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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13598650 No.13598650 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a joke or a strong and stable delicacy?

>> No.13598661

Nobody ever called that a "delicacy".

>> No.13598665

It's greasy, filling food you eat at breakfast to last you until late afternoon
It isn't a delicacy, it's just fucking food

>> No.13598670

It's a joke. Ten different breakfast items all made half ass. Don't even get me started on that third world cut of meat they refer to as bacon. A good ole plate of American biscuits and gravy is MUCH more hearty and isn't some big pool of grease. Also you'd have to be a real fatass to eat a full English for breakfast, but most brits are pretty tubby these days

>> No.13598837

its aight

>> No.13599100

Breakfast of champions.

Just needs a couple of hash browns, couple of slices of toast and a coffee/tea.

>> No.13599173

>fatass American talking shit about fatass Brits

>> No.13599181

f r i e d
t o m a t o e s

>> No.13599192

>you'd have to be a real fatass
>complains that the bacon is made of meat instead of mostly fat

>> No.13599231

>cheap nasty sausages

Looks Irish.

>> No.13599236

>equating eating fat with being fat

You are not smart. And it's not about the bacon being made of more meat or fat, it's that brit "bacon" is disgusting floppy leather. I wouldn't even feed it to my dog

>> No.13599238

>cat vomit shit slop on a lump of dough is superior to crispy bacon and eggs

smdh at idiotic americans

>> No.13599239

biscuits are fucking nasty
i can't believe Americans actually eat that shit
leave the gravy on the country fried steak, that shit is ACTUALLY delicious, unlike that rock hard chunk of flour and baking soda you pretend is edible

>> No.13599246

brit bacon is regular bacon you dumb fucking fatass retard
you're thinking of peameal bacon, or what you fucking retards call "canadian bacon"
you can't even get your insults right. fucking embarrassing

>> No.13599249

beans are not breakfast food but otherwise british breafekst is pretty gr8

>> No.13599251

Some British food looks like it'd be a good hearty breakfast if it was seasoned well. Some British food looks like shit.
>"toast sandwich"
the fuck

>> No.13599256

Objectively wrong. American bacon is actual bacon. You have back bacon which is basically dollar store bacon. Ours comes from the belly which is much better. And actually, we refer to your shitty back bacon as Canadian bacon. It only comes on pizza here and it's about the least liked of any topping ever

>> No.13599258

fucking retard thinks I'm a brit
I'm a fucking Canuck you absolute cuck
Also I can't believe everything you wrote was so fucking wrong
Travel more

>> No.13599259

ever had a toast sandwich? they're based. fry a piece of bread in dripping, season with salt and pepper in between buttered bread

>> No.13599261

Brts refer to bacon as bacon and peameal bacon as peamral bacon
You are the only retards who call it "Canadian Bacon"
Even we Canadians don't call it that

>> No.13599266

>seasoned well

Ok Jamal. Let’s just ignore the salt, herbs and spices in sausage and black pudding and the salt and paper the bacon was cured in.

>> No.13599268
File: 284 KB, 770x770, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standard bacon in America is called "streaky bacon" in other countries, it's not unique to America.
English cut bacon has both a piece of back bacon and a piece of streaky bacon, making it objectively the best bacon. I'm not even a bong.

>> No.13599290

Well we needed a name for low quality, barely relevant bacon so "Canadian" was a perfect name for it.
There's literally nothing wrong in my post. Change my mind. Also imagine publicly admitting that you're a canuck. How embarrassing
But back bacon is terrible so no

>> No.13599297
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So you misuse names and terms because of insecurity? Got it. We're the ones who look dumb here for sure
Anyway, if you'd ever actually been to England, you'd realize they do eat what you call 'american bacon' as well as what you call 'canadian bacon'
Your entire experience with this is a singular picture and you're still insisting you're right

>> No.13599298

Back bacon is fantastic. How can you pretend to love bacon when you only like one kind?
Do you even like the bacon, or do you just like the fat?

>> No.13599303

>discriminating against bacon types
what an absolute faggot

>> No.13599321

Are brits always so quick to get offended when you say something as simple as their food looking unappetizing? Is it frustrating since you can only buy your third world bacon when Americans can have whatever they like? How much longer will you even be able to buy bacon with most of the UK being under sharia law now?

>> No.13599328

>he's illiterate
Already pointed out I was a Canuck, I eat more bacon in a month than you do in your life. Both streaky and peameal. Stay mad, baconlet

>> No.13599330
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, maple-leaf-bacon-375g_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, by the way
Go eat your humble pie

>> No.13599338

I'm American you retard.

>> No.13599339

You are most definitely a larping britbong. No one else would defend that "bacon" if it can even be called that.

Your country uses incorrect terminology. Get with the times, retard

>> No.13599342

We have both back and streaky bacon, and we can get either smoked or unsmoked from stores and butchers. What exactly is your point here?

>> No.13599344

Ah, no argument, then? I see
Canadians like peameal bacon, stupid. It's a pretty common breakfast food and is often eaten with bacon-bacon too.
You really are fucking mad, good gosh. Why are you so mad?

>> No.13599345

If no one would defend it, it is only because it is not in need of defending. You are the only person on earth autistic enough to be mad about different cuts of bacon.

>> No.13599381

I have seen a lot of angry people online in my time, but I can't quite figure out why you're all so mad. It always seems to be this way here tho. Us Americans come to talk about food and you third worlders just shit it up getting offended over things as trivial as bacon lmao. Why are you so insecure over your food? Maybe because you know it's gross?

>> No.13599387

Your shitposting becomes less effective when you just keep repeating the same thing over again my dude. You gotta keep it dynamic and engaging for a proper shitpost argument.

>> No.13599397

Just talking about bacon. Calm down, yuropoor.

>h-he disagrees with me it m-must be shitposting....

>> No.13599399
File: 51 KB, 413x549, file_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeat the exact same arguments before
No arguments, still

>everyone I don't like is a european

>> No.13599409
File: 37 KB, 360x475, British_Pie-Fishheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not fish heads sticking out of a pie.

>> No.13599410

Why does there need to be an argument? We're just discussing bacon. Unless you are so angry that this feels like an argument to you? Holy fuck euros are sensitive

>> No.13599414

They're too used to getting fucked over by merkel in germany and their crony henchmen the french, they've lost all sensibility.

>> No.13599417
File: 2.36 MB, 4656x3492, 20200201_070159_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga literally replying to himself now
Can you accept you were wrong and stop acting like a fucking retard already

>> No.13599420

How wrong you are, now go suckup to your bitch merkel.

>> No.13599422

This is getting sad dude

>> No.13599425

Dumb yuro can't even call out a samefag correctly. You can't cook bacon either. Is there anything that you are capable of besides whining on the internet because an American rightfully criticized your cuisine?

>> No.13599428
File: 193 KB, 1076x472, Screenshot_20200201-040606_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related

>> No.13599429

>he's still acting this desperately and resorting to the same shit
You already lost
It's just the internet, man
Chill out

>> No.13599433

I mean you're desperately calling samefag because you have nothing else to say and no way to refute a single thing I've said. Bacon is clearly very serious business for you. Isn't there like an r/bacon or something where you can put your autism?

>> No.13599434

>acts like he's not the mad one here
>still going YURO YURO YURO
It's just the internet man
Nobody is going to remember this in a week if you just calm down and stop blowing this out of proportion

>> No.13599436

Euros are naturally retarded and so drawn into merkel socialism that they don't know any better.

>> No.13599440

The real pathetic thing about euros is that they like to dish out the shit and blame America for their problems but then sperg out like retards when called out on their bullshit.

>> No.13599451

What are you talking about? Of course you can buy streaky bacon here, everywhere. People just generally don't, because why would you pay the same for just a strip of fat?

>> No.13599454

One can save the bacon grease for later to use for cooking other things like eggs or sandwiches.

>> No.13599460

Right, that's why it's sold, so people can use it for cooking other things. Nobody would just eat streaky bacon as a whole by choice.

>> No.13600232

unironically a better version of American breakfast

Doesn't have overrated garbage like hashbrowns or pancakes with corn syrup
Instead it has tasty things like grilled tomato, beans, blood sausage

t. American

>> No.13600275

>americans making fun of British bacon

>> No.13600281

faggy jamal will need it to be halal

>> No.13600542

Uhh. Yes we do. The fat kind of crystallizes when you fry or bake it. It's delicious

>> No.13600891

Holy fuck yurostains really embarrassed themselves in this thread.

>> No.13600906

Its just a collection of things on a plate.
Its trash and I cannot understand where the fascination with it comes from.
I'm and Englishman BTW

>> No.13600959

That american chap losing his shit over bacon is fucking embarrassing mate. Sort yourself out

>> No.13601067

hours later you're STILL mad I'm Canadian

>> No.13601500

I love an English breakie but fuck the grilled tomatoes. I'll even pass on the beans and have tinned chopped toms with cheddar cheese.

>> No.13601719

I'd be fine with like a third of that breakfast, the rest is too much. A plate of hash browns, fried mushrooms, and baked beans (but better ones than the ones in that pic) with a possible addition of a fried egg would be nice for breakfast.

>> No.13601732

You fucking bongs have no right to complain about biscuits when english muffins are the worst "bread" ever invented

>> No.13601977

American biscuits made from scratch are soft and incredible. You've obviously only eaten canned ones or you're just another typical seething yuro

>> No.13602773

retard. brits have back bacon like you fucking dumb leafs, and they call regular bacon streaky bacon

>> No.13602786

>Peameal bacon is a wet-cured, unsmoked back bacon made from trimmed lean boneless pork loin rolled in cornmeal and is found mainly in Southern Ontario.
just kys retarded leaf

>> No.13602889

English bacon blows, the steaks in streaky bacon allow the meat to get fried all over while when cooking english bacon you cant even render the fat out of it to fry the muscle in before the muscle fully cooks giving it a shit floppy texture ringed in raw fat

>> No.13604003

English muffins aren't English, they're american.

>> No.13604046
File: 42 KB, 768x576, jellied eel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse, could be jellied eel

>> No.13604336

Luv Greggs

>> No.13604350

They're all good. I like English bacon because it is chewier but I like American bacon when it is well cooked and crispy, plus I can use the fat for cooking other things.

>> No.13604374

>peameal bacon is back bacon

>> No.13604380

Nope, Canuck, but once again proving you're obsessed
>sing praises about an actual meal, country fried steak
>hate what is essentially a cracker
Strange how I can appreciate your own food better than you can
Oh well
Steak > Flour biscuits

>> No.13604384

nice twitter tranny porn cartoon.

>> No.13604386
File: 81 KB, 1038x1350, 1577248223895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe cope dilate etc

>> No.13604393

hashbrowns are much better than those ratty potatoes

>> No.13605097

Are these any good?

>> No.13605290


>> No.13605370

had 3 versions of this kind of breakfast:

at wetherspoons along a beer, at a more fancy place that i forgot the name of, and homecooked.

i liked all of them, but the homecooked version was definitely the best.
if i eat breakfast i prefer hearty meals like this. but my go to is usually shakshuka.
if i had all the ingredients at hand this would be a stable third (my second vavorite ist goatcheese omelette with rosemary and fresh tomatoes)

>> No.13606963
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>watching this thread unfold

>> No.13606997

I mean its a bit to much for breakfast imo, but they are on a good track.
Some of the best breakfast i know is frying up some bacon, then frying up some chopped leftover potatoes
And then finally 1-2 over medium eggs.
Beans, eggs, blood sausage, normal sausages, mushrooms/tomatoes and hash-browns is just a tad much both to make and eat in the morning.
I might do it on a weekend, just start my day with some tea/yoghurt, and then eat this like 2 hours into my day instead

>> No.13607000

That shit seems amazing, how would you do it?

>> No.13607014

>rubber-wristed urbanite faggot is so divorced from the production of his food that he stops recognising belly when it has the loin attached
absolutely contemptible

>> No.13607059

Most supermarket bacon here is shit, it's far too lean. But there are some good fatty cuts of bacon if you look for it. But it does need a different cooking technique than the extremely fatty American bacon, you can't expect it to be as crispy.

>> No.13607241
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>> No.13607675

I get that brits are desperately trying to show the world that they aren't just a bunch of goofy toothed inbred spastics, but throwing slop on a plate and calling it a delicacy isn't a good signal. Fish and chips and wellington are great. You don't have to try and capture the worlds attention with your version of "street" food. You primp, wear suits, and think you're better than everyone else, stop trying to dirty up your image to fit in with the world, "bruv".

>> No.13607821
File: 238 KB, 637x430, Nakamura laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you seething so hard?

>> No.13608215

what is the black circle thingymajig?

>> No.13608220

Black pudding.

>> No.13609654

ausfag here and I love a full english

>> No.13609703

Literally nobody calls a full english a "delicacy". You're going to need to tone down the obsession or head back to your containment board.

>> No.13609834


>> No.13609998

seething and obsessed. seek help

>> No.13610215

use real bacon, use nürnberger instead of these "sausages" and dont use these sugary garbage tier canned baked beans, then it can be good

>> No.13610227


>> No.13610396

Found the goofy toothed spastics. You can try to play it off, but the world laughs at you.

>> No.13611581

Fish n chips is good but that’s pretty much it. I’d include beef Wellington but I’ve never had it.

>> No.13612811

Say what you will about British food but proper pasties are great. Simple but fantastic little parcels of light brothy stew.

>> No.13612822

Or better yet, why not just get off 4chan for a change?

>> No.13612937


noice, i took that piccy