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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 437 KB, 3809x2000, aldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13620050 No.13620050 [Reply] [Original]

Needed to shop after work so I went by here for the 1st time. Walk up to get a cart and you have to pay $0.25, small ass store with only great value brands, checkout dude just chucks everything into cart, no bags. Is this how all stores are in Germany? I guess I saved $5?

>> No.13620068

You get your quarter back, so it is more of a temporary mandatory bailment of your quarter than a payment.

Yes bagging your own stuff is a pain in the neck. The main problem is poor quality food. Some of the chips are good. The deutsche kuche jarred cabbage is good. Never, ever trust their meat or dairy items, no matter what sell-by date is stamped upon them.

I don't go there often because they don't have much worth going for, desu.

>> No.13620074

It really is how all stores are in Germany
People here wouldn't pay 1 cent extra to have someone bag your bags.
I like it tho, it's more efficient and cheaper

>> No.13620165

Reminds me of another nice thing about Publix, and why I shop there 99% of the time. I gave aldi several good tries but the misleading sell-by dates on spoiled meat and cheese items keep me away.

>> No.13620241

Why even have check out lanes. Why pay some dumb schmuck to check out 27 people. Why not just have self checkouts?

>> No.13620248

I hate poor assholes so damn much.

>> No.13620250
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>> No.13620375

You get the quarter back you retard

>> No.13620383

You don't lol

>> No.13620418

> bagging your own stuff is a pain in the neck

rofl, imagine being american and complaining about literally 15sec of "work" to bag your OWN stuff (which you need to unbag anyway, do you complain about that too, at home?)

you suck

>> No.13620420

yeah you do, when you plug in the cart back in it jumps out

>> No.13620449

There's always 4-5 free quarters left there everytime I go

>> No.13620467

pretty much. it's obviously found a niche but I can't see it's use to the average person here beyond picking up 3 random things after going somewhere else because they were a couple dollars cheaper. and to me that's not worth the effort

>> No.13620505

That's common practice in Germany at least and everywhere in the EU I guess

>> No.13620801

You're damn right I complain about it!

Thanks for confirming that Publix really is where shopping is a pleasure.

>> No.13621121

>Never, ever trust their meat or dairy items, no matter what sell-by date is stamped upon them.

I shop at Aldi all the time and have never had a problem with either.

>> No.13621203
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 1551362249788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like having a wagecuck slave do the work for me.

>> No.13621257
File: 82 KB, 1024x556, 1543521468221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. The fucking guy right here gets it.

>> No.13621275

It seems to vary a lot by country
In the UK, Aldi is shit and Lidl is good
In Germany and Switzerland, they're both good, maybe Aldi slightly has the edge
And this includes all the meat and dairy etc
And nowhere in Europe have I ever seen that somebody bags your groceries for you

>> No.13621312

same. its the primary place i buy groceries and its perfectly fine

>> No.13621607

>bagging your own groceries is a traumatic experience for mutts, because no min wage worker whose soul has been sucked out by his wage slaving existence, is filling a bag up with processed food for them

>> No.13621633

Nice fantasy. In reality, bagging groceries allows teenagers work experience and a chance to save up for college or a new car. Must suck to be a yuropoor drone. As for processed food, yeah whatever.

>> No.13621638

I got deutsche kuche sausages with a sell-by date 2 months in the future. Terrible stomach reaction. Got some of their sliced cheese one time, with a sell-by date 2.5 mos in the future. Noticed green mold on it only when I opened it at home. Problem may be that I am in a warm part of the country at the very far distant end of the distribution chain. But it has happened more than once and I have only been there about 7 times, ever. Not good.

>> No.13621645

If you shop at Aldi you are directly supporting the European Union, the Kalergi plan, race mixing and white genocide.
Don’t be a fool, resist the EU and it’s quest for world domination.

>> No.13621691

Yeah it prepares them for the capitalist exploitation that they will have to live with for the rest of their existence. Imagine seriously buying into these bullshit arguments, and thinking its helping people. Teenagers would be better prepared if they were taken seriously and not abused as menial robots who have to then also pretend to be happy and smile at the fat faggots. Its a soulless drone existence, its not work.

>> No.13621693

Thats rich, coming from a 56%er sucking jewish corporate overlord cock on the reg

>> No.13621698

Oh, a commie.

>> No.13621703

Yes, everyone who doesnt love to lick Bezos’s boots is a commie. Isnt it embarassing to be such a retard? To actually think the world only works in binary terms?

>> No.13621720

I am not American.

>> No.13621729

Go suck a Muslim cock, europoor.
The EU is gonna collapse and be replaced by a caliphate.
The British had the sense to see it coming and got out of your left wing, Marxist dictatorship.

>> No.13621738

Seethe harder mutts, and dont forget to vote Unca Doland! He really cares about you guys :^)

>> No.13622116

Their refrigerated pickles are great. Some of their chocolate is great for baking, but not the chocolate chips.

I've never had an issue with their dairy. Check the expiration, though. If you buy something that was a special find the week before, it could have very little time left. These items are usually marked down. That said, I'm picky about cheese so I only buy some of the cheeses the have there. Their cage free eggs and organic milk are good. Their yogurt is just alright and I demand nothing but the best.

That's not normal, and I would let corporate know so they can look into the cold chain at your store.

>> No.13622126

You don't look so good. Are you okay?

>> No.13623571

Heard a lot of good things about Aldi on here and from my senpai in England, all the ones here are filled with brown people in less than desirable neighborhoods. Needless to say they seem pretty shit in my life experience

>> No.13623633

>resist the EU and it’s quest for world domination
I live in the EU, the assholes in Brussels can barely keep the EU itself together and who knows for how much longer. World domination, ROFL. With what, the five working helicopters and 63 working tanks of the German Bundeswehr?

>> No.13623933
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>> No.13623945

The problem is no one tells you that you need a $0.25 to get a cart and they have no bags. So the 1 person checking everyone out just tosses it in the cart and you have to stuff the trunk. Plus I was the only white person in the store (it is a German franchise so that is a given) in the US.

>> No.13624455

Aldi is only for poor people and NEETs

>> No.13624804

Oh no I have to bag my own things that I can literally bag as the person's throwing the stuff in. There's no store in my city that offers the deals Aldi's has. Save-A-Lot, Shop Rite, Acme, Walmart, Costco, Amazon Foods, etc. Nothing's even close for what Aldi's has in their selection.

>> No.13624815

rip, I've been eating meat and cheese from Aldi's for years and never had a single issue. Your Aldi's might just suck at packing their stuff, unfortunately.

>> No.13626123

Most of us buy stuff through self checkout, poorfag.

>> No.13626125

>teenager destroys the stuff you just purchased.
>I like this!

>> No.13626128

Nothing's even close to their fake "buy by" dates.