked up bro

>> No.13663883

>tastes chunky
how can it taste chunky wtf

>> No.13664004

Because of temperature and pressure instability.

Something else that occurred to me is that you don't have to wait for a manual espresso machine to heat up. Just grind coffee while the kettle boils and you're all set. Especially true for the Robot with no preheat needed for medium-dark roasts.

>> No.13664013

It's overpriced shit.

>> No.13664439


>> No.13664473

Pressure has nothing to do with the number of boilers. It's generated by the electric pump, which is a completely independent component.
Temperature instability in a single boiler is very frustrating if you're pulling dozens of shots at irregular intervals, but that's a cafe problem which is why I asked what your issue is with single boilers for home use. At home, you can clear the heat exchanger by running the pump for 10 seconds, then wait for the temp light to indicate ready and pull the shot immediately. That ensures perfect temperature.

>> No.13664765

I got some local full-bean coffee for the first time it's some ethiopian medium roast
I've been doing 4tbsp ground beans per 6oz of water and it's really weak in flavor compared to the supermarket dogshit that I'd always buy
I'm really inexperienced with coffee and just wanted to support my local roasters, is there a way to fix this?

>> No.13664769

What is your brewing method?

>> No.13664772

I put the water and the grounds in some old walmart-tier coffee machine and it does the rest
I don't have anything nicer, mainly because I didn't really expect to be doing anything with decent quality coffee

>> No.13664791

That's fine. It's definitely possible to make a decent cup with a drip machine. It does severely limit what you have control over though. Considering that your coffee to water ratio is already quite high, I would suggest grinding finer as the first thing to try if you want to increase strength.
One thing that you should be aware of is that if you're judging strength based on bitterness and body, you're always going to be disappointed by an Ethiopian medium roast. They grow and roast those beans for fruitiness and clarity.

>> No.13664806

Thanks, I'll try grinding it finer.
What kind of bean would you recommend for a stronger flavor? There was no particular reason why I got the Ethiopian medium roast; I usually go dark anyways.

>> No.13664817

The best part about having a local roaster is that they know all of the characteristics of their beans and they'll be happy to talk to you about them. I would strongly suggest asking them for their recommendation but if you're shy you can post their selection in this thread and I or someone else will help you out.

>> No.13664837

I haven't actually been to their place; they come to the farmer's market and also sell their stuff through a nearby local food store. The food store guys seemed kinda clueless about it, so I'll chat with the brewers next Saturday when they set up shop again. If I go to the food store before then, I'll snap a picture of what they have. Going by memory, it's mostly Peruvian. I remember there being a few other Ethiopian ones and one from some Pacific island that I forgot the name of.
Anyways, thanks for the help! Quite a pleasant surprise from the hostility that I expected.

>> No.13664858

The Pacific Island is most likely Papua New Guinea, Hawaii (maybe not because I guess you know that one) or an Indonesian island like Java or Sumatra. All of those would be good choices if you want something full, earthy and well-suited for dark roast.

>> No.13664872

It was definately Sumatra. I'll buy that one next.

>> No.13665473
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With luckys market gone I guess this is my new home now.

>> No.13665481

... what is a non-conventional coffee and how much of a problem is it that they needed a label?

>> No.13665521

They have regular, flavored, and """organic""". They have one just for flavored coffee. I'm greasing to make sure flavor grinds don't get mixed it to the plain stuff.

>> No.13665529
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>> No.13665677
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Not bad. Not sour or overly bitter so it extracted properly. It doesn't have a lot of flavor, but I picked Brazilian beans for that reason anyways. Just tastes like good dinner coffee with a slightly sweet finish. This with the electric perk setting. Tomorrow I'll try the brewing with grounded coffee set to regular which is below perk but a segment above French press; doing the james Hoffman method.

>> No.13665809

We get it, you've got a junk gaggia and have to deal with nonsense for a decent shot. What's "perfect temperature" off an aluminum coil and no cascaded pids and thermocouples?

>> No.13665970
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Me too
But with caramel

>> No.13666025

Nope. I have a Decent which doesn't mess around with silly boilers at all. If you think I'm advocating cheap espresso machines you haven't read the comment chain. I'm saying the number of boilers is irrelevant in a home setting. I've had spectacular shots out of a friend's Rocket Evoluzione single boiler. All of the best cafes in Italy use single boilers. But go on thinking your Breville Dual Boiler is the pinnacle of espresso hardware.

>> No.13666035

>perfect temperature
Sorry, I should have wrote "design temperature". But there are plenty of PID controlled single boilers. You're just showing your ignorance again.

>> No.13666098

At $600? Horseshit. Like I said, you can get an old gaggia and rewire the element with some ktype probes and some taobao parts. PM Mr Shadez and see if he has any idea where to still source shit. The best cafes in italy make worse espresso than middle of the road cafes in San Diego. Don't (you) me.

>> No.13666164

I repeat that I never advocated for a cheap electric machine. I was just pointing out that this anon >>13661912 was criticizing single boilers without reason. For home espresso, a cheap dual boiler is just as shit as a cheap single boiler. It just costs $500 more.

>> No.13666222

Typically cheap doubleboilers will still use better pumps to justify the price bump. Big difference going from 6 bar with no opv adjustment to 20 and being able to dial it in. There is more reason to criticize cheap boilers than there is to post on cambodian milking forms reasoning that theres nothing to criticize. Cheapest single boiler single grouphead pid (worth mentioning) is probably the ascaso dream. They run about 1k. $600 if you don't want the pid or the 20bar pump. You know, the budget we were discussing. Go make an espresso gin and tonic and think about your decisions.

>> No.13666262

Instant type ii coffee in MRE's is basically the Nescafe you can get at grocery stores.

>> No.13666284

>he doesn’t save the coffee grounds to mix with water and create coffee flavored ice cubes
>he doesn’t eat the used coffee grounds
>he doesn’t snort coffee grounds
what’s the point in saving the relationship

>> No.13666322

I think I will have that espresso gin and tonic because I've been arguing with someone that has non-existent reading comprehension skills. I don't have a hard on for cheap boilers. They deserve to be criticized. I only ever argued that having an extra boiler, with everything else equal, doesn't give you enough benefit in the home environment to justify the higher price. Good day, I hope you choke on your corona-infected taobao PIDs.

>> No.13666548

What % of internals in that decent do you think aren't made in china?

>> No.13666624

tea better

>> No.13667775

Contains an awful lot of fluoride so maybe not. The l-theanin inside definitely helps however.

>> No.13668519
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I was more criticizing "cheap" espresso machines, most of which are single boilers, and that a cheap machine and cheap single boilers in particular will be annoying to get the temp right.
I didn't mean all single boiler espresso machines were bad per se.
I didn't recommend cheap dual boilers.
Also, I didn't endorse dual boilers over single boilers.

In fact, the machines I recommended don't any have boilers or pumps whatsoever. Not even heating elements.

That said, our autistic little argument has probably been good clarification for newfags.

>> No.13668724

At what price point would you consider an espresso machine to not be cheap anymore? I'd much rather have a semi-automatic one than a full manual one for the sake of convenience. I'm about ready to jump into the market for one and have only started doing my research.

>> No.13668741


Sadly tea makes me nauseous as hell, so I stick to coffee now

>> No.13668997

>mfw the Tesco Finest beans from my local shop are far more satisfying than the 10x more expensive hipster beans from cafes

I was genuinely surprised. They just figured out what people like in breakfast coffee and did that, it's simple but the beans are genuinely really good

>> No.13669086

Just tried the Kasuya method. I thought he was a hack but it actually works great, eh?

>> No.13669098

Okay, I misunderstood you originally. It's still weird that you doubled down and argued with me when I made it clear that my only disagreement was about single vs dual boilers but I guess you just enjoy confrontation? If that's the case I'm happy I was able to entertain you.

Have you considered a lever electric machine? In my opinion the best value espresso machine out there is the La Pavoni Professional for $800 new (you can probably find one for under $400 used and they are built to LAST). With that you have complete control over every variable at all stages of the extraction. Adjust your pressure with your lever force and your temperature with the steam valve (in a single boiler, temperature is directly related to boiler pressure). There are also guides on how to rig it for PID temperature control if you want, but if you ask me you will learn a ton about espresso from controlling the temperature manually.

>> No.13669101

what’s the golden ration of coffee:water

>> No.13669107

I like to go slightly random for a different result each day.
Maybe just experiment and adjust based on what you think could be improved from the previous cup.

>> No.13669114

I'll have to look into that one, but one reason why I've been drawn to the Brevile machine mostly because of the grinder that comes with it. I have a Barista Encore already but I've heard it isn't the best with espresso grinds. I'd figure an espresso machine with a grinder would have a grinder that can make it fine enough.
I'll also mention that at this time I'm looking to just make a decent shot of espresso to start having a morning and before work latte. I do like my french press brews but they don't beat all the espresso drinks I like.

>> No.13669119

drinkin keurig coffee with a tablespoon of french vanilla in it

>> No.13669144

I've never used the Barista Express but I would be very wary of an integrated grinder/espresso machine solution. Maybe I'm wrong and it's acceptable but I would read every review I could find about that grinder if I were you.

>> No.13669725


>> No.13670073

The built in grinder is gonna be shit. Another anon got one as a Christmas present and had to return it because the grinder was useless.
As a general rule, avoid built-in grinders like the plague. They’re never designed well. Those machines are basically designed to make people think “Oh this one comes with a grinder! Great, how convenient. I’ll buy this without looking into anything further.”

They are designed to sell, not to make good espresso.

>> No.13670657
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Brewed the "regular" ground coffee. Not bad, but leans toward the sour end a bit.

>> No.13670901

>tfw I finally set up my own 3 gallon Nitro Cold Brew set up.

>> No.13670920

Has anyone tried the uKeg nitro-cold brew growler? Kinda half tempted.

>> No.13671020

So I am the anon right above you that has his own keg set up. If you have a fridge to store it in already then you are looking at a cost of ~200 for a full keg setup which can hold 3 gallons. Dont buy that cartridge based shit imo.

I just got mine up and running but I think it will workout well

>> No.13671074

fwiw the guy who runs greencoffee.coop just sent me a picture of his royal brew cartridge system. He loves it.

>> No.13671083

>royal brew cartridge system

You are spending almost as much as a full keg set up and you are going to spend more on the cartridges over time. Doesn't make good financial sense.

>> No.13671158

Drinking a high priced commodity in a global climate decline isn't good financial sense either.

>> No.13671177

It costs me .40 cents per 8oz cup of cold brew coffee including the cost of the nitrogen.

>> No.13671239

What's the cost of your dignity when people find out you made a sodastream?

>> No.13671254

Nil, because I am intelligent enough to understand the difference between Co2 and Nitrogen. At least get a basic education before posting here.

>> No.13671313

New hose, 3 fittings and a aeration plate.

>> No.13671327

Depends on the brewing method. Usually 1:12 for French press and 1:15 or 1:16 for pourover. Cold brew is a meme but it's like 1:2 to make a concentrate that you thin with water.

>> No.13671335

You need a new regulator as well.

>> No.13671378

$18 at airgas.

>> No.13671388

More if you're a custy.

>> No.13671406

wrong type of regulator. You need to be using taprite atleast.

>> No.13671422

I know people who clear $100k+ a year blowing glass off gtt phantoms with the wrong fittings, regulators, and knobs. You'll be fine. Yellowed cracked hoses and oxidized hose clamps too.

>> No.13671428


Guess what? There is something called food safety.

>> No.13671446

FDA's not kicking down your door over coldbrew.

>> No.13671451

I am not selling coldbrew... this is for personal consumption.. Why would you risk your own safety for the sake of slightly more money? You know how much shit chink made stuff has in it?

>> No.13671471

>Doesn't make good financial sense.

If you're going to fgrrig together a setup, do it as cheap as possible. A trip to ace hardware will get you everything you need but the tank. Run that for a while, then further customize. If you want an off the shelf product, the royal brew(or similar) is fine. You got custied. Happens every day in every industry.

>> No.13671483

your giving terrible advice, do something right if you are going to do it. No wonder you work at mcdonalds

>> No.13671543

I haven't worked since 2013. Little thing called crypto took off. Its ok to be a custy. Most people are.

>> No.13671567
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I've just been buying amazon beans, where can I buy good online beans that aren't jewish owned and not overpriced? Theres some local place near me but its like $12-$15 a bag

>> No.13671605

Find something interesting on drinktrade and email the roaster.

>> No.13672846


>> No.13672935



>> No.13673549

No one drinks cappuccino for the flavor anyway and honestly his whipped coffee looks to have a more delicate texture than shitty cappuccino macrofoam so I'm going to give it the /coffee/ seal of approval. All cafes should make it this way.

>> No.13673614

I'm not interested in your autistic DIY vs off-the-shelf argument. I'm just curious why you both aren't just using whipped cream dispensers with an N2 charger. I don't care much for nitro cold brew but it seems to me that a whipped cream dispenser does exactly the same thing as a uKeg, Royal Brew or DIY keg setup.

>> No.13673644

Add a bit of cocoa to it as well

>> No.13673684
File: 147 KB, 640x591, ytfssd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also fuck whoever pissed off the mod in Orlando. I can't bump the thread on break.

>> No.13674105

Espresso or piccolo latte?

>> No.13674149

>I can't bump the thread on break.
Imagine being a newfag who doesn't know what a bump limit is.

>> No.13674503
File: 466 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20200214-071424_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what range bans are

>> No.13674577

coffee-stained teeth is more based than your mother's blowjob abilities.

>> No.13675110

drink it black it's coffee not a milkshake you starcucks faggot

>> No.13676438


>> No.13676477

i dont get it. the milk is whats frothy right?

>> No.13677062


>> No.13677197

15lbs of brazilian greens otw. Yellow bourbon, ruby, and some maragogipe. Artisan roaster v1 should be running tomorrow afternoon.

>> No.13677728

Who are you talking to? I'm sure everybody in this thread drink it black. Moreover, why does it matter to you?

>> No.13678177

In a real cappuccino the froth is a mixture of crema, which is microscopic bubbles made of coffee liquid filled with the carbon dioxide that comes out of solution as the espresso depressurizes when leaving the portafilter, and milk foam, which is milk bubbles filled with water vapor from the steam wand and air sucked in by the churning action of the steam wand.
The froth in the video is bubbles made of coffee/sugar liquid filled with air that has been whipped in mechanically. This makes it sort of comparable to crema. He also tries to create milk foam by boiling the milk but you can see that this fails completely. All he managed to do was burn his milk.
The reason this has arguably better texture than a real cappuccino is that many cafes froth their milk to the point of macrofoam, which is bubbles large enough for the foam to become stiff and hold its shape. Many people consider this type of foam to be unpleasant.

>> No.13678665

>Paul de Leeuw made it to /ck/
That's about the greatest achievement in the life of the fattest bald faggot in the Netherlands after Sugar Lee Hooper's death

>> No.13679341


>> No.13679714

My Robot should be here today or tomorrow!!! Wooooooo!

>> No.13680566

Has anyone here tried one of these? I just want to know if its worth adding to my AeroPress https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079YBT2LJ/?coliid=INJM4J9AG45E0&colid=11MEZWT1HOLQO&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it

>> No.13680658

Good shit, report back!

>> No.13681463

You bought it with the pressure guage right?

>> No.13681904

Roaster is on hold. Can't get this fucking hc-05 bluetooth module to do ANYTHING. No data, no at commands, just keeps blinking leds(correctly) at me, taunting. Don't really want to buy one locally when I paid 1/4 the cost on ebay.

>> No.13681921

not him but i was thinking of getting one without the pressure gauge because it looks better

>> No.13682189

The pressure guage is just an add-on. I figured it would he more helpful for dialing in the amount of force needed for a constant 8-9 bars of pressure though. Seems like it would be pretty hard to stay consistent otherwise.

>> No.13682257

The pressure gauge is literally the reason you go fully manual.

>> No.13682349

what grind size? I'm thinking about getting one.

>> No.13682631

I love coffee. Always drank french press growing up. Now it's usually espresso, and pour over.

That being said I crave shitty filter coffee and even instant when it's early. I am a grad student and work in the medical/ support worker field. Sometimes you just need that putrid, burnt flavor in the morning to remind you that life is shit.

>> No.13682870

5 hours later, got it.

>> No.13683420


>> No.13683658

Coffee By Design out of Portland Maine. Italian Dark Roast, whole bean of course. I broke my french press last week unfortunately but old reliable is currently filling up my apartment with that wonderful bubbling sound and nutty aroma. usually I'll put some dairy and maybe cocoa in my first cup of the day, and then drink the next few black.

>> No.13683780

god damn i fucking love espresso

>> No.13683938

I did get the pressure gauge. It's not here yet.

>> No.13684102

less than a week-old coffee sure is something else

>> No.13684812

What grinder would you guys get for < £100?

>> No.13684819

Either an Aerspeed or an Aergrind. The former is for pour-over, the latter for espresso. I'm pretty sure they're the cheapest proper grinders if you have some standards.

>> No.13684898

save up and get something worthwhile.

>> No.13684923

> save up
What's a reasonable amount to spend on a grinder?

>> No.13685091

Most people will recommend a Kinu M47 and it's more or less agreed anything more expensive is pointless.
I'd still say chances are >>13684819 is more than enough for your needs and incomparable to ceramic/plastic toy grinders already.

>> No.13685095

Cuisinart Automatic Coffeemaker Burr Grind and Brew 12 Cup Charcoal Water Filter 5 Oz, Brushed Stainless Steel

>> No.13686114

First shot wasn't great, but what do I know I've never had espresso before. Dialed the grinder a little finer for the second and it turned out much better.

>> No.13687102

I'm not sure but I think both the aerspeed and aergrind are theoretically capable of grinding for espresso. They're no Kinus though. And if you can't find one of those, maybe there's still enough chinese left to send you a Timemore Slim from aliexpress.

>> No.13687108
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>Cuisinart Automatic Coffeemaker Burr Grind and Brew 12 Cup Charcoal Water Filter 5 Oz, Brushed Stainless Steel

>> No.13687429

>never had espresso before
Okay, I'll bite. Do you live in a place where there are no cafes? Are you afraid to leave the house?
You're seriously handicapping yourself trying to dial in espresso having never even tried one before. You'll probably get there eventually but it's going to take you a while to work out the various tasting notes yourself without a reference. If it's at all possible I would strongly suggest making the effort to visit a cafe.

>> No.13688243


>> No.13688366

There are no cafes here. If I enjoy the end result it really doesn't matter what it tastes like.

>> No.13688777

New thread