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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13617049 No.13617049 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13617053

>"The Taste You Trust"
i dont

>> No.13617070
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>> No.13617076

What even is this

>> No.13617079

>being afraid of salt and enzymes
What are you, 12?
Now THIS would be scary if now for the fingerguard.

>> No.13617082

Table salt and bromelain: an enzyme found in pineapple juice. Absolute magic.

>> No.13617086
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I sneezed while carrying some tools, and one of these boys fell on me and broke my foot. i have a healthy respect and fear of it.

>> No.13617120

>smacking meat with a mallet
>scientists: bro it's the same thing

>> No.13617133

>breaking down meat physically
>breaking down meat physically
Anti-intellectualism is ruining your life.

>> No.13617172

I will not trust a powder to tenderize my meat
go lick more boots

>> No.13617180

>if I don't know how it works, it must not work
What's it like?

>> No.13617204

>powder = swinging hammer
>brot wtf just accept walmart
do you wash it off?
enjoy 50% flavoured meat

>> No.13617214

Amazing that people are afraid of meat tenderizer when they're tenderizing meat by marinating it. Isn't it incredible that the same chemicals that make meat tender in a marinade, such as enzymes/acids and salts can also be powdered?

>> No.13617216

You sound like the kind of person who has an irrational fear of microwaves and doesn't like the thought of "chemicals" in his food.

>> No.13617232

if there was a powder that simulated microwaves you would be the nigga that used 'em

>> No.13617236

Alright, you got a laugh out of me.

>> No.13617242

Tbh, yeah, I would. I'm thinking some kind of bullshit that uses chemistry magic to turn into some gaseous crap and a salt, would be based as fuck to sprinkle a powder on your food and warm it up if there wasn't a trade-off (too bad this situation is a hypothetical)

>> No.13617245

Commercially available chemical heaters are pretty crap in terms of output.

>> No.13617251

Yeah, I know. Sadly. Hence why I said we were only speaking in hypotheticals, but in a world of spherical cows, I'm team microwave emulating powder.

>> No.13617253
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*saves your hands from frostbite*
>nothing personnel

>> No.13617261

Unironically it doesn't take much to save your hands, the blood flow is restricted to prevent heat loss. The temperature to cook food is much higher than the temperature conductive of vasodilation. Obviously, since we can't cook food with our own body temperature.

>> No.13617274

>the blood flow is restricted to prevent heat loss
bro this has nothing to to with /ck/ but
what you are saying is the exact reason as to why people get forstbite
extremities are the first to go because of said bloodflow restriction

>> No.13617281

>*takes five minutes to reach body temperature*
I'll stick with my asbestos-lined, illegal-for-resale charcoal heater.

>> No.13617287
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>what you are saying is the exact reason as to why people get forstbite
Yeah, that's the point. A hand warmer artificially elevates the temperature so that it is closer to body temp, and vasodilation is limited. Without vasodilation, blood flows to the extremities and frostbite is prevented. Getting closer to body temp is much easier than reaching temps required to denature proteins (kill bacteria, etc).

>> No.13617293

>since we can't cook food with our own body temperature.
explain ice cream

>> No.13617296

If you go down that route I'm going to serve you a plate of dick cheese, and don't ask how I'm sourcing an entire plate. Our body temp is generally conductive of life, hence why we all have colonies of bacteria and fungi living in our bodies.

>> No.13617297

dude your extremities will be the first to be inflicted no matter what when it comes to frostbite

>> No.13617298
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>explain ice cream

>> No.13617302

Uhhh tell me how you gathered my post suggested otherwise. Was I saying to shove the hand warmer up your ass? On second thought...

>> No.13617312

please don't
what you were saying is retarded, your limbs require the most heat and your point was I think was that blood flows to your extremities? not realy galaxy brained we all know that happens

>> No.13617323

No. My point was, that vasodilation is a response to heat loss, or low external temperature realtive to body temp. A hand warmer makes that external temperate at the extremities (hands) closer to body temp, limiting vasodilation, improving blood flow and avoiding frostbite. Yes, your body naturally shunts blood flow to the extremities in response to cold because they have a large surface area, but if they're artificially warmed the body has no reason to restrict blood flow, it isn't conserving a significant amount of energy anymore.

>> No.13617332

but hand warmers create thermal energy?

>> No.13617409

The Korean Hat looking thingy makes it not scary.

Is the weight really that beneficial?

>> No.13617487

fucking lol'd
you're a fucking dumbass but this was 10/10

>> No.13618129


>> No.13618197

You must be afraid of pineapple, too

>> No.13618211

speak for yourself I don't have any fungal colonies in my body you disgusting freak

>> No.13618301

you clown

>> No.13618347

dick cheese has no taste, its literally "just smellz"

>> No.13618443

>dick cheese has no taste
how did you confirm this

>> No.13618486


>> No.13618508

>melting is the same as cooking
This fucking board has more retarded trannies than the board for trannies has, and all trannies are retarded.

>> No.13618835

I find the weight to help. plus they're a lot easier to clean

>> No.13618847
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>> No.13618853 [DELETED] 

shut up coastie, maybe you've forgotten but trump is still your president, so stfu with your 25 dollar words, maybe read the bible and you'll realize it's the only "intellectuale" you'll ever need.

>> No.13618879

quit getting psychotically mad over dumb jokes

>> No.13618892
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I am terrified of using one of these

>> No.13619237

>imagine the taste

>> No.13619261

I have very bad dick cheese. The crabs are wearing dairy farmer's clothing.

>> No.13619410
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Cook for over 17 years of my life.
Almost always prefer to slice by hand.
Drunk one night making a salad for the wife.
Bust out the mandolin with liquid courage
Get all the veggies cut no issue.
Get to the cherry tomatoes
Wife distracts me for a split second.
Fucking tard

>> No.13619437

You probably have eaten steak with this shit on it if you buy from a supermarket.

>> No.13619777

This probably sounded really funny in your head, with all the buzzwords you could think of echoing around in that vast expanse.

>> No.13619882
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>> No.13619899

this is what I was looking for. if theres one thing I learned from watching food network, its that mandolins thirst for blood. Some cunt butchers their finger on this thing literally every time its in the picture.

>> No.13620200
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gravy powder

>> No.13620203

oh wow bouillon powder and cornstarch how terrifying.

>> No.13620209

Vaguely ominously named.

>> No.13620219

isn't that just bouillion and flour?

>> No.13620229

Bear attacks. Shit keeps me up at night.

>> No.13620265
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Where do you live that bears are that much of a threat to you?

>> No.13620422

what buzzwords did he use?
also yeah that's almost definitely a joke post, but my brother does actually sound like that when he gets going about trump and the "demoncrats". I'm like 80% sure he browses /pol/. He actually got kicked from the table last thanksgiving because he wouldn't stop spurging out.

>> No.13620652
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My fingers started hurting just looking at this.

>> No.13620789


>> No.13620803

Of course I am afraid of enzymes. Any day my saliva could decide to break down me, instead.

>> No.13620809

That's because they only bother putting it in the picture when someone cuts themselves on it. I just wouldn't be interesting enough to spend time on it otherwise.

>> No.13620831

Actually, tenderizing by enzyme is a chemical change. Still dumb to be scared of it though.

>> No.13620985

someone call >>>/a/

>> No.13620990

there are two kinds of people and both of them apparently hate >>13617133

>> No.13620994

there's a finger guard IN THE PHOTO

>> No.13621035
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what can i make with sauerkraut kimchee?

do i just put it over hotdogs with mustard?

would you put it on a pulled pork sandwich? coldcuts sandwich?


>> No.13621052

>not knowing the difference between physically and chemically
Based retard poster

>> No.13621057

If something like that existed I can guarantee you that it would be considered a chemical weapon on a scope never seen before by man and that it would absolutely never reach the public’s eye.

>> No.13621134

This shit is retarded, they made non bacteria pickled cabbage in lactic acid. I would understand if they used say korean dry pepper flakes and sardine paste, it is not kimchi at all. Just Kraut with mexican pepper flakes in it and ginger.

>> No.13621436

All y’all are puss puss replying to this shit like you don’t know how to not cut yourself like shiiiiiiieeeeeeet

>> No.13621476
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>use one for years with no precautions like an idiot
>Mom is in the hospital one day, rushed to go visit her
>she sliced a huge chunk of her finger off using one of these, and had to get a skin graft

it was right then that I realized just how lucky I really was.

>> No.13622265

well what the fuck do i wat it with? hotdog jerkey?

>> No.13622282

acid rain, quicksand, and the bermuda triangle

>> No.13622347

Tenderised meat is a myth. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you cannot.

>> No.13622377

say what you want, im still going to beat the fuck out of my meat

>> No.13623283

admit it, you've done it too

>> No.13623300
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>> No.13623356


>> No.13624171

MRE bags do something similar with water and powder but the resulting liquid is poison

>> No.13625751

Asbestos really isn't an issue until you start actively fucking with it to the point where the fibers/particles get into the air and into your body.

It's a huge issue if you're banging it around and absolutely an issue during demolitions, but passively asbestos is fine.

>> No.13625758

I don't get it, I cut with this thing all the time and a fingerguard is more like a veg waster.

>> No.13626826

you almost certainly do dumbass

>> No.13626934

thats why my mouth is absolutely raped when i eat a ton of fresh pineapple, everytime i get my tongue partially cooked off with it

>> No.13626943

As a construction worker, I can confirm this, but I had a foreman named "Bruce" who was an absolute dickbag when I was an apprentice, so I'm gonna have to call you a faggot. As for why my charcoal hand warmer isn't legal for sale anymore, that's all politics anyways.

>> No.13626981

pressure cookers
really hot oil

>> No.13626984

I love how fiber glass insulation has the same exact fucking problem as asbestos, but you're mandated to use the former. Shits a fucking money grab.

>> No.13627014
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>> No.13627022

bio-soluble glass fibers =/= asbestos