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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13617610 No.13617610 [Reply] [Original]

>always drank instant coffee in chilled milk, no sugar
>fall for the artisan coffee meme, buy a french press and a bunch of grounds of different roasts
>they all taste like ass in milk, water, with or without sugar, tastes like bitter swill
did I get memed? I can't drink instant with water but it goes great with milk, no need for sugar at all. It's a holy pairing in my books, like bread and butter.

>> No.13617615

>a french press
>with milk

you memed yourself

>> No.13617620

I'm convinced this meme only works with hot coffee
I always drink it cold.

>> No.13617653

If you want to coldbrew in milk, coldbrew in milk
I'm sure it'll be fine

>> No.13617654

Cold brew your coffee my man. Then half and half it.

>> No.13617661

Maybe you're memeing yourself? I'm using a Bialetti for everyday coffee now, but when I was using a french press, the coffee needed a very precise temperature and time to brew. Like, overshoot it by 5 seconds and it's gonna be undrinkable-precise. If it doesn't taste fine without milk, you're doing something (whatever that may be) wrong.

>> No.13617687
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Get a coffee syphon

>> No.13617694

Instant doesnt give the same buzz. It is more of a nervous high than real coffee

>> No.13617699

>french press
dude just get that shit where you pour hot water over beans directly into a cup. My friend's dad owns a coffee company and that's how they do it.

>> No.13617707

Whether it's upward or downward, a change is a change, you'll have to get used to this new product before you can start comparing. Went from a 20€ guitar to a 600€ one and had some harsh buyer remorse right in the beginning, but now I couldn't go back.

>> No.13617733

I guess you just don't like coffee since instant in milk isn't coffee

>> No.13617845

Holy fuck what the fuck is that? Nah I'll stick to mixing coffee powder and making instant coffee.

>> No.13617877

Dont eat this crap, go for Ed Lees BLT instead.

>> No.13617908

french press is shite. it's barely a step up from just brewing the grounds right in the mug.
you need a moka pot or an aeropress, unless you want to spend a ton on a proper espresso machine.

>> No.13617972

>buying grounds
>thinking you're doing anything close to artisinal coffee

I bet you're not buying beans that were freshly roasted and temping and timing your brews either. Just go back to instant coffee man.

>> No.13618104

>you need to larp as a meth cook if you want good coffee bro! Tens of steps or you're doing it wrong!
this is why coffeefags will always be inferior to tea drinkers.

>> No.13618112

If you think coffee is easier to brew correctly than tea you must drink Lipton. This is why poorfags will always be inferior.

>> No.13618111

Why does people looking for quality in their beverages upset you? If you like mediocrity, go have your stale tea and fuck off, faggot.

>> No.13618114

You're lying.

>> No.13618117

>Know the rough temperature needed for each type of tea (and black is boiling so that's easy)
>Put the leaf in the pot
>Steep for your personal preference

>> No.13618231

Brew the coffee properly with hot water, then put it in the fridge to cool down.

>> No.13618245
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>not enjoying a pot of fresh, hot coffee made with a decent bean

>> No.13618361

>know the rough temperature for coffee beans
>pour the water on the coffee

>> No.13618365


You're comparing a cold latte to a coffee my dude. I like to take the pretentious coffee my gf makes and put hot chocolate mix in it, the sugar cjts the bitter and the chocolate pairs great with what's left, makes a great drink

>> No.13618372

Nope, I said that in the coffee thread and I was told I was being dumb.

>> No.13618412

you'd also be told you're being dumb in the tea threads because you're talking to people who want to maximize the result even if it takes forever

>> No.13618785


If you're gonna try it with milk, you need something strong like espresso, mokka pot, or Turkish coffee. Otherwise, the coffee gets overpowered by milk.

>> No.13620380

When you use it just remember to not alter the past

>> No.13621433

>and black is boiling so that's easy)
this kills the Darjeeling

>> No.13621543

>a bunch of grounds of different roasts
You bought stale-ass coffee my man. A fresh roast and grind really is essential.

>> No.13621548

>a bunch of grounds of different roasts
You bought stale-ass coffee. You memed yourself, my man.