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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 841 KB, 3000x2415, stresslady2final_d80d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13618369 No.13618369 [Reply] [Original]

what is your go-to snack in times of stress or depression?

>> No.13618378

If you weren't such a lardass you wouldn't be so stressed. stop eating.

>> No.13618381

people deal with stress in various ways

either they smoke, take drugs, drink or binge eat

>> No.13618382

>waiting till the last moment to do work

>> No.13618383

Cauliflower cheese and steak and ale pie.

not a snack but hey

>> No.13618390

why have a kid if you dont have time to deal with it, why own an animal if it causes you hardship. are people really this fucking retarded?

>> No.13618402

ah yes, lets just all be single and minimal wage workers at a braindead job so you'll never need to be stressed

>> No.13618408

Grow the fuck up. I do none of those things. Deal with stress like an adult, by lifting heavy weights, or going for a run.

>> No.13618411

>being this angsty at how strangers deal with problems

looks like you have roid rage

>> No.13618432

Or try cleaning the sand out of your vagina, you limp wristed fuck.

>> No.13618433

>looks like you have roid rage
>t. fatty
Look man, if you're depressed and you are fat, the first thing you should really consider doing is fixing your weight. There are endless studies that show a solid link between being overweight and depression. Being fat, and eating shitty food makes you depressed. Take the red pill and break the cycle and stop being such a cuck.

>> No.13618435

>you limp wristed fuck.
Nothing limp wristed about having self control. Quite the opposite. Having zero self control and coping with vices because "everybody has a vice" is peak limp wristedness.

>> No.13618442
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whatever you say, fatass

>> No.13618445

>either they smoke, take drugs, drink or binge eat

Call me crazy but some people just deal with it like a sane person.

>> No.13618448

whats so "insane" about smoking...?

>> No.13618454


>> No.13618468


>> No.13618469

>what's insane about using a destructive, disgusting habit to cope with stress?
Do you really not see the obvious answer to your question?

>> No.13618472

Pickles are good if you cba to get something fresh like zucchini. Frozen blueberries, too, but those are way higher in calories.

>> No.13618479

a party sized bag of cheetos gone in two days. god it’s like crack. also hot dark chocolate, sometimes with chili pepper brewed into it and topped with heavy whipping cream. smooth and warm.

>> No.13618480

No food fixes stress or depression, stop pretending that stuffing your face will fix anything.

>> No.13618483

>destructive, disgusting habit
>to cope with stress

einstein smoked, churchill smoked, roosevelt smoked, lots of intellectuals smoke, even today

its merely a vice or a habit--nicotine by itself isnt that harmful in consumption doses, its a neuro-stimulant like caffeine is. it jogs brain function

>> No.13618491

>comparing yourself to "intellectuals" because you share the same bad habit

>> No.13618497

i eat chips

>> No.13618501

>look at me im a saint with no bad habits

nobody cares, stacey

>> No.13618585

This is why women and especially mothers should not work

>> No.13618587


>> No.13618668

cope harder, ash tray

>> No.13618902


>> No.13619560
File: 40 KB, 616x600, 1572911606277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I procrastinate until the utterly last moment
>cram all my work into a few days
>barely make it

One day age will catch up and I'll probably die from this shit

>> No.13619838

You should recognize that your survival (figurative) despite severe procrastination indicates that you are probably more than competent enough for your responsibilities. Turn that apparent competence into self-confidence and use this to change your habits. Before your responsibilities become too much to procrastinate on.

>> No.13620704

Nuts for when I'm going nuts

>> No.13620711

Tortilla chips and pbr

>> No.13620759

Kinda like johnnycakes. Usually, I'll take a box of jiffy cornmuffin mix. Put it with an egg and enough milk to get it into a somewhat batter-like consistency. I put a bunch of butter in a pan and cook until it's only a little moist. I don't usually worry about it staying in a pancake shape because they have fuck all structure, and serve with a ton of sour cream and butter.

>> No.13620813

Cookout milkshakes, but only because it's 24h and I like night drives.

>> No.13622401


>> No.13622613
File: 22 KB, 362x275, 1580439535424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually nothing, but when I'm real moody nothing hits the spot better than an entire tear-soaked box of chocolates

>> No.13623048

I tend to stop eating when upset/down/depressed
My go to low effort/energy meal is usually 1-2 baked potatoes with some butter and salt. If extra tired/down might just chug a bottle of water to get the belly pains to stop bugging me till I feel more like cooking tho.

>> No.13623059

>Take the red pill
Lmao faggot

>> No.13623072

A small pizza from Happy’s with a side of ranch.
Pepperoni mushroom and black olives

>> No.13623563

vodka and esophageal blood

>> No.13623609

>t. never dealt with real stress
It's not even summer what the fuck

>> No.13623610

>stress or depression
Nothing, I eat when I'm happy, depression makes me enjoy the feeling of my body devouring itself

>> No.13623642

I feel for the mom in pic related. Maybe it's because I'm stoned but she seems like a sweet patient lady LMAO

>> No.13623677
File: 41 KB, 750x552, base_0891672000029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13623732

How about I do none of those? Fag

>> No.13623752

raw pecans

>> No.13623772

Not cutting every time, just the same incision to extract and dump enough blood to loosen up from other worries.

>> No.13623782

hummus and pita
potato chips
peanuts or pistachios
oh and of course, copious quantities of alcohol

>> No.13623783

nothing beats milk and [nabisco brand oreo thins -- pistachio flavor]

>> No.13623946

If I don't have the time or energy to cook I just make hot cocoa; that usually gets me to chill out. On the other hand, if I can spare a few minutes I'll usually throw together some egg drop soup, it helps me out because I can nail that recipe every time and it makes me feel competent.

>> No.13623993

I don't snack during times of stress because I'm not weak and do not require a crutch when hardships occur.

>> No.13624020

>why doesn't everybody have the next 18 years of their life planned out day by day making sure that nothing in their schedule conflicts?

>> No.13624101

Imagine seething because someone with more self control than you suggests you improve yourself

There is literally not one thing on this Earth that can stress you to that point if you have an iota of willpower

>> No.13624106

Unironically just do your work as it comes and you won't be nearly as anxious

>> No.13624871

Nothing sweeps the blues away like a blast of dopamine and norepinephrine.

>> No.13624929

Judging by your attitude, it looks like you are stressed.

>> No.13624950

yeah, i emphathize with this woman because that was my sole thought in my brain my whole life up through tertiary education

>> No.13626377
File: 876 KB, 1420x1016, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what a big strong man you are.

>> No.13627009


But I lose my appetite when under duress...?

>> No.13627074


>> No.13627083

>Caring about making the world around me a better place
There are worse things to get roid rage about

>> No.13627086
File: 37 KB, 500x350, 1581045641723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all those things plus gambling.

>> No.13627097

This is literally the highschool classroom example of the appeal to authority logical fallacy
>duhh einstein smoked so it's not bad for you
>my body is so caked with shit that I cant even tell if it feels good or bad after smoking a cigarette so it must be fine

>> No.13627104

Cooking is my stress relief.

It probably helps that I wasn't stupid enough to get a job I hate or have kids I don't have the time and money for.

>> No.13627109

gambling sucks, just do coke if you want to throw away your money

>> No.13627284

Lucky Strikes unfiltered and hot coffee.