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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13631985 No.13631985 [Reply] [Original]

I keep my word. I asked what to make last night, Tacos or Chicken Parm, Ya'll picked chicken. So here we go.

Tutorial Level: Lay out shit.

>> No.13631994

Clean your stove, dude

>> No.13631999
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Level 1: Sauce

I used some canned San Marazono tomatoes because I am an utter tool devoid of originality. I add a basket of button mushrooms, some parmesean cheese and mix and mash with fingers.

>> No.13632001

>1990s stove

>> No.13632004

Fuck you. Everyone says that. Just gonna get dirty again.

Anyways, here is the slop.

>> No.13632006

This board hates chicken parm for some reason.

>> No.13632010
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Fuck. Forgot to upload the pic. Well, imagine a bowl of red and white crap like a Polish flag in a blender. Oil and garlic in a pan, til it smells. Dump this shit in...

>> No.13632021

looks great lad good job

>> No.13632023
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It takes forever to boil down the sauce. So get to the chicken. I use tenders, more surface area to savory breading and soak spots for the sauce. Cheaper too.

>> No.13632030

pecorino is not parmesan. also why the fuck did you buy pre grate? also why did you put it in the fucking sauce? you won't be able to taste it in there.

>> No.13632034
File: 882 KB, 2016x1512, 20200208_132103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bitch to clean em but so worth it. If you don't de-vein the tenders you are a monster. I did it a million times as a kid working at some shit resort. Take the time damn it.

>> No.13632039
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Bitch, I told you to stay in the car.

And if your discard pile looks less than this, you are a cheap exacting cunt. It's only meat.

>> No.13632043

>why did you put it in the fucking sauce? you won't be able to taste it in there.
Wow, wrong. It will add body and a richness to the sauce that will help balance the acidity.

>> No.13632049
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Okay, the next pain in the ass part. Breading and dredging. Don't believe the hype you only need three dishes to do it. Just learn to free your mind.

>> No.13632053
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Thanks babe. Some people don't even know why you have to preheat an oven.

Let's check the sauce, but hurry up, the chicken is getting dried.

>> No.13632069
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Okay, breading we are ready to step into danger zones.

Level 2: The Chicken Cooking

>> No.13632075
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Don't crowd the pan? HA HA HA HA fuck you.

Crowd it. Fucking mob that shit. Fuck you steve.

>> No.13632090
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Bonus Round: Clean As You Go

From all the bullshit I ever heard spouted about cooking, this is the one thing that is always true. There is something about a bunch of dirty shit in the kitchen that vexs the mind. Not just saying that as a former dishwasher. I can't stress enough how this is number one.

>> No.13632101
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Level 3: Layers

A little grease from the sauce on the bottom helps lube things and adds a circumferential coating of savory without pooling in blobs of red shit you won't enjoy but feel forced to mop up with bread anyways because god damn it.

>> No.13632107
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Extra chicken! Sandwich material. It looks perfectly done. Fuck. Means I over fried the main course... Fuck I am tense now...

>> No.13632112
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Level 4: Baking

Pray for me. See you on the other side, /ck/.

>> No.13632152
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Holy shit, it's working. I am fully erect.

>> No.13632200
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Level 5: Crisping

I-I-I don't know... To melt it into place I put it on 325 for about 40 minutes, took the tinfoil off and cranked it up to 375 for about ten. I think it came out okay... Not too overdone. Maybe.

Oh god

>> No.13632207
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End Level

O-okay, here I go

>> No.13632220
File: 3.32 MB, 600x408, 95BDB370-E591-4B9F-B82B-FD51C5D2A5E0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice but seriously please clean.

Now where’s the pasta?

>> No.13632227

would rummage your bin/10

>> No.13632231

dude you really need to clean your kitchen holy fuck

>> No.13632235

>jarred garlic

that is gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.13632248
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Epilogue: Final Post

Wow. I was scared it would be burnt-out or dry but, no. This was a slice of pure perfection. I'm not trying to break my arm jerking myself off but damn it came out good. Too good. I kept going back to eat at it even though it's supposed to last me a week. The cheese crisped just perfect to give it that nice mouth feel, the chicken was juicy and seasoned with a coating of good tomato infused panko with the right amount of give to the acidity, all cut thanks to the mushrooms. I am very happy with this. I woke with a bad hangover, forced myself to clean up after and go shopping, remembering that I promised to make this or tacos. Y'all chose wise, now I get to wake up Sunday hungover, in a mess, but with primo leftovers. Ahh.

>> No.13632288

Great, I’m happy for you. Now go clean that god damn kitchen anon.

>> No.13632306
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I'm fucking tired, I'm full, and I am nearing drunk. There is a fat cat sleeping against me as I lay in bed and I'm done. Saturday is done. Sunday is for cleaning.

No promises this time, though.

>> No.13632341


>> No.13632348

Clean that stove, you disgusting pig.

>> No.13632350

I would eat it.

>> No.13632413

Looks good.

>> No.13632420

Next time make cat Parm.

>> No.13632519
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Sure, he's Meowseph the wonder cat. Had him since he got pawned off on me 10 years ago. It was that or abandonment. So I took him in. He was sick recently, but I got him some help. He's getting old but so am I.

I will not be cooking him.

>> No.13632536
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Here's back in the glory days. Notice the VHS player.

>> No.13632717

good thread i appreciate you

>> No.13633074
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And I you, fellow traveler. Here, have another cat. I'm not quite sure how his little paws don't get burned, but there it is. AA Meeting soon, must go. I have to show up drunk again. I will admit cooking as a hobby kinda works, but not really. :(

>> No.13633996

>Cento tomatoes
Ever since I switched to them rather than whatever cheap cans of crushed I can get, my sauces have gotten a lot better. I don't think they're "DOP certified" or whatever but I feel the quality is evident.

>> No.13634587

>VHS player
it's called a VCR kiddo.

>> No.13634593

Gotta adjust for your audience, man.

>> No.13634773

I liked this thread and your writing style until you used the made up term "mouthfeel"
Eat shit you pretentious cocksucker

>> No.13634779
File: 9 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you might be retarded. you hold the tendon with your hand, and run the blade toward the meat with the other. it's like filleting a fish

>> No.13634847
File: 376 KB, 1515x867, 0111201541b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me the mouthfeel of my cock you hot little bed fart.

I don't think so. It's chicken. You pin the tendon down with the a dull ass blade and use your fingers to pull the flesh down like a sock.

Also, I've cleaned my stove. The grease is NOT coming off the walls though. Advice sought.

>> No.13635140

Do you not wipe your ass using the same reasoning?

>> No.13635149

good cunt, proud of you

>> No.13635223

I already admitted I need help on this. It's to the point shit is not coming off. You do NOT want to see the floor next to it. Maybe a de-greaser or something. I don't know. I care enough to where it bothers me but not so much that I will actively do something about it.

>> No.13635372

Nice lasagna

>> No.13635406
File: 46 KB, 272x269, 1396311765024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot of prep to make chicken parm, so why not casserole it? You can eat like a king for a week, rather than one meal you can't quite finish. This wasn't a date, this was just cooking for myself. Ah, you purists...

>> No.13635418


There's a cleaning product called Awesome.

I use that shit on everything. Spray the grease and wipe with a towel. If not coming off with some force, and the wall can take it use a fucking hard sponge. DONT DO IT IF ITS PAINTED. But seriously that Awesome stuff is good shit.

>> No.13635446

Will look into it. But I think I'll just have to paint the walls, they are fucking done. I should really just move out of this rat's nest now that I have some money. But then I have to commute, can't buy a house this close to work. So convenient living downtown... And shit. Uh, getting off topic.

Will see about this 'awesome'. Thanks, bro.

>> No.13635549

Just clean the damn stove you fat lazy fuck.

>> No.13635558

>washing chicken

>> No.13635607
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You fuck. Read the thread.