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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13611933 No.13611933 [Reply] [Original]

For me? It’s Natty Daddy. All business, All American, All Natty.

>> No.13611945
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For me, it's Crown Russe Premium, the finest made

>> No.13611954
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>> No.13611962

That’s a good choice there. I’m also a fan of Aristocrat Royal Vodka, the go-to choice of aristocrats,

>> No.13611969

For me, I take this and put it on ice with a little store-brand seltzer water and drink until I sleep.

>> No.13611974

this, but unironically

>> No.13611979
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Store Brand Seltzer? That’s pretty classy, a fine way to treat yourself. For me, it’s just cold water out of the tap.

>> No.13612182

it is in fact only half Natty, with the remaining fifty percent being comprised of Daddy

>> No.13612293

Based and vodkapilled

>> No.13612314 [DELETED] 

That's a lot of semen.

>> No.13612329
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Trying to stay sober for a week, just to see if I can. 3 days in and the shaking is down quite a bit but I can't sleep for shit and am very tempted to go get beer.

>> No.13612352

for me its a 5 gallon jug of sugar water and yeast

>> No.13612353

1 beer won't help you sleep man. 11-15 will though...

>> No.13612358

dont go cold turkey anon, you might die. go to a bar without your wallet and only drink what people buy for you

>> No.13612383

If DT is going to kill you it would be in the first day or so. I don't get seizures just horrible aches and paranoia. Both are gone now, all that is left is shakes and boredom. I'll make it to Friday, just don't know what will happen after Friday.

>> No.13612518

Relatives brought a few cans back from the states to Canada. I thought it was decent for my first time having it.

>> No.13612761

it treated me good tonight bros

>> No.13612818

Me too. But now the nearest convenience store is 0.7 miles away... Is only open to 1am.. and only has $2 cans of hurricane. I got too spoiled with 2/$2.50 deals

>> No.13612829

Be careful bro! Quitting alcohol cold turkey can be fatal depending on how severe of an alcoholic you are. Most experts recommend that you only detox under medical supervision, stay safe

>> No.13613036

this is great advice until you get to the medical supervision part
no matter how deep you are into alcohol, you only need to ween yourself off of it by drinking 2 less drinks per day til you hit zero
the addiction recovery industry is a scam which preys on weak minds

>> No.13613047

bro i get natdad and hurricane both for 99 cents per 25oz. Reckon you need to relocate to the midwest

>> No.13613160

Isn't that a little expensive? I usually go with a 40oz Steel Reserve

>> No.13613191

Bro wtf I'd be dead, how many alcoholics are around you?

>> No.13614043

this is the best combo for when you want to get drunk on the cheap.
>getting nauseous just thinking about alcohol again

>> No.13614093

Is it a scam if the weak minds need it though?

>> No.13614112

He owns an iPhone. He's clearly a child with no idea of the value of a dollar.

>> No.13614446

it's an ipad given to me as a gift by my father, who didn't want it after it was given to him as a retirement gift by his company. i feel the need to fully explain myself because i endorse your hatred of people who buy apple products.

>> No.13615499
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Just try to get your mind off of it anon. I did it by just watching tv and smoking a lot (cigs)

Cold turkey can be ok. Ive heard as other anons said that it could be fatal, but i went cold turkey after drinking everyday for 5 years and 2 of those mainly mouthwash and another 3 of a 1/5 a day more or less.

I was fine, just night sweats/shakes and couldnt sleep for a couple of days but overall not too bad. Got 7 months sober but went back to it. Planning to stop the end of this week

>> No.13615518

Why do people drink mouthwash? I just cannot see the purpose. Popov or other shitty vodka is like $5 or $6 for 500ml, I find it hard to believe that mouthwash can beat that
Or is it because mouthwash is easier to steal?

>> No.13615559
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Sometimes you just need some cheap booze, and a 6 pack of these does one hell of a trick.

>> No.13615569

shit man, shitty vodka here is $9.99 for 1.75L
man i love the midwest

>> No.13615581

please tell me this is just a prank

>> No.13615699


Underage at the time really. Didnt want to steal at all. Wasnt really the worst, just gave me bad acid reflux. Though the smell of it now makes me gag generally

>> No.13615744
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>> No.13615751

I love you alcks

>> No.13615761

I like St Ides better, its underrated and I usually kill 2 to 3 40ozs of it a night

>> No.13615765

thats what they drank in Dont Be A Menace aint it?

>> No.13615777

Ya but they spoof it and call it st dies, they drink the real thing in boyz in the hood and menace

>> No.13615783
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>> No.13615893

For me, it's that tight little ass of yours.

>> No.13616460

sweet yeah i’ll keep an eye out for this potion
what was meant here

>> No.13616498
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>bloks ure payth

>> No.13616514

I rock Canadian Club. No idea how that stuff is so cheap, it's no Crown Royal but it's damn solid for how cheap it is.

>> No.13616527
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i prefer the darker of the poor-mean patrician's canadian whiskeys

>> No.13616534
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For me it's pic related.

>> No.13616536

If you're going to buy cheap booze this is the worst way to do it. Worst hangover possible. You can buy mid shelf vodka for the same price that won't cripple you for days afterwards.

>> No.13616543

your genes are weak and you won't survive the purge to come

>> No.13616547
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I only buy the best. Poorfags need not apply.

>> No.13616581

sure thing 4chan faggot

>> No.13616620

Are there different in different regions?
Bought a sixer because /ck/ always praises it and was barely feeling it by the time I was finished. Looked it up and it was like 5% abv even though it's called malt liquor

>> No.13616653

i know it's hard to believe but normies think a 6 pack of regular beer is "drinking a lot"

>> No.13616674

Nah, it's always about the same ABV. Built up a good tolerance from drinking a lot of cheap malt liquor and expensive absinthe.

>> No.13616708

>8 beers in on a tuesday listening to depression playlist

>> No.13616733

holy based

>> No.13616739

lmao ok 4chan faggot. don't reply to me ever again

>> No.13616830

god i wish that were me. i've been drunk 5 nights straight, gotta take a couple miserable days off here to avoid the shakes. i'm living vicariously through you.

>> No.13616877

>dont go cold turkey anon, you might die.
I hear this a lot, but I've been regularly going from massive benders to stone sober for the last five years. I've dealt with all the shakes, fever dreams, faintness, hallucinations, etc., but still haven't died. Hell, it's gotten to the point where it's actually kind of interesting dealing with withdrawals, like I don't know what kind of symptoms I'll get this time.
Oh well, maybe I'll die someday. Here's hoping it's one hell of a ride until then.

>> No.13616888
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They say DT occurs most often on the third day no alcohol. Me personally I've only expirienced alcohol withdrawal hallucinations that lasted from the first day to the second, but that wasn't full blown DT.

If you decide to go cold turkey I'd just have an emergency liquor bottle somewhere around if you have the self restraint, since alcohol is used to treat DT(obviously lol) It's not like the Dilirium itself is going to kill you but the seizures and cardiac arrest from high blood pressure/irregular heartbeat. You can get seizure or cardiac arrest without being delirious/psychotic. I actually think you can make your withdrawal symptoms worse by panicing potentially scaring yourself to death(literally lol) thats why I say having some liquor at hand can help putting your mind at rest (I mean not drinking it but just having it at home)

>> No.13616891

Alcohol withdrawal hallucinations are kinda fun if you are into horror movies, not joking.

>> No.13616895

Totally. Nothing has lived up to the first time with the strange screaming corpse monsters, though. Maybe I should do hard drugs, but those are illegal.

>> No.13616910

very helpful page here concerning the chance of getting varying levels of withdrawal
I have lived by this for a while now and if you ride the line, you never get the real ugly stuff

>> No.13616929
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>If you drink 13 a day for a month then you have about a fifty-fifty chance of having major life threatening withdrawals. Drinking 10 a day for a week will lead to minor withdrawal and 18 a day for a week to major life-threatening withdrawal as illustrated in Figure 2.

>> No.13616948

bum liquor with an email address

>> No.13616951

if deads your goal gotta go bigger i guess. cold turkey after a month of a daily 24-rack looks like it oughta do the job

>> No.13616954

Sounds a bit exaggerated desu. It's also relevant do you "only" drink every day during the evening until you pass out or you drink throughout the day maintaining your alcohol blood level. The later is a lot worse in terms of withdrawal.

>> No.13616962

>It's also relevant do you "only" drink every day during the evening until you pass out or you drink throughout the day maintaining your alcohol blood level. The later is a lot worse in terms of withdrawal.
>nervously searching for a pulse
I get it now. This is my hell.

>> No.13616968

the nervous insomniac pulse search is what motivated me to never, ever let my shit get that far out of control ever again. never ever want to feel that sleepness feeling of imminent death EVER again

>> No.13617572
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Underage or homeless with no ID. It's probably the safest non-restricted alcohol product to abuse, as it's denaturing agents are formulated specifically to be minimally harmful if swallowed. Listerine and Scope would be swamped with lawsuits if people accidentally swallowed their mouthwash and got sick, blind, or dead, as they would if it were denatured with something like Methanol.

>> No.13617592

Why do i get intense stomach pain/cramps from drinking angry orchard? I had one today left over from a party and i threw up. Last week i tried one and had to stop hanging out with friends because the cramps were so bad.
Makes me feel like a bitch, at least its not even that good.

>> No.13617634

Whatchu know about that?
Prolly tons

>> No.13617643

I stopped drinking for a month and a half after drinking almost daily for years. Just had 2 of these last night. At first I was uncomfortable but then I enjoyed the buzz and didn't want anything after. I think I'll have 2 every few weeks to a month.

>> No.13618374

Dude, look up kindling. Going through withdrawals repeatedly is worse than just maintaining. You do you but just a heads up.

>> No.13618965

Drank this stuff all the time when I first turned 21, was cheap and pretty palatable. Switched it out for Canadian Club before switching again to whatever Trader Joe's has
Black Velvet, Canadian Hunter, Canada House etc. are all awful. Go down like an oil slick and leave a sickly residue behind

>> No.13619129

You're gonna feel like a million bucks if you don't slip up
>tfw you can keep that feeling going by not drinking

>> No.13619377

I can never find the natty daddy tall boys anywhere. only the 15 case. i'm mad jelous.

>> No.13619545

what he fuck, I think i got scammed, the last time I went to get a steel reserve, it was like 6%.

>> No.13619916

the saddest thing is that these "canadian" ryes are almost impossible to get in canada. I only ever had canadian hunter in Alaska, could never find it in any province I lived in

>> No.13619968
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i can bum liquor just with an email??

>> No.13620326

gonna be guzzling vodka tomorrow night lads, see you then

>> No.13621361

Local Afgan L store guy just reaches behind him and grabs a bottle. I have prob drank 60+ of these 1.75L

>> No.13621444

>only 60
so young, but showing so much promise

>> No.13622270

Opiate addict here. Fuck alcohol

>> No.13622663
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ND is okay. A lot better than 211. I prefer Hurricane myself. About to brave the rain and get some.

>> No.13622679

godawful nasty hangover juice
i'd have to be damned desperate to drink that swill

>> No.13622721

hurricane is heavy. Its not even real beer, its like syrup. I drank it once and was sick from the first can. i prefer nattys. The better cheap, actual beer.

>> No.13622763

natty tends to make feel a little nauseous if i drink them like hurricanes. i'm sure it all just amounts to what you're used to.

>> No.13622879

I forget what HC is like, havent touched it since Natty first appeared like 5 years ago or wheneverr it was. HC is like 1.29 whereas Natty has always been 99 cents from day one. Maybe will grab one next time to sample it

>> No.13624187
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They have the nerve to charge $3 for natty daddys and steel reserve here, so I buy pic related for $11.99 a 1.75

>> No.13624214

For me its staying sober

>> No.13624401
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>> No.13624413

Acid reflux. Apple juice/cider does it for me too, same with dark liquors and any cheap lagers

>> No.13624507

drink baking soda

>> No.13624527

Bro, dude, no. That's some high school-level failure to understand how to reduce pH.

>> No.13624553

alright Heisenberg, enlighten us

>> No.13624958
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>> No.13625645

knee deep in Aristrocrat Vodka as we speak bros, anybody else start the weekend early?

>> No.13625712

For me? It's found beer. Found this badboy in the parking lot.

>> No.13625718
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>> No.13625739

i'm impressed. tell us about your best finds?

>> No.13625745

Any recommendations for a cheap and refreshing lager that's a bit fruity like a belgian ale?

>> No.13625760
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>> No.13625765

Something not sickly sweet and made with rice and corn?

>> No.13625767

what's wrong with rice and corn? you racist?

>> No.13625770

Makes the beer taste bad. Do you have a serious suggestion?

>> No.13625772

For me its 2 doubles of 99 whipped each poured into a bottle of brisk drank daily.

>> No.13625774

>he doesn't like beer just because it's Evil Macrobrew
>he can't take Evil Macrobrew seriously just because it's made by le evil corporations

>> No.13625780

6 standard drinks should give anyone a buzz. Youre prob fat as fuck dude

>> No.13625786
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I found a $100 bill last year, but so far only macro brews

>> No.13625788

Dude youre supposed to give us a location

I too like sour ales and gozes.
What i would suggest is drinking 99 brand shooters in whatever juice you choose

>> No.13625818

that is awesome. best thing i ever found was a $20 and i spent it on a big fried catfish dinner right away and used the few dollars left to buy natty daddy

>> No.13625819

Found a half empty bottle of jaegermeister in a snowdrift in march about 8 years ago,,, didnt taste right but got me slibbered

>> No.13625889

Based. I cashed out the hundo at Wal-Mart because I was scared it might be fake. My natty daddy's go on the AE card for cash back.
I can't imagine Jaeger tasting like anything but black liquorice. Wonder how long it was there before you found it.

>> No.13626242
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>> No.13626278

I've had bud light, it's not good.