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13623647 No.13623647 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on keto and I have a bunch of chicken drumstick meat I don't like at all. Looking for something to do with it I came across this idea


Any thoughts on this recipe? I feel like mixing some cheese or cream cheese in would help it stay hydrated and maybe make it more pliable? Any food scientists who know if xantham gum or glycerine or something would work here to make the texture better?

Haven't made it yet, just wondering...

>> No.13623661

Go on a real diet, fatty. It's called the "burn more calories than you consume" diet. It's 100% effective. I know it sounds radical and unbelievable, but it's completely based on irrefutable scientific evidence. If you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. Period.

I've noticed that fat people are generally less intelligent than healthy people. I like to say that the fat clogs up their brain.

>> No.13623667


>> No.13623668

dude, can you fuck off and let people talk?

>> No.13623672

don't dignify posts like that with a response, just report for trolling outside /b/ and continue the thread

>> No.13623676

Can you fuck off and die you fat pig? Eat a goddamn vegetable.

>> No.13623685

dude, can you fuck off and go on a real diet? LOL fat fuck is mad. Don't go stress-eat because I made you mad, Fatty McFatfat.
You reported my post? It's against the rules to announce a report, you hypocrite. Anyway, keep checking this thread and see if my post gets deleted. PRO TIP: It won't.

>> No.13623687

Keto fags utterly BTFO. Just eat a fucking varied diet and go for a run or go to the gym, it's literally that easy to stay thin.

>> No.13623692

use meat glue r-transglutaminase. That will actually work. Otherwise you need a starch or some other protein to hold it together. Such as eggs or gluten or any protein isolate. Xantham gum wont work it doesn't lead well to structure holding, and if you add to much the texture will be disgusting.

>> No.13623699

methyl-cellulose might also work.

>> No.13623700

Keto increases metabolism, eliminates hunger, and preserves muscle mass.

Low carb diets ad libitum are more effective than calorie restricted diets.

>> No.13623707

>Otherwise you need a starch or some other protein to hold it together

I mean the ones in the url look like they're holding together? Additionally, I have been eating some "Realgood" brand enchiladas, it's where I got this idea, the enchilada wraps are made of chicken breast and cheese

I'll research that additive, though

>> No.13623712

That's that sort of salt only unironic faggots and trannies can come up with.

>> No.13623721

it's not salt. It's proven high fat intake and high animal protein intake is bad for you. How can anyone approve of a keto diet when it's literally that? Are you this dumb?

>> No.13623726
File: 159 KB, 1200x1200, 71fv21v1Y4L._SL1200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea about this stuff and why there's 3 different types? Ajinomoto also sells it on Amazon, theirs is RM-type

>> No.13623735

have you tried finely ground psyllium husk

>> No.13623747


here is a recipe which is basically what you're looking for. The key is the transglutaminase which holds everything together. All the other steps aren't necessary.

>> No.13623749

No idea why they'd sell three types, do they not list any explaination on their website or something?

>> No.13623750

I haven't tried anything yet, that's why I'm asking here

I bought like 5 packages of high quality chicken drumstick meat cause it was on sale, and i just absolutely hate eating it cause it has a squishy texture. So ideally, I'll make it into wraps and make like beef cheese enchiladas with it

>> No.13623754
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are very angry that word of mouth has obliterated decades of vegan lies about nutrition.

No matter how hard they shill against keto the cat is already out of the bag.

>> No.13623758

go for the RM type

>> No.13623762

It looks like RM has maltodextrin and casein, TI has maltodextrin, and GS has maltodextrin, gelatin, and polyphosphate salts/oils

it's kind of bad news for keto since maltodextrin, but i imagine i'd only be using a tiny amount anyway

>> No.13623769

it's fine, you'll all die ten years faster than the normal people who eat a varied diet and excercise instead of stuffing their face with butter and bacon thinking they'll get fat. Getting a lot of searches on a search engine doesn't make it healthy nor effective at fat loss, refute that, moron.

>> No.13623771

please stop arguing in my thread

>> No.13623773

just use the TI then, that probably works fine, might get you more bang for your buck.

>> No.13623775

the amount use isn't a whole lot. Only 8 of enzyme powder per grams per 300g of chicken. The maltodextrin is probably used to prevent clumping the casein is to help glue as it's a protein that the enzyme can link to other proteins

>> No.13623777


>> No.13623778


>> No.13623788


here's some good info about transglutaminase

this is definitely what i'm looking for, thanks anon.

>> No.13623793

yeah it's to prevent clumping

>> No.13623860

So you are a weak person who cannot bare the feeling of hunger, you will not learn proper nutrition or portion control, and when you are satisfied with your results you will stop keto and get fat again because you never learned how to have a healthy diet. Honestly it doesn’t make me think you’re any stupider than I already thought you were for choosing to get fat in the first place.

>> No.13623882
File: 10 KB, 240x210, 1577635669346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll post abusive comments whenever someone mentions keto
>surely that will get people to stop eating meat!

>> No.13623905

please just stop responding to him. these kids just want attention and if you ignore them they go away.

>> No.13623912


>> No.13623996

just ordered the transglutaminase, i'll report back when i make this shit.

>> No.13624001

Make a crust for carnivore deep dish pizza.


>> No.13624009

I never said anything about not eating meat. I specifically said a healthy diet. Only a retard would think that implies no meat, which you did...

>> No.13624016

interesting idea, too bad youtube died

i made a keto pizza with cheese crust one time, wasn't too bad, but was a ton of work and not really worth it. artificial substitute versions of things never really feel like the real thing.

>> No.13624031

cauliflower crust pizza is one of those keto recipes i do even when i'm not on keto

>> No.13624052

>cauliflower crust pizza is one of those keto recipes

generally not keto. high amount of carbs

>> No.13624059

2g net carbs per 100g is NOT a high amount of carbs.

>> No.13624120

curious to see how it goes. I only ever used it for chicken kiev and stuffed roasts.

>> No.13624124

except it has way more carbs than that bro.

>> No.13624138

stay retarded

>> No.13624159
File: 407 KB, 828x1521, 6E1A6061-DB7C-4648-8715-8D56BD4A1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I was curious. You’re wrong.

>> No.13624176

>2g sugar
Not him but I was curious. He's right.

>> No.13624211

fpbp fatfags btfo

>> No.13624314

>sugar is the only carb
This is probably why you got fat in the first place, ketofag

>> No.13624399

[citation needed]

>> No.13624427

H-holy based

>> No.13624479

That particular shitposter has prob already been banned for some other posts multiple times and is using different IP.
Theres no reason to report besides maybe asking janitors to make the thread cleaner looking.

>> No.13624548
File: 3.37 MB, 4032x3024, 20200201_195813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad.

I'm doing keto too, I love it in short bursts, lost 60lb in 3 months last year. On it again to lose the holiday weight, it's been 2 weeks and already lost 15ish

I don't keep a scale though, I just use a measuring tape to measure my waist.

I do a lot of sous vide meat personally.

Chicken is amazing though. Add veg and chili powder to make fajitas. Add curry powder and almond milk for a tasty curry. Add crushed almonds and mayo and any type of spice you want and you have a good chicken salad. Make cheese tortillas, put on salad or lettuce wraps.

Tons of food stuff to make.

This is what I made the other day

Got another roast in the circulator now.

>> No.13624555

you have to go back

>> No.13624573

This post is surprisingly spot on

>> No.13625186

i've lost 25lb in two months at thsi point

>> No.13625468
File: 180 KB, 800x1587, keto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13626485

I have been eating a no processed food keto diet full of all kinds of meats, saturated and unsaturated fats, and vegetables for nearly six years. My health stats keep improving every year. It pissed off my doctor for a long time because it's not supposed to work like that. Reverse aging. I'm one of those assholes who is over 40, but everyone thinks is 30.

Fat is good for you.
Meat is good for you.
Exercise is good for you.
Sugar is bad for you.
Alcohol is bad for you.
Hi, vegans!

>> No.13626525

alcohol improves haemostasis which lowers the risk of coronary disease
other than that, welcome to 4channel my dear redditor friend

>> No.13626651

Delusional lardass. The people who claim they look younger than they are, specially for a number as high as 10 years, are the ones in the most denial. Btw, Japan, i.e. the country with the highest life expectancy has a carb-heavy diet.

>> No.13626656

I mean a study that proves that keto induces a higher metabolism, fattie. Not some YouTube video.

>> No.13626661

Also have you taken a look at a satiety index?

>> No.13626668

Wow, that's awesome man. Good for you.

I still exercise and run with my keto, but I find keto to be the easiest braindead diet there is. Just stop eating carbs that spike your gi.

Everyone who hasnt tried it shits on it. Or there's the people who do try it but "sneak" in sugar still and then say the diet sucks.

Definitely not a long term diet for me, but it's dumb easy to lose the weight if youre focused.

Make anything tasty?

>> No.13626685

I run all the time. Did a half marathon not too long ago and training for a full marathon. I also enjoy keto to help lose holiday/winter weight. Why are you so upset about things that don't affect you? Maybe you should try sucking a dick once in a while, you'll probably like it and it might chill you out a bit.

>> No.13626694

Caloric deficits are what make you lose weight, fattie. Shoving lard and steaks down your face won't make you lose weight. Neither carbs nor any other nutrient break the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.13626717 [DELETED] 

50% of all men that made it to that age smoked, too. Now 30% of men smoke. What's up with that.

>> No.13626725

Except I am losing and have lost weight? What are you on about retard?
Literally everyone in this thread who has said they do keto have lost weight.
It's also extremely calorie deficient. A huge slab of meat is the same amount of cals as a candybar or soda. I eat all I want and still only average about 1000-1200kcal, and run 3 miles a day
Literally what, bub. Maybe you should learn more about what you're talking about so you don't look so retarded all the time. I dunno, I'm not your mom.

>> No.13627165

That video is a researcher presenting his results. You can see some of his studies in the image posted.

Here's the particular study showing low carb burns 300 kcal/day on average extra.


I doubt you really care though, since you didn't look at the video or the image I posted. And if you can't use google to find papers you surely can't read or understand them.

>> No.13627229


>> No.13627235

when a body is mostly fat, it takes control of the host. this sounds like horror fiction but it's true. fatass motherfuckers have different hormones and it controls their brain to keep being fatass motherfuckers. look up "obesity creates hormones." just do it, fatasses.

>> No.13627244

>Literally everyone in this thread who has said they do keto have lost weight.
It's not because low carb is some magical diet that "ENABLES KETOSIS HURRRR"
There is absolutely no science behind this diet
The only reason this diet works is because fatties have absolutely 0 self control and this diet cuts out 99% of the usual garbage they gorge themselves with.

>> No.13627246

You might also be on keta

>> No.13627266

Keto has a few key advantages for fat loss:

- increases metabolism 300 kcal/day
- reduces hunger
- retains lean mass while losing weight

These make keto so superior to other diets that you don't have to count calories or restrict yourself at all.

>> No.13627286

What you ketofags don’t seem to understand is that you can’t stay on keto forever, and when you stop, you won’t know how to maintain your weight. You’re taking a shortcut to weight loss, the same as every other yo-yo diet in history. The only way to lose weight and keep it off forever is to permanently change your diet and portion sizes. If you don’t do that, you will just be a fat shit again. I have no respect for ketofags because you just don’t want to be hungry.
>I’m fat but I want to lose weight
>I just want to be able to keep stuffing my greasy fat fucking face while I do it
That’s how you sound to us

>> No.13627297

restrictive diets have a very simple working principle. when you are not allowed to eat practically any junk food and restaurant food, you find it much more difficult to accidentally go overboard.

of course you can go crazy on almonds or something, but odds are much lower than if you were snacking on carbs

>> No.13627299

There's at least three features that make high-protein diets worthwhile.

First, protein tends to be more satiating which means that it'll be easier for a fatty to consume a bit less.

Second, protein calories in food actually count for less in your body due to thermic effect.

Third, the thing that you said. Most of the time the problem foods are going to be bs sugary snacks, and inherently cutting them out and replacing them with things that actually have to be cooked etc is obviously going to create an improvement.

>> No.13627307

all of your points are false
I can't tell if you're purposely spreading misinformation or just a blatantly stupid internet noobie

>> No.13627310

High-protein has nothing to do with whether your diet employs ketosis

>> No.13627318

>- increases metabolism 300 kcal/day
>- reduces hunger
>- retains lean mass while losing weight
Literally none of this is backed up by science.
The only reason you don't have to calorie count is because the amount of food you're limited to on a low carb diet will never get you close to surpassing your caloric expenditure.
""""Keto"""" is nothing more than a caloric restriction diet backed up by """""""'science""""""" so fatties can continue to gorge themselves on low carb garbage.
Once fatties lose their weight and stop keto, they haven't had an actual lifestyle change so they'll continue to be fatties and keep gorging themselves

>> No.13627319

All my points have scientific proof already posted.

See: >>13625468

>> No.13627332
File: 62 KB, 720x960, soyOverdose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah keep repeating that. Maybe the keto nazis will be tricked into stopping their evil meat eating ways.

>> No.13627342

Ketards will continue to yoyo weight all their life until they realize being healthy isn't just hopping on a meme restriction diet and they actually have to make good choices with what they eat.
But yes, I am a giant soy faggot for being healthy and eating a proper diet and exercising

>> No.13627344

there isn't a single piece of published science that supports any of the claims you made

>> No.13627346

>164 adults aged 18-65 years with a body mass index of 25 or more.
164 fatties that were just assigned meals. Lmao, let me know when you can reference a study with a non-meme number of participants that were actually hospitalized. I'm not gonna take fatties' word on their own food intake as reliable proof. You fatties are notoriously unreliable when it comes to the food you eat.

>> No.13627348

Nobody said anything against eating meat, you obese retard.

>> No.13627363


>The objective of this study is to assess the association between the amount and type of dietary protein, and subsequent changes in weight and waist circumference (WC).

>89,432 men and women from five countries participating in European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) were followed for a mean of 6.5 years. Associations between the intake of protein or subgroups of protein (from animal and plant sources) and changes in weight (g per year) or WC (cm per year) were investigated using gender and centre-specific multiple regression analyses. Adjustments were made for other baseline dietary factors, baseline anthropometrics, demographic and lifestyle factors and follow-up time. We used random effect meta-analyses to obtain pooled estimates across centres.

>Higher intake of total protein, and protein from animal sources was associated with subsequent weight gain for both genders, strongest among women, and the association was mainly attributable to protein from red and processed meat and poultry rather than from fish and dairy sources. There was no overall association between intake of plant protein and subsequent changes in weight. No clear overall associations between intakes of total protein or any of the subgroups and changes in WC were present. The associations showed some heterogeneity between centres, but pooling of estimates was still considered justified.

>> No.13627366

How do ketocucks explain Japan?

>> No.13627378

This is the first sentence of the results section of the first study in your post:

>There were significant differences in satiety both within and between the six food categories. The highest SI score was produced by boiled potatoes (323 +/- 51%) which was seven-fold higher than the lowest SI score of the croissant (47 +/- 17%).

Are you actually retarded or did you just not bother to read? Do you know what is the most prevalent macronutrient in potatoes?

>> No.13627394

The anti-keto posts are vegan shills. They are very upset that keto through word of mouth has exposed decades of vegan lies about health and nutrition.

>> No.13627408

it's actually kind of funny
a lot of vegan youtubers are notoriously underweight
yet all the keto posters here (who love to make fun of vegans) are obviously morbidly obese teenagers that wish they were skinny so they fall for a fad diet that was made popular by a quak who goes by dr atkins

>> No.13627416

They can't so they ignore it or claim the japs are reporting fake stats.

>> No.13627754

buy mission low carb wraps and just stuff them as full as you can. any chicken bullshit concoction is going to be loaded with calories and it will be subpar.