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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13599885 No.13599885 [Reply] [Original]

Pork butt low and slow

>> No.13599889


Enjoy your BPAs/BPSs

>b-b-but I can’t taste it and it has no immediate effects so it’s okay

Like fluoride and carbon monoxide right?

>> No.13599892

Yeah, gonna have to deduct points for using plastic.

You makin Carnitas? That shit is fuckin bumpin for tacos al pastor.

>> No.13599907

the fuck are you trying to accomplish with the plastic? You're going to disrupt your entire endocrine system because you're too lazy to clean up after yourself? moron

>> No.13599917

samefag, different IPs

>> No.13599922

But why the plastic? What is it supposed to be good for?

>> No.13599926

>having a timer
what the fuck is the point.

Mine just has off - low - high

Stays on for as long as you leave it on.

>> No.13599928

american culinary expertise everyone

>> No.13599930
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>You makin Carnitas? That shit is fuckin bumpin for tacos al pastor.

>> No.13599931
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Pork butt low and slow

>> No.13599932
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>> No.13599939

how is eating tacos soy? you're a dumb faggot lol

>> No.13599943

Not him but it's because you said "That shit is fuckin bumpin"

>> No.13599944

which is why I said different IPs, you fucking genius

>> No.13599948

how dare people express themselves

>> No.13599949

people are going to go to the trouble of switching ips to comment on a retard on a laotian fish frying forum? Yeah i doubt that

>> No.13599951

2 IPs sure, but 3 is a stretch.

Either VPN/VPS that isn't range banned by the chan, or i guess maybe you pay for a cell phone, AND a mobile hotspot, tablet with 4G/5G, or laptop with 4G/5G capabilities.

Home internet and cell phone means most people easily have access to 2 IPs, but 3+ is unusual, making it at least fairly plausible it's 2-3 people not a single person.

>> No.13600040


hey hey hey, let's not distract from the fact that OP is a massive cum-guzzling faggot for making barbecue in a slow cooker, alright? Let's stay focused here, the plastic is but a mere distraction OP is creating to keep attention away from his faggotry.

>> No.13600075

That's not a smoker

>> No.13600080

Would spank/10

>> No.13600104

congrats you get the same thing from a pressure cooker in 1 tenth the time.

>> No.13600691

Half pulled pork, half carnitas.

>> No.13600747
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>slow cooker
>plastic liner
>Sweet Baby Ray's
Ha ha! Sweet meme trilogy. Well meme'd my friend, excellent bait.

>> No.13600825

People, you need to sear the meat before it goes into a crockpot, these damn things tend to suck out all flavor so every bit counts.

>> No.13601071

It's getting doused on bbq sauce. What extra flavor could you possibly get by doing uneccesary extra steps?

>> No.13601130

>Searing is now an unnecessary step.
Fuck this place

>> No.13601205

You get a nice flavor from searing it. It adds a nice smokiness from the mallard reaction.

>> No.13601235
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Pork butt. Nice and slow.

It was on sale for 99c a pound, so I got 15 pounds.

>> No.13601245 [DELETED] 

lmao this is why you are a virgin

>> No.13601944
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>> No.13601962

>sear meat
>oh boy this is sure isn't a waste of ti-
>covers it in sugar sauce

>> No.13601993
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BBQ pulled pork sandwiches.

>> No.13602003


>> No.13602019

Oh no I forgot my SLAAAW!

>> No.13602124

Jesus... why not just eat corn syrup sauce straight from the container with a spoon at that point you fat fuck.

>> No.13602152


>> No.13602177

Is...is this flyover cuisine? HFCS and shame?

>> No.13602982
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Now with slaw.

>> No.13602993

pig disgusting

>> No.13603026

>grocery store slaw
Jesus christ if you were going that route you could've at least gone to a Whole Foods, their coleslaw isn't like that shit.

>> No.13603070

OP this is awful and I hate you. I think you live a terrible and disastrous life.

>> No.13603610
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This is what I did to mine

>> No.13603615


>> No.13603676


>> No.13603690

what's wrong with flouride now?

>> No.13603848

>so I got 15 pounds.
how long will this take you to finish?

>> No.13604030

Al pastor and carnitas are totally different things.

>> No.13604114


>> No.13604147

Are people really this fucking lazy? You can't wash 1 dish you fat lazy fuck? I bet anything you are over 300lbs.

>> No.13604716

I got 3, 5lb packs and froze 2. Probably a month.

Need to think of some food flavors.

I tried using cinnamon sticks which I've liked in a pork roast before, but suis vide extracts waaaay too much, and almost made it taste like soap... Kinda bummed, but only out 5 bucks, and it's still good, just got "great".

>> No.13604722

As per the meat? Yes. But the rest of the regular al pastor toppings, onion, cilantro, cabbage, lime, all go fucking AMAZING with carnitas and some fresh tortillas.

>> No.13604749

sounds homo erotic

>> No.13604887

It's good if it goes on your teeth, but it's not supposed to go in your stomach.

>> No.13604906
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>> No.13604958

Of course OP is a faggot. But still: Why the plastic? What is it there for?

>> No.13605133

that slaw looks way too limp and mayo-y. I can't be sure without tasting it though, how is it?

>> No.13605159

based and boil in a bag pilled

>> No.13605202

I like it.

>> No.13605301

ops roommate wont allow him in the common space when guests are over if op does not keep all the cookware free of food debris.
please sweeep the floor before cooking too, so we can see the shameful mess you make. why dont you just go back to your room ant masterbate, op? with the door closed, please