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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13622574 No.13622574 [Reply] [Original]

Ever had a meal so tasty you licked the plate?

>> No.13622586

im not a fucking degenerate

>> No.13622593

I always lick the plate

>> No.13622625
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Three times, all at my grandmother's house.

>> No.13622642

>he doesn't lick the plate
ok tranny

>> No.13622647

i have never experienced joy in my life ever

>> No.13622671

Yes. My grandmother's spaghetti recipe is so good, I always lap up the sauce on the plate with bread, but I won't hesitate to lick if there is no more bread. Thank god I managed to replicate it and make it even better.

>> No.13623421


>> No.13623589

It's kinda... white trash spaghetti, so a lot of this is probably nostalgia, but here you go:

Brown 1lb beef, throw in about half an onion (basically liquefied) and a tablespoon of garlic, let it sweat a little in the grease, then drain the fat. Pour in 2 cans of tomato sauce, I rinse the cans with about 1/4 a cup of red wine to get it all out, then pour it all in the sauce. Add a hearty amount of italian herbs (idk like a tablespoon or two, I just do it by taste), onion powder and garlic powder (if the fresh stuff isn't enough), a decent bit of black pepper, some paprika, about 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne, like 2 tablespoons of salt (but maybe do less, since I like my sauce salty), but I also substitute some of this for MSG from time to time (just a large pinch). For the pasta, it's gotta be angel hair, spaghetti noodles are just too thick. If it's done just right, it should be very savory but with some mild fruitiness to it.

>> No.13623607

foie gras poutine

>> No.13624288
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you'll just have to take my word for it but what ill do is, ill take two of thease microwave meals, and heat them up together for about 6 mins, then i put both the potatos and meat in a raised plate and mash it with a fork. making a slop of potato sauce and meat. and it is absolutely delicious.

>> No.13624297

kys for hyping up obvious garbage

>> No.13624494

Seethe, cuck retard. Lmao dumb nagger

>> No.13624779

based and redpilled

>> No.13624785

any time I eat eggs and yolk gets on the plate

>> No.13624790

i let the dog lick the plate

>> No.13624982

Same. Every meal I cook is that good.

>> No.13624998

Shrooms after my friends and I divided them 3 ways and there was some dust on it

>> No.13625103

Hey, fuck off. It tastes good at the very least. It's a spaghetti recipie, what world-changing things were you hoping for?

>> No.13625113

I do the same thing on occasion and now I know why old people love this shit. It's basically a vacation for your mouth

>> No.13625121

no, but i eat the juice with white bread if it's tasty

>> No.13625168

Yes. Prime ribeyes bring out the animal in me.

>> No.13625189

The duality of man

>> No.13626730

I always either lick the plate or use a bread to swipe up the last remains of the food. I do it mainly because it was good fucking food, but also because I have a tendency to leave used plates and glasses etc in the kitchen and they dry and become a pain to wash. Cleaning the plate with a bread first usually prevents this, and I can continue with my sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.13626742

Expecting anything out of this place
You need to grow up

>> No.13628019

Yesterday I tried making hummus with toasted walnut paste instead of tahini (because I had tons of the former and none of the latter).
So it turned out so overwhelmingly flavourful I cleaned all the utensils with my finger till they shone.

>> No.13629036

Never in public, always alone

>> No.13629049

I'm on the lick plate diet. You serve yourself a meal, empty the plate into the garbage, and whatever you can lick off the plate is your quota for that meal.